4,072 research outputs found

    Automating Large-Scale Simulation Calibration to Real-World Sensor Data

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    Many key decisions and design policies are made using sophisticated computer simulations. However, these sophisticated computer simulations have several major problems. The two main issues are 1) gaps between the simulation model and the actual structure, and 2) limitations of the modeling engine\u27s capabilities. This dissertation\u27s goal is to address these simulation deficiencies by presenting a general automated process for tuning simulation inputs such that simulation output matches real world measured data. The automated process involves the following key components -- 1) Identify a model that accurately estimates the real world simulation calibration target from measured sensor data; 2) Identify the key real world measurements that best estimate the simulation calibration target; 3) Construct a mapping from the most useful real world measurements to actual simulation outputs; 4) Build fast and effective simulation approximation models that predict simulation output using simulation input; 5) Build a relational model that captures inter variable dependencies between simulation inputs and outputs; and finally 6) Use the relational model to estimate the simulation input variables from the mapped sensor data, and use either the simulation model or approximate simulation model to fine tune input simulation parameter estimates towards the calibration system. The work in this dissertation individually validates and completes five out of the six calibration components with respect to the residential energy domain. Step 1 is satisfied by identifying the best model for predicting next hour residential electrical consumption, the calibration target. Step 2 is completed by identifying the most important sensors for predicting residential electrical consumption, the real world measurements. While step 3 is completed by domain experts, step 4 is addressed by using techniques from the Big Data machine learning domain to build approximations for the EnergyPlus (E+) simulator. Step 5\u27s solution leverages the same Big Data machine learning techniques to build a relational model that describes how the simulator\u27s variables are probabilistically related. Finally, step 6 is partially demonstrated by using the relational model to estimate simulation parameters for E+ simulations with known ground truth simulation inputs

    The Markov network fitness model

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    Fitness modelling is an area of research which has recently received much interest among the evolutionary computing community. Fitness models can improve the efficiency of optimisation through direct sampling to generate new solutions, guiding of traditional genetic operators or as surrogates for a noisy or long-running fitness functions. In this chapter we discuss the application of Markov networks to fitness modelling of black-box functions within evolutionary computation, accompanied by discussion on the relationship betweenMarkov networks andWalsh analysis of fitness functions.We review alternative fitness modelling and approximation techniques and draw comparisons with the Markov network approach. We discuss the applicability of Markov networks as fitness surrogates which may be used for constructing guided operators or more general hybrid algorithms.We conclude with some observations and issues which arise from work conducted in this area so far

    Towards explainable metaheuristics: feature extraction from trajectory mining.

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    Explaining the decisions made by population-based metaheuristics can often be considered difficult due to the stochastic nature of the mechanisms employed by these optimisation methods. As industries continue to adopt these methods in areas that increasingly require end-user input and confirmation, the need to explain the internal decisions being made has grown. In this article, we present our approach to the extraction of explanation supporting features using trajectory mining. This is achieved through the application of principal components analysis techniques to identify new methods of tracking population diversity changes post-runtime. The algorithm search trajectories were generated by solving a set of benchmark problems with a genetic algorithm and a univariate estimation of distribution algorithm and retaining all visited candidate solutions which were then projected to a lower dimensional sub-space. We also varied the selection pressure placed on high fitness solutions by altering the selection operators. Our results show that metrics derived from the projected sub-space algorithm search trajectories are capable of capturing key learning steps and how solution variable patterns that explain the fitness function may be captured in the principal component coefficients. A comparative study of variable importance rankings derived from a surrogate model built on the same dataset was also performed. The results show that both approaches are capable of identifying key features regarding variable interactions and their influence on fitness in a complimentary fashion

    Universal Convexification via Risk-Aversion

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    We develop a framework for convexifying a fairly general class of optimization problems. Under additional assumptions, we analyze the suboptimality of the solution to the convexified problem relative to the original nonconvex problem and prove additive approximation guarantees. We then develop algorithms based on stochastic gradient methods to solve the resulting optimization problems and show bounds on convergence rates. %We show a simple application of this framework to supervised learning, where one can perform integration explicitly and can use standard (non-stochastic) optimization algorithms with better convergence guarantees. We then extend this framework to apply to a general class of discrete-time dynamical systems. In this context, our convexification approach falls under the well-studied paradigm of risk-sensitive Markov Decision Processes. We derive the first known model-based and model-free policy gradient optimization algorithms with guaranteed convergence to the optimal solution. Finally, we present numerical results validating our formulation in different applications

    Evolutionary model type selection for global surrogate modeling

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    Due to the scale and computational complexity of currently used simulation codes, global surrogate (metamodels) models have become indispensable tools for exploring and understanding the design space. Due to their compact formulation they are cheap to evaluate and thus readily facilitate visualization, design space exploration, rapid prototyping, and sensitivity analysis. They can also be used as accurate building blocks in design packages or larger simulation environments. Consequently, there is great interest in techniques that facilitate the construction of such approximation models while minimizing the computational cost and maximizing model accuracy. Many surrogate model types exist ( Support Vector Machines, Kriging, Neural Networks, etc.) but no type is optimal in all circumstances. Nor is there any hard theory available that can help make this choice. In this paper we present an automatic approach to the model type selection problem. We describe an adaptive global surrogate modeling environment with adaptive sampling, driven by speciated evolution. Different model types are evolved cooperatively using a Genetic Algorithm ( heterogeneous evolution) and compete to approximate the iteratively selected data. In this way the optimal model type and complexity for a given data set or simulation code can be dynamically determined. Its utility and performance is demonstrated on a number of problems where it outperforms traditional sequential execution of each model type

    Optimizing the cloud data center availability empowered by surrogate models

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    Making data centers highly available remains a challenge that must be considered since the design phase. The problem is selecting the right strategies and components for achieving this goal given a limited investment. Furthermore, data center designers currently lack reliable specialized tools to accomplish this task. In this paper, we disclose a formal method that chooses the components and strategies that optimize the availability of a data center while considering a given budget as a constraint. For that, we make use of stochastic models to represent a cloud data center infrastructure based on the TIA-942 standard. In order to improve the computational cost incurred to solve this optimization problem, we employ surrogate models to handle the complexity of the stochastic models. In this work, we use a Gaussian process to produce a surrogate model for a cloud data center infrastructure and we use three derivative-free optimization algorithms to explore the search space and to find optimal solutions. From the results, we observe that the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm outperforms the other tested algorithms, since it achieves higher availability with a fair usage of the budget

    Mining Markov Network Surrogates for Value-Added Optimisation

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    Surrogate fitness functions are a popular technique for speeding up metaheuristics, replacing calls to a costly fitness function with calls to a cheap model. However, surrogates also represent an explicit model of the fitness function, which can be exploited beyond approximating the fitness of solutions. This paper proposes that mining surrogate fitness models can yield useful additional information on the problem to the decision maker, adding value to the optimisation process. An existing fitness model based on Markov networks is presented and applied to the optimisation of glazing on a building facade. Analysis of the model reveals how its parameters point towards the global optima of the problem after only part of the optimisation run, and reveals useful properties like the relative sensitivities of the problem variables