18,689 research outputs found

    An end-to-end learning solution for assessing the quality of Wikipedia articles

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    International audienceWikipedia is considered as the largest knowledge repository in the history of humanity and plays a crucial role in modern daily life. Assigning the correct quality class to Wikipedia articles is an important task in order to provide guidance for both authors and readers of Wikipedia. Manual review cannot cope with the editing speed of Wikipedia. An automatic classification is required to classify quality of Wikipedia articles. Most existing approaches rely on traditional machine learning with manual feature engineering, which requires a lot of expertise and effort. Furthermore, it is known that there is no general perfect feature set, because information leak always occurs in feature extraction phase. Also, for each language of Wikipedia a new feature set is required. In this paper, we present an approach relying on deep learning for quality classification of Wikipedia articles. Our solution relies on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) which is an end-to-end learning technique that eliminates disadvantages of feature engineering. Our approach learns directly from raw data without human intervention and is language-neutral.Experimental results on English, French and Russian Wikipedia datasets show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art solutions

    A matter of words: NLP for quality evaluation of Wikipedia medical articles

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    Automatic quality evaluation of Web information is a task with many fields of applications and of great relevance, especially in critical domains like the medical one. We move from the intuition that the quality of content of medical Web documents is affected by features related with the specific domain. First, the usage of a specific vocabulary (Domain Informativeness); then, the adoption of specific codes (like those used in the infoboxes of Wikipedia articles) and the type of document (e.g., historical and technical ones). In this paper, we propose to leverage specific domain features to improve the results of the evaluation of Wikipedia medical articles. In particular, we evaluate the articles adopting an "actionable" model, whose features are related to the content of the articles, so that the model can also directly suggest strategies for improving a given article quality. We rely on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and dictionaries-based techniques in order to extract the bio-medical concepts in a text. We prove the effectiveness of our approach by classifying the medical articles of the Wikipedia Medicine Portal, which have been previously manually labeled by the Wiki Project team. The results of our experiments confirm that, by considering domain-oriented features, it is possible to obtain sensible improvements with respect to existing solutions, mainly for those articles that other approaches have less correctly classified. Other than being interesting by their own, the results call for further research in the area of domain specific features suitable for Web data quality assessment

    Can Who-Edits-What Predict Edit Survival?

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    As the number of contributors to online peer-production systems grows, it becomes increasingly important to predict whether the edits that users make will eventually be beneficial to the project. Existing solutions either rely on a user reputation system or consist of a highly specialized predictor that is tailored to a specific peer-production system. In this work, we explore a different point in the solution space that goes beyond user reputation but does not involve any content-based feature of the edits. We view each edit as a game between the editor and the component of the project. We posit that the probability that an edit is accepted is a function of the editor's skill, of the difficulty of editing the component and of a user-component interaction term. Our model is broadly applicable, as it only requires observing data about who makes an edit, what the edit affects and whether the edit survives or not. We apply our model on Wikipedia and the Linux kernel, two examples of large-scale peer-production systems, and we seek to understand whether it can effectively predict edit survival: in both cases, we provide a positive answer. Our approach significantly outperforms those based solely on user reputation and bridges the gap with specialized predictors that use content-based features. It is simple to implement, computationally inexpensive, and in addition it enables us to discover interesting structure in the data.Comment: Accepted at KDD 201

    A Wikipedia Literature Review

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    This paper was originally designed as a literature review for a doctoral dissertation focusing on Wikipedia. This exposition gives the structure of Wikipedia and the latest trends in Wikipedia research

    Monitoring Conceptual Development: Design Considerations of a Formative Feedback tool

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    This paper presents the design considerations of a tool aiming at providing formative feedback. The tool uses Latent Semantic Analysis, to automatically generate reference models and provide learners a means to compare their conceptual development against these models. The design of the tool considers a theoretical background which combines research on expertise development, knowledge creation, and conceptual development assessment. The paper also illustrates how the tool will work using a problem and solution scenario, and presents initial validations results. Finally the paper draws conclusions and future work

    Eliciting New Wikipedia Users' Interests via Automatically Mined Questionnaires: For a Warm Welcome, Not a Cold Start

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    Every day, thousands of users sign up as new Wikipedia contributors. Once joined, these users have to decide which articles to contribute to, which users to seek out and learn from or collaborate with, etc. Any such task is a hard and potentially frustrating one given the sheer size of Wikipedia. Supporting newcomers in their first steps by recommending articles they would enjoy editing or editors they would enjoy collaborating with is thus a promising route toward converting them into long-term contributors. Standard recommender systems, however, rely on users' histories of previous interactions with the platform. As such, these systems cannot make high-quality recommendations to newcomers without any previous interactions -- the so-called cold-start problem. The present paper addresses the cold-start problem on Wikipedia by developing a method for automatically building short questionnaires that, when completed by a newly registered Wikipedia user, can be used for a variety of purposes, including article recommendations that can help new editors get started. Our questionnaires are constructed based on the text of Wikipedia articles as well as the history of contributions by the already onboarded Wikipedia editors. We assess the quality of our questionnaire-based recommendations in an offline evaluation using historical data, as well as an online evaluation with hundreds of real Wikipedia newcomers, concluding that our method provides cohesive, human-readable questions that perform well against several baselines. By addressing the cold-start problem, this work can help with the sustainable growth and maintenance of Wikipedia's diverse editor community.Comment: Accepted at the 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2019
