401 research outputs found

    SaPPART White paper. Better use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems for safer and greener transport

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    Transport and mobility services are crucial to the society that faces important challenges. Up to date, transport facilities and services have been fundamental to economic growth. However, there have significant and unacceptable negative impacts on the environment including pollution, noise and climate change. Therefore, it is paramount that the efficiency of the transport system is improved significantly including lower consumption of energy. A way of achieving this is through the concept of smart transport that exploits Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) technology. ITS are built on three technology pillars: information, communication and positioning technologies. Of the three technologies, positioning could be argued to be the least familiar amongst transport stakeholders. However, a quick investigation reveals that there are a wide variety of transport and related services often associated with communication technologies that are supported by positioning. Currently, the positioning is provided in the majority of the cases by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), among which the Global Positioning System (GPS) is the pioneer and still the most widely used system. The other current fully operational stand-alone system is Russia’s GLONASS. As these operational systems were not originally and specifically designed for transport applications, the actual capabilities and limitations of the current GNSS are not fully understood by many stakeholders. Therefore, better knowledge of these limitations and their resolution should enable a much more rapid deployment of ITS. This white paper is produced by the members of the COST Action SaPPART with two principal aims. The first is to explain the principles, state-of-the-art performance of GNSS technology and added value in the field of transport. The second aim is to deliver key messages to the stakeholders to facilitate the deployment of GNSS technology and thus contribute to the development of smarter and greener transport systems. The first chapter highlights the important role of positioning in today transport systems and the added value of accurate and reliable positioning for critical systems. The second chapter is about positioning technologies for transport: GNSS and their different aiding and augmentation methods are described, but the other complementary technologies are also introduced. The third and last chapter is about the management of performances inside a positioning-based intelligent transport system, between the positioning system itself and the application-specific part of the system which processes the raw position for delivering its service

    The SaPPART COST Action: Towards Positioning Integrity for Road Transport

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is becoming one of the main components supporting Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and value-added services in road transport and personal mobility. The use of GNSS is expected to grow significantly due to improvements in positioning performance, with positive impacts such as: finding the optimal route; improving traffic and travel efficiency as well as safety and security; reducing congestion and optimizing fuel consumption. The deployment of mission critical applications needs high reliability in the positioning information. However, the positioning reliability is not easy to achieve because of the heterogeneous quality of the GNSS signal, which is highly influenced by the road environment and the operational scenario of the application. It is important to understand the requirements and performance GNSS can achieve for various road transport applications. This paper is presenting the SaPPART COST Action on the Satellite Positioning Performance Assessment for Road Transport. It introduces the goal and the framework of the Action with the research programme and some related activities dedicated to dissemination and supporting standardisation working groups

    COST TU1302- SaPPART Handbook: Assessment of positioning performance in ITS applications

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    This handbook is the second deliverable of SaPPART COST Action, dedicated to performance issues, when positioning performance is essential to the fulfilment of the requirements of the whole ITS system. It starts by illustrating the non-straightforward nature of the role of positioning information in some emblematic applications and introduces a simulation method sensitivity analysis, as a tool to make the right choice of positioning terminal for a given application. Then, the Handbook discusses the error sources at the terminal level and introduces a model of the horizontal position error in an urban environment. In the final part, this error model and the sensitivity analysis are applied to two examples of ITS systems, namely Road User Charging and eCall, in order to illustrate how sensitive these systems are to the positioning performance

    Performance of a New Enhanced Topological Decision-Rule Map-Matching Algorithm for Transportation Applications

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloMap-matching problems arise in numerous transportation-related applications when spatial data is collected using inaccurate GPS technology and integrated with a flawed digital roadway map in a GIS environment. This paper presents a new enhanced post-processing topological decision-rule map-matching algorithm in order to address relevant special cases that occur in the spatial mismatch resolution. The proposed map-matching algorithm includes simple algorithmic improvements: dynamic buffer that varies its size to snap GPS data points to at least one roadway centerline; a comparison between vehicle heading measurements and associated roadway centerline direction; and a new design of the sequence of steps in the algorithm architecture. The original and new versions of the algorithm were tested on different spatial data qualities collected in Canada and United States. Although both versions satisfactorily resolve complex spatial ambiguities, the comparative and statistical analysis indicates that the new algorithm with the simple algorithmic improvements outperformed the original version of the map-matching algorithm.El problema de la ambigüedad espacial ocurre en varias aplicaciones relacionadas con transporte, específicamente cuando existe inexactitud en los datos espaciales capturados con tecnología GPS o cuando son integrados con un mapa digital que posee errores en un ambiente SIG. Este artículo presenta un algoritmo nuevo y mejorado basado en reglas de decisión que es capaz de resolver casos especiales relevantes en modo post-proceso. El algoritmo propuesto incluye las siguientes mejoras algorítmicas: un área de búsqueda dinámica que varía su tamaño para asociar puntos GPS a al menos un eje de calzada, una comparación entre el rumbo del vehículo y la dirección del eje de calzada asignada, y un nuevo diseño de la secuencia de pasos del algoritmo. Tanto el algoritmo original como el propuesto fueron examinados con datos espaciales de diferentes calidades capturados en Canadá y Estados Unidos. Aunque ambas versiones resuelven satisfactoriamente el problema de ambigüedad espacial, el análisis comparativo y estadístico indica que la nueva versión del algoritmo con las mejoras algorítmicas entrega resultados superiores a la versión original del algoritmo.http://ref.scielo.org/9mt55

    Navigation Recommender:Real-Time iGNSS QoS Prediction for Navigation Services

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), especially Global Positioning System (GPS), have become commonplace in mobile devices and are the most preferred geo-positioning sensors for many location-based applications. Besides GPS, other GNSSs under development or deployment are GLONASS, Galileo, and Compass. These four GNSSs are planned to be integrated in the near future. It is anticipated that integrated GNSSs (iGNSSs) will improve the overall satellite-based geo-positioning performance. However, one major shortcoming of any GNSS and iGNSSs is Quality of Service (QoS) degradation due to signal blockage and attenuation by the surrounding environments, particularly in obstructed areas. GNSS QoS uncertainty is the root cause of positioning ambiguity, poor localization performance, application freeze, and incorrect guidance in navigation applications. In this research, a methodology, called iGNSS QoS prediction, that can provide GNSS QoS on desired and prospective routes is developed. Six iGNSS QoS parameters suitable for navigation are defined: visibility, availability, accuracy, continuity, reliability, and flexibility. The iGNSS QoS prediction methodology, which includes a set of algorithms, encompasses four modules: segment sampling, point-based iGNSS QoS prediction, tracking-based iGNSS QoS prediction, and iGNSS QoS segmentation. Given that iGNSS QoS prediction is data- and compute-intensive and navigation applications require real-time solutions, an efficient satellite selection algorithm is developed and distributed computing platforms, mainly grids and clouds, for achieving real-time performance are explored. The proposed methodology is unique in several respects: it specifically addresses the iGNSS positioning requirements of navigation systems/services; it provides a new means for route choices and routing in navigation systems/services; it is suitable for different modes of travel such as driving and walking; it takes high-resolution 3D data into account for GNSS positioning; and it is based on efficient algorithms and can utilize high-performance and scalable computing platforms such as grids and clouds to provide real-time solutions. A number of experiments were conducted to evaluate the developed methodology and the algorithms using real field test data (GPS coordinates). The experimental results show that the methodology can predict iGNSS QoS in various areas, especially in problematic areas