11 research outputs found

    Human Skeleton and Joints Extraction for Virtual Clothing Fitting

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    人体运动捕捉是计算机视觉领域倍受关注的一个研究热点,在智能视频监控、视频分析、动画、游戏、医学诊断和人机交互等领域均有广阔的应用前景。它包括人体的标定与跟踪和人体动作的识别与理解两个主要内容。其中,人体的标定与跟踪是运动识别和理解的基础,在人体运动捕捉中起着关键性的作用。因此,本文以虚拟试衣系统为背景,研究人体的骨架化技术与人体关节点的定位,具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。 骨架是描述物体形状和拓扑结构的一种有效手段,广泛应用于人体的描述。基于距离变换的骨架化算法对人体的骨架有较好的效果,但无法保证骨架的连通性。本文利用图像梯度的性质,通过梯度化距离变换图,着重突出了潜在的骨架点;利用距离值和...Human motion capture is a hot research in the field of Computer Vision. This research has various application prospects in intelligent video surveillance, video analysis, animation, computer games, medical diagnostics, human-computer interaction, and so on. It includes two main components: human calibration and tracking, and human action recognition and understanding. Among them, the human calibra...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:2302009115275

    Unconstrained Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Action Detection and Cross-Modality Regression Forest

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    Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images : a Comprehensive Survey

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    Human pose estimation refers to the estimation of the location of body parts and how they are connected in an image. Human pose estimation from monocular images has wide applications (e.g., image indexing). Several surveys on human pose estimation can be found in the literature, but they focus on a certain category; for example, model-based approaches or human motion analysis, etc. As far as we know, an overall review of this problem domain has yet to be provided. Furthermore, recent advancements based on deep learning have brought novel algorithms for this problem. In this paper, a comprehensive survey of human pose estimation from monocular images is carried out including milestone works and recent advancements. Based on one standard pipeline for the solution of computer vision problems, this survey splits the problema into several modules: feature extraction and description, human body models, and modelin methods. Problem modeling methods are approached based on two means of categorization in this survey. One way to categorize includes top-down and bottom-up methods, and another way includes generative and discriminative methods. Considering the fact that one direct application of human pose estimation is to provide initialization for automatic video surveillance, there are additional sections for motion-related methods in all modules: motion features, motion models, and motion-based methods. Finally, the paper also collects 26 publicly available data sets for validation and provides error measurement methods that are frequently used


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    Estimating the pose, orientation and the location of objects has been a central problem addressed by the computer vision community for decades. In this dissertation, we propose new approaches for these important problems using deep neural networks as well as tree-based regression models. For the first topic, we look at the human body pose estimation problem and propose a novel regression-based approach. The goal of human body pose estimation is to predict the locations of body joints, given an image of a person. Due to significant variations introduced by pose, clothing and body styles, it is extremely difficult to address this task by a standard application of the regression method. Thus, we address this task by dividing the whole body pose estimation problem into a set of local pose estimation problems by introducing a dependency graph which describes the dependency among different body joints. For each local pose estimation problem, we train a boosted regression tree model and estimate the pose by progressively applying the regression along the paths in a dependency graph starting from the root node. Our next work is on improving the traditional regression tree method and demonstrate its effectiveness for pose/orientation estimation tasks. The main issues of the traditional regression training are, 1) the node splitting is limited to binary splitting, 2) the form of the splitting function is limited to thresholding on a single dimension of the input vector and 3) the best splitting function is found by exhaustive search. We propose a novel node splitting algorithm for regression tree training which does not have the issues mentioned above. The algorithm proceeds by first applying k-means clustering in the output space, conducting multi-class classification by support vector machine (SVM) and determining the constant estimate at each leaf node. We apply the regression forest that includes our regression tree models to head pose estimation, car orientation estimation and pedestrian orientation estimation tasks and demonstrate its superiority over various standard regression methods. Next, we turn our attention to the role of pose information for the object detection task. In particular, we focus on the detection of fashion items a person is wearing or carrying. It is clear that the locations of these items are strongly correlated with the pose of the person. To address this task, we first generate a set of candidate bounding boxes by using an object proposal algorithm. For each candidate bounding box, image features are extracted by a deep convolutional neural network pre-trained on a large image dataset and the detection scores are generated by SVMs. We introduce a pose-dependent prior on the geometry of the bounding boxes and combine it with the SVM scores. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves significant improvement in the detection performance. Lastly, we address the object detection task by exploring a way to incorporate an attention mechanism into the detection algorithm. Humans have the capability of allocating multiple fixation points, each of which attends to different locations and scales of the scene. However, such a mechanism is missing in the current state-of-the-art object detection methods. Inspired by the human vision system, we propose a novel deep network architecture that imitates this attention mechanism. For detecting objects in an image, the network adaptively places a sequence of glimpses at different locations in the image. Evidences of the presence of an object and its location are extracted from these glimpses, which are then fused for estimating the object class and bounding box coordinates. Due to the lack of ground truth annotations for the visual attention mechanism, we train our network using a reinforcement learning algorithm. Experiment results on standard object detection benchmarks show that the proposed network consistently outperforms the baseline networks that do not employ the attention mechanism

    Image-based human pose estimation

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    Richer object representations for object class detection in challenging real world images

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    Object class detection in real world images has been a synonym for object localization for the longest time. State-of-the-art detection methods, inspired by renowned detection benchmarks, typically target 2D bounding box localization of objects. At the same time, due to the rapid technological and scientific advances, high-level vision applications, aiming at understanding the visual world as a whole, are coming into the focus. The diversity of the visual world challenges these applications in terms of representational complexity, robust inference and training data. As objects play a central role in any vision system, it has been argued that richer object representations, providing higher level of detail than modern detection methods, are a promising direction towards understanding visual scenes. Besides bridging the gap between object class detection and high-level tasks, richer object representations also lead to more natural object descriptions, bringing computer vision closer to human perception. Inspired by these prospects, this thesis explores four different directions towards richer object representations, namely, 3D object representations, fine-grained representations, occlusion representations, as well as understanding convnet representations. Moreover, this thesis illustrates that richer object representations can facilitate high-level applications, providing detailed and natural object descriptions. In addition, the presented representations attain high performance rates, at least on par or often superior to state-of-the-art methods.Detektion von Objektklassen in natürlichen Bildern war lange Zeit gleichbedeutend mit Lokalisierung von Objekten. Von anerkannten Detektions-Benchmarks inspirierte Detektionsmethoden, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung sind, zielen üblicherweise auf die Lokalisierung von Objekten im Bild. Gleichzeitig werden durch den schnellen technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt abstraktere Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen, die ein Verständnis der visuellen Welt als Ganzes anstreben, immer interessanter. Die Diversität der visuellen Welt ist eine Herausforderung für diese Anwendungen hinsichtlich der Komplexität der Darstellung, robuster Inferenz und Trainingsdaten. Da Objekte eine zentrale Rolle in jedem Visionssystem spielen, wurde argumentiert, dass reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen, die höhere Detailgenauigkeit als gegenwärtige Detektionsmethoden bieten, ein vielversprechender Schritt zum Verständnis visueller Szenen sind. Reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen schlagen eine Brücke zwischen der Detektion von Objektklassen und abstrakteren Aufgabenstellungen, und sie führen auch zu natürlicheren Objektbeschreibungen, wodurch sie die Bildverarbeitung der menschlichen Wahrnehmung weiter annähern. Aufgrund dieser Perspektiven erforscht die vorliegende Arbeit vier verschiedene Herangehensweisen zu reichhaltigeren Objektrepräsentationen

    Richer object representations for object class detection in challenging real world images

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    Object class detection in real world images has been a synonym for object localization for the longest time. State-of-the-art detection methods, inspired by renowned detection benchmarks, typically target 2D bounding box localization of objects. At the same time, due to the rapid technological and scientific advances, high-level vision applications, aiming at understanding the visual world as a whole, are coming into the focus. The diversity of the visual world challenges these applications in terms of representational complexity, robust inference and training data. As objects play a central role in any vision system, it has been argued that richer object representations, providing higher level of detail than modern detection methods, are a promising direction towards understanding visual scenes. Besides bridging the gap between object class detection and high-level tasks, richer object representations also lead to more natural object descriptions, bringing computer vision closer to human perception. Inspired by these prospects, this thesis explores four different directions towards richer object representations, namely, 3D object representations, fine-grained representations, occlusion representations, as well as understanding convnet representations. Moreover, this thesis illustrates that richer object representations can facilitate high-level applications, providing detailed and natural object descriptions. In addition, the presented representations attain high performance rates, at least on par or often superior to state-of-the-art methods.Detektion von Objektklassen in natürlichen Bildern war lange Zeit gleichbedeutend mit Lokalisierung von Objekten. Von anerkannten Detektions-Benchmarks inspirierte Detektionsmethoden, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung sind, zielen üblicherweise auf die Lokalisierung von Objekten im Bild. Gleichzeitig werden durch den schnellen technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt abstraktere Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen, die ein Verständnis der visuellen Welt als Ganzes anstreben, immer interessanter. Die Diversität der visuellen Welt ist eine Herausforderung für diese Anwendungen hinsichtlich der Komplexität der Darstellung, robuster Inferenz und Trainingsdaten. Da Objekte eine zentrale Rolle in jedem Visionssystem spielen, wurde argumentiert, dass reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen, die höhere Detailgenauigkeit als gegenwärtige Detektionsmethoden bieten, ein vielversprechender Schritt zum Verständnis visueller Szenen sind. Reichhaltige Objektrepräsentationen schlagen eine Brücke zwischen der Detektion von Objektklassen und abstrakteren Aufgabenstellungen, und sie führen auch zu natürlicheren Objektbeschreibungen, wodurch sie die Bildverarbeitung der menschlichen Wahrnehmung weiter annähern. Aufgrund dieser Perspektiven erforscht die vorliegende Arbeit vier verschiedene Herangehensweisen zu reichhaltigeren Objektrepräsentationen