1,036 research outputs found

    A polynomial-time algorithm for optimizing over N-fold 4-block decomposable integer programs

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    In this paper we generalize N-fold integer programs and two-stage integer programs with N scenarios to N-fold 4-block decomposable integer programs. We show that for fixed blocks but variable N, these integer programs are polynomial-time solvable for any linear objective. Moreover, we present a polynomial-time computable optimality certificate for the case of fixed blocks, variable N and any convex separable objective function. We conclude with two sample applications, stochastic integer programs with second-order dominance constraints and stochastic integer multi-commodity flows, which (for fixed blocks) can be solved in polynomial time in the number of scenarios and commodities and in the binary encoding length of the input data. In the proof of our main theorem we combine several non-trivial constructions from the theory of Graver bases. We are confident that our approach paves the way for further extensions

    Modelling and solution methods for stochastic optimisation

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.In this thesis we consider two research problems, namely, (i) language constructs for modelling stochastic programming (SP) problems and (ii) solution methods for processing instances of different classes of SP problems. We first describe a new design of an SP modelling system which provides greater extensibility and reuse. We implement this enhanced system and develop solver connections. We also investigate in detail the following important classes of SP problems: singlestage SP with risk constraints, two-stage linear and stochastic integer programming problems. We report improvements to solution methods for single-stage problems with second-order stochastic dominance constraints and two-stage SP problems. In both cases we use the level method as a regularisation mechanism. We also develop novel heuristic methods for stochastic integer programming based on variable neighbourhood search. We describe an algorithmic framework for implementing decomposition methods such as the L-shaped method within our SP solver system. Based on this framework we implement a number of established solution algorithms as well as a new regularisation method for stochastic linear programming. We compare the performance of these methods and their scale-up properties on an extensive set of benchmark problems. We also implement several solution methods for stochastic integer programming and report a computational study comparing their performance. The three solution methods, (a) processing of a single-stage problem with second-order stochastic dominance constraints, (b) regularisation by the level method for two-stage SP and (c) method for solving integer SP problems, are novel approaches and each of these makes a contribution to knowledge.Financial support was obtained from OptiRisk Systems

    Some experiments on solving multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 programs with time stochastic dominance constraints

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    In this work we extend to the multistage case two recent risk averse measures for two-stage stochastic programs based on first- and second-order stochastic dominance constraints induced by mixed-integer linear recourse. Additionally, we consider Time Stochastic Dominance (TSD) along a given horizon. Given the dimensions of medium-sized problems augmented by the new variables and constraints required by those risk measures, it is unrealistic to solve the problem up to optimality by plain use of MIP solvers in a reasonable computing time, at least. Instead of it, decomposition algorithms of some type should be used. We present an extension of our Branch-and-Fix Coordination algorithm, so named BFC-TSD, where a special treatment is given to cross scenario group constraints that link variables from different scenario groups. A broad computational experience is presented by comparing the risk neutral approach and the tested risk averse strategies. The performance of the new version of the BFC algorithm versus the plain use of a state-of-the-artMIP solver is also reported

    Optimization with multivariate conditional value-at-risk constraints

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    For many decision making problems under uncertainty, it is crucial to develop risk-averse models and specify the decision makers' risk preferences based on multiple stochastic performance measures (or criteria). Incorporating such multivariate preference rules into optimization models is a fairly recent research area. Existing studies focus on extending univariate stochastic dominance rules to the multivariate case. However, enforcing multivariate stochastic dominance constraints can often be overly conservative in practice. As an alternative, we focus on the widely-applied risk measure conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), introduce a multivariate CVaR relation, and develop a novel optimization model with multivariate CVaR constraints based on polyhedral scalarization. To solve such problems for finite probability spaces we develop a cut generation algorithm, where each cut is obtained by solving a mixed integer problem. We show that a multivariate CVaR constraint reduces to finitely many univariate CVaR constraints, which proves the finite convergence of our algorithm. We also show that our results can be naturally extended to a wider class of coherent risk measures. The proposed approach provides a flexible, and computationally tractable way of modeling preferences in stochastic multi-criteria decision making. We conduct a computational study for a budget allocation problem to illustrate the effect of enforcing multivariate CVaR constraints and demonstrate the computational performance of the proposed solution methods

    Optimization with multivariate conditional value-at-risk constraints

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    For many decision making problems under uncertainty, it is crucial to develop risk-averse models and specify the decision makers' risk preferences based on multiple stochastic performance measures (or criteria). Incorporating such multivariate preference rules into optimization models is a fairly recent research area. Existing studies focus on extending univariate stochastic dominance rules to the multivariate case. However, enforcing multivariate stochastic dominance constraints can often be overly conservative in practice. As an alternative, we focus on the widely-applied risk measure conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), introduce a multivariate CVaR relation, and develop a novel optimization model with multivariate CVaR constraints based on polyhedral scalarization. To solve such problems for finite probability spaces we develop a cut generation algorithm, where each cut is obtained by solving a mixed integer problem. We show that a multivariate CVaR constraint reduces to finitely many univariate CVaR constraints, which proves the finite convergence of our algorithm. We also show that our results can be naturally extended to a wider class of coherent risk measures. The proposed approach provides a flexible, and computationally tractable way of modeling preferences in stochastic multi-criteria decision making. We conduct a computational study for a budget allocation problem to illustrate the effect of enforcing multivariate CVaR constraints and demonstrate the computational performance of the proposed solution methods

    On the time-consistent stochastic dominance risk averse measure for tactical supply chain planning under uncertainty

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    In this work a modeling framework and a solution approach have been presented for a multi-period stochastic mixed 0–1 problem arising in tactical supply chain planning (TSCP). A multistage scenario tree based scheme is used to represent the parameters’ uncertainty and develop the related Deterministic Equivalent Model. A cost risk reduction is performed by using a new time-consistent risk averse measure. Given the dimensions of this problem in real-life applications, a decomposition approach is proposed. It is based on stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). The computational experience is twofold, a compar- ison is performed between the plain use of a current state-of-the-art mixed integer optimization solver and the proposed SDP decomposition approach considering the risk neutral version of the model as the subject for the benchmarking. The add-value of the new risk averse strategy is confirmed by the compu- tational results that are obtained using SDP for both versions of the TSCP model, namely, risk neutral and risk averse.The authors would like to thank to the two anonymous review- ers for their help on clarifying some concepts presented in the manuscript and strongly improving its presentatio