9 research outputs found

    Ingeniería de requerimientos orientado a objetivos en almacenes de datos: un estudio comparativo

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    Data warehouses provide historical information about the organization that needs to be analyzed by the decision makers; therefore, it is essential to develop them in the context of a strategic business plan. In recent years, a number of engineering approaches for goal-oriented requirements have been proposed, which can obtain the information requirements of a data warehouse using traditional techniques and the objectives of the modeling. This paper provides an overview and a comparative study of the treatment of the requirements in the existing approaches to serve as a starting point for further research.Los almacenes de datos proveen información histórica de la organización que requiere ser analizada por los tomadores de decisiones, por lo que es primordial desarrollarlos en el contexto del plan estratégicos del negocio. En los últimos años se han propuesto una serie de enfoques de ingeniería de requerimientos orientada a objetivos que permiten obtener los requisitos de información, a cubrir por el almacén de datos, mediante técnicas tradicionales y del modelado de objetivos. Este trabajo, ofrece una visión general y un estudio comparativo del tratamiento de los requisitos en los actuales enfoques con el fin de servir de punto de inicio a posteriores trabajos de investigación.This work was financed by the Universidad de La Frontera. DIU-FRO Project DI13-0047

    Adding semantic modules to improve goal-oriented analysis of data warehouses using I-star

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    The success rate of data warehouse (DW) development is improved by performing a requirements elicitation stage in which the users’ needs are modeled. Currently, among the different proposals for modeling requirements, there is a special focus on goal-oriented models, and in particular on the i* framework. In order to adapt this framework for DW development, we previously developed a UML profile for DWs. However, as the general i* framework, the proposal lacks modularity. This has a specially negative impact for DW development, since DW requirement models tend to include a huge number of elements with crossed relationships between them. In turn, the readability of the models is decreased, harming their utility and increasing the error rate and development time. In this paper, we propose an extension of our i* profile for DWs considering the modularization of goals. We provide a set of guidelines in order to correctly apply our proposal. Furthermore, we have performed an experiment in order to assess the validity our proposal. The benefits of our proposal are an increase in the modularity and scalability of the models which, in turn, increases the error correction capability, and makes complex models easier to understand by DW developers and non expert users.This work has been partially supported by the ProS-Req (TIN2010-19130-C02-01) and by the MESOLAP (TIN2010-14860) and SERENIDAD (PEII-11-0327-7035) projects from the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha respectively. Alejandro Maté is funded by the Generalitat Valenciana under an ACIF grant (ACIF/2010/298)

    A study of multidimensional modeling approaches for data warehouse

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    Data warehouse system is used to support the process of organizational decision making. Hence, the system must extract and integrate information from heterogeneous data sources in order to uncover relevant knowledge suitable for decision making process. However, the development of data warehouse is a difficult and complex process especially in its conceptual design (multidimensional modeling). Thus, there have been various approaches proposed to overcome the difficulty. This study surveys and compares the approaches of multidimensional modeling and highlights the issues, trend and solution proposed to date. The contribution is on the state of the art of the multidimensional modeling design

    Designing and assessing a course on prioritization and importance assessment in strategic non-routine requirements engineering processes

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    In this contribution, we present a course for making stakeholders in requirements engineering (RE) processes aware of the relevance of importance assessment (the thinking process that they go through while assessing requirement weights) and giving them some experience with specific aspects of the importance assessment process. We also analyze the experiences of the participants in five pilot sessions. In RE instruments, elicitation of requirement weights receives much attention. However, the processes that individual stakeholders go through while assessing weights are largely ignored or seen as a ‘black box’. In the course, participants gain experience with some common issues and pitfalls in assessing weights. Issues covered are: completeness and interdependence of requirements, causal relationships and the common denominator, handling ‘irrational’ requirements, and the meaning of ‘importance’ (priority). The course was given in various large organizations in the aerospace sector, and data on participants’ experiences were gathered by means of a standardized questionnaire. The extent to which the participants claimed they learned about the relevance of importance assessment and about how to perform it were, respectively, 2.89 and 2.72 on a scale from 1 to 5. The relevance of the various assignments was rated between 3.74 and 4.00 on a 1–5 scale. Our study indicates that the course, or elements of it, should be embedded in an organization’s work practices in order to achieve lasting effect


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    O empreendedor deve reunir informações para começar bem e ter um projeto sólido para seu negócio. Como resultado deste trabalho, pretende-se fornecer informações relevantes e de valor, agrupadas e consolidadas, com acesso de forma simples e ágil possibilitando a redução do grau de incerteza na abertura de novos negócios ou na condução de negócios existentes. A informação, por si só, não leva à decisão nem ao sucesso. A análise do conjunto de informações contribuirá para diminuir a incerteza ou influenciar decisões. Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia, implantada em um software, que integra dados primários de diversas fontes públicas e indicadores de desempenho de micro, pequenas e médias empresas, organizando as mesmas de maneira intuitiva por meio de gráficos e infográficos com objetivo de prover empresários e gestores com informações relevantes que auxiliem na abertura ou gestão de sua empresa. Sabe-se que as micro, pequenas e médias empresas possuem características que as diferem das grandes empresas, porém não se pode ignorar o papel que os sistemas de mensuração de desempenho possuem para todo e qualquer tipo de empresa. Neste processo, foi realizada pesquisa de campo por entrevista direta, que forneceu elementos que permitiram avaliar o grau de uso de indicadores de desempenho nas 35 micro, pequenas e médias empresas associadas à Associação das Empresas do Parque das Indústrias Leves de Londrina e decidir sobre a aceitação ou rejeição de um ambiente colaborativo para troca de indicadores de desempenho setorial. Foi possível concluir que as informações sobre gestão, mercado, clientes e concorrência são temas relevantes para as empresas pesquisadas, bem como identificar a relevância do acesso às informações referentes aos municípios brasileiros que estas empresas atuam. Segundo método aplicado, os resultados revelaram que entre as empresas pesquisadas, a média de grau de emprego é de 3,11 para indicadores financeiros e não financeiros, com maior ênfase no uso de indicadores referente a processos (3,40) seguidos dos indicadores financeiros (3,06). Observou-se que 50% das empresas entrevistadas têm uma perspectiva de crescimento e 43,75% de estabilidade para os próximos dois anos. Das empresas que tem a perspectiva de crescimento, 50% tem perspectiva de aumentar o faturamento e 28,6% de aumentar o número de clientes. Quanto à identificação de tecnologias que suportem e facilitem a colaboração dos indicadores de desempenho, que permitam definir meios de comparação destes indicadores e fornecer dados primários de forma estruturada, ficou evidenciada a positiva aplicação dos recursos propostos. Como resultado do uso deste ambiente é esperado que as empresas, por meio da colaboração e acesso a dados primários estruturados melhorem a sua qualidade de tomada de decisão, ganhem desempenho e competitividade e promovam o desenvolvimento regional