38,310 research outputs found

    Matrix-interpolation-based parametric model order reduction for multiconductor transmission lines with delays

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    A novel parametric model order reduction technique based on matrix interpolation for multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) with delays having design parameter variations is proposed in this brief. Matrix interpolation overcomes the oversize problem caused by input-output system-level interpolation-based parametric macromodels. The reduced state-space matrices are obtained using a higher-order Krylov subspace-based model order reduction technique, which is more efficient in comparison to the Gramian-based parametric modeling in which the projection matrix is computed using a Cholesky factorization. The design space is divided into cells, and then the Krylov subspaces computed for each cell are merged and then truncated using an adaptive truncation algorithm with respect to their singular values to obtain a compact common projection matrix. The resulting reduced-order state-space matrices and the delays are interpolated using positive interpolation schemes, making it computationally cheap and accurate for repeated system evaluations under different design parameter settings. The proposed technique is successfully applied to RLC (R-resistor, L-inductor, C-capacitance) and MTL circuits with delays

    Interpolation-based parameterized model order reduction of delayed systems

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    Three-dimensional electromagnetic methods are fundamental tools for the analysis and design of high-speed systems. These methods often generate large systems of equations, and model order reduction (MOR) methods are used to reduce such a high complexity. When the geometric dimensions become electrically large or signal waveform rise times decrease, time delays must be included in the modeling. Design space optimization and exploration are usually performed during a typical design process that consequently requires repeated simulations for different design parameter values. Efficient performing of these design activities calls for parameterized model order reduction (PMOR) methods, which are able to reduce large systems of equations with respect to frequency and other design parameters of the circuit, such as layout or substrate features. We propose a novel PMOR method for neutral delayed differential systems, which is based on an efficient and reliable combination of univariate model order reduction methods, a procedure to find scaling and frequency shifting coefficients and positive interpolation schemes. The proposed scaling and frequency shifting coefficients enhance and improve the modeling capability of standard positive interpolation schemes and allow accurate modeling of highly dynamic systems with a limited amount of initial univariate models in the design space. The proposed method is able to provide parameterized reduced order models passive by construction over the design space of interest. Pertinent numerical examples validate the proposed PMOR approach

    Compressive Parameter Estimation for Sparse Translation-Invariant Signals Using Polar Interpolation

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    We propose new compressive parameter estimation algorithms that make use of polar interpolation to improve the estimator precision. Our work extends previous approaches involving polar interpolation for compressive parameter estimation in two aspects: (i) we extend the formulation from real non-negative amplitude parameters to arbitrary complex ones, and (ii) we allow for mismatch between the manifold described by the parameters and its polar approximation. To quantify the improvements afforded by the proposed extensions, we evaluate six algorithms for estimation of parameters in sparse translation-invariant signals, exemplified with the time delay estimation problem. The evaluation is based on three performance metrics: estimator precision, sampling rate and computational complexity. We use compressive sensing with all the algorithms to lower the necessary sampling rate and show that it is still possible to attain good estimation precision and keep the computational complexity low. Our numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithms outperform existing approaches that either leverage polynomial interpolation or are based on a conversion to a frequency-estimation problem followed by a super-resolution algorithm. The algorithms studied here provide various tradeoffs between computational complexity, estimation precision, and necessary sampling rate. The work shows that compressive sensing for the class of sparse translation-invariant signals allows for a decrease in sampling rate and that the use of polar interpolation increases the estimation precision.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; minor edits and correction

    Robust massive MIMO Equilization for mmWave systems with low resolution ADCs

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    Leveraging the available millimeter wave spectrum will be important for 5G. In this work, we investigate the performance of digital beamforming with low resolution ADCs based on link level simulations including channel estimation, MIMO equalization and channel decoding. We consider the recently agreed 3GPP NR type 1 OFDM reference signals. The comparison shows sequential DCD outperforms MMSE-based MIMO equalization both in terms of detection performance and complexity. We also show that the DCD based algorithm is more robust to channel estimation errors. In contrast to the common believe we also show that the complexity of MMSE equalization for a massive MIMO system is not dominated by the matrix inversion but by the computation of the Gram matrix.Comment: submitted to WCNC 2018 Workshop

    Interpolation free subpixel accuracy motion estimation

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    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    Maximum-likelihood estimation of delta-domain model parameters from noisy output signals

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    Fast sampling is desirable to describe signal transmission through wide-bandwidth systems. The delta-operator provides an ideal discrete-time modeling description for such fast-sampled systems. However, the estimation of delta-domain model parameters is usually biased by directly applying the delta-transformations to a sampled signal corrupted by additive measurement noise. This problem is solved here by expectation-maximization, where the delta-transformations of the true signal are estimated and then used to obtain the model parameters. The method is demonstrated on a numerical example to improve on the accuracy of using a shift operator approach when the sample rate is fast