877 research outputs found

    Error Detecting Dual Basis Bit Parallel Systolic Multiplication Architecture over GF(2m)

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    An error tolerant hardware efficient very large scale integration (VLSI) architecture for bit parallel systolic multiplication over dual base, which can be pipelined, is presented. Since this architecture has the features of regularity, modularity and unidirectional data flow, this structure is well suited to VLSI implementations. The length of the largest delay path and area of this architecture are less compared to the bit parallel systolic multiplication architectures reported earlier. The architecture is implemented using Austria Micro System's 0.35 m CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) technology. This architecture can also operate over both the dual-base and polynomial base

    DFT algorithms for bit-serial GaAs array processor architectures

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    Systems and Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC) has developed an innovative array processor architecture for computing Fourier transforms and other commonly used signal processing algorithms. This architecture is designed to extract the highest possible array performance from state-of-the-art GaAs technology. SPEC's architectural design includes a high performance RISC processor implemented in GaAs, along with a Floating Point Coprocessor and a unique Array Communications Coprocessor, also implemented in GaAs technology. Together, these data processors represent the latest in technology, both from an architectural and implementation viewpoint. SPEC has examined numerous algorithms and parallel processing architectures to determine the optimum array processor architecture. SPEC has developed an array processor architecture with integral communications ability to provide maximum node connectivity. The Array Communications Coprocessor embeds communications operations directly in the core of the processor architecture. A Floating Point Coprocessor architecture has been defined that utilizes Bit-Serial arithmetic units, operating at very high frequency, to perform floating point operations. These Bit-Serial devices reduce the device integration level and complexity to a level compatible with state-of-the-art GaAs device technology

    Architectures and implementations for the Polynomial Ring Engine over small residue rings

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    This work considers VLSI implementations for the recently introduced Polynomial Ring Engine (PRE) using small residue rings. To allow for a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the PRE mappings for DSP algorithms, this dissertation introduces novel techniques ranging from system level architectures to transistor level considerations. The Polynomial Ring Engine combines both classical residue mappings and new polynomial mappings. This dissertation develops a systematic approach for generating pipelined systolic/ semi-systolic structures for the PRE mappings. An example architecture is constructed and simulated to illustrate the properties of the new architectures. To simultaneously achieve large computational dynamic range and high throughput rate the basic building blocks of the PRE architecture use transistor size profiling. Transistor sizing software is developed for profiling the Switching Tree dynamic logic used to build the basic modulo blocks. The software handles complex nFET structures using a simple iterative algorithm. Issues such as convergence of the iterative technique and validity of the sizing formulae have been treated with an appropriate mathematical analysis. As an illustration of the use of PRE architectures for modem DSP computational problems, a Wavelet Transform for HDTV image compression is implemented. An interesting use is made of the PRE technique of using polynomial indeterminates as \u27placeholders\u27 for components of the processed data. In this case we use an indeterminate to symbolically handle the irrational number [square root of 3] of the Daubechie mother wavelet for N = 4. Finally, a multi-level fault tolerant PRE architecture is developed by combining the classical redundant residue approach and the circuit parity check approach. The proposed architecture uses syndromes to correct faulty residue channels and an embedded parity check to correct faulty computational channels. The architecture offers superior fault detection and correction with online data interruption

    A bibliography on parallel and vector numerical algorithms

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    This is a bibliography of numerical methods. It also includes a number of other references on machine architecture, programming language, and other topics of interest to scientific computing. Certain conference proceedings and anthologies which have been published in book form are listed also

    Serial-serial finite field multiplication

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    Bit Serial Systolic Architectures for Multiplicative Inversion and Division over GF(2<sup>m</sup>)

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    Systolic architectures are capable of achieving high throughput by maximizing pipelining and by eliminating global data interconnects. Recursive algorithms with regular data flows are suitable for systolization. The computation of multiplicative inversion using algorithms based on EEA (Extended Euclidean Algorithm) are particularly suitable for systolization. Implementations based on EEA present a high degree of parallelism and pipelinability at bit level which can be easily optimized to achieve local data flow and to eliminate the global interconnects which represent most important bottleneck in todays sub-micron design process. The net result is to have high clock rate and performance based on efficient systolic architectures. This thesis examines high performance but also scalable implementations of multiplicative inversion or field division over Galois fields GF(2m) in the specific case of cryptographic applications where field dimension m may be very large (greater than 400) and either m or defining irreducible polynomial may vary. For this purpose, many inversion schemes with different basis representation are studied and most importantly variants of EEA and binary (Stein's) GCD computation implementations are reviewed. A set of common as well as contrasting characteristics of these variants are discussed. As a result a generalized and optimized variant of EEA is proposed which can compute division, and multiplicative inversion as its subset, with divisor in either polynomial or triangular basis representation. Further results regarding Hankel matrix formation for double-basis inversion is provided. The validity of using the same architecture to compute field division with polynomial or triangular basis representation is proved. Next, a scalable unidirectional bit serial systolic array implementation of this proposed variant of EEA is implemented. Its complexity measures are defined and these are compared against the best known architectures. It is shown that assuming the requirements specified above, this proposed architecture may achieve a higher clock rate performance w. r. t. other designs while being more flexible, reliable and with minimum number of inter-cell interconnects. The main contribution at system level architecture is the substitution of all counter or adder/subtractor elements with a simpler distributed and free of carry propagation delays structure. Further a novel restoring mechanism for result sequences of EEA is proposed using a double delay element implementation. Finally, using this systolic architecture a CMD (Combined Multiplier Divider) datapath is designed which is used as the core of a novel systolic elliptic curve processor. This EC processor uses affine coordinates to compute scalar point multiplication which results in having a very small control unit and negligible with respect to the datapath for all practical values of m. The throughput of this EC based on this bit serial systolic architecture is comparable with designs many times larger than itself reported previously