349 research outputs found

    Joint optimization of process improvement investments for supplier-buyer cooperative commerce

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    This research focuses on supporting the formation of strategic alliances through the concept of cooperative commerce, where suppliers and buyers work together to jointly optimize their businesses. The general goal of this research is to examine existing cooperative commerce models for obstacles that would hinder their successful implementation into modern industrial applications and to address those shortcomings. Total annual cost equations are formulated to capture the joint total relevant cost of cooperative commerce business relationships. These total joint relevant cost models will include terms that capture the ordering cost, holding cost, and cost of quality, as well as any applicable investment cost for process improvements, consistent with traditional economic order quantity and economic production quantity theory. This research corrects a modeling error of Affisco, et al. (2002) that led to underestimating the effectiveness of process improvements in joint economic lot size models. In addition, the models are expanded to accommodate a full range of product quality inspection policies, from zero to one hundred percent product inspections. Furthermore, the models are modified to account for the cost of scrap generation, as well as the effects of accepting non-conforming product and rejecting conforming product during quality inspections. Once the total cost models are expanded to account for these neglected costs, the joint total relevant cost equations are minimized to find the optimal batch sizes, and the effects of each model extension on the model solution are studied. Results indicate that these extensions do have a significant impact on the model results, such as reduced optimal batch sizes and increased optimal fraction conforming product

    Sustainable Inventory Management Model for High-Volume Material with Limited Storage Space under Stochastic Demand and Supply

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    Inventory management and control has become an important management function, which is vital in ensuring the efficiency and profitability of a company’s operations. Hence, several research studies attempted to develop models to be used to minimise the quantities of excess inventory, in order to reduce their associated costs without compromising both operational efficiency and customers’ needs. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model is one of the most used of these models; however, this model has a number of limiting assumptions, which led to the development of a number of extensions for this model to increase its applicability to the modern-day business environment. Therefore, in this research study, a sustainable inventory management model is developed based on the EOQ concept to optimise the ordering and storage of large-volume inventory, which deteriorates over time, with limited storage space, such as steel, under stochastic demand, supply and backorders. Two control systems were developed and tested in this research study in order to select the most robust system: an open-loop system, based on direct control through which five different time series for each stochastic variable were generated, before an attempt to optimise the average profit was conducted; and a closed-loop system, which uses a neural network, depicting the different business and economic conditions associated with the steel manufacturing industry, to generate the optimal control parameters for each week across the entire planning horizon. A sensitivity analysis proved that the closed-loop neural network control system was more accurate in depicting real-life business conditions, and more robust in optimising the inventory management process for a large-volume, deteriorating item. Moreover, due to its advantages over other techniques, a meta-heuristic Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm was used to solve this model. This model is implemented throughout the research in the case of a steel manufacturing factory under different operational and extreme economic scenarios. As a result of the case study, the developed model proved its robustness and accuracy in managing the inventory of such a unique industry

    Quantitative Models for Centralised Supply Chain Coordination

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    Modelling and Determining Inventory Decisions for Improved Sustainability in Perishable Food Supply Chains

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    Since the introduction of sustainable development, industries have witnessed significant sustainability challenges. Literature shows that the food industry is concerned about its need for efficient and effective management practices in dealing with perishability and the requirements for conditioned storage and transport of food products that effect the environment. Hence, the environmental part of sustainability demonstrates its significance in this industrial sector. Despite this, there has been little research into environmentally sustainable inventory management of deteriorating items. This thesis presents mathematical modelling based research for production inventory systems in perishable food supply chains. In this study, multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming models are developed to determine economically and environmentally optimal production and inventory decisions for a two-echelon supply chain. The supply chain consists of single sourcing suppliers for raw materials and a producer who operates under a make-to-stock or make-to-order strategy. The demand facing the producer is non-stationary stochastic in nature and has requirements in terms of service level and the remaining shelf life of the marketed products. Using data from the literature, numerical examples are given in order to test and analyse these models. The computational experiments show that operational adjustments in cases where emission and cost parameters were not strongly correlated with supply chain collaboration (where suppliers and a producer operate under centralised control), emissions are effectively reduced without a significant increase in cost. The findings show that assigning a high disposal cost, limit or high weight of importance to perished goods leads to appropriate reduction of expected waste in the supply chain with no major cost increase. The research has made contributions to the literature on sustainable production and inventory management; providing formal models that can be used as an aid to understanding and as a tool for planning and improving sustainable production and inventory control in supply chains involving deteriorating items, in particular with perishable food supply chains.the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Royal Thai Government

    Demand Prediction and Inventory Management of Surgical Supplies

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    Effective supply chain management is critical to operations in various industries, including healthcare. Demand prediction and inventory management are essential parts of healthcare supply chain management for ensuring optimal patient outcomes, controlling costs, and minimizing waste. The advances in data analytics and technology have enabled many sophisticated approaches to demand forecasting and inventory control. This study aims to leverage these advancements to accurately predict demand and manage the inventory of surgical supplies to reduce costs and provide better services to patients. In order to achieve this objective, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model is developed to predict the demand for commonly used surgical supplies. Moreover, the volume of scheduled surgeries influences the demand for certain surgical supplies. Hence, another LSTM model is adopted from the literature to forecast surgical case volumes and predict the procedure-specific surgical supplies. A few new features are incorporated into the adopted model to account for the variations in the surgical case volumes caused by COVID-19 in 2020. This study then develops a multi-item capacitated dynamic lot-sizing replenishment model using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). However, forecasting is always considered inaccurate, and demand is hardly deterministic in the real world. Therefore, a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming (TSSP) model is developed to address these issues. Experimental results demonstrate that the TSSP model provides an additional benefit of $2,328.304 over the MIP model

    Demand Prediction and Inventory Management of Surgical Supplies

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    Effective supply chain management is critical to operations in various industries, including healthcare. Demand prediction and inventory management are essential parts of healthcare supply chain management for ensuring optimal patient outcomes, controlling costs, and minimizing waste. The advances in data analytics and technology have enabled many sophisticated approaches to demand forecasting and inventory control. This study aims to leverage these advancements to accurately predict demand and manage the inventory of surgical supplies to reduce costs and provide better services to patients. In order to achieve this objective, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model is developed to predict the demand for commonly used surgical supplies. Moreover, the volume of scheduled surgeries influences the demand for certain surgical supplies. Hence, another LSTM model is adopted from the literature to forecast surgical case volumes and predict the procedure-specific surgical supplies. A few new features are incorporated into the adopted model to account for the variations in the surgical case volumes caused by COVID-19 in 2020. This study then develops a multi-item capacitated dynamic lot-sizing replenishment model using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). However, forecasting is always considered inaccurate, and demand is hardly deterministic in the real world. Therefore, a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming (TSSP) model is developed to address these issues. Experimental results demonstrate that the TSSP model provides an additional benefit of $2,328.304 over the MIP model

    Developments in manufacturing technology and economic evaluation models

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    "May 1989"--t.p. "April 1989"--3rd prelim. page. "Prepared for Logistics of production and inventory"--3rd prelim. page.Includes bibliographical references.by Charles H. Fine

    An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Heuristic for the Inventory Routing Problem with Time Windows

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    This research addresses an integrated distribution and inventory control problem which is faced by a large retail chain in the United States. In their current distribution network, a direct shipping policy is used to keep stores stocked with products. The shipping policy specifies that a dedicated trailer should be sent from the warehouse to a store when the trailer is full or after five business days, whichever comes first. Stores can only receive deliveries during a window of time (6 am to 6 pm). The retail chain is seeking more efficient alternatives to this policy, as measured by total transportation, inventory holding and lost sales costs. More specifically, the goal of this research is to determine the optimal timing and magnitudes of deliveries to stores across a planning horizon. While dedicated shipments to stores will be allowed under the optimal policy, options that combine deliveries for multiple stores into a single route should also be considered. This problem is modeled as an Inventory Routing Problem with time window constraints. Due to the complexity and size of this NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, an adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic is developed to obtain solutions. Results are provided for a realistic set of test instances

    Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Inventory Management - Essays in Experimental Economics

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    This thesis consists of six chapters to experimentally study aspects of how levels of individuals’ cognitive stress, cognitive ability and self-regulatory resource affect their decision making under the Economics Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management environment. In Chapter 3 we use laboratory experiments to evaluate the effects of cognitive stress on inventory management decisions in a finite horizon economic order quantity model. We manipulate two sources of cognitive stress. First, we vary participants’ participation in a pin memorisation task. This exogenously increases cognitive load. Second, we introduce an intervention to reduce cognitive stress by only allowing participants to order when inventory is depleted. This intervention restricts the policy choice set. Increases in cognitive load negatively impact earnings with and without the intervention, with these impacts occurring in the first year. Participants’ in all treatments tend to adopt near optimal policies. However, only in the intervention and low cognitive load treatment do the majority of choices reach the optimal policy. Our results suggest that higher levels of multitasking lead to lower initial performance when taking on new product lines, and that the benefits of providing support and task simplicity are greatest when the task is first assigned. In Chapter 4 we use laboratory experiments to evaluate the effects of individuals’ cognitive abilities on their behaviour in a finite horizon economic order quantity model. Participants’ abilities to balance intuitive judgement with cognitive deliberations are measured by the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT). Participants then complete a sequence of five “annual” inventory management tasks with monthly ordering decisions. Our results show that participants with higher CRT scores on average earn greater profit and choose more effective inventory management policies. However these gaps are transitory as participants with lower CRT scores exhibit faster learning. We also find a significant gender effect on CRT scores. This suggests hiring practices incorporating CRT type of instruments can lead to an unjustified bias. In Chapter 5 we use laboratory experiments to evaluate the effects of individuals’ ability to self- regulate on inventory management decisions in a finite horizon economic order quantity model. An ego depletion task is implemented aiming to diminish one’s self-regulatory resources. From a psychological point of view, self-control is impaired when the mental resource has been used up over effortful control of responses. In our experiment, participants complete an ego depletion task followed by a sequence of five “annual” inventory management tasks with monthly ordering decisions. Our results show there is no obvious treatment effect on participants’ self-regulation ability

    A fuzzy periodic review integrated inventory model involving stochastic demand, imperfect production process and inspection errors

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    In this study, we investigate an integrated production-inventory system consisting of a single-vendor and single-buyer. The buyer manages its inventory level periodically at a certain period of time. We consider a fuzzy annual demand, imperfect production, inspection errors, partial backordering, and adjustable production rate in the proposed model. Additionally, it is assumed that the protection interval demand follows a normal distribution. The model contributes to the current literature by allowing the inclusion of fuzzy annual demand, adjustable production rate and imperfect production and inspection processes. Our objective is to optimize the number of deliveries from vendor to buyer, the buyer’s review period, and the vendor’s production rate, so that the joint expected total annual cost incurred has the minimum value. Furthermore, an iterative procedure is proposed to find the optimal solutions of the model. We also provide a numerical example and conduct a simple sensitivity analysis to illustrate the model’s behaviour and feasibility. The results from the sensitivity analysis show that the defective rate, type I inspection error, fuzzy annual demand, fixed production cost, variable production cost and setup cost give impacts to both the review period and production rate. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed model can be applied by managers or practitiones for managing inventories across the supply chain involving a vendor and a buyer
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