26 research outputs found

    Classification of Resilience Techniques Against Functional Errors at Higher Abstraction Layers of Digital Systems

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    Nanoscale technology nodes bring reliability concerns back to the center stage of digital system design. A systematic classification of approaches that increase system resilience in the presence of functional hardware (HW)-induced errors is presented, dealing with higher system abstractions, such as the (micro) architecture, the mapping, and platform software (SW). The field is surveyed in a systematic way based on nonoverlapping categories, which add insight into the ongoing work by exposing similarities and differences. HW and SW solutions are discussed in a similar fashion so that interrelationships become apparent. The presented categories are illustrated by representative literature examples to illustrate their properties. Moreover, it is demonstrated how hybrid schemes can be decomposed into their primitive components

    Eureka: a distributed shared memory system based on the Lazy Data Merging consistency model

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    Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) provides an abstraction of shared memory on a network of workstations. Problems with existing DSM systems are lack of portability due to compiler and/or operating system modification requirements, and reduced performance due to significant synchronization and communication costs when compared to their message passing counterparts (e.g., PVM and MPI). Our approach was to introduce a new DSM consistency model, Lazy Data Merging (LDM), which extends Data Merging (DM). LDM is optimized for software runtime implementations and differs from DM by 'lazily' placing data updates across the communication network only when they are required. It is our belief that LDM can significantly reduce communication costs, particularly for applications that make extensive use of locks. We have completed the design of "Eureka", a prototype DSM system that provides a software implementation of the LDM consistency model. To ensure portability and efficiency we use only standard UniXTM system calls and a publicly available software thread package, Cthreads, from the University of Utah. Furthermore, we have implemented and tested some of Eureka's core components, specifically, the set of communication and hybrid (Invalidate/Update) coherence primitives, which are essential for follow on work in building the complete DSM system. The question of efficiency is still an open problem, because we did not compare Eureka with other DSM implementations.http://archive.org/details/eurekadistribute1094535209NANABrazilian Navy author

    Invalidation-based protocols for replicated datastores

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    Distributed in-memory datastores underpin cloud applications that run within a datacenter and demand high performance, strong consistency, and availability. A key feature of datastores is data replication. The data are replicated across servers because a single server often cannot handle the request load. Replication is also necessary to guarantee that a server or link failure does not render a portion of the dataset inaccessible. A replication protocol is responsible for ensuring strong consistency between the replicas of a datastore, even when faults occur, by determining the actions necessary to access and manipulate the data. Consequently, a replication protocol also drives the datastore's performance. Existing strongly consistent replication protocols deliver fault tolerance but fall short in terms of performance. Meanwhile, the opposite occurs in the world of multiprocessors, where data are replicated across the private caches of different cores. The multiprocessor regime uses invalidations to afford strongly consistent replication with high performance but neglects fault tolerance. Although handling failures in the datacenter is critical for data availability, we observe that the common operation is fault-free and far exceeds the operation during faults. In other words, the common operating environment inside a datacenter closely resembles that of a multiprocessor. Based on this insight, we draw inspiration from the multiprocessor for high-performance, strongly consistent replication in the datacenter. The primary contribution of this thesis is in adapting invalidating protocols to the nuances of replicated datastores, which include skewed data accesses, fault tolerance, and distributed transactions

    Locality Transformations and Prediction Techniques for Optimizing Multicore Memory Performance

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    Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are here to stay for the foreseeable future. In terms of programmability of these processors what is different from legacy multiprocessors is that sharing among the different cores (processors) is less expensive than it was in the past. Previous research suggested that sharing is a desirable feature to be incorporated in new codes. For some programs, more cache leads to more beneficial sharing since the sharing starts to kick in for large on chip caches. This work tries to answer the question of whether or not we can (should) write code differently when the underlying chip microarchitecture is powered by a Chip Multiprocessor. We use a set three graph benchmarks each with three different input problems varying in size and connectivity to characterize the importance of how we partition the problem space among cores and how that partitioning can happen at multiple levels of the cache leading to better performance because of good utilization of the caches at the lowest level and because of the increased sharing of data items that can be boosted at the shared cache level (L2 in our case) which can effectively be a prefetching effect among different compute cores. The thesis has two thrusts. The first is exploring the design space represented by different parallelization schemes (we devise some tweaks on top of existing techniques) and different graph partitionings (a locality optimization techniques suited for graph problems). The combination of the parallelization strategy and graph partitioning provides a large and complex space that we characterize using detailed simulation results to see how much gain we can obtain over a baseline legacy parallelization technique with a partition sized to fit in the L1 cache. We show that the legacy parallelization is not the best alternative in most of the cases and other parallelization techniques perform better. Also, we show that there is a search problem to determine the partitioning size and in most of the cases the best partitioning size is smaller than the baseline partition size. The second thrust of the thesis is exploring how we can predict the best combination of parallelization and partitioning that performs the best for any given benchmark under any given input data set. We use a PIN based reuse distance profile computation tool to build an execution time prediction model that can rank order the different combinations of parallelization strategies and partitioning sizes. We report the amount of gain that we can capture using the PIN prediction relative to what detailed simulation results deem the best under a given benchmark and input size. In some cases the prediction is 100% accurate and in some other cases the prediction projects worse performance than the baseline case. We report the difference between the simulation best performing combination and the PIN predicted ones as well as other statistics to evaluate how good the predictions are. We show that the PIN prediction method performs very well in predicting the partition size compared to predicting the parallelization strategy. In this case, the accuracy of the overall scheme can be highly improved if we only use the partitioning size predicted by the PIN prediction scheme and then we use a search strategy to find the best parallelization strategy for that partition size. In this thesis, we use a detailed performance model to scan a large solution space for the best parameters for locality optimization of a set of graph problems. Using the M5 performance simulation we show gains of up to 20% vs. a naively picked baseline case. Our prediction scheme can achieve up to 100% of the best performance gains obtained using a search method on real hardware or performance simulation without running at all on the target hardware and up to 48% on average across all of our benchmarks and input sizes. There are several interesting aspects to this work. We are the first to devise and verify a performance model against detailed simulation results. We suggest and quantify that locality optimization and problem partitioning can increase sharing synergistically to achieve better performance overall. We have shown a new utilization for coherent reuse distance profiles as a helping tool for program developers and compilers to a optimize program's performance

    Parallel Processes in HPX: Designing an Infrastructure for Adaptive Resource Management

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    Advancement in cutting edge technologies have enabled better energy efficiency as well as scaling computational power for the latest High Performance Computing(HPC) systems. However, complexity, due to hybrid architectures as well as emerging classes of applications, have shown poor computational scalability using conventional execution models. Thus alternative means of computation, that addresses the bottlenecks in computation, is warranted. More precisely, dynamic adaptive resource management feature, both from systems as well as application\u27s perspective, is essential for better computational scalability and efficiency. This research presents and expands the notion of Parallel Processes as a placeholder for procedure definitions, targeted at one or more synchronous domains, meta data for computation and resource management as well as infrastructure for dynamic policy deployment. In addition to this, the research presents additional guidelines for a framework for resource management in HPX runtime system. Further, this research also lists design principles for scalability of Active Global Address Space (AGAS), a necessary feature for Parallel Processes. Also, to verify the usefulness of Parallel Processes, a preliminary performance evaluation of different task scheduling policies is carried out using two different applications. The applications used are: Unbalanced Tree Search, a reference dynamic graph application, implemented by this research in HPX and MiniGhost, a reference stencil based application using bulk synchronous parallel model. The results show that different scheduling policies provide better performance for different classes of applications; and for the same application class, in certain instances, one policy fared better than the others, while vice versa in other instances, hence supporting the hypothesis of the need of dynamic adaptive resource management infrastructure, for deploying different policies and task granularities, for scalable distributed computing

    Efficient Domain Partitioning for Stencil-based Parallel Operators

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    Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are used ubiquitously in modelling natural phenomena. It is generally not possible to obtain an analytical solution and hence they are commonly discretized using schemes such as the Finite Difference Method (FDM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM), converting the continuous PDE to a discrete system of sparse algebraic equations. The solution of this system can be approximated using iterative methods, which are better suited to many sparse systems than direct methods. In this thesis we use the FDM to discretize linear, second order, Elliptic PDEs and consider parallel implementations of standard iterative solvers. The dominant paradigm in this field is distributed memory parallelism which requires the FDM grid to be partitioned across the available computational cores. The orthodox approach to domain partitioning aims to minimize only the communication volume and achieve perfect load-balance on each core. In this work, we re-examine and challenge this traditional method of domain partitioning and show that for well load-balanced problems, minimizing only the communication volume is insufficient for obtaining optimal domain partitions. To this effect we create a high-level, quasi-cache-aware mathematical model that quantifies cache-misses at the sub-domain level and minimizes them to obtain families of high performing domain decompositions. To our knowledge this is the first work that optimizes domain partitioning by analyzing cache misses, establishing a relationship between cache-misses and domain partitioning. To place our model in its true context, we identify and qualitatively examine multiple other factors such as the Least Recently Used policy, Cache Line Utilization and Vectorization, that influence the choice of optimal sub-domain dimensions. Since the convergence rate of point iterative methods, such as Jacobi, for uniform meshes is not acceptable at a high mesh resolution, we extend the model to Parallel Geometric Multigrid (GMG). GMG is a multilevel, iterative, optimal algorithm for numerically solving Elliptic PDEs. Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) is another multilevel technique that allows local refinement of a global mesh based on parameters such as error estimates or geometric importance. We study a massively parallel, multiphysics, multi-resolution AMR framework called BoxLib, and implement and discuss our model on single level and adaptively refined meshes, respectively. We conclude that “close to 2-D” partitions are optimal for stencil-based codes on structured 3-D domains and that it is necessary to optimize for both minimizing cache-misses and communication. We advise that in light of the evolving hardware-software ecosystem, there is an imperative need to re-examine conventional domain partitioning strategies

    HPCCP/CAS Workshop Proceedings 1998

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts of presentations given at the HPCCP/CAS (High Performance Computing and Communications Program/Computational Aerosciences Project) Workshop held on August 24-26, 1998, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together the aerospace high performance computing community, consisting of airframe and propulsion companies, independent software vendors, university researchers, and government scientists and engineers. The Workshop was sponsored by the HPCCP Office at NASA Ames Research Center. The Workshop consisted of over 40 presentations, including an overview of NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Computational Aerosciences Project; ten sessions of papers representative of the high performance computing research conducted within the Program by the aerospace industry, academia, NASA, and other government laboratories; two panel sessions; and a special presentation by Mr. James Bailey

    Exploiting Inherent Program Redundancy for Fault Tolerance

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    Technology scaling has led to growing concerns about reliability in microprocessors. Currently, fault tolerance studies rely on creating explicitly redundant execution for fault detection or recovery, which usually involves expensive cost on performance, power, or hardware, etc. In our study, we find exploiting program's inherent redundancy can better trade off between reliability, performance, and hardware cost. This work proposes two approaches to enhance program reliability. The first approach investigates the additional fault resilience at the application level. We explore program correctness definition that views correctness from the application's standpoint rather than the architecture's standpoint. Under application-level correctness, multiple numerical outputs can be deemed as correct as long as they are acceptable to users. Thus faults that cause program to produce such outputs can also be tolerated. We find programs which produce inexact and/or approximate outputs can be very resilient at the application level. We call such programs soft computations, and find that they are common in multimedia workloads, as well as artificial intelligence (AI) workloads. Programs that only compute exact numerical outputs offer less error resilience at the application level. However, all programs that we have studied exhibit some enhanced fault resilience at the application level, including those that are traditionally considered as exact computations-e.g., SPECInt CPU2000. We conduct fault injection experiments and evaluate the additional fault tolerance at the application level compared to the traditional architectural level. We also exploit the relaxed requirements for numerical integrity of application-level correctness to reduce checkpoint cost: our lightweight recovery mechanism checkpoints a minimal set of program state including program counter, architectural register file, and stack; our soft-checkpointing technique identifies computations that are resilient to errors and excludes their output state from checkpoint. Both techniques incur much smaller runtime overhead than traditional checkpointing, but can successfully recover either all or a major part of program crashes in soft computations. The second approach we take studies value predictability for reducing fault rate. Value prediction is considered as additional execution, and its results are compared with corresponding computational outputs. Any mismatch between them is accounted as symptom of potential faults and incurs restoration process. To reduce misprediction rate caused by limitations of predictor itself, we characterize fault vulnerability at the instruction level and only apply value prediction to instructions that are highly susceptible to faults. We also vary threshold of confidence estimation according to instruction's vulnerability-instructions with high vulnerability are assigned with low confidence threshold, while instructions with low vulnerability are assigned with high confidence threshold. Our experimental results show benefit from such selective prediction and adaptive confidence threshold on balance between reliability and performance

    Transactions Chasing Scalability and Instruction Locality on Multicores

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    For several decades, online transaction processing (OLTP) has been one of the main server applications that drives innovations in the data management ecosystem, and in turn the database and computer architecture communities. Recent hardware trends oblige software to overcome two major challenges against systems scalability on modern multicore processors: (1) exploiting the abundant thread-level parallelism across cores and (2) taking advantage of the implicit parallelism within a core. The traditional design of the OLTP systems, however, faces inherent scalability problems due to its tightly coupled components. In addition, OLTP cannot exploit the full capability of the micro-architectural resources of modern processors because of the conventional scheduling decisions that ignore the cache locality for transactions. As a result, today’s commonly used server hardware remains largely underutilized leading to a huge waste of hardware resources and energy. .... In this thesis, we first identify the unbounded critical sections of traditional OLTP systems as the main enemy of thread-level parallelism. We design an alternative shared-everything system based on physiological partitioning (PLP) to eliminate the unbounded critical sections while providing an infrastructure for low-cost dynamic repartitioning and without introducing high-cost distributed transactions. Then, we demonstrate that L1 instruction cache stalls are the dominant factor leading to underutilization in the commodity servers. However, we also observe that independently of their high-level functionality, transactions running in parallel on a multicore system share significant amount of common instructions. By adaptively spreading the execution of a transaction over multiple cores through thread migration or multiplexing transactions on one core, we enable both an ample L1 instruction cache capacity for a transaction and reuse of common instructions across concurrent transactions. .... As the hardware demands more from the software to exploit the complexity and parallelism it offers in the multicore era, this work would change the way we traditionally schedule transactions. Instead of viewing a transaction as a single big task, we split it into smaller parts that can exploit data and instruction locality through careful dynamic scheduling decisions. The methods this thesis presents are not only specific to OLTP systems, but they can also benefit other types of applications that have concurrent requests executing a series of actions from a predefined set and face similar scalability problems on emerging hardware