796 research outputs found

    A study on idiosyncratic handwriting with impact on writer identification

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    © 2018 IEEE. In this paper, we study handwriting idiosyncrasy in terms of its structural eccentricity. In this study, our approach is to find idiosyncratic handwritten text components and model the idiosyncrasy analysis task as a machine learning problem supervised by human cognition. We employ the Inception network for this purpose. The experiments are performed on two publicly available databases and an in-house database of Bengali offline handwritten samples. On these samples, subjective opinion scores of handwriting idiosyncrasy are collected from handwriting experts. We have analyzed the handwriting idiosyncrasy on this corpus which comprises the perceptive ground-truth opinion. We also investigate the effect of idiosyncratic text on writer identification by using the SqueezeNet. The performance of our system is promising

    Text-line-up: Don’t Worry About the Caret

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    In a freestyle handwritten text-line, sometimes words are inserted using a caret symbol (∧ ) for corrections/annotations. Such insertions create fluctuations in the reading sequence of words. In this paper, we aim to line-up the words of a text-line, so that it can assist the OCR engine. Previous text-line segmentation techniques in the literature have scarcely addressed this issue. Here, the task undertaken is formulated as a path planning problem, and a novel multi-agent hierarchical reinforcement learning-based architecture solution is proposed. As a matter of fact, no linguistic knowledge is used here. Experimentation of the proposed solution architecture has been conducted on English and Bengali offline handwriting, which yielded some interesting results

    Detecting Forgery: Forensic Investigation of Documents

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    Detecting Forgery reveals the complete arsenal of forensic techniques used to detect forged handwriting and alterations in documents and to identify the authorship of disputed writings. Joe Nickell looks at famous cases such as Clifford Irving\u27s autobiography of Howard Hughes and the Mormon papers of document dealer Mark Hoffman, as well as cases involving works of art. Detecting Forgery is a fascinating introduction to the growing field of forensic document examination and forgery detection. Seldom does a book about forgery come along containing depth of subject matter in addition to presenting clear and understandable information. This book has both, plus a readability that is accessible to those studying questioned documents as well as seasoned experts. -- Journal of Forensic Identification The author\u27s expertise in historical documents is unmistakably evident throughout the book. Once I began reading, I found it hard to put down. -- Journal of Questioned Document Examination Guides the reader through various methods and techniques of identifying fakes and phone manuscripts. -- Manchester (KY) Enterprisehttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_legal_studies/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Wilfully and With Intent: Self-Inflicted Wounds and the Negotiation of Power in the Trenches

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    When Canadian soldiers went to war in 1914, they could not have anticipated the horrors that awaited them on the battlefields of France and Belgium. Many coped through drink, song, and friendship; others were unable to take the constant strain. In the panic of battle, some men turned and ran, deserting their units at the front. Others never returned from the hospital or from leave. Many tried to “stick it out”, breaking down with shell shock or neurasthenia. A less studied group both in Canada and the international literature are those who chose to intentionally injure themselves to escape life at the front. This paper uses official military records, medical files, hospital records, and personal letters and diaries from Canadian and British archives to examine self-inflicted wounds in the Canadian Expeditionary Force. It argues that self-mutilation was an aspect of the larger struggle for power in the trenches between officers and men—an act of defiance that posed a direct challenge to the exclusivity of military authority. It argues that while the number of Canadian soldiers who maimed themselves was small, they posed a significant problem for those who purported to hold a monopoly on power at the front.À leur dĂ©part Ă  la guerre en 1914, les soldats canadiens n’auraient pas pu imaginer les horreurs auxquelles ils allaient ĂȘtre confrontĂ©s sur les champs de bataille de France et de Belgique. Nombre d’entre eux ont tenu le coup en buvant, en chantant, en nouant des liens d’amitiĂ©; d’autres n’ont pas pu supporter la tension constante. Dans le feu de l’action, certains hommes se sont enfuis, abandonnant leur unitĂ© au front. Certains ne sont jamais revenus de l’hĂŽpital ou de congĂ©. Plusieurs ont essayĂ© de tenir le coup, mais ont succombĂ© Ă  la nĂ©vrose des tranchĂ©es ou Ă  la neurasthĂ©nie. Un autre groupe, peu frĂ©quemment Ă©tudiĂ©tant au Canada que dans l’historiographie internationale, est celui des soldats qui ont choisi de se blesser intentionnellement afin d’échapper au front. Le prĂ©sent article s’appuie sur des archives militaires officielles, des dossiers mĂ©dicaux, des dossiers d’hĂŽpitaux, diverses lettres personnelles et des journaux intimes provenant de fonds canadiens et britanniques en vue d’étudier la question des blessures volontaires dans le Corps expĂ©ditionnaire canadien. Il fait valoir que l’automutilation s’avĂšre un aspect de la lutte de pouvoir dans les tranchĂ©es entre officiers et soldats, et un acte de bravade qui constituait un dĂ©fi direct Ă  l’autoritĂ© militaire. Si le nombre de soldats canadiens qui se sont blessĂ©s eux-mĂȘmes est peu Ă©levĂ©, leur existence reprĂ©sente tout de mĂȘme un problĂšme de taille aux yeux des hommes qui prĂ©tendent dĂ©tenir le monopole du pouvoir au front

    Drawing, Handwriting Processing Analysis: New Advances and Challenges

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    International audienceDrawing and handwriting are communicational skills that are fundamental in geopolitical, ideological and technological evolutions of all time. drawingand handwriting are still useful in defining innovative applications in numerous fields. In this regard, researchers have to solve new problems like those related to the manner in which drawing and handwriting become an efficient way to command various connected objects; or to validate graphomotor skills as evident and objective sources of data useful in the study of human beings, their capabilities and their limits from birth to decline

    Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics

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    This paper proposes a method to enhance video object detection for indoor environments in robotics. Concretely, it exploits knowledge about the camera motion between frames to propagate previously detected objects to successive frames. The proposal is rooted in the concepts of planar homography to propose regions of interest where to find objects, and recursive Bayesian filtering to integrate observations over time. The proposal is evaluated on six virtual, indoor environments, accounting for the detection of nine object classes over a total of ∌ 7k frames. Results show that our proposal improves the recall and the F1-score by a factor of 1.41 and 1.27, respectively, as well as it achieves a significant reduction of the object categorization entropy (58.8%) when compared to a two-stage video object detection method used as baseline, at the cost of small time overheads (120 ms) and precision loss (0.92).</p
