10,886 research outputs found

    ART Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Image Analysis

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    ART and ARTMAP neural networks for adaptive recognition and prediction have been applied to a variety of problems, including automatic mapping from remote sensing satellite measurements, parts design retrieval at the Boeing Company, medical database prediction, and robot vision. This paper features a self-contained introduction to ART and ARTMAP dynamics. An application of these networks to image processing is illustrated by means of a remote sensing example. The basic ART and ARTMAP networks feature winner-take-all (WTA) competitive coding, which groups inputs into discrete recognition categories. WTA coding in these networks enables fast learning, which allows the network to encode important rare cases but which may lead to inefficient category proliferation with noisy training inputs. This problem is partially solved by ART-EMAP, which use WTA coding for learning but distributed category representations for test-set prediction. Recently developed ART models (dART and dARTMAP) retain stable coding, recognition, and prediction, but allow arbitrarily distributed category representation during learning as well as performance

    Biologically Inspired Approaches to Automated Feature Extraction and Target Recognition

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    Ongoing research at Boston University has produced computational models of biological vision and learning that embody a growing corpus of scientific data and predictions. Vision models perform long-range grouping and figure/ground segmentation, and memory models create attentionally controlled recognition codes that intrinsically cornbine botton-up activation and top-down learned expectations. These two streams of research form the foundation of novel dynamically integrated systems for image understanding. Simulations using multispectral images illustrate road completion across occlusions in a cluttered scene and information fusion from incorrect labels that are simultaneously inconsistent and correct. The CNS Vision and Technology Labs (cns.bu.edulvisionlab and cns.bu.edu/techlab) are further integrating science and technology through analysis, testing, and development of cognitive and neural models for large-scale applications, complemented by software specification and code distribution.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F40620-01-1-0423); National Geographic-Intelligence Agency (NMA 201-001-1-2016); National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378; BCS-0235298); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624); National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Society of Siegfried Martens (NMA 501-03-1-2030, DGE-0221680); Department of Homeland Security graduate fellowshi

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    A Comprehensive Workflow for General-Purpose Neural Modeling with Highly Configurable Neuromorphic Hardware Systems

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    In this paper we present a methodological framework that meets novel requirements emerging from upcoming types of accelerated and highly configurable neuromorphic hardware systems. We describe in detail a device with 45 million programmable and dynamic synapses that is currently under development, and we sketch the conceptual challenges that arise from taking this platform into operation. More specifically, we aim at the establishment of this neuromorphic system as a flexible and neuroscientifically valuable modeling tool that can be used by non-hardware-experts. We consider various functional aspects to be crucial for this purpose, and we introduce a consistent workflow with detailed descriptions of all involved modules that implement the suggested steps: The integration of the hardware interface into the simulator-independent model description language PyNN; a fully automated translation between the PyNN domain and appropriate hardware configurations; an executable specification of the future neuromorphic system that can be seamlessly integrated into this biology-to-hardware mapping process as a test bench for all software layers and possible hardware design modifications; an evaluation scheme that deploys models from a dedicated benchmark library, compares the results generated by virtual or prototype hardware devices with reference software simulations and analyzes the differences. The integration of these components into one hardware-software workflow provides an ecosystem for ongoing preparative studies that support the hardware design process and represents the basis for the maturity of the model-to-hardware mapping software. The functionality and flexibility of the latter is proven with a variety of experimental results

    A Predictive Model for Assessment of Successful Outcome in Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery

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    Background: Low back pain is a common problem in many people. Neurosurgeons recommend posterior spinal fusion (PSF) surgery as one of the therapeutic strategies to the patients with low back pain. Due to the high risk of this type of surgery and the critical importance of making the right decision, accurate prediction of the surgical outcome is one of the main concerns for the neurosurgeons.Methods: In this study, 12 types of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks and 66 radial basis function (RBF) networks as the types of artificial neural network methods and a logistic regression (LR) model created and compared to predict the satisfaction with PSF surgery as one of the most well-known spinal surgeries.Results: The most important clinical and radiologic features as twenty-seven factors for 480 patients (150 males, 330 females; mean age 52.32 ± 8.39 years) were considered as the model inputs that included: age, sex, type of disorder, duration of symptoms, job, walking distance without pain (WDP), walking distance without sensory (WDS) disorders, visual analog scale (VAS) scores, Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score, diabetes, smoking, knee pain (KP), pelvic pain (PP), osteoporosis, spinal deformity and etc. The indexes such as receiver operating characteristic–area under curve (ROC-AUC), positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy calculated to determine the best model. Postsurgical satisfaction was 77.5% at 6 months follow-up. The patients divided into the training, testing, and validation data sets.Conclusion: The findings showed that the MLP model performed better in comparison with RBF and LR models for prediction of PSF surgery.Keywords: Posterior spinal fusion surgery (PSF); Prediction, Surgical satisfaction; Multi-layer perceptron (MLP); Logistic regression (LR) (PDF) A Predictive Model for Assessment of Successful Outcome in Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325679954_A_Predictive_Model_for_Assessment_of_Successful_Outcome_in_Posterior_Spinal_Fusion_Surgery [accessed Jul 11 2019].Peer reviewe

    FPGAs in Industrial Control Applications

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    The aim of this paper is to review the state-of-the-art of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technologies and their contribution to industrial control applications. Authors start by addressing various research fields which can exploit the advantages of FPGAs. The features of these devices are then presented, followed by their corresponding design tools. To illustrate the benefits of using FPGAs in the case of complex control applications, a sensorless motor controller has been treated. This controller is based on the Extended Kalman Filter. Its development has been made according to a dedicated design methodology, which is also discussed. The use of FPGAs to implement artificial intelligence-based industrial controllers is then briefly reviewed. The final section presents two short case studies of Neural Network control systems designs targeting FPGAs
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