44 research outputs found

    From cellular attractor selection to adaptive signal control for traffic networks

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    The management of varying traffic flows essentially depends on signal controls at intersections. However, design an optimal control that considers the dynamic nature of a traffic network and coordinates all intersections simultaneously in a centralized manner is computationally challenging. Inspired by the stable gene expressions of Escherichia coli in response to environmental changes, we explore the robustness and adaptability performance of signalized intersections by incorporating a biological mechanism in their control policies, specifically, the evolution of each intersection is induced by the dynamics governing an adaptive attractor selection in cells. We employ a mathematical model to capture such biological attractor selection and derive a generic, adaptive and distributed control algorithm which is capable of dynamically adapting signal operations for the entire dynamical traffic network. We show that the proposed scheme based on attractor selection can not only promote the balance of traffic loads on each link of the network but also allows the global network to accommodate dynamical traffic demands. Our work demonstrates the potential of bio-inspired intelligence emerging from cells and provides a deep understanding of adaptive attractor selection-based control formation that is useful to support the designs of adaptive optimization and control in other domains

    A distributed position-based protocol for emergency messages broadcasting in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) can help reduce traffic accidents through broadcasting emergency messages among vehicles in advance. However, it is a great challenge to timely deliver the emergency messages to the right vehicles which are interested in them. Some protocols require to collect nearby real-time information before broadcasting a message, which may result in an increased delivery latency. In this paper, we proposed an improved position-based protocol to disseminate emergency messages among a large scale vehicle networks. Specifically, defined by the proposed protocol, messages are only broadcasted along their regions of interest, and a rebroadcast of a message depends on the information including in the message it has received. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol can reduce unnecessary rebroadcasts considerably, and the collisions of broadcast can be effectively mitigated

    Intelligent detection of black hole attacks for secure communication in autonomous and connected vehicles

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    Detection of Black Hole attacks is one of the most challenging and critical routing security issues in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) and autonomous and connected vehicles (ACVs). Malicious vehicles or nodes may exist in the cyber-physical path on which the data and control packets have to be routed converting a secure and reliable route into a compromised one. However, instead of passing packets to a neighbouring node, malicious nodes bypass them and drop any data packets that could contain emergency alarms. We introduce an intelligent black hole attack detection scheme (IDBA) tailored to ACV. We consider four key parameters in the design of the scheme, namely, Hop Count, Destination Sequence Number, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), and End-to-End delay (E2E). We tested the performance of our IDBA against AODV with Black Hole (BAODV), Intrusion Detection System (IdsAODV), and EAODV algorithms. Extensive simulation results show that our IDBA outperforms existing approaches in terms of PDR, E2E, Routing Overhead, Packet Loss Rate, and Throughput

    Infrastructure-less D2D Communications through Opportunistic Networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn recent years, we have experienced several social media blackouts, which have shown how much our daily experiences depend on high-quality communication services. Blackouts have occurred because of technical problems, natural disasters, hacker attacks or even due to deliberate censorship actions undertaken by governments. In all cases, the spontaneous reaction of people consisted in finding alternative channels and media so as to reach out to their contacts and partake their experiences. Thus, it has clearly emerged that infrastructured networks—and cellular networks in particular—are well engineered and have been extremely successful so far, although other paradigms should be explored to connect people. The most promising of today’s alternative paradigms is Device-to-Device (D2D) because it allows for building networks almost freely, and because 5G standards are (for the first time) seriously addressing the possibility of using D2D communications. In this dissertation I look at opportunistic D2D networking, possibly operating in an infrastructure-less environment, and I investigate several schemes through modeling and simulation, deriving metrics that characterize their performance. In particular, I consider variations of the Floating Content (FC) paradigm, that was previously proposed in the technical literature. Using FC, it is possible to probabilistically store information over a given restricted local area of interest, by opportunistically spreading it to mobile users while in the area. In more detail, a piece of information which is injected in the area by delivering it to one or more of the mobile users, is opportunistically exchanged among mobile users whenever they come in proximity of one another, progressively reaching most (ideally all) users in the area and thus making the information dwell in the area of interest, like in a sort of distributed storage. While previous works on FC almost exclusively concentrated on the communication component, in this dissertation I look at the storage and computing components of FC, as well as its capability of transferring information from one area of interest to another. I first present background work, including a brief review of my Master Thesis activity, devoted to the design, implementation and validation of a smartphone opportunistic information sharing application. The goal of the app was to collect experimental data that permitted a detailed analysis of the occurring events, and a careful assessment of the performance of opportunistic information sharing services. Through experiments, I showed that many key assumptions commonly adopted in analytical and simulation works do not hold with current technologies. I also showed that the high density of devices and the enforcement of long transmission ranges for links at the edge might counter-intuitively impair performance. The insight obtained during my Master Thesis work was extremely useful to devise smart operating procedures for the opportunistic D2D communications considered in this dissertation. In the core of this dissertation, initially I propose and study a set of schemes to explore and combine different information dissemination paradigms along with real users mobility and predictions focused on the smart diffusion of content over disjoint areas of interest. To analyze the viability of such schemes, I have implemented a Python simulator to evaluate the average availability and lifetime of a piece of information, as well as storage usage and network utilization metrics. Comparing the performance of these predictive schemes with state-of-the-art approaches, results demonstrate the need for smart usage of communication opportunities and storage. The proposed algorithms allow for an important reduction in network activity by decreasing the number of data exchanges by up to 92%, requiring the use of up to 50% less of on-device storage, while guaranteeing the dissemination of information with performance similar to legacy epidemic dissemination protocols. In a second step, I have worked on the analysis of the storage capacity of probabilistic distributed storage systems, developing a simple yet powerful information theoretical analysis based on a mean field model of opportunistic information exchange. I have also extended the previous simulator to compare the numerical results generated by the analytical model to the predictions of realistic simulations under different setups, showing in this way the accuracy of the analytical approach, and characterizing the properties of the system storage capacity. I conclude from analysis and simulated results that when the density of contents seeded in a floating system is larger than the maximum amount which can be sustained by the system in steady state, the mean content availability decreases, and the stored information saturates due to the effects of resource contention. With the presence of static nodes, in a system with infinite host memory and at the mean field limit, there is no upper bound to the amount of injected contents which a floating system can sustain. However, as with no static nodes, by increasing the injected information, the amount of stored information eventually reaches a saturation value which corresponds to the injected information at which the mean amount of time spent exchanging content during a contact is equal to the mean duration of a contact. As a final step of my dissertation, I have also explored by simulation the computing and learning capabilities of an infrastructure-less opportunistic communication, storage and computing system, considering an environment that hosts a distributed Machine Learning (ML) paradigm that uses observations collected in the area over which the FC system operates to infer properties of the area. Results show that the ML system can operate in two regimes, depending on the load of the FC scheme. At low FC load, the ML system in each node operates on observations collected by all users and opportunistically shared among nodes. At high FC load, especially when the data to be opportunistically exchanged becomes too large to be transmitted during the average contact time between nodes, the ML system can only exploit the observations endogenous to each user, which are much less numerous. As a result, I conclude that such setups are adequate to support general instances of distributed ML algorithms with continuous learning, only under the condition of low to medium loads of the FC system. While the load of the FC system induces a sort of phase transition on the ML system performance, the effect of computing load is more progressive. When the computing capacity is not sufficient to train all observations, some will be skipped, and performance progressively declines. In summary, with respect to traditional studies of the FC opportunistic information diffusion paradigm, which only look at the communication component over one area of interest, I have considered three types of extensions by looking at the performance of FC: over several disjoint areas of interest; in terms of information storage capacity; in terms of computing capacity that supports distributed learning. The three topics are treated respectively in Chapters 3 to 5.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Claudio Ettori Casetti.- Secretario: Antonio de la Oliva Delgado.- Vocal: Christoph Somme

    A survey of flooding, gossip routing, and related schemes for wireless multi- hop networks

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    Flooding is an essential and critical service in computer networks that is used by many routing protocols to send packets from a source to all nodes in the network. As the packets are forwarded once by each receiving node, many copies of the same packet traverse the network which leads to high redundancy and unnecessary usage of the sparse capacity of the transmission medium. Gossip routing is a well-known approach to improve the flooding in wireless multi-hop networks. Each node has a forwarding probability p that is either statically per-configured or determined by information that is available at runtime, e.g, the node degree. When a packet is received, the node selects a random number r. If the number r is below p, the packet is forwarded and otherwise, in the most simple gossip routing protocol, dropped. With this approach the redundancy can be reduced while at the same time the reachability is preserved if the value of the parameter p (and others) is chosen with consideration of the network topology. This technical report gives an overview of the relevant publications in the research domain of gossip routing and gives an insight in the improvements that can be achieved. We discuss the simulation setups and results of gossip routing protocols as well as further improved flooding schemes. The three most important metrics in this application domain are elaborated: reachability, redundancy, and management overhead. The published studies used simulation environments for their research and thus the assumptions, models, and parameters of the simulations are discussed and the feasibility of an application for real world wireless networks are highlighted. Wireless mesh networks based on IEEE 802.11 are the focus of this survey but publications about other network types and technologies are also included. As percolation theory, epidemiological models, and delay tolerant networks are often referred as foundation, inspiration, or application of gossip routing in wireless networks, a brief introduction to each research domain is included and the applicability of the particular models for the gossip routing is discussed

    Cooperative Content Transmission for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using Robust Optimization

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have a potential to promote vehicular telematics and infotainment applications, where a key and challenging issue is the design of robust and efficient vehicular content transmissions to combat the lossy inter-vehicle links. In this paper, we focus on the robust optimization of content transmissions over cooperative VANETs. We first derive a stochastic model for estimation of time-varying inter-vehicle distance, which is dependent of the vehicle real-time kinematics and the distribution of the initial space headway. With this model, we analytically formulate the transient inter-vehicle connectivity assuming Nakagami fading channels for the physical (PHY) layer. We also model the contention nature of the medium access control (MAC) layer, on which we are based to evaluate the throughput achieved by each vehicle equipped with dedicated short-range communication (DSRC). Combining these models, we derive a closed-formed expression for the upper bound of the probability of failure in intact-content transmissions. Based upon this theoretical bound, we develop a robust optimization model for assigning content data traffic among different cooperative transmission paths, where the objective is to minimize the maximum likelihood of unsuccessful content transmissions over the cooperative VANET. We mathematically transform the optimization model to another equivalent form, such that it can be practically deployed. Finally, we validate our theoretical development with extensive simulations. Numerical results are also provided to confirm the power of cooperation in boosting the VANET performance as well as demonstrate the advantage of the proposed robust optimization in terms of content data reception reliability

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2020-21 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists