4,124 research outputs found

    Domino: exploring mobile collaborative software adaptation

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    Social Proximity Applications (SPAs) are a promising new area for ubicomp software that exploits the everyday changes in the proximity of mobile users. While a number of applications facilitate simple file sharing between co–present users, this paper explores opportunities for recommending and sharing software between users. We describe an architecture that allows the recommendation of new system components from systems with similar histories of use. Software components and usage histories are exchanged between mobile users who are in proximity with each other. We apply this architecture in a mobile strategy game in which players adapt and upgrade their game using components from other players, progressing through the game through sharing tools and history. More broadly, we discuss the general application of this technique as well as the security and privacy challenges to such an approach

    Features for Killer Apps from a Semantic Web Perspective

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    There are certain features that that distinguish killer apps from other ordinary applications. This chapter examines those features in the context of the semantic web, in the hope that a better understanding of the characteristics of killer apps might encourage their consideration when developing semantic web applications. Killer apps are highly tranformative technologies that create new e-commerce venues and widespread patterns of behaviour. Information technology, generally, and the Web, in particular, have benefited from killer apps to create new networks of users and increase its value. The semantic web community on the other hand is still awaiting a killer app that proves the superiority of its technologies. The authors hope that this chapter will help to highlight some of the common ingredients of killer apps in e-commerce, and discuss how such applications might emerge in the semantic web

    Technology, autonomy, and manipulation

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    Since 2016, when the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal began to emerge, public concern has grown around the threat of “online manipulation”. While these worries are familiar to privacy researchers, this paper aims to make them more salient to policymakers — first, by defining “online manipulation”, thus enabling identification of manipulative practices; and second, by drawing attention to the specific harms online manipulation threatens. We argue that online manipulation is the use of information technology to covertly influence another person’s decision-making, by targeting and exploiting their decision-making vulnerabilities. Engaging in such practices can harm individuals by diminishing their economic interests, but its deeper, more insidious harm is its challenge to individual autonomy. We explore this autonomy harm, emphasising its implications for both individuals and society, and we briefly outline some strategies for combating online manipulation and strengthening autonomy in an increasingly digital world

    Integrative advertising : the marketing 'dark side' or merely the emperor's new clothes?

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    This paper assesses the move towards more 'integrative advertising' methods which rely on the mixing of commercial and non-commercial content, and the suitability of the current EU legislative framework to deal with such developments. In essence, the paper examines the 'identification' and 'transparency' principles in the context of online advertising. This analysis allows for the drawing of conclusions vis-Ă -vis future policy initiatives and enforcement challenges. The paper states that for true advertising literacy mere identification of commercial communications is insufficient and that efforts need to be made in order to educate consumers (especially children) to allow for the continuing relevance and reliance on the notion of the average consumer

    Algorithmic Price Discrimination and Consumer Protection. A Digital Arms Race?

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    none4siOnline market players are gradually gaining the capacity to adapt prices dynamically based on knowledge generated through vast amounts of data, so that, theoretically, every individual consumer can be charged the maximum price he or she is willing to pay. This has downsides for markets and society. European Union law insufficiently addresses these issues. Consumer-empowering technologies may help counter algortihmic price discruimination. We advocate for regulation to make the arms race between conumers and sellers more balanced by strengthening the digital tools available to consumer protection actors and to limit the battlefield by clarifying and refining the applica- ble rules and defining clearer categories of impermissible behaviours.openMateusz Grochowski; Agnieszka JabƂonowska; Francesca Lagioia; Giovanni SartorMateusz Grochowski; Agnieszka JabƂonowska; Francesca Lagioia; Giovanni Sarto

    O contexto da investigação em inteligĂȘncia artificial e gamificação para melhorar o envolvimento e a assiduidade dos estudantes no ensino superior

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    A significant concern that is widely discussed in the field of Higher Education is declining student participation. In several institutions, attendance is optional, allowing students to attend lectures at their convenience. This study proposes the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Gamification to improve student engagement and attendance rates. The initiative combines advanced technological strategies with conventional educational methodologies to enhance the lecture experience. The initiative is significant as formal lectures often witness dwindling student interest and frequent absenteeism, undermining the educational process and student's future career prospects. This combination has the potential to revolutionise Higher Education by providing a more interactive and engaging learning experience. While gamification has positively impacted learning in various contexts, integration with Artificial Intelligence is a game-changer, paving the way for a modernised educational experience. This innovative exploration of the AI-gamification blend sets the stage for future research and the implementation of updated academic strategies, ultimately addressing student engagement and attendance. This position paper presents the bases and foundations for understanding the problem of student attendance and engagement and the role of AI and gamification in Higher Education in alleviating it.Uma inquietação relevante e extensamente discutida no domĂ­nio do Ensino Superior Ă© a diminuição da participação dos estudantes. Em diversas instituiçÔes, a assiduidade Ă© facultativa, permitindo aos estudantes a frequĂȘncia Ă s aulas segundo a sua disponibilidade. Este estudo propĂ”e a integração da InteligĂȘncia Artificial e da Gamification como meios para melhorar o envolvimento e as taxas de assiduidade dos estudantes. A iniciativa em causa articula estratĂ©gias tecnologicamente avançadas com metodologias educativas convencionais no intuito de enriquecer a experiĂȘncia de ensino. Tal iniciativa assume importĂąncia dada Ă  constante diminuição do interesse dos estudantes e a assiduidade irregular nas aulas formais, fatores que afetam negativamente o processo de ensino e as perspetivas de carreira dos estudantes. Esta combinação ostenta o potencial de revolucionar o Ensino Superior, proporcionando uma experiĂȘncia de aprendizagem mais interativa e envolvente. Embora a Gamification jĂĄ tenha impactado positivamente o processo de aprendizagem em diversos contextos, a sua integração com a InteligĂȘncia Artificial surge como um elemento transformador, abrindo caminho para uma experiĂȘncia educacional modernizada. Esta investigação inovadora que combina a IA e Gamification prepara as bases para investigaçÔes futuras e a implementação de estratĂ©gias acadĂ©micas aprimoradas, concentrando-se principalmente no envolvimento e na assiduidade dos estudantes. Este artigo de posicionamento apresenta as bases e os fundamentos necessĂĄrios para a compreensĂŁo do problema da frequĂȘncia e envolvimento dos estudantes no Ensino Superior, assim como o papel da IA e da Gamification na sua mitigação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Publicidade personalizada e privacidade dos dados no Facebook: o caso de Portugal

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    The evolution of the technological world has allowed companies and consumers to be increasingly connected, especially due to social networks. Along with the development of social networks, personalised advertising has grown exponentially, becoming the most effective advertising strategy as it allows companies to interact with consumers in a customised way and offer products and services that are in accordance with their profiles. However, although personalised advertising offers benefits to both companies and consumers, in recent years the concern about data privacy has increased. Thus, this research aims to understand the gap existing between personalised advertising and data privacy concerns, since users want to receive ads with high predictive ability of their needs, however the collection and use of their data causes insecurity in relation to their privacy. As a way to achieve this objective, a mixed-methods approach was used by creating a questionnaire based on the existing literature. A total of 583 valid responses were collected and analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 28 software for quantitative data analysis and NVivo Software version 12 for qualitative data analysis The results allowed the support of three research hypotheses and the rejection of four hypotheses. The conclusions obtained indicate that personalised advertising causes data privacy concerns and through the thematic analysis performed to one of the qualitative questions it was possible to determine 17 situations in which respondents stated that this type of advertising threatened their privacy. Furthermore, the statistically significant result of the chi-square test suggests that consumers seek to protect their data on Facebook, not supporting the privacy paradox. Furthermore, this research suggests the existence of a relationship between personalised advertising and cyber-paranoia, as consumers believe they are constantly being ‘listened to’ through their mobile phone’s microphone and that their conversations are used for delivering personalised advertisements, while also believing that everything they do on the Internet is monitored and used for advertising purposes. Finally, since no literature was found on cyber-paranoia and personalised advertising, it can be considered that this study presents an innovative contribution. However, since this investigation is an exploratory study, there is a need for further literature on this subject.A evolução do mundo tecnolĂłgico permitiu que as empresas e os consumidores estivessem cada vez mais conectados, especialmente devido Ă s redes sociais. A par do desenvolvimento das redes sociais, a publicidade personalizada cresceu exponencialmente, tornando-se na estratĂ©gia de publicidade mais eficaz pois permite Ă s empresas interagir com os consumidores de uma forma customizada e oferecer produtos e serviços que estejam de acordo com os seus perfis. No entanto, apesar de a publicidade personalizada oferecer benefĂ­cios tanto para as empresas como para os consumidores, nos Ășltimos anos verificou-se o aumento da preocupação com a privacidade dos dados. Assim, esta investigação tem como objetivo compreender a lacuna que existe entre a publicidade personalizada e a preocupação com a privacidade dos dados, pois os utilizadores querem receber anĂșncios com elevada capacidade de previsĂŁo das suas necessidades, no entanto a recolha e a utilização dos seus dados causa insegurança em relação Ă  sua privacidade. Como forma a atingir este objetivo, foi utilizado um mĂ©todo de investigação misto atravĂ©s da criação de um questionĂĄrio baseado na literatura existente. Um total de 583 respostas vĂĄlidas foram recolhidas e analisadas utilizando o software IBM SPSS Statistics versĂŁo 28 para a anĂĄlise dos dados quantitativos e o Software NVivo versĂŁo 12 para a anĂĄlise dos dados qualitativos. Os resultados permitiram o suporte de trĂȘs hipĂłteses de investigação e a rejeição de quatro hipĂłteses. As conclusĂ”es obtidas indicam que a publicidade personalizada causa preocupação com a privacidade dos dados, sendo que atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise temĂĄtica realizada a uma das perguntas qualitativas foi possĂ­vel determinar 17 situaçÔes em que os inquiridos afirmaram que este tipo de publicidade ameaçava a sua privacidade. AlĂ©m disso, o resultado estatisticamente significativo do teste qui-quadrado sugere que os consumidores tĂȘm comportamentos que visam proteger os seus dados no Facebook, nĂŁo suportando o paradoxo da privacidade. Ademais, esta investigação sugere a existĂȘncia de uma relação entre a publicidade personalizada e a ciberparanoia visto que os consumidores acreditam que estĂŁo constantemente a ser ‘ouvidos’ atravĂ©s do microfone do seu telemĂłvel e que as suas conversas sĂŁo utilizadas para a criação de anĂșncios personalizados, considerando tambĂ©m que tudo o que fazem na Internet Ă© monitorizado e usado para fins publicitĂĄrios. Por fim, uma vez que nĂŁo foi encontrada literatura sobre a publicidade personalizada e a ciberparanoia, pode-se considerar que este estudo apresenta um contributo inovador. Contudo, sendo esta investigação um estudo exploratĂłrio, Ă© necessĂĄrio haver mais literatura sobre este tema.Mestrado em GestĂŁ
