20 research outputs found

    How environmental concerns affect the relationship between design attributes and purchasing intention

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    The present study investigates the ways through which design attributes are perceived by consumers and to what extent they impact on their purchasing intention within the specific context of the furniture sector. Moreover, by considering the increasing attention of both companies and consumers towards environmental issues, the study also examines the role of consumers’ environmental concern on the relationship between design and purchasing intention. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 350 consumers during the period from June 2019 to March 2020. Results suggest that the perception of design is mainly related to functional and aesthetic attributes of an object, while purchasing intention is particularly influenced by the symbolic dimension of design, thus revealing the existence of an attitude-behaviour gap among consumers. As soon as environmental issues are concerned, the findings highlight that consumers’ attention towards environmental problems does not affect the purchasing intention of design furniture products. However, it acts as a moderator on the relationship between the functional dimension of design and purchasing intention, that is, when consumers are not very careful about environmental problems, they are less attracted by the symbolic and aesthetic elements of design (of which environmental sustainability can be considered as a part of them). This study contributes to the literature on design management and environmental sustainability by focusing on the specific context of the furniture industry on which the literature is still rather sparse. Interesting implications are derived for both scholars and practitioners

    The Influence Of Environmental Awareness In Consumer Towards Purchase Intention For Eco-Friendly Detergent Products Of DET-URGENT

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    Abstract - Environment is an aspect of life that is largely inseparable from how human beings cultivate and nurture their lives. However, recent events have perpetuated the damage taken by the environment around the world. One of which is Indonesia, where it is projected that the effect of damage suffered by its environment could increase the probability of natural disasters of every possible kind. Simultaneously, there is also a shift in lifestyle in how the people live their livelihood. There is a surge of green products and lifestyle trends in the world, Indonesia included. Several researchers have found the connection between the awareness of how susceptible the environment is to harm and the purchase intention of green products. Det-Urgent is a company that focuses on environmentally friendly products, more specifically detergents. The company utilizes the local resources of Belimbing Wuluh as well as Lerak fruits, where they mostly rely on local farmers as the main supplier for raw materials needs. For this reason, extensive market research is absolutely necessary, because currently limited studies that specifically divulge deeply about environmentally friendly detergents are quite limited. Det-Urgent has integrated environmental awareness in their marketing strategies and with this research would like to understand better if there is a profound relationship between environmental awareness and purchase intention towards eco-friendly friendly detergents. This research will delve deeply into the relationship between environmental awareness and purchase intention towards eco-friendly friendly detergent. The method that will be utilized is a quantitative method with survey as its main data collection instrument. Furthermore, the data that have been collected would then be analyzed using the multiple regression method. Regression method would then be used to deeply study the relationship between environmental awareness and purchase intention in potential customers. The variables that would be considered are as follows, purchase intention as the dependent variable whereas for the independent variables there would be environmental awareness, subjective norm, perceived behavior and finally attitude towards the product. This is because the basis of this research is the theory of planned behavior by Icek Ajzen. The minimum required of respondents for this research is a total of 105 people, where anything below that number is considered to be insufficient and unfit for data processing. Based on the survey, there are a total of 142 respondents that fulfilled the criteria that is needed for this research. The criteria that are applied for this research is the respondents must have a prior experience of cleaning products or detergents and they must reside within Bandung, Surabaya and Gresik. From the data that had been collected and subsequently analyzed, it is determined that environmental awareness on its own does not affect purchase intention towards eco-friendly friendly detergents. Said variable must run through an attitude towards a product first, meaning its influence is an indirect one. It can be concluded that should Det-Urgent wanted to utilize environmental awareness in their marketing strategy, they need to make sure positive attitude towards the products is shaped so that it can subsequently increase the chances of purchasing intention from potential customers.Keywords - Business;EnvironmentalAwareness;Purchase Intentio

    Analisis Pengaruh Environmental Awareness dengan Model Theory of Planned Behavior, Perceived Quality, dan Self-Image terhadap Minat Pembelian Motor Listrik Gesits: Telaah pada Calon Pembeli Motor Listrik Gesits

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    Saat ini, peningkatan penggunaan kendaraan pribadi, terutama motor terus meningkat di Indonesia dimana membuat emisi di Indonesia terus meningkat sehingga menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit pernafasan terus meningkat dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara dengan tingkat polusi yang tinggi. Dalam permasalahan ini, solusinya adalah menggunakan kendaraan yang tidak menghasilkan polusi, seperti motor listrik Gesits. Namun, antusias masyarakat tidak terlalu tinggi terhadap motor listrik ini. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apakah variabel environmental attitude, environmental subjective norms, perceived behavioral control towards environmentally responsible behavior perceived quality, dan self-image dapat berpengaruh pada purchase intention motor listrik Gesits. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian konklusif yang memiliki target responden orang yang mempunyai SIM C, peduli lingkungan, mengetahui motor listrik Gesits, mempunyai anggaran minimal Rp24.000.000 untuk membeli motor listrik dan belum memiliki motor listrik Gesits. Oleh karena itu, pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik judgemental sampling dan menghasilkan 147 responden untuk dianalisis dengan multiple regression. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian adalah variabel independen environmental attitude, environmental subjective norms, perceived quality, dan self-image berpengaruh pada purchase intention dari motor listrik Gesits dan menghasilkan bahwa self-image mempunyai pengaruh yang tinggi terhadap minat beli. Namun, perceived behavioral control towards environmentally responsible behavior tidak memiliki pengaruh pada purchase intention. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, terdapat beberapa implikasi manajerial yang dapat dilakukan melalui konten media sosial, peningkatan mutu layanan, dan ide konsep event sebagai implikasi-implikasi dari masing-masing variabel yang berpengaruh purchase intention

    A influência do engajamento ambiental na decisão de compra de cosméticos sustentáveis: Uma análise à luz da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado

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    Purpose: This research aims to identify the influence of environmental engagement on the purchase intention for sustainable cosmetics by Brazilian consumers using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Methodology: In the qualitative phase, the study conducted two in-depth interviews, aiming to build a survey considering the main behavioral, normative, and control consumer beliefs. In the quantitative phase, an online survey was conducted. We analyzed 114 responses from sustainable cosmetics consumers, using SEM. Findings: The results revealed a correlation between purchase intention, consumer attitude, and perceived behavioral control. Although the perceived behavioral control was considered significant, it has a small influence when compared to the individual’s attitude toward the behavior. This means that the stronger the advantages and benefits of using the product, the more likely the consumer is to buy and use it. Also, environmental engagement was proven to positively influence consumer behavioral and normative beliefs. It indicates that the more environmentally engaged the consumer, the greater the advantages the individual perceives in buying sustainable cosmetics. Theoretical contributions: The study extends the theory by determining a model with a significant ability to explain the environmental engagement in sustainable cosmetics’ purchase intention. Regarding consumer behavior, this research has shown that personal feelings are the main influencer of purchase. Relevance/Originality: The increase in sustainable consumption has attracted the attention of the most diverse market segments. This study brings light to new propositions concerning purchase intention and environmental engagement by proposing, testing, and validating a model in the context of sustainable cosmetics.Objetivo: Esta pesquisa objetiva identificar a influência do engajamento ambiental na intenção de compra de cosméticos sustentáveis por consumidores brasileiros usando a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado. Metodologia: Na fase qualitativa, foram aplicadas duas entrevistas em profundidade, desenvolvendo uma survey considerando as principais crenças comportamentais, normativas e de controle. Na fase quantitativa, uma survey online foi conduzida, obtendo 114 respostas de consumidores de cosméticos sustentáveis, analisadas usando MEE. Resultados: Os achados demonstram uma correlação entre intenção de compra e atitude e controle comportamental percebido. Embora o controle comportamental percebido foi significante, assume uma pequena influência quando comparado à atitude com relação ao comportamento do indivíduo. Isso significa que, quanto mais fortes os benefícios do uso do produto, maior a chance de o consumidor comprar e usar. Ainda, identificou-se que o engajamento ambiental influencia positivamente nas crenças comportamentais e normativas do consumidor. Isso indica que, quanto mais ambientalmente engajado o consumidor se encontra, maiores as vantagens que o indivíduo percebe ao comprar cosméticos sustentáveis. Contribuições teóricas: O estudo estende a teoria ao determinar um modelo com habilidade significante de explorar o engajamento ambiental na intenção de compra de cosméticos sustentáveis. Quanto ao comportamento do consumidor, a pesquisa demonstra que sentimentos pessoais são os principais influenciadores da compra. Relevância/Originalidade: O aumento no consumo sustentável tem atraído a atenção de diversos segmentos de mercado. Este estudo destaca novas proposições com relação à intenção de compra e engajamento ambiental através de proposta, teste e validação de modelo no contexto dos cosméticos sustentáveis

    Factors Influencing Purchase Intention Towards Environmentally Sustainable Clothing, A Study on Millennials of Metro Manila

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    Purpose: This research aims to determine the factors influencing purchase intention of millennials of Metro Manila towards environmentally sustainable clothing. There are several factors tested such as environmental knowledge and attitude, subjective norm, perceived value, perceived quality and social media. Research design, data and methodology: A three-part questionnaire consisted of screening questions, demographic questions and Likert’s scale question adopted from previous researches to measure the factors influencing the dependent variable purchase intention was developed. Pilot test was conducted to determine questionnaire reliability. Questionnaire was distributed online using snowball and convenience sampling to reduce time of data collection. Results: Data collected are analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics Grad Pack version 28.0. Results of Cronbach’s alpha indicated that the questionnaire is reliable and can be used for research with a > 0.7. Inferential analysis such as simple linear regression and multiple linear regression are used to analyze the 400 samples consisted of 53.75% female and 46.25% male. The results of the analysis conveyed that some factors are aligned with the previous researches’ outcome such as environmental attitude (b = 0.521), subjective norm (b = 0.409), and perceived value (b = 0.106) as highly influencing purchase intention while perceived quality (b = 0.039), and social media (b = -0.007) are contradicted or are insignificant in the intention to purchase. Conclusions: Similar concept might have different results in different context. The results convey that an individual’s attitude, behavior or decision-making factors may not be easily understood or predicted, and should not be generalized. This study focused on factors affecting purchase intention of a specific generation and location, but also provides insights as how can government, business organization, and individuals contribute to address the ongoing environmental issues. An effective communications strategy can be used to enhance awareness to achieve positive results in multiple subjects of interest

    Influence of environmental awareness on the willingness to pay for green products: an analysis under the application of the theory of planned behavior in the Peruvian market

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    Introduction: This paper aimed to build a predictive model through an empirical study to examine the influence of environmental awareness (EA) on attitude (ATT) and perceived behavioral control (PBC), as well as to determine the influence of the three variables of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) on willingness to pay (WP) for green products in the Peruvian market. Methods: A total of 405 Peruvian consumers were surveyed. Most of them were between the ages of 18 and 30 and single. To test the hypotheses, partial least squares (PLS-SEM) were used using the SamrtPls4 software. The results show the significant positive effect of EA on ATT and PBC. The positive and significant effect of ATT, SN, and PBC on WP was also tested A total of 405 Peruvian consumers were surveyed. Most of them were between 18 and 30 years old and single. To test the hypotheses, partial least squares (PLS-SEM) was used using SamrtPls4 software. Results: The results show the positive and significant effect of AD on ATT and PBC. The positive and significant effect of ATT, SN and PBC on WP was also tested. Discussion: The research provides antecedents that allow evaluation of the possibility that companies and governments adjust the dissemination strategies and related public policies regarding the impact of environmentally responsible behavior in order to contribute to the development of environmental awareness as a variable that promotes the disposition of consumers to pay for environmentally friendly products

    Subsidies and Consumer Environmental Awareness: A Systematic Review of Aspects and Impacts

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    Supply-side fiscal policy holds that the growth of the country is stimulated through fiscal expansion designed to foster increased production. Subsidies given by the government to producers save many essential industries from higher cost of production thus encouraging them to increase supply of goods and services. On the other hand, subsidies provided to the public have benefitted them from paying higher prices for consumer products thus enhancing their welfare. However, these subsidies and incentives may promote overproduction and encourage overconsumption since cost of production becomes much cheaper after being subsidized. This has consequences on the consumer environmental awareness (CEA) as excessive use of certain products e.g. fuel, may result in environmental pollution. Using a systematic literature review, we explore subsidy and environmental awareness among consumers. We focus on environmental awareness as an interesting issue to bring forward in this research and our study contributes to the existing literature. The results of our study imply that the provision of subsidies on fuels resulted in excessive use of self-transport which has an impact on climate change. However, in other cases, green subsidies do benefit society in general. High environmental awareness can be decisive in influencing green purchasing behaviour, resulting in high demand for green products

    Environmentally Responsible Purchase Intention in Pacific Alliance Countries: Geographic and Gender Evidence in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The objectives of this research were: (1) to examine the influence of environmental awareness (EA), sustainable consumption (SC) and social responsibility (SR) on the environmentally responsible purchase intention (ERPI) of consumers in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, namely, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru; and (2) to analyze whether there is a moderating effect related to the country of residence and gender of the consumer. The study was conducted under a quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of 1646 consumers: 24.4% from Peru (n = 402), 25.4% from Mexico (n = 418), 26.1% from Colombia (n = 401) and 24.1% from Chile (n = 397). Data analysis and hypothesis testing were performed using a multigroup Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results show a positive influence among environmental awareness (EA), sustainable consumption (SC) and social responsibility (SR) on environmentally responsible purchase intention (ERPI). Gender and country of residence were also shown to be moderating variables in these relationships. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that the participants of this study recognize the importance of acquiring environmentally friendly products. Among them, the female population is more aware of this issue. It is recommended new business models be created to provide products and services oriented to this market according to consumers’ tastes, desires and purchasing preferences; the proposals they have should be friendly to the environment and to society


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    ABSTRAK Industri tekstil dan fashion merupakan salah satu sektor ekonomi terbesar di indonesia, didukung dengan semakin tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap produk fashion dalam maupun luar negeri dan sirkulasi tren yang semakin dinamis setiap tahunnya. Segmentasi produk tekstil dan fashion yang semakin beragam turut mendukung percepatan ekonomi dan industri kreatif di indonesia. Dengan berkembangnya industri tekstil dan fashion, presensi limbah pada proses manufaktur merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Oleh sebab itu dapat di rumuskan tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui analisis pengaruh Zero Waste Fashion terhadap lingkungan dan pengembangan usaha apakah mampu memperbaiki segala permasalahan yang ada terkhusus terhadap meminimalisirkan limbah terhadap lingkungan dan juga membantu dalam proses pengembangan usaha. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. penelitian ini dilakukan di home industri Yasmin Wiwid Ecoprint Sustainable Fashion Kabupaten Pesawaran, dengan mengumpulkan dan mempelajari data-data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara dengan triangulasi data sehingganya mendapatkan suatu tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis fakta dan data yang ada, maka penulis mengambil kesimpulan bahwa penerapan Zero Waste Fashion ini mampu berdampak baik terhadap lingkungan dan berpengaruh baik bagi proses pengembangan usaha dilihat dari berbagai parameter penilaian serta indikator-indikator keberhasilan yang digunakan dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip yang ada pada etika bisnis islam dan juga beberapa asumsi teori yang ada seperti Theory of Planned Behavior, Enviromental Awareness Purchase Intention Model dan Theory Biosentrika. Kata Kunci: Limbah, Zero Waste Fashion, Lingkungan, Pegembangan Usaha. ABSTRACT The textile and fashion industry is one of the largest economic sectors in Indonesia, supported by the increasing public interest in domestic and foreign fashion products and trend circulation which is increasingly dynamic every year. The increasingly diverse segmentation of textile and fashion products also supports the acceleration of the economy and creative industries in Indonesia. With the development of the textile and fashion industries, the presence of waste in the manufacturing process is unavoidable. Therefore, the objectives of this research can be formulated, namely to find out the analysis of the effect of Zero Waste Fashion on the environment and business development, whether it is able to fix all existing problems, especially to minimize waste on the environment and also assist in the business development process. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. This research was conducted at the Yasmin Wiwid Ecoprint Sustainable Fashion Pesawaran home industry, by collecting and studying data obtained from observations and interviews with data triangulation so as to obtain a research objective to be achieved. Based on the results of the analysis of existing facts and data, the authors conclude that the application of Zero Waste Fashion is capable of having a positive impact on the environment and has a positive effect on the business development process as seen from various assessment parameters and success indicators used and in accordance with the principles existing in Islamic business ethics and also some existing theoretical assumptions such as Theory of Planned Behavior, Environmental Awareness Purchase Intention Model and Biocentric Theory. Keywords: Waste, Zero Waste Fashion, Environment, Business Development

    Examining consumer's intention to purchase sustainable building of residential property in Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    The strict compliance for sustainable building projects is deemed necessary among building developers to gain competitive advantage. The goals of this research were five-fold: (a) to investigate the influence of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, sustainability concerns, sustainability knowledge, government incentives, perceived quality and perceived value on consumers’ intention to purchase sustainable residential property buildings in the Klang Valley, Malaysia; (b) to examine the influence of sustainability concerns on consumers’ attitude towards purchasing sustainable buildings; (c) to assess the influence of sustainability concerns on subjective norm towards purchasing sustainable buildings; (d) to examine the influence of sustainability knowledge on subjective norm towards purchasing sustainable buildings; and (e) to determine the influence of government incentives on perceived behavioral control towards purchasing sustainable buildings. The extended theory of planned behavior was adopted in this study and 12 hypotheses were formulated. A self-administered questionnaire was employed for data collection using the systematic sampling method. 390 questionnaires were distributed to every fifth customer who walked into the selected sales galleries displaying sustainable buildings in the Klang Valley. The collected data was analyzed using the multiple regression analysis via the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0. The findings show attitude was the strongest predictor of purchase intention, followed by sustainability concerns and sustainability knowledge. Subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and government incentives were found to be equally important but no direct influence purchase intention. Lastly, perceived quality and perceived value did not influence purchase intention. The research findings can aid property marketers to have a better understanding of the factors that most significantly affect consumers’ intention to purchase sustainable residential property buildings in the Klang Valley, Malaysia