10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of performance of adaptive and HybridABC (aABC) algorithm in solution of numerical optimization problems

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    Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a heuristic optimization algorithm that models food search behavior of the honey bees. It is used to solve many real-world problems and has been successful. In the literature, it is seen that different modifications of ABC algorithm are proposed to obtain more effective results. In this study, adaptive and hybrid ABC (aABC) algorithm which is one of the modifications of ABC algorithm is used. Its performance is evaluated in solving numerical test functions. Unlike standard ABC algorithm, aABC algorithm uses arithmetic crossover and adaptive neighborhood radius in the solution generation mechanism. The applications are performed on 6 numerical test functions. The results are evaluated in terms of solution quality and convergence speed. In addition, Wilcoxon signed rank test is used to examine the significance of the results. The results show that aABC algorithm is more effective than ABC algorithm in solving numerical optimization problems

    Comparison of performance of some variants of the abc algorithm in neural network training for the estimation of the number of COVID-19 cases

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    Tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan COVID-19 pandemisi hala etkisini göstermektedir. Birçok araştırmacı COVID-19 ile mücadele için farklı alanlarda çalışmalar yürütmeye devam etmektedir. COVID-19 vaka sayısının tahmin edilmesi önemli çalışma konularından biridir. Geleceğe yönelik olarak COVID-19 vakalarının sayısını tahmin etmek, daha etkili planlama için bir fikir vermektedir. COVID-19 vakalarının sayısını tahmin etmek için kullanılan yapay zekâ tekniklerinden biri de yapay sinir ağlarıdır (YSA). YSA ile etkili bir model oluşturmak için başarılı bir eğitim süreci gereklidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında YSA, COVID-19 vaka sayısını tahmin etmek için bazı yapay arı kolonisi (ABC) algoritmaları kullanılarak eğitilmiştir. Bu algoritmalar; standart ABC, aABC, ABCES, HABCES algoritmalarıdır. Bu algoritmaların küresel ve yerel yakınsama yeteneği açısından birbirlerine göre avantaj ve dezavantajları bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dünya genelindeki COVID-19 vaka sayıları dikkate alınmıştır. Ocak 2021'den Eylül 2022'ye kadar olan haftalık veriler kullanılmıştır. Bu veriler dikkate alınarak haftalık COVID-19 vaka sayısının tahmini gerçekleştirilmiştir. Etkili sonuçlara ulaşmak için ilgili problem iki, üç ve dört girişten oluşan sistemlere dönüştürülmüş ve farklı ağ yapıları kullanılmıştır. Veri setinin %80'i eğitim süreci için kullanıldı. Diğerleri test sürecine aittir. Eğitim ve test sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde tüm algoritmalar ile başarılı sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Diğer taraftan, ilgili problemin çözümü için en etkili algoritma HABCES algoritmasıdır

    A Modified Neuro-Fuzzy System Using Metaheuristic Approaches for Data Classification

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    The impact of innovated Neuro-Fuzzy System (NFS) has emerged as a dominant technique for addressing various difficult research problems in business. ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system) is an efficient combination of ANN and fuzzy logic for modeling highly non-linear, complex and dynamic systems. It has been proved that, with proper number of rules, an ANFIS system is able to approximate every plant. Even though it has been widely used, ANFIS has a major drawback of computational complexities. The number of rules and its tunable parameters increase exponentially when the numbers of inputs are large. Moreover, the standard learning process of ANFIS involves gradient based learning which has prone to fall in local minima. Many researchers have used meta-heuristic algorithms to tune parameters of ANFIS. This study will modify ANFIS architecture to reduce its complexity and improve the accuracy of classification problems. The experiments are carried out by trying different types and shapes of membership functions and meta-heuristics Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm with ANFIS and the training error results are measured for each combination. The results showed that modified ANFIS combined with ABC method provides better training error results than common ANFIS model

    An evolutionary adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for estimating field penetration index of tunnel boring machine in rock mass

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    Field penetration index (FPI) is one of the representative key parameters to examine the tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance. Lack of accurate FPI prediction can be responsible for numerous disastrous incidents associated with rock mechanics and engineering. This study aims to predict TBM performance (i.e. FPI) by an efficient and improved adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model. This was done using an evolutionary algorithm, i.e. artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm mixed with the ANFIS model. The role of ABC algorithm in this system is to find the optimum membership functions (MFs) of ANFIS model to achieve a higher degree of accuracy. The procedure and modeling were conducted on a tunnelling database comprising of more than 150 data samples where brittleness index (BI), fracture spacing, α angle between the plane of weakness and the TBM driven direction, and field single cutter load were assigned as model inputs to approximate FPI values. According to the results obtained by performance indices, the proposed ANFIS_ABC model was able to receive the highest accuracy level in predicting FPI values compared with ANFIS model. In terms of coefficient of determination (R2), the values of 0.951 and 0.901 were obtained for training and testing stages of the proposed ANFIS_ABC model, respectively, which confirm its power and capability in solving TBM performance problem. The proposed model can be used in the other areas of rock mechanics and underground space technologies with similar conditions. © 2021 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science

    A new neural network training algorithm based on artificial bee colony algorithm for nonlinear system identification

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs), one of the most important artificial intelligence techniques, are used extensively in modeling many types of problems. A successful training process is required to create effective models with ANN. An effective training algorithm is essential for a successful training process. In this study, a new neural network training algorithm called the hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm based on effective scout bee stage (HABCES) was proposed. The HABCES algorithm includes four fundamental changes. Arithmetic crossover was used in the solution generation mechanisms of the employed bee and onlooker bee stages. The knowledge of the global best solution was utilized by arithmetic crossover. Again, this solution generation mechanism also has an adaptive step size. Limit is an important control parameter. In the standard ABC algorithm, it is constant throughout the optimization. In the HABCES algorithm, it was determined dynamically depending on the number of generations. Unlike the standard ABC algorithm, the HABCES algorithm used a solution generation mechanism based on the global best solution in the scout bee stage. Through these features, the HABCES algorithm has a strong local and global convergence ability. Firstly, the performance of the HABCES algorithm was analyzed on the solution of global optimization problems. Then, applications on the training of the ANN were carried out. ANN was trained using the HABCES algorithm for the identification of nonlinear static and dynamic systems. The performance of the HABCES algorithm was compared with the standard ABC, aABC and ABCES algorithms. The results showed that the performance of the HABCES algorithm was better in terms of solution quality and convergence speed. A performance increase of up to 69.57% was achieved by using the HABCES algorithm in the identification of static systems. This rate is 46.82% for the identification of dynamic systems

    A comprehensive comparison of the performance of metaheuristic algorithms in neural network training for nonlinear system identification

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    Many problems in daily life exhibit nonlinear behavior. Therefore, it is important to solve nonlinear problems. These problems are complex and difficult due to their nonlinear nature. It is seen in the literature that different artificial intelligence techniques are used to solve these problems. One of the most important of these techniques is artificial neural networks. Obtaining successful results with an artificial neural network depends on its training process. In other words, it should be trained with a good training algorithm. Especially, metaheuristic algorithms are frequently used in artificial neural network training due to their advantages. In this study, for the first time, the performance of sixteen metaheuristic algorithms in artificial neural network training for the identification of nonlinear systems is analyzed. It is aimed to determine the most effective metaheuristic neural network training algorithms. The metaheuristic algorithms are examined in terms of solution quality and convergence speed. In the applications, six nonlinear systems are used. The mean-squared error (MSE) is utilized as the error metric. The best mean training error values obtained for six nonlinear systems were 3.5×10−4, 4.7×10−4, 5.6×10−5, 4.8×10−4, 5.2×10−4, and 2.4×10−3, respectively. In addition, the best mean test error values found for all systems were successful. When the results were examined, it was observed that biogeography-based optimization, moth–flame optimization, the artificial bee colony algorithm, teaching–learning-based optimization, and the multi-verse optimizer were generally more effective than other metaheuristic algorithms in the identification of nonlinear systems

    Evolutionary swarm algorithm for modelling and control of horizontal flexible plate structures

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    Numerous advantages offered by the horizontal flexible structure have attracted increasing industrial applications in many engineering fields particularly in the airport baggage conveyor system, micro hand surgery and semiconductor manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, the horizontal flexible structure is often subjected to disturbance forces as vibration is easily induced in the system. The vibration reduces the performance of the system, thus leading to the structure failure when excessive stress and noise prevail. Following this, it is crucial to minimize unwanted vibration so that the effectiveness and the lifetime of the structure can be preserved. In this thesis, an intelligent proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller has been developed for vibration suppression of a horizontal flexible plate structure. Initially, a flexible plate experimental rig was designed and fabricated with all clamped edges boundary conditions at horizontal position. Then, the data acquisition and instrumentation systems were integrated into the experimental rig. Several experimental procedures were conducted to acquire the input-output vibration data of the system. Next, the dynamics of the system was modeled using linear auto regressive with exogenous, which is optimized with three types of evolutionary swarm algorithm, namely, the particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony (ABC) and bat algorithm (BAT) model structure. Their effectiveness was then validated using mean squared error, correlation tests and pole zero diagram stability. Results showed that the PSO algorithm has superior performance compared to the other algorithms in modeling the system by achieving lowest mean squared error of 6103947.4 , correlation of up to 95 % confidence level and good stability. Next, five types of PID based controllers were chosen to suppress the unwanted vibration, namely, PID-Ziegler Nichols (ZN), PID-PSO, PID-ABC, Fuzzy-PID and PID-Iterative Learning Algorithm (ILA). The robustness of the controllers was validated by exerting different types of disturbances on the system. Amongst all controllers, the simulation results showed that PID tuned by ABC outperformed other controllers with 47.60 dB of attenuation level at the first mode (the dominant mode) of vibration, which is equivalent to 45.99 % of reduction in vibration amplitude. By implementing the controllers experimentally, the superiority of PID-ABC based controller was further verified by achieving an attenuation of 23.83 dB at the first mode of vibration and 21.62 % of reduction in vibration amplitude. This research proved that the PID controller tuned by ABC is superior compared to other tuning algorithms for vibration suppression of the horizontal flexible plate structure

    A hybrid approach of anfis—artificial bee colony algorithm for intelligent modeling and optimization of plasma arc cutting on monel™ 400 alloy

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    This paper focusses on a hybrid approach based on genetic algorithm (GA) and an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for modeling the correlation between plasma arc cutting (PAC) parameters and the response characteristics of machined Monel 400 alloy sheets. PAC experiments are performed based on box-behnken design methodology by considering cutting speed, gas pressure, arc current, and stand-off distance as input parameters, and surface roughness (Ra), kerf width (kw), and micro hardness (mh) as response characteristics. GA is efficaciously utilized as the training algorithm to optimize the ANFIS parameters. The training, testing errors, and statistical validation parameter results indicated that the ANFIS learned by GA outperforms in the forecasting of PAC responses compared with the results of multiple linear regression models. Besides that, to obtain the optimal combination PAC parameters, multi-response optimization was performed using a trained ANFIS network coupled with an artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC). The superlative responses, such as Ra of 1.5387 µm, kw of 1.2034 mm, and mh of 176.08, are used to forecast the optimum cutting conditions, such as a cutting speed of 2330.39 mm/min, gas pressure of 3.84 bar, arc current of 45 A, and stand-off distance of 2.01 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the ABC predicted results are validated by conducting confirmatory experiments, and it was found that the error between the predicted and the actual results are lower than 6.38%, indicating the adoptability of the proposed ABC in optimizing real-world complex machining processes

    An adaptive and hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm (aABC) for ANFIS training

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    In this study, we propose an Adaptive and Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony (aABC) algorithm to train ANFIS. Unlike the standard ABC algorithm, two new parameters are utilized in the solution search equation. These are arithmetic crossover rate and adaptivity coefficient. aABC algorithm gains the rapid convergence feature with the usage of arithmetic crossover and it is applied on two different problem groups and its performance is measured. Firstly, it is performed over 10 numerical 'benchmark functions'. The results show that aABC algorithm is more efficient than standard ABC algorithm. Secondly, ANFIS is trained by using aABC algorithm to identify the nonlinear dynamic systems. Each application begins with the randomly selected initial population and then average RMSE is obtained. For four examples considered in ANFIS training, train error values are respectively computed as 0.0344, 0.0232, 0.0152 and 0.0205. Also, test error values for these examples are respectively found as 0.0255, 0.0202, 0.0146 and 0.0295. Although it varies according to the examples, performance increase between 4.51% and 33.33% occurs. Additionally, it is seen that aABC algorithm converges bettter than ABC algorithm in the all examples. The obtained results are compared with the neuro-fuzzy based approaches which are commonly used in the literature and it is seen that the proposed ABC variant can be efficiently used for ANFIS training. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Use of Persistent Explorer Artificial Ants to Solve the Car Sequencing Problem

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    Ant Colony Optimisation is a widely researched meta-heuristic which uses the behaviour and pheromone laying activities of foraging ants to find paths through graphs. Since the early 1990’s this approach has been applied to problems such as the Travelling Salesman Problem, Quadratic Assignment Problem and Car Sequencing Problem to name a few. The ACO is not without its problems it tends to find good local optima and not good global optima. To solve this problem modifications have been made to the original ACO such as the Max Min ant system. Other solutions involve combining it with Evolutionary Algorithms to improve results. These improvements focused on the pheromone structures. Inspired by other swarm intelligence algorithms this work attempts to develop a new type of ant to explore different problem paths and thus improve the algorithm. The exploring ant would persist throughout the running time of the algorithm and explore unused paths. The Car Sequencing problem was chosen as a method to test the Exploring Ants. An existing algorithm was modified to implement the explorers. The results show that for the car sequencing problem the exploring ants did not have any positive impact, as the paths they chose were always sub-optimal