137 research outputs found

    An efficient expression of the timestamp and period in packet-and cell-based schedulers

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    Scheduling algorithms are implemented in hardware in high-speed switches to provide Quality-of-Service guarantees in both cell-based and packet-based networks. Being able to guarantee end-to-delay and fairness, timestamp-based fair queuing algorithms, which include SCFQ, WFQ, WF2Q and WF2Q+, have received much attention in the past few years. In timestamp-based fair queuing algorithms, the size of timestamp and period determines the supportable rates in terms of the range and accuracy. Furthermore, it also determines the scheduler\u27s memory in terms of offchip bandwidth and storage space. An efficient expression can reduce the size of the timestamp and period without compromising the accuracy. In this thesis, we propose a new expression for the timestamp and period, which can be implemented in hardware for both high-speed packet-based and cell-based switches. As compared to fixed-point and floating-point number expressions, when the size is fixed, the proposed expression has a better accuracy

    Bandwidth scheduling and its application in ATM networks

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    Providing guaranteed QoS in the hose-modeled VPN

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    With the development of the Internet, Internet service providers (ISPs) are required to offer revenue-generating and value-added services instead of only providing bandwidth and access services. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the most important value-added services for ISPs. The classical VPN service is provided by implementing layer 2 technologies, either Frame Relay (FR) or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). With FR or ATM, virtual circuits are created before data delivery. Since the bandwidth and buffers are reserved, the QoS requirements can be naturally guaranteed. In the past few years, layer 3 VPN technologies are widely deployed due to the desirable performance in terms of flexibility, scalability and simplicity. Layer 3 VPNs are built upon IP tunnels, e.g., by using PPTP, L2TP or IPSec. Since IP is best-of-effort in nature, the QoS requirement cannot be guaranteed in layer 3 VPNs. Actually, layer 3 VPN service can only provide secure connectivity, i.e., protecting and authenticating IP packets between gateways or hosts in a VPN. Without doubt, with more applications on voice, audio and video being used in the Internet, the provision of QoS is one of the most important parts of the emerging services provided by ISPs. An intriguing question is: Is it possible to obtain the best of both layer 2 and 3 VPN? Is it possible to provide guaranteed or predictable QoS, as in layer 2 VPNs, while maintaining the flexibility and simplicity in layer 3 VPN? This question is the starting point of this study. The recently proposed hose model for VPN possesses desirable properties in terms of flexibility, scalability and multiplexing gain. However, the classic fair bandwidth allocation schemes and weighted fair queuing schemes raise the issue of low overall utilization in this model. A new fluid model for provider-provisioned virtual private network (PPVPN) is proposed in this dissertation. Based on the proposed model, an idealized fluid bandwidth allocation scheme is developed. This scheme is proven, analytically, to have the following properties: 1) maximize the overall throughput of the VPN without compromising fairness; 2) provide a mechanism that enables the VPN customers to allocate the bandwidth according to their requirements by assigning different weights to different hose flows, and thus obtain the predictable QoS performance; and 3) improve the overall throughput of the ISPs\u27 network. To approximate the idealized fluid scheme in the real world, the 2-dimensional deficit round robin (2-D DRR and 2-D DRR+) schemes are proposed. The integration of the proposed schemes with the best-effort traffic within the framework of virtual-router-based VPN is also investigated. The 2-D DRR and 2-D DER-+ schemes can be extended to multi-dimensional schemes to be employed in those applications which require a hierarchical scheduling architecture. To enhance the scalability, a more scalable non-per-flow-based scheme for output queued switches is developed as well, and the integration of this scheme within the framework of the MPLS VPN and applications for multicasting traffics is discussed. The performance and properties of these schemes are analyzed

    Scheduling in CDMA-based wireless packet networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc. Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.Modern networks carry a wide range of different data types, each with its own individual requirements. The scheduler plays an important role in enabling a network to meet all these requirements. In wired networks a large amount of research has been performed on various schedulers, most of which belong to the family of General Processor Sharing (GPS) schedulers. In this dissertation we briefly discuss the work that has been done on a range of wired schedulers, which all attempt to differentiate between heterogeneous traffic. In the world of wireless communications the scheduler plays a very important role, since it can take channel conditions into account to further improve the performance of the network. The main focus of this dissertation is to introduce schedulers, which attempt to meet the Quality of Service requirements of various data types in a wireless environment. Examples of schedulers that take channel conditions into account are the Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF), as well as a new scheduler introduced in this dissertation, known as the Wireless Fair Largest Weighted Delay First (WF-LWDF) algorithm. The two schemes are studied in detail and a comparison of their throughput, delay, power, and packet dropping performance is made through a range of simulations. The results are compared to the performance offour other schedulers. The fairness ofM-LWDF and WFLWDF is determined through simulations. The throughput results are used to establish Chernoff bounds of the fairness of these two algorithms. Finally, a summary is given of the published delay bounds of various schedulers, and the tightness of the resultant bounds is discussed

    Design and analysis of fair, efficient and low-latency schedulers for high-speed packet-switched networks

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    A variety of emerging applications in education, medicine, business, and entertainment rely heavily on high-quality transmission of multimedia data over high speed networks. Packet scheduling algorithms in switches and routers play a critical role in the overall Quality of Service (QoS) strategy to ensure the performance required by such applications. Fair allocation of the link bandwidth among the traffic flows that share the link is an intuitively desirable property of packet schedulers. In addition, strict fairness can improve the isolation between users, help in countering certain kinds of denial-of-service attacks and offer a more predictable performance. Besides fairness, efficiency of implementation and low latency are among the most desirable properties of packet schedulers. The first part of this dissertation presents a novel scheduling discipline called Elastic Round Robin (ERR) which is simple, fair and efficient with a low latency bound. The perpacket work complexity of ERR is O(1). Our analysis also shows that, in comparison to all previously proposed scheduling disciplines of equivalent complexity, ERR has significantly better fairness properties as well as a lower latency bound. However, all frame-based schedulers including ERR suffer from high start-up latencies, burstiness in the output anddelayed correction of fairness. In the second part of this dissertation we propose a new scheduling discipline called Prioritized Elastic Round Robin (PERR) which overcomes the limitations associated with the round robin service order of ERR. The PERR scheduler achieves this by rearranging the sequence in which packets are transmitted in each round of the ERR scheduler. Our analysis reveals that PERR has a low work complexity which is independent of the number of flows. We also prove that PERR has better fairness and latency characteristics than other known schedulers of equivalent complexity. In addition to their obvious applications in Internet routers and switches, both the ERR and PERR schedulers also satisfy the unique requirements of wormhole switching, popular in interconnection networks of parallel systems. Finally, using real gateway traces and based on a new measure of instantaneous fairness borrowed from the field of economics, we present simulation results that demonstrate the improved fairness characteristics and latency bounds of the ERR and and PERR schedulers in comparison with other scheduling disciplines of equivalent efficiency.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    Systems and Methods for Measuring and Improving End-User Application Performance on Mobile Devices

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    In today's rapidly growing smartphone society, the time users are spending on their smartphones is continuing to grow and mobile applications are becoming the primary medium for providing services and content to users. With such fast paced growth in smart-phone usage, cellular carriers and internet service providers continuously upgrade their infrastructure to the latest technologies and expand their capacities to improve the performance and reliability of their network and to satisfy exploding user demand for mobile data. On the other side of the spectrum, content providers and e-commerce companies adopt the latest protocols and techniques to provide smooth and feature-rich user experiences on their applications. To ensure a good quality of experience, monitoring how applications perform on users' devices is necessary. Often, network and content providers lack such visibility into the end-user application performance. In this dissertation, we demonstrate that having visibility into the end-user perceived performance, through system design for efficient and coordinated active and passive measurements of end-user application and network performance, is crucial for detecting, diagnosing, and addressing performance problems on mobile devices. My dissertation consists of three projects to support this statement. First, to provide such continuous monitoring on smartphones with constrained resources that operate in such a highly dynamic mobile environment, we devise efficient, adaptive, and coordinated systems, as a platform, for active and passive measurements of end-user performance. Second, using this platform and other passive data collection techniques, we conduct an in-depth user trial of mobile multipath to understand how Multipath TCP (MPTCP) performs in practice. Our measurement study reveals several limitations of MPTCP. Based on the insights gained from our measurement study, we propose two different schemes to address the identified limitations of MPTCP. Last, we show how to provide visibility into the end- user application performance for internet providers and in particular home WiFi routers by passively monitoring users' traffic and utilizing per-app models mapping various network quality of service (QoS) metrics to the application performance.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146014/1/ashnik_1.pd

    Networking Mechanisms for Delay-Sensitive Applications

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    The diversity of applications served by the explosively growing Internet is increasing. In particular, applications that are sensitive to end-to-end packet delays become more common and include telephony, video conferencing, and networked games. While the single best-effort service of the current Internet favors throughput-greedy traffic by equipping congested links with large buffers, long queuing at the congested links hurts the delay-sensitive applications. Furthermore, while numerous alternative architectures have been proposed to offer diverse network services, the innovative alternatives failed to gain widespread end-to-end deployment. This dissertation explores different networking mechanisms for supporting low queueing delay required by delay-sensitive applications. In particular, it considers two different approaches. The first one assumes employing congestion control protocols for the traffic generated by the considered class of applications. The second approach relies on the router operation only and does not require support from end hosts

    Opportunistic device-to-device communication in cellular networks: from theory to practice

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorCellular service providers have been struggling with users’ demand since the emergence of mobile Internet. As a result, each generation of cellular network prevailed over its predecessors mainly in terms of connection speed. However, the fifth generation (5G) of cellular network promises to go beyond this trend by revolutionizing the network architecture. Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is one of the revolutionary changes that enables mobile users to communicate directly without traversing a base station. This feature is being actively studied in 3GPP with special focus on public safety as it allows mobiles to operate in adhoc mode. Although under the (partial) control of the network, D2D communications open the door to many other use-cases. This dissertation studies different aspects of D2D communications and its impact on the key performance indicators of the network. We design an architecture for the collaboration of cellular users by means of timely exploited D2D opportunities. We begin by presenting the analytical study on opportunistic outband D2D communications. The study reveals the great potential of opportunistic outband D2D communications for enhancing energy efficiency, fairness, and capacity of cellular networks when groups of D2D users can be form and managed in the cellular network. Then we introduce a protocol that is compatible with the latest release of IEEE and 3GPP standards and allows for implementation of our proposal in a today’s cellular network. To validate our analytical findings, we use our experimental Software Defined Radio (SDR)-based testbed to further study our proposal in a real world scenario. The experimental results confirm the outstanding potential of opportunistic outband D2D communications. Finally, we investigate the performance merits and disadvantages of different D2D “modes”. Our investigation reveals, despite the common belief, that all D2D modes are complementary and their merits are scenario based.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Douglas Leith.- Secretario: Albert Banchs Roca.- Vocal: Carla Fabiana Chiasserin

    Performance Analysis in IP-Based Industrial Communication Networks

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    S rostoucím počtem řídicích systémů a jejich distribuovanosti získávájí komunikační sítě na důležitosti a objevují se nové výzkumné trendy. Hlavní problematikou v této oblasti, narozdíl od dřívějších řídicích systémů využívajících dedikovaných komunikačních obvodů, je časově proměnné zpoždění měřicích a řídicích signálů způsobené paketově orientovanými komunikačními prostředky, jako např. Ethernet. Aspekty komunikace v reálném čase byly v těchto sítích již úspěšně vyřešeny. Nicméně, analýzy trendů trhu předpovídají budoucí využití také IP sítí v průmyslové komunikaci pro časově kritickou procesní vyměnu dat. IP komunikace má ovšem pouze omezenou podporu v instrumentaci pro průmyslovou automatizace. Tato výzva byla nedávno technicky vyřešena v rámci projektu Virtual Automation Networks (virtuální automatizační sítě - VAN) zapojením mechanismů kvality služeb (QoS), které jsou schopny zajistit měkkou úroveň komunikace v reálném čase. Předložená dizertační práce se zaměřuje na aspekty výkonnosti reálného času z analytického hlediska a nabízí prostředek pro hodnocení využitelnosti IP komunikace pro budoucí průmyslové aplikace. Hlavním cílem této dizertační práce je vytvoření vhodného modelovacího rámce založeného na network calculus, který pomůže provést worst-case výkonnostní analýzu časového chování IP komunikačních sítí a jejich prvků určených pro budoucí použití v průmyslové automatizaci. V práci byla použita empirická analýza pro určení dominantních faktorů ovlivňujících časového chování síťových zařízení a identifikaci parametrů modelů těchto zařízení. Empirická analýza využívá nástroj TestQoS vyvinutý pro tyto účely. Byla navržena drobná rozšíření rámce network calculus, která byla nutná pro modelování časového chování používaných zařízení. Bylo vytvořeno několik typových modelů zařízení jako výsledek klasifikace různých architektur síťových zařízení a empiricky zjištěných dominantních faktorů. U modelovaných zařízení byla využita nová metoda identifikace parametrů. Práce je zakončena validací časových modelů dvou síťových zařízení (přepínače a směrovače) oproti empirickým pozorováním.With the growing scale of control systems and their distributed nature, communication networks have been gaining importance and new research challenges have been appearing. The major problem, contrary to previously used control systems with dedicated communication circuits, is time-varying delay of control and measurement signals introduced by packet-switched networks, such as Ethernet. The real-time issues in these networks have been tackled by proper adaptations. Nevertheless, market trend analyses foresee also future adoptions of IP-based communication networks in industrial automation for time-critical run-time data exchange. IP-based communication has only a limited support from the existing instrumentation in industrial automation. This challenge has recently been technically tackled within the Virtual Automation Networks (VAN) project by adopting the quality of service (QoS) architecture delivering soft-real-time communication behaviour. This dissertation focuses on the real-time performance aspects from the analytical point of view and provides means for applicability assessment of IP-based communication for future industrial applications. The main objective of this dissertation is establishment of a relevant modelling framework based on network calculus which will assist worst-case performance analysis of temporal behaviour of IP-based communication networks and networking devices intended for future use in industrial automation. Empirical analysis was used to identify dominant factors influencing the temporal performance of networking devices and for model parameter identification. The empirical analysis makes use of the TestQoS tool developed for this purpose. Minor extensions to the network calculus framework were proposed enabling to model the required temporal behaviour of networking devices. Several exemplary models were inferred as a result of classification of different networking device architectures and empirically identified dominant factors. A novel method for parameter identification was used with the modelled devices. Finally, two temporal models of networking devices (a switch and a router) were validated against empirical observations.