20,899 research outputs found

    Bounded Search Tree Algorithms for Parameterized Cograph Deletion: Efficient Branching Rules by Exploiting Structures of Special Graph Classes

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    Many fixed-parameter tractable algorithms using a bounded search tree have been repeatedly improved, often by describing a larger number of branching rules involving an increasingly complex case analysis. We introduce a novel and general search strategy that branches on the forbidden subgraphs of a graph class relaxation. By using the class of P4P_4-sparse graphs as the relaxed graph class, we obtain efficient bounded search tree algorithms for several parameterized deletion problems. We give the first non-trivial bounded search tree algorithms for the cograph edge-deletion problem and the trivially perfect edge-deletion problems. For the cograph vertex deletion problem, a refined analysis of the runtime of our simple bounded search algorithm gives a faster exponential factor than those algorithms designed with the help of complicated case distinctions and non-trivial running time analysis [21] and computer-aided branching rules [11].Comment: 23 pages. Accepted in Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (DMAA

    On the complexity of finding and counting solution-free sets of integers

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    Given a linear equation L\mathcal{L}, a set AA of integers is L\mathcal{L}-free if AA does not contain any `non-trivial' solutions to L\mathcal{L}. This notion incorporates many central topics in combinatorial number theory such as sum-free and progression-free sets. In this paper we initiate the study of (parameterised) complexity questions involving L\mathcal{L}-free sets of integers. The main questions we consider involve deciding whether a finite set of integers AA has an L\mathcal{L}-free subset of a given size, and counting all such L\mathcal{L}-free subsets. We also raise a number of open problems.Comment: 27 page

    Hitting time for Bessel processes - walk on moving spheres algorithm (WoMS)

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    In this article we investigate the hitting time of some given boundaries for Bessel processes. The main motivation comes from mathematical finance when dealing with volatility models, but the results can also be used in optimal control problems. The aim here is to construct a new and efficient algorithm in order to approach this hitting time. As an application we will consider the hitting time of a given level for the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process. The main tools we use are on one side, an adaptation of the method of images to this particular situation and on the other side, the connection that exists between Cox-Ingersoll-Ross processes and Bessel processes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP900 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Lossy Kernelization

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    In this paper we propose a new framework for analyzing the performance of preprocessing algorithms. Our framework builds on the notion of kernelization from parameterized complexity. However, as opposed to the original notion of kernelization, our definitions combine well with approximation algorithms and heuristics. The key new definition is that of a polynomial size α\alpha-approximate kernel. Loosely speaking, a polynomial size α\alpha-approximate kernel is a polynomial time pre-processing algorithm that takes as input an instance (I,k)(I,k) to a parameterized problem, and outputs another instance (I′,k′)(I',k') to the same problem, such that ∣I′∣+k′≤kO(1)|I'|+k' \leq k^{O(1)}. Additionally, for every c≥1c \geq 1, a cc-approximate solution s′s' to the pre-processed instance (I′,k′)(I',k') can be turned in polynomial time into a (c⋅α)(c \cdot \alpha)-approximate solution ss to the original instance (I,k)(I,k). Our main technical contribution are α\alpha-approximate kernels of polynomial size for three problems, namely Connected Vertex Cover, Disjoint Cycle Packing and Disjoint Factors. These problems are known not to admit any polynomial size kernels unless NP⊆coNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/poly. Our approximate kernels simultaneously beat both the lower bounds on the (normal) kernel size, and the hardness of approximation lower bounds for all three problems. On the negative side we prove that Longest Path parameterized by the length of the path and Set Cover parameterized by the universe size do not admit even an α\alpha-approximate kernel of polynomial size, for any α≥1\alpha \geq 1, unless NP⊆coNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/poly. In order to prove this lower bound we need to combine in a non-trivial way the techniques used for showing kernelization lower bounds with the methods for showing hardness of approximationComment: 58 pages. Version 2 contain new results: PSAKS for Cycle Packing and approximate kernel lower bounds for Set Cover and Hitting Set parameterized by universe siz

    Kernels for Below-Upper-Bound Parameterizations of the Hitting Set and Directed Dominating Set Problems

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    In the {\sc Hitting Set} problem, we are given a collection F\cal F of subsets of a ground set VV and an integer pp, and asked whether VV has a pp-element subset that intersects each set in F\cal F. We consider two parameterizations of {\sc Hitting Set} below tight upper bounds: p=m−kp=m-k and p=n−kp=n-k. In both cases kk is the parameter. We prove that the first parameterization is fixed-parameter tractable, but has no polynomial kernel unless coNP⊆\subseteqNP/poly. The second parameterization is W[1]-complete, but the introduction of an additional parameter, the degeneracy of the hypergraph H=(V,F)H=(V,{\cal F}), makes the problem not only fixed-parameter tractable, but also one with a linear kernel. Here the degeneracy of H=(V,F)H=(V,{\cal F}) is the minimum integer dd such that for each X⊂VX\subset V the hypergraph with vertex set V∖XV\setminus X and edge set containing all edges of F\cal F without vertices in XX, has a vertex of degree at most d.d. In {\sc Nonblocker} ({\sc Directed Nonblocker}), we are given an undirected graph (a directed graph) GG on nn vertices and an integer kk, and asked whether GG has a set XX of n−kn-k vertices such that for each vertex y∉Xy\not\in X there is an edge (arc) from a vertex in XX to yy. {\sc Nonblocker} can be viewed as a special case of {\sc Directed Nonblocker} (replace an undirected graph by a symmetric digraph). Dehne et al. (Proc. SOFSEM 2006) proved that {\sc Nonblocker} has a linear-order kernel. We obtain a linear-order kernel for {\sc Directed Nonblocker}
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