299 research outputs found


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    Efficient Heuristics for Scheduling with Release and Delivery Times

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    In this chapter, we describe efficient heuristics for scheduling jobs with release and delivery times with the objective to minimize the maximum job completion time. These heuristics are essentially based on a commonly used scheduling theory in Jackson’s extended heuristic. We present basic structural properties of the solutions delivered by Jackson’s heuristic and then illustrate how one can exploit them to build efficient heuristics

    Tabu Search: A Comparative Study

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    Effects of spent garnet on the compressive and flexural strengths of concrete

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    Sand is the non-renewable resource which has been over-exploited from rivers in sync with the rapid development of construction industries to produce concrete. This affected the morphology of rivers and interrupted the functionality of riverine ecosystems by pollution. Meanwhile, the unrecyclable spent garnets were disposed of on a large scale and led to waste pollution. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the compressive and flexural strengths of concrete consisting of spent garnet as sand replacement. The specimens were prepared with consisting of spent garnet as sand replacement by weight in 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. They were tested under compressive strength test at the age of 7 and 28 days while flexural strength test was conducted on the 28days. The findings revealed that the workability of fresh concrete was enhanced by an incremental amount of spent garnet. However, the compressive and flexural strengths of concrete consisting of spent garnet were discerned to be lower than control samples at all levels of replacement. Overall, the replacement with 20% spent garnet showed the optimum compressive and flexural strengths. It is concluded that the usage of spent garnet is considered as a promising resource for reducing consumption of sand and thus, improving the environmental problems

    A multi objective volleyball premier league algorithm for green scheduling identical parallel machines with splitting jobs

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    Parallel machine scheduling is one of the most common studied problems in recent years, however, this classic optimization problem has to achieve two conflicting objectives, i.e. minimizing the total tardiness and minimizing the total wastes, if the scheduling is done in the context of plastic injection industry where jobs are splitting and molds are important constraints. This paper proposes a mathematical model for scheduling parallel machines with splitting jobs and resource constraints. Two minimization objectives - the total tardiness and the number of waste - are considered, simultaneously. The obtained model is a bi-objective integer linear programming model that is shown to be of NP-hard class optimization problems. In this paper, a novel Multi-Objective Volleyball Premier League (MOVPL) algorithm is presented for solving the aforementioned problem. This algorithm uses the crowding distance concept used in NSGA-II as an extension of the Volleyball Premier League (VPL) that we recently introduced. Furthermore, the results are compared with six multi-objective metaheuristic algorithms of MOPSO, NSGA-II, MOGWO, MOALO, MOEA/D, and SPEA2. Using five standard metrics and ten test problems, the performance of the Pareto-based algorithms was investigated. The results demonstrate that in general, the proposed algorithm has supremacy than the other four algorithms

    Order scheduling in dedicated and flexible machine environments

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    Order scheduling models are relatively new in the field of scheduling. Consider a facility with m parallel machines that can process k different products (job types). Each machine can process a given subset of different product types. There are n orders from n different clients. Each order requests specific quantities of the various different products that can be produced concurrently on their given subsets of machines; it may have a release date, a weight and a due date. Preemptions may be allowed. An order can not be shipped until the processing of all the products for the order has been completed. Thus, the finish time of an order is the time when the last job of the order has been completed. Even though the idea is somewhat new that order scheduling measures the overall completion time of a set of jobs (i.e., an order requesting different product types) instead of the individual completion time of each product type for any given order, many applications require that decision-makers consider orders rather than the individual product types in orders. Research into order scheduling models is motivated by their various real-life applications in manufacturing systems, equipment maintenance, computing systems, and other industrial contexts, where the components of each order can be processed concurrently on the parallel machines. In this research, two cases of order scheduling models are studied, namely, the fully dedicated environment in which each machine can produce one and only one product type, and the fully flexible machine environment in which each machine can produce all product types. With different side constraints and objective functions, the two cases include a lot of problems that are of interest. Special interest is focused on the minimization of the total weighted completion time, the number of late orders, the maximum lateness, and so on. On the one hand, polynomial time algorithms are proposed for some problems. One the other hand, for problems that are NP-hard, complexity proofs are shown and heuristics with their worst-case performance and empirical analyses are also presented

    Optimising airline maintenance scheduling decisions

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    Airline maintenance scheduling (AMS) studies how plans or schedules are constructed to ensure that a fleet is efficiently maintained and that airline operational demands are met. Additionally, such schedules must take into consideration the different regulations airlines are subject to, while minimising maintenance costs. In this thesis, we study different formulations, solution methods, and modelling considerations, for the AMS and related problems to propose two main contributions. First, we present a new type of multi-objective mixed integer linear programming formulation which challenges traditional time discretisation. Employing the concept of time intervals, we efficiently model the airline maintenance scheduling problem with tail assignment considerations. With a focus on workshop resource allocation and individual aircraft flight operations, and the use of a custom iterative algorithm, we solve large and long-term real-world instances (16000 flights, 529 aircraft, 8 maintenance workshops) in reasonable computational time. Moreover, we provide evidence to suggest, that our framework provides near-optimal solutions, and that inter-airline cooperation is beneficial for workshops. Second, we propose a new hybrid solution procedure to solve the aircraft recovery problem. Here, we study how to re-schedule flights and re-assign aircraft to these, to resume airline operations after an unforeseen disruption. We do so while taking operational restrictions into account. Specifically, restrictions on aircraft, maintenance, crew duty, and passenger delay are accounted for. The flexibility of the approach allows for further operational restrictions to be easily introduced. The hybrid solution procedure involves the combination of column generation with learning-based hyperheuristics. The latter, adaptively selects exact or metaheuristic algorithms to generate columns. The five different algorithms implemented, two of which we developed, were collected and released as a Python package (Torres Sanchez, 2020). Findings suggest that the framework produces fast and insightful recovery solutions

    Design and analysis of algorithms for solving a class of routing shop scheduling problems

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