9 research outputs found

    Analysis of "SIR" ("Signal"-to-"Interference"-Ratio) in Discrete-Time Autonomous Linear Networks with Symmetric Weight Matrices

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    It's well-known that in a traditional discrete-time autonomous linear systems, the eigenvalues of the weigth (system) matrix solely determine the stability of the system. If the spectral radius of the system matrix is larger than 1, then the system is unstable. In this paper, we examine the linear systems with symmetric weight matrix whose spectral radius is larger than 1. The author introduced a dynamic-system-version of "Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR)" in nonlinear networks in [7] and [8] and in continuous-time linear networks in [9]. Using the same "SIR" concept, we, in this paper, analyse the "SIR" of the states in the following two NN-dimensional discrete-time autonomous linear systems: 1) The system x(k+1)=(I+α(rI+W))x(k){\mathbf x}(k+1) = \big({\bf I} + \alpha (-r {\bf I} + {\bf W}) \big) {\mathbf x}(k) which is obtained by discretizing the autonomous continuous-time linear system in \cite{Uykan09a} using Euler method; where I{\bf I} is the identity matrix, rr is a positive real number, and α>0\alpha >0 is the step size. 2) A more general autonomous linear system descibed by x(k+1)=ρI+Wx(k){\mathbf x}(k+1) = -\rho {\mathbf I + W} {\mathbf x}(k), where W{\mathbf W} is any real symmetric matrix whose diagonal elements are zero, and I{\bf I} denotes the identity matrix and ρ\rho is a positive real number. Our analysis shows that: 1) The "SIR" of any state converges to a constant value, called "Ultimate SIR", in a finite time in the above-mentioned discrete-time linear systems. 2) The "Ultimate SIR" in the first system above is equal to ρλmax\frac{\rho}{\lambda_{max}} where λmax\lambda_{max} is the maximum (positive) eigenvalue of the matrix W{\bf W}. These results are in line with those of \cite{Uykan09a} where corresponding continuous-time linear system is examined. 3) The "Ultimate SIR" ...Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems 1 (TCAS1) in February 200

    Improving Wishart Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data Using the Hopfield Neural Network Optimization Approach.

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    This paper proposes the optimization relaxation approach based on the analogue Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) for cluster refinement of pre-classified Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) image data. We consider the initial classification provided by the maximum-likelihood classifier based on the complex Wishart distribution, which is then supplied to the HNN optimization approach. The goal is to improve the classification results obtained by the Wishart approach. The classification improvement is verified by computing a cluster separability coefficient and a measure of homogeneity within the clusters. During the HNN optimization process, for each iteration and for each pixel, two consistency coefficients are computed, taking into account two types of relations between the pixel under consideration and its corresponding neighbors. Based on these coefficients and on the information coming from the pixel itself, the pixel under study is re-classified. Different experiments are carried out to verify that the proposed approach outperforms other strategies, achieving the best results in terms of separability and a trade-off with the homogeneity preserving relevant structures in the image. The performance is also measured in terms of computational central processing unit (CPU) times

    An energy function-based design method for discrete Hopfield associative memory with attractive fixed points

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    An energy function-based autoassociative memory design method to store a given set of unipolar binary memory vectors as attractive fixed points of an asynchronous discrete Hopfield network (DHN) is presented. The discrete quadratic energy function whose local minima correspond to the attractive fixed points of the network is constructed via solving a system of linear inequalities derived from the strict local minimality conditions. The weights and the thresholds are then calculated using this energy function. If the inequality system is infeasible, we conclude that no such asynchronous DHN exists, and extend the method to design a discrete piecewise quadratic energy function, which can be minimized by a generalized version of the conventional DHN, also proposed herein. In spite of its computational complexity, computer simulations indicate that the original method performs better than the conventional design methods in the sense that the memory can store, and provide the attractiveness for almost all memory sets whose cardinality is less than or equal to the dimension of its elements. The overall method, together with its extension, guarantees the storage of an arbitrary collection of memory vectors, which are mutually at least two Hamming distances away from each other, in the resulting network

    A Stereovision Matching Strategy for Images Captured with Fish-Eye Lenses in Forest Environments

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    We present a novel strategy for computing disparity maps from hemispherical stereo images obtained with fish-eye lenses in forest environments. At a first segmentation stage, the method identifies textures of interest to be either matched or discarded. This is achieved by applying a pattern recognition strategy based on the combination of two classifiers: Fuzzy Clustering and Bayesian. At a second stage, a stereovision matching process is performed based on the application of four stereovision matching constraints: epipolar, similarity, uniqueness and smoothness. The epipolar constraint guides the process. The similarity and uniqueness are mapped through a decision making strategy based on a weighted fuzzy similarity approach, obtaining a disparity map. This map is later filtered through the Hopfield Neural Network framework by considering the smoothness constraint. The combination of the segmentation and stereovision matching approaches makes the main contribution. The method is compared against the usage of simple features and combined similarity matching strategies

    Correspondencia estereoscópica en imágenes obtenidas con proyección omnidireccional para entornos forestales

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    Los sistemas de visión estereoscópica se han venido utilizando de forma manual desde hace varias décadas para captar información tridimensional del entorno en diferentes aplicaciones. Con el desarrollo experimentado en los últimos años por las técnicas de procesamiento computacional de imágenes, la visión estereoscópica se viene incorporando cada vez más a sistemas automáticos de diferente naturaleza. El problema central en la automatización de un sistema de visión estereoscópica es la determinación de la correspondencia entre píxeles del par de imágenes estereoscópicas que proceden del mismo punto de la escena tridimensional. El trabajo de investigación desarrollado en esta tesis consiste en el diseño de una estrategia global para dar solución al problema de la correspondencia estereoscópica para un tipo característico de imágenes omnidireccionales procedentes de entornos forestales. Las imágenes son obtenidas mediante un sistema óptico basado en las denominadas lentes de ojo de pez. Este trabajo tiene su origen en el interés suscitado por el Centro de Investigación Forestal (CIFOR) del Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) para automatizar el proceso de extracción de información mediante el dispositivo de medición con número de patente MU-200501738. El interés se centra en obtener dicha información de los troncos de los árboles a partir de imágenes estereoscópicas. Con las medidas obtenidas, los técnicos realizan inventarios forestales que incluyen estudios sobre el volumen de madera, la densidad de árboles, la evolución o crecimiento de éstos, entre otros. La contribución principal de este trabajo consiste en la propuesta de una estrategia que combina los dos procesos esenciales en visión estereoscópica artificial como son la segmentación y correspondencia de ciertas estructuras existentes en las dos imágenes del par estereoscópico. La estrategia se diseña para dos tipos de imágenes procedentes de sendos entornos forestales. El primero de dichos entornos se refiere a pinares de pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) donde las imágenes se han obtenido en días soleados y por tanto con una alta variabilidad de los niveles de intensidad debido a las zonas iluminadas. En el segundo entorno las imágenes proceden de bosques de roble rebollo (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) cuya característica más relevante es que se obtienen bajo unas condiciones de iluminación relativamente escasas, días nublados o al amanecer o atardecer, pero suficiente como para producir alto contraste entre los troncos y el cielo. .Debido a las características tan diferentes de ambos entornos, tanto en lo relativo a la iluminación como a la naturaleza de los propios árboles y las texturas que les rodean, los procesos de segmentación y correspondencia se diseñan atendiendo al tipo concreto de entorno forestal. Hecho éste, que marca la tendencia de la futura investigación cuando se analicen otros entornos forestales. En el caso de los bosques de pino, el proceso de segmentación se plantea desde el punto de vista del aislamiento de los troncos mediante la exclusión de las texturas que les rodean (hojas de los pinos, suelo, cielo). Por ello, se proponen técnicas específicas de identificación de texturas para las hojas y de clasificación para el resto. En este último caso se combinan dos técnicas de clasificación clásicas como son el método de Agrupamiento Borroso y el estimador paramétrico Bayesiano. El proceso de correspondencia se plantea en dos fases. En primer lugar se identifican los píxeles homólogos en sendas imágenes del par estereoscópico mediante la adaptación a este problema de las siguientes técnicas procedentes de la teoría general de la decisión: Integral Fuzzy de Choquet, Integral Fuzzy de Sugeno, Teoría Dempster-Shafer y Toma de Decisiones Multicriterio Fuzzy. En segundo lugar, los resultados relativos a la correspondencia obtenidos mediante esas técnicas se procesan para conseguir mejorarlos mediante la adaptación de sendos paradigmas: los Mapas Cognitivos Fuzzy y la Red Neuronal de Hopfield. Para el segundo entorno de bosques de roble, la segmentación se plantea como un proceso de identificación de los troncos de los árboles utilizando técnicas específicas de procesamiento de imágenes, en concreto técnicas de extracción y etiquetado de regiones. Para cada región se obtiene un conjunto de atributos o propiedades que la caracterizan, y el proceso de correspondencia establece las regiones homólogas de las dos imágenes del par estereoscópico mediante medidas de similitud entre los atributos de las regiones. La estrategia propuesta, basada en los procesos de segmentación y correspondencia, se compara favorablemente desde la perspectiva de la automatización del proceso y se plantea para su aplicación a cualquier tipo de entorno forestal, si bien con las pertinentes adaptaciones y modificaciones inherentes a los procesos de segmentación y correspondencia en función de la naturaleza del entorno forestal analizado. [ABSTRACT] Stereoscopic vision systems have been used manually for decades to capture three-dimensional information of the environment in different applications. With the growth experienced in recent years by the techniques of computer image processing, stereoscopic vision has been increasingly incorporating automated systems of different nature. The central problem in the automation of a stereoscopic vision system is the determination of the correspondence between pixels of the pair of stereoscopic images that come from the same point in three-dimensional scene. The research undertaken in this thesis comprises the design of a global strategy to solve the stereoscopic correspondence problem for a specific kind of omnidirectional image from forest environments. The images are obtained through an optical system based on the lens known as fisheye. This work stems from the interest generated by the Forest Research Centre (CIFOR) part of the National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) to automate the process of extracting information through the measurement mechanism with patent number MU-200501738. The focus is on obtaining this information from tree trunks using stereoscopic images. The technicians carry out forest inventories which include studies on wood volume and tree density as well as the evolution and growth of the trees with the measurements obtained. This paper’s main contribution is the proposal for a strategy that combines the two essential processes involved in artificial stereo vision: segmentation and correspondence of certain structures in the dual images of the stereoscopic pair. The strategy is designed for two types of images from two forest environments. The first of these refers to Scots pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.) where images were obtained on sunny days and therefore exhibit highly variable intensity levels due to the illuminated areas. In the second of these, the images come from Rebollo oak forests (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.), the main characteristic of which is that they are obtained under relatively low light conditions, on cloudy days or at dawn or dusk, but with sufficient light to produce high contrast between the trees and sky. Due to the very different characteristics of each environment - both in terms of light and the nature of trees themselves and textures that surround them - the segmentation and correspondence processes are designed specifically according to the specific type of forest environment. This sets the trend for future research when analyzing other forest environments. In the case of pine forests, the segmentation process is approached from the point of view of isolating the trunks by excluding the textures that surround them (pine needles, the ground, the sky). For this reason, we propose the use of the specific techniques of texture identification for the pine needles and of classification for the rest. The latter case combines two classic classification techniques: Fuzzy Clustering and the Bayesian Parametric estimator. The matching process is set out in two phases. The first identifies the homogeneous pixels in separate stereo pair images, by means of the adaptation of the following techniques from general decision theory to this problem: Choquet’s Fuzzy Integral, Sugeno’s Fuzzy Integral, Dempster-Shafer Theory and Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making. Second, the results relating to correspondence obtained by these techniques are enhanced through the adaptation of two separate paradigms, namely: Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and the Hopfield Neural Network. Regarding the second type of forest analyzed, i.e. oak, the segmentation process s designed in order to identify the tree trunks by applying specific techniques in image processing, relating to the extraction and labelling of regions, so that each region is given a set of attributes or properties that characterizes it. The matching process establishes the equivalent regions from the two stereo pair images using measures of similarity among the attributes of the regions. The proposed strategy based on segmentation and correspondence processes can be favourably compared from the perspective of the automation of the process and we suggest it can be applied to any type of forest environment, with the appropriate adaptations inherent to the segmentation and correspondence processes in accordance with the nature of the forest environment analyzed