24 research outputs found

    Understanding Consumer Interaction on Instagram: The Role of Satisfaction, Hedonism, and Content Characteristics

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    The increasing relevance of Instagram and its growing adoption among top brands suggest an effort to better understand consumers'' behaviors within this context. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of perceived hedonism and satisfaction in determining consumers'' intentions to interact and their actual interaction behaviors (the number of likes, by tapping a heart icon, and comments) in a brand''s official Instagram account. Also, we investigate the effect of consumer perceptions about the characteristics of the content generated in the account (perceived originality, quantity, and quality) on their perceived hedonism and satisfaction. Data were collected in two stages from 808 members of a fashion brand''s official Instagram account. First, participants answered an online questionnaire to evaluate their perceptions, satisfaction, and interaction intentions. Second, 1 month later, we measure the number of likes and comments done by each participant in the brand''s official Instagram account during that month. Using partial least squares to analyze the data, perceived hedonism is found to affect both satisfaction and the intention to interact in Instagram, which in turn influences actual behavior. Besides, perceived originality is the most relevant content characteristic to develop perceived hedonism. These findings offer managers a general vision of consumers'' behaviors on Instagram, highlighting the importance of hedonism to create a satisfactory experience

    Pengaruh Kenikmatan Yang Dirasakan, Kegunaan Yang Dirasakan Dan Niat Merekomendasikan Terhadap Minat Beli Perempuan Millenial Pengguna Tik Tok Di Kota Bengkulu

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    Tiktok social media is not only a medium for entertainment, but is considered effective enough to be relied on in finding information regarding many things such as promotional searches, this is due to the increasing popularity among Millennial women today. The popularity of Tiktok social media makes people easily involved and inspired to use the TikTok application. This study aims to determine the effect of perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and intention to recommend on consumer purchase intention of millennial women in Bengkulu City. The results of this study found that perceived enjoyment has a positive effect on the buying interest of millennial women in Bengkulu City, meaning that using TikTok can provide enjoyment and pleasure to Millineal women so that they have the intention to make a purchase. Perceived usefulness has a positive effect on the buying interest of Bengkulu City Millennial women, meaning that TikTok is very useful for Millineal women, especially in making online purchase transactions, Millennial women really feel the usefulness of TikTok for shopping and choosing the products they want in the TikTok application so they don't have to leave the house to shop. Intention to recommend has a positive effect on Buying Interest of millennial women in Bengkulu City, meaning that if Millennial women feel the benefits of using TikTok they will recommend TikTok to others either directly inviting others to use TikTok or recommending through their social media accounts that they are very satisfied using the TikTok application


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    The development of strategic communication practices through the use of digital platforms is seen to have an impact on the sustainability of strategic communication in the public and private sectors. Strategic communication is a process that determines the stability of an organization’s image, reputation, and position. The digital platform now not only serves as the main communication medium, but also able to function as a platform for dialogue communication between content creators and followers of the platform. Accordingly, the theory used to explain this article is the strategic communication theory (Hallahan et.al, 2007) According to Hallahan, strategic communication is involved in the development, implementation, and assessment of communication. This research aims to understand the impact and the role of strategic communication through digital public relations and its trends in Malaysia. The discussion and fndings in this research are based on a qualitative study that uses an in-depth interview method as a data collection technique and 12 informants among communication practitioners in Malaysia were selected through a purposive sampling technique. The results of the study found that strategic communication through digital public relations is used continuously and has a very important role to ensure that all communication strategies are used to reach the target audience. However, the function and impact of using digital platforms as the main medium of strategic communication still cannot guarantee the sustainability of corporate communication in the future


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi anteseden kepuasan pengguna dalam membentuk niat beli di Instagram. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memverifikasi pengaruh niat untuk tetap terikat dan niat untuk berinteraksi terhadap sikap pada merek yang diendorse, yang menghasilkan niat beli di Instagram. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan kriteria sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu seseorang yang mengikuti akun Instagram Tasya Farasya, mengetahui produk Skintific, dan pernah melakukan pembelian produk Skintific. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner secara online melalui Google Form. Terdapat 194 responden yang memenuhi untuk dapat dilakukan pengujian. Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan software SmartPLS (Partial Least Square). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegunaan, hiburan, dan sosialisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Kepuasan pengguna berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat untuk tetap terikat dan berinteraksi dengan akun endorser. Niat untuk tetap terikat dan berinteraksi dengan akun endorser berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap sikap pada merek yang diendorse. Sikap pada merek yang diendorse berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat beli

    Pandemic pains to Instagram gains! COVID-19 perceptions effects on behaviours towards fashion brands on Instagram in Sub-Saharan Africa: Tech-native vs non-native generations

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    This study represents a novel attempt to investigate the cascading effects of COVID-19 perceptions onto behavioural patterns towards fashion brands on Instagram and across two generations tech-native vs tech non-native) in a Sub-Saharan African context. We drew our study on a sample of 338 Instagram users that experienced fashion brands on Instagram in two Sub-Saharan African countries: Uganda and Nigeria. We used partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to test the hypothetical model. We found that COVID-19 perception positively predicted enjoyment and usefulness, leading to more satisfaction with fashion brand accounts on Instagram and hence greater intention to follow and recommend those accounts. Finally, running a multigroup analysis (MGA), we found the effects of COVID-19 perceptions pronounced into both intentions to follow and intention to recommend via the sequence of mediators: enjoyment and satisfaction were only valid amongst the tech-native generational cohort. Our research suggested a new generational categorisation based on technology nativity – offering a new direction of generational studies in digital marketing communications

    Artificial Intelligence Service Agents: Role of Parasocial Relationship

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    Increased use of artificial intelligence service agents (AISA) has been associated with improvements in AISA service performance. Whilst there is consensus that unique forms of attachment develop between users and AISA that manifest as parasocial relationships (PSRs), the literature is less clear about the AISA service attributes and how they influence PSR and the users’ subjective well-being. Based on a dataset collected from 408 virtual assistant users from the US, this research develops and tests a model that can explain how AISA-enabled service influences subjective well-being through the mediating effect of PSR. Findings also indicate significant gender and AISA experience differences in the PSR effect on subjective well-being. This study advances current understanding of AISA in service encounters by investigating the mediating role of PSR in AISA’s effect on users’ subjective well-being. We also discuss managerial implications for practitioners who are increasingly using AISA for delivering customer service

    The role of utilitarian and hedonic aspects in the continuance intention to use social mobile apps

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the main factors that determine users’ continuance intention to use social mobile Apps, considering two utilitarian (i.e., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) variables and a hedonic (i.e., perceived enjoyment) variable. As social mobile Apps may be utilitarian or hedonic, we aim to evaluate possible differences in the significance of the aforementioned antecedent factors in utilitarian Apps (i.e., TripAdvisor) and hedonic Apps (i.e., Instagram). The data were collected from an international sample of users; the Partial Least Squares method was applied to analyze the research model, using SMARTPLS 3.0. To analyze the moderating effects, a multi-group PLS analysis was carried out to compare the differences between the path relationships in the two Apps. The results show that continuance intention to use is explained by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, satisfaction and user experience (control variable), and the impact of utilitarian variables is generally greater for utilitarian Apps, whereas the impact of perceived enjoyment is higher for hedonic Apps. This study contributes to the general body of knowledge about mobile Apps by providing a comprehensive theoretical foundation and practical implications that illuminate the continuance use of social mobile Apps

    Understanding the role of social situations on continuance participation intention in online communities: an empirical perspective

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    In recent years, the mushrooming development of Online Communities (OCs) has ushered a new paradigm of research for organizational sustainability in IS. In essence, the growth and survival of an online community relies predominantly on the continuous participation of its members. Given that the emergence of OCs may decay or even diminish due to the lack of consistent involvement of members, it is of paramount importance to fathom how to retain and entice members of OCs in terms of their continuous participation in the online platform. Extant studies have focused mostly on personal belief constructs and subjective norm constructs to study users' continuous behavior. However, the important role of social situations has not been sufficiently explored and investigated in IS, particularly in the emerging context of OCs. Drawing on the Triandis model, this study proposes a research model incorporating social situations as the moderator on the continuance participation intention in OCs. We collected data from two large OCs to examine whether congruence exists between situation perceptions and situation reactions. The empirical results show that social situations play an important role in determining the strength of the relationships between affect, social factors, and perceived consequences and the continuance intention in OCs