9 research outputs found

    A Deep-dive into Cryptojacking Malware: From an Empirical Analysis to a Detection Method for Computationally Weak Devices

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    Cryptojacking is an act of using a victim\u27s computation power without his/her consent. Unauthorized mining costs extra electricity consumption and decreases the victim host\u27s computational efficiency dramatically. In this thesis, we perform an extensive research on cryptojacking malware from every aspects. First, we present a systematic overview of cryptojacking malware based on the information obtained from the combination of academic research papers, two large cryptojacking datasets of samples, and numerous major attack instances. Second, we created a dataset of 6269 websites containing cryptomining scripts in their source codes to characterize the in-browser cryptomining ecosystem by differentiating permissioned and permissionless cryptomining samples. Third, we introduce an accurate and efficient IoT cryptojacking detection mechanism based on network traffic features that achieves an accuracy of 99%. Finally, we believe this thesis will greatly expand the scope of research and facilitate other novel solutions in the cryptojacking domain

    Injected and Delivered: Fabricating Implicit Control over Actuation Systems by Spoofing Inertial Sensors

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    Inertial sensors provide crucial feedback for control systems to determine motional status and make timely, automated decisions. Prior efforts tried to control the output of inertial sensors with acoustic signals. However, their approaches did not consider sample rate drifts in analog-to-digital converters as well as many other realistic factors. As a result, few attacks demonstrated effective control over inertial sensors embedded in real systems. This work studies the out-of-band signal injection methods to deliver adversarial control to embedded MEMS inertial sensors and evaluates consequent vulnerabilities exposed in control systems relying on them. Acoustic signals injected into inertial sensors are out-of-band analog signals. Consequently, slight sample rate drifts could be amplified and cause deviations in the frequency of digital signals. Such deviations result in fluctuating sensor output; nevertheless, we characterize two methods to control the output: digital amplitude adjusting and phase pacing. Based on our analysis, we devise non-invasive attacks to manipulate the sensor output as well as the derived inertial information to deceive control systems. We test 25 devices equipped with MEMS inertial sensors and find that 17 of them could be implicitly controlled by our attacks. Furthermore, we investigate the generalizability of our methods and show the possibility to manipulate the digital output through signals with relatively low frequencies in the sensing channel.Comment: Original publication in the proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium, 201

    Cybersecurity applications of Blockchain technologies

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    With the increase in connectivity, the popularization of cloud services, and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), decentralized approaches for trust management are gaining momentum. Since blockchain technologies provide a distributed ledger, they are receiving massive attention from the research community in different application fields. However, this technology does not provide cybersecurity by itself. Thus, this thesis first aims to provide a comprehensive review of techniques and elements that have been proposed to achieve cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems. The analysis is intended to target area researchers, cybersecurity specialists and blockchain developers. We present a series of lessons learned as well. One of them is the rise of Ethereum as one of the most used technologies. Furthermore, some intrinsic characteristics of the blockchain, like permanent availability and immutability made it interesting for other ends, namely as covert channels and malicious purposes. On the one hand, the use of blockchains by malwares has not been characterized yet. Therefore, this thesis also analyzes the current state of the art in this area. One of the lessons learned is that covert communications have received little attention. On the other hand, although previous works have analyzed the feasibility of covert channels in a particular blockchain technology called Bitcoin, no previous work has explored the use of Ethereum to establish a covert channel considering all transaction fields and smart contracts. To foster further defence-oriented research, two novel mechanisms are presented on this thesis. First, Zephyrus takes advantage of all Ethereum fields and smartcontract bytecode. Second, Smart-Zephyrus is built to complement Zephyrus by leveraging smart contracts written in Solidity. We also assess the mechanisms feasibility and cost. Our experiments show that Zephyrus, in the best case, can embed 40 Kbits in 0.57 s. for US1.64,andretrievethemin2.8s.SmartZephyrus,however,isabletohidea4Kbsecretin41s.Whilebeingexpensive(aroundUS 1.64, and retrieve them in 2.8 s. Smart-Zephyrus, however, is able to hide a 4 Kb secret in 41 s. While being expensive (around US 1.82 per bit), the provided stealthiness might be worth the price for attackers. Furthermore, these two mechanisms can be combined to increase capacity and reduce costs.Debido al aumento de la conectividad, la popularización de los servicios en la nube y el auge del Internet de las cosas (IoT), los enfoques descentralizados para la gestión de la confianza están cobrando impulso. Dado que las tecnologías de cadena de bloques (blockchain) proporcionan un archivo distribuido, están recibiendo una atención masiva por parte de la comunidad investigadora en diferentes campos de aplicación. Sin embargo, esta tecnología no proporciona ciberseguridad por sí misma. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como primer objetivo proporcionar una revisión exhaustiva de las técnicas y elementos que se han propuesto para lograr la ciberseguridad en los sistemas basados en blockchain. Este análisis está dirigido a investigadores del área, especialistas en ciberseguridad y desarrolladores de blockchain. A su vez, se presentan una serie de lecciones aprendidas, siendo una de ellas el auge de Ethereum como una de las tecnologías más utilizadas. Asimismo, algunas características intrínsecas de la blockchain, como la disponibilidad permanente y la inmutabilidad, la hacen interesante para otros fines, concretamente como canal encubierto y con fines maliciosos. Por una parte, aún no se ha caracterizado el uso de la blockchain por parte de malwares. Por ello, esta tesis también analiza el actual estado del arte en este ámbito. Una de las lecciones aprendidas al analizar los datos es que las comunicaciones encubiertas han recibido poca atención. Por otro lado, aunque trabajos anteriores han analizado la viabilidad de los canales encubiertos en una tecnología blockchain concreta llamada Bitcoin, ningún trabajo anterior ha explorado el uso de Ethereum para establecer un canal encubierto considerando todos los campos de transacción y contratos inteligentes. Con el objetivo de fomentar una mayor investigación orientada a la defensa, en esta tesis se presentan dos mecanismos novedosos. En primer lugar, Zephyrus aprovecha todos los campos de Ethereum y el bytecode de los contratos inteligentes. En segundo lugar, Smart-Zephyrus complementa Zephyrus aprovechando los contratos inteligentes escritos en Solidity. Se evalúa, también, la viabilidad y el coste de ambos mecanismos. Los resultados muestran que Zephyrus, en el mejor de los casos, puede ocultar 40 Kbits en 0,57 s. por 1,64 US$, y recuperarlos en 2,8 s. Smart-Zephyrus, por su parte, es capaz de ocultar un secreto de 4 Kb en 41 s. Si bien es cierto que es caro (alrededor de 1,82 dólares por bit), el sigilo proporcionado podría valer la pena para los atacantes. Además, estos dos mecanismos pueden combinarse para aumentar la capacidad y reducir los costesPrograma de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Manuel Estévez Tapiador.- Secretario: Jorge Blasco Alís.- Vocal: Luis Hernández Encina

    “And all the pieces matter...” Hybrid Testing Methods for Android App's Privacy Analysis

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    Smartphones have become inherent to the every day life of billions of people worldwide, and they are used to perform activities such as gaming, interacting with our peers or working. While extremely useful, smartphone apps also have drawbacks, as they can affect the security and privacy of users. Android devices hold a lot of personal data from users, including their social circles (e.g., contacts), usage patterns (e.g., app usage and visited websites) and their physical location. Like in most software products, Android apps often include third-party code (Software Development Kits or SDKs) to include functionality in the app without the need to develop it in-house. Android apps and third-party components embedded in them are often interested in accessing such data, as the online ecosystem is dominated by data-driven business models and revenue streams like advertising. The research community has developed many methods and techniques for analyzing the privacy and security risks of mobile apps, mostly relying on two techniques: static code analysis and dynamic runtime analysis. Static analysis analyzes the code and other resources of an app to detect potential app behaviors. While this makes static analysis easier to scale, it has other drawbacks such as missing app behaviors when developers obfuscate the app’s code to avoid scrutiny. Furthermore, since static analysis only shows potential app behavior, this needs to be confirmed as it can also report false positives due to dead or legacy code. Dynamic analysis analyzes the apps at runtime to provide actual evidence of their behavior. However, these techniques are harder to scale as they need to be run on an instrumented device to collect runtime data. Similarly, there is a need to stimulate the app, simulating real inputs to examine as many code-paths as possible. While there are some automatic techniques to generate synthetic inputs, they have been shown to be insufficient. In this thesis, we explore the benefits of combining static and dynamic analysis techniques to complement each other and reduce their limitations. While most previous work has often relied on using these techniques in isolation, we combine their strengths in different and novel ways that allow us to further study different privacy issues on the Android ecosystem. Namely, we demonstrate the potential of combining these complementary methods to study three inter-related issues: • A regulatory analysis of parental control apps. We use a novel methodology that relies on easy-to-scale static analysis techniques to pin-point potential privacy issues and violations of current legislation by Android apps and their embedded SDKs. We rely on the results from our static analysis to inform the way in which we manually exercise the apps, maximizing our ability to obtain real evidence of these misbehaviors. We study 46 publicly available apps and find instances of data collection and sharing without consent and insecure network transmissions containing personal data. We also see that these apps fail to properly disclose these practices in their privacy policy. • A security analysis of the unauthorized access to permission-protected data without user consent. We use a novel technique that combines the strengths of static and dynamic analysis, by first comparing the data sent by applications at runtime with the permissions granted to each app in order to find instances of potential unauthorized access to permission protected data. Once we have discovered the apps that are accessing personal data without permission, we statically analyze their code in order to discover covert- and side-channels used by apps and SDKs to circumvent the permission system. This methodology allows us to discover apps using the MAC address as a surrogate for location data, two SDKs using the external storage as a covert-channel to share unique identifiers and an app using picture metadata to gain unauthorized access to location data. • A novel SDK detection methodology that relies on obtaining signals observed both in the app’s code and static resources and during its runtime behavior. Then, we rely on a tree structure together with a confidence based system to accurately detect SDK presence without the need of any a priory knowledge and with the ability to discern whether a given SDK is part of legacy or dead code. We prove that this novel methodology can discover third-party SDKs with more accuracy than state-of-the-art tools both on a set of purpose-built ground-truth apps and on a dataset of 5k publicly available apps. With these three case studies, we are able to highlight the benefits of combining static and dynamic analysis techniques for the study of the privacy and security guarantees and risks of Android apps and third-party SDKs. The use of these techniques in isolation would not have allowed us to deeply investigate these privacy issues, as we would lack the ability to provide real evidence of potential breaches of legislation, to pin-point the specific way in which apps are leveraging cover and side channels to break Android’s permission system or we would be unable to adapt to an ever-changing ecosystem of Android third-party companies.The works presented in this thesis were partially funded within the framework of the following projects and grants: • European Union’s Horizon 2020 Innovation Action program (Grant Agreement No. 786741, SMOOTH Project and Grant Agreement No. 101021377, TRUST AWARE Project). • Spanish Government ODIO NºPID2019-111429RB-C21/PID2019-111429RBC22. • The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) • AppCensus Inc.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Srdjan Matic.- Secretario: Guillermo Suárez-Tangil.- Vocal: Ben Stoc

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? On Privacy in the Android Supply Chain

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    The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) was first released by Google in 2008 and has since become the most used operating system [Andaf]. Thanks to the openness of its source code, any smartphone vendor or original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can modify and adapt Android to their specific needs, or add proprietary features before installing it on their devices in order to add custom features to differentiate themselves from competitors. This has created a complex and diverse supply chain, completely opaque to end-users, formed by manufacturers, resellers, chipset manufacturers, network operators, and prominent actors of the online industry that partnered with OEMs. Each of these stakeholders can pre-install extra apps, or implement proprietary features at the framework level. However, such customizations can create privacy and security threats to end-users. Preinstalled apps are privileged by the operating system, and can therefore access system APIs or personal data more easily than apps installed by the user. Unfortunately, despite these potential threats, there is currently no end-to-end control over what apps come pre-installed on a device and why, and no traceability of the different software and hardware components used in a given Android device. In fact, the landscape of pre-installed software in Android and its security and privacy implications has largely remained unexplored by researchers. In this thesis, I investigate the customization of Android devices and their impact on the privacy and security of end-users. Specifically, I perform the first large-scale and systematic analysis of pre-installed Android apps and the supply chain. To do so, I first develop an app, Firmware Scanner [Sca], to crowdsource close to 34,000 Android firmware versions from 1,000 different OEMs from all over the world. This dataset allows us to map the stakeholders involved in the supply chain and their relationships, from device manufacturers and mobile network operators to third-party organizations like advertising and tracking services, and social network platforms. I could identify multiple cases of privacy-invasive and potentially harmful behaviors. My results show a disturbing lack of transparency and control over the Android supply chain, thus showing that it can be damageable privacy- and security-wise to end-users. Next, I study the evolution of the Android permission system, an essential security feature of the Android framework. Coupled with other protection mechanisms such as process sandboxing, the permission system empowers users to control what sensitive resources (e.g., user contacts, the camera, location sensors) are accessible to which apps. The research community has extensively studied the permission system, but most previous studies focus on its limitations or specific attacks. In this thesis, I present an up-to-date view and longitudinal analysis of the evolution of the permissions system. I study how some lesser-known features of the permission system, specifically permission flags, can impact the permission granting process, making it either more restrictive or less. I then highlight how pre-installed apps developers use said flags in the wild and focus on the privacy and security implications. Specifically, I show the presence of third-party apps, installed as privileged system apps, potentially using said features to share resources with other third-party apps. Another salient feature of the permission system is its extensibility: apps can define their own custom permissions to expose features and data to other apps. However, little is known about how widespread the usage of custom permissions is, and what impact these permissions may have on users’ privacy and security. In the last part of this thesis, I investigate the exposure and request of custom permissions in the Android ecosystem and their potential for opening privacy and security risks. I gather a 2.2-million-app-large dataset of both pre-installed and publicly available apps using both Firmware Scanner and purpose-built app store crawlers. I find the usage of custom permissions to be pervasive, regardless of the origin of the apps, and seemingly growing over time. Despite this prevalence, I find that custom permissions are virtually invisible to end-users, and their purpose is mostly undocumented. While Google recommends that developers use their reverse domain name as the prefix of their custom permissions [Gpla], I find widespread violations of this recommendation, making sound attribution at scale virtually impossible. Through static analysis methods, I demonstrate that custom permissions can facilitate access to permission-protected system resources to apps that lack those permissions, without user awareness. Due to the lack of tools for studying such risks, I design and implement two tools, PermissionTracer [Pere] and PermissionTainter [Perd] to study custom permissions. I highlight multiple cases of concerning use of custom permissions by Android apps in the wild. In this thesis, I systematically studied, at scale, the vast and overlooked ecosystem of preinstalled Android apps. My results show a complete lack of control of the supply chain which is worrying, given the huge potential impact of pre-installed apps on the privacy and security of end-users. I conclude with a number of open research questions and future avenues for further research in the ecosystem of the supply chain of Android devices.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Douglas Leith.- Secretario: Rubén Cuevas Rumín.- Vocal: Hamed Haddad

    Attacking and Defending Android Browsers

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    Android permission is a system of safeguards designed to restrict access to potentially sensitive data and privileged components. While third-party applications are restricted from accessing privileged resources without appropriate permissions, mobile browsers are treated by Android OS differently. Android mobile browsers are the privileged applications that have access to sensitive data based on the permissions implicitly granted to them. In this research, we present a novel attack approach that allows a zero-permission app to access sensitive data and privileged resources using mobile browsers as a proxy with the aid of toast overlay. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proxy attack on 8 mobile browsers across 12 Android devices ranging from Android 8.1 to Android 13. Our findings show that all current versions of Android mobile browsers are susceptible to this attack. Despite Android touch prevention mechanisms for external apps, internal apps and those sharing the same userID remain susceptible. Contrary to Android’s claims, devices continue to exhibit background toasts opening an opportunity window for these overlay attacks and posing a threat to browser apps and webview activities within the same app. We propose a detection approach that leverages a blend of static detection and activity behavior analysis. Our detection approach enhances Android device security by addressing overlay vulnerabilities and their potential impact on user privacy and data security. Overall, the findings of this study highlight the need for improved security measures in Android browsers to protect against privilege escalation and privacy leakag

    Efficiency and Sustainability of the Distributed Renewable Hybrid Power Systems Based on the Energy Internet, Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts-Volume II

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    The climate changes that are becoming visible today are a challenge for the global research community. In this context, renewable energy sources, fuel cell systems, and other energy generating sources must be optimally combined and connected to the grid system using advanced energy transaction methods. As this reprint presents the latest solutions in the implementation of fuel cell and renewable energy in mobile and stationary applications, such as hybrid and microgrid power systems based on the Energy Internet, Blockchain technology, and smart contracts, we hope that they will be of interest to readers working in the related fields mentioned above

    Validation of design artefacts for blockchain-enabled precision healthcare as a service.

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    Healthcare systems around the globe are currently experiencing a rapid wave of digital disruption. Current research in applying emerging technologies such as Big Data (BD), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Digital Twin (DT), Wearable Sensor (WS), Blockchain (BC) and Smart Contracts (SC) in contact tracing, tracking, drug discovery, care support and delivery, vaccine distribution, management, and delivery. These disruptive innovations have made it feasible for the healthcare industry to provide personalised digital health solutions and services to the people and ensure sustainability in healthcare. Precision Healthcare (PHC) is a new inclusion in digital healthcare that can support personalised needs. It focuses on supporting and providing precise healthcare delivery. Despite such potential, recent studies show that PHC is ineffectual due to the lower patient adoption in the system. Anecdotal evidence shows that people are refraining from adopting PHC due to distrust. This thesis presents a BC-enabled PHC ecosystem that addresses ongoing issues and challenges regarding low opt-in. The designed ecosystem also incorporates emerging information technologies that are potential to address the need for user-centricity, data privacy and security, accountability, transparency, interoperability, and scalability for a sustainable PHC ecosystem. The research adopts Soft System Methodology (SSM) to construct and validate the design artefact and sub-artefacts of the proposed PHC ecosystem that addresses the low opt-in problem. Following a comprehensive view of the scholarly literature, which resulted in a draft set of design principles and rules, eighteen design refinement interviews were conducted to develop the artefact and sub-artefacts for design specifications. The artefact and sub-artefacts were validated through a design validation workshop, where the designed ecosystem was presented to a Delphi panel of twenty-two health industry actors. The key research finding was that there is a need for data-driven, secure, transparent, scalable, individualised healthcare services to achieve sustainability in healthcare. It includes explainable AI, data standards for biosensor devices, affordable BC solutions for storage, privacy and security policy, interoperability, and usercentricity, which prompts further research and industry application. The proposed ecosystem is potentially effective in growing trust, influencing patients in active engagement with real-world implementation, and contributing to sustainability in healthcare