25 research outputs found

    Coastline Accuracy Assessment Developed By Using Multi Data Source

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    Coastline Modeling Accuracy Assessment Developed By Using from Multi-Source Data. The coastal regions need to be developed because many big cities in Indonesia are located in these areas. However, it is crucial to determine the distance from the beach that is safe as the requirement for development along the coastal zone. The term of the beach is very closely affiliated with the coastline. The method of determining the coastline continues to be developed to fulfill the many needs related to the coastline. The coastline has a dynamic position. The land contour along the coast and the tide's state become several things that affect the coastline. Therefore, a dynamic model is required to define coastline positioning because both conditions are easy to change. The coastline determination from multi-source data modeling using DEM results is rarely done. In this study, coastline determination uses land height contours combined with sea depth contours and uses Mean Sea Level (MSL) value for vertical reference using the DEM model. The model's accuracy is tested by comparing the coastline delineation model and the Geospatial Information Agency coastline to test the DEM model generated before determining the coastline using this model as the reference. Based on this study, the compared shoreline models and delineation have gaps. This gap might be influenced by the data source, the model's resolution, and the data collection method

    On the quality of the drainage network cartographic representation

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    One of the most important features of topographic maps is the stream network. Its accurate representation is essential for several applications. This work evaluates the quality of the stream network representation of Brazil and Portugal's official topographic maps. These maps were produced using different scales (1:10,000, 1:25,000, and 1:50,000) and methods (photo interpretation and automatic drainage network extraction). The intention of this analysis is to focus on quality data analysis, optimization and reduction of management costs, and the achievement of better planning. To assess the completeness and positional quality, two actions were taken. The first, concerning the completeness assessment, used the methodology proposed by ISO 19157. The second is related to positional quality analysis using the Buffer Overlay Statistical Method. Results show that completeness and positional errors can appear at different locations, intensities, and scales and may promote changes in the extent and direction of mapped watercourses, drainage density, and consequently the size of the watersheds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structural analyses of features in cultural landscapes based on historical cadastral maps and GIS

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    A landscape may appear to be ancient and to contain old man-made structures even if this is not the whole truth. Structures are moved, removed, replaced and added over the years. New users introduce new land use and management regimes. In Norway, information from land consolidation processes is crucially important in gaining a better understanding of the history, dynamics and development of farms, identifying older traces of human activity and selecting important areas for protection and management. When cadastral maps are transformed, common points are needed during the transformation process and for testing the accuracy of the final transformation. It is often difficult to find enough common points to satisfy statistical requirements. Paper I presents a simple method using buffers based on linear features to evaluate whether or not the accuracy of the transformation results is better than the known accuracy of the source. Papers II, III and IV show how digitised and geographically referenced historical cadastral maps can be used to reconstruct the situation at various dates back to the 19th century, and for some information back to the 16th century. The digitised cadastral map provides a snapshot of the situation at the time of the land consolidation process, and the information is considered to be very exact. Paper IV also demonstrates how a DEM (digital elevation model) can add significantly to an understanding of the information contained in the land consolidation material. The use of digitised cadastral maps reveals that many man-made structures generally perceived as old, because they are constructed using traditional techniques, in fact date from after the land consolidation process. One aim of the new European Landscape Convention is to promote landscape protection, management and planning. It therefore requires identification of landscapes and analysis of their characteristics and the forces and pressures transforming them. Using land consolidation material in a GIS makes it possible to document changes in a landscape and improve understanding of the pressures behind these changes

    Ocenjivanje položajne tačnosti digitalne topografske karte u razmeri 1:25 000 (DTK25) na osnovu standarda STANAG 2215

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    The paper describes the results of the positional accuracy assessment of digital topographic maps at scale 1: 25 000 produced by the Serbian Military Geographic Institute (MGI). The test for the horizontal and vertical accuracy compliance of map sheets is done by comparing the planimetric and height coordinates of the ground points to the coordinates of the same points as determined by a check survey of higher accuracy. In this research STANAG 2215 standard was used and the methodology of its use is discussed in detail. The results of positional accuracy assessment for the digital topographic maps at scale 1:25 000 produced by the Military Geographic Institute have confirmed the highest level of accuracy defined by STANAG 2215 standard.U radu se opisuju rezultati ocenjivanja položajne tačnosti digitalnih topografskih karata u razmeri 1:25 000, proizvedenih u Vojnogeografskom institutu (VGI) Republike Srbije. Testiranje horizontalne i vertikalne položajne tačnosti pojedinačnih listova karata urađeno je poređenjem planimetrijskih i visinskih koordinata test-tačaka sa korespondentnim tačkama veće tačnosti određenih terenskim premerom. U istaživanju je korišćen standard STANG 2215 i detaljno je opisana njegova metodologija. Rezultati ovog ocenjivanja potvrdili su najviši nivo tačnosti definisan standardom STANAG 2215

    Comparison of Gridded DEMs by Buffering

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    This research was partially funded by the research project "Functional Quality in Digital Elevation Models in Engineering" (https://coello.ujaen.es/investigacion/web_giic/funquality4 dem/, accessed on 28 July 2021) of the State Research Agency. PID2019-106195RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033.Comparing two digital elevation models (DEMs), S1 (reference) and S2 (product), in order to get the S2 quality, has usually been performed on sampled points. However, it seems more natural, as we propose, comparing both DEMs using 2.5D surfaces: applying a buffer to S1 (single buffer method, SBM) or to both S1 and S2 (double buffer method, DBM). The SBM and DBM approaches have been used in lines accuracy assessment and, in this paper, we generalize them to a DEM surface, so that more area of the S2 surface (in the case of the SBM), or the area and volume (in the case of the DBM) that are involved, more similarly are S1 and S2. The results obtained show that across both methods, SBM recognizes the presence of outliers and vertical bias while DBM allows a richer and more complex analysis based on voxel intersection. Both methods facilitate creating observed distribution functions that eliminate the need for the hypothesis of normality on discrepancies and allow the application of quality control techniques based on proportions. We consider that the SBM is more suitable when the S1 accuracy is much greater than that of S2 and DBM is preferred when the accuracy of S1 and S2 are approximately equal.research project "Functional Quality in Digital Elevation Models in Engineering" of the State Research Agency PID2019-106195RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103


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    Atualmente a validação da qualidade das informações cartográficas tem sido um tema cada vez mais evidente e de extrema importância. Com o surgimento da Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais (INDE), surgiram diversas especificações técnicas com a finalidade de regulamentar e padronizar os inúmeros processos relacionados à produção cartográfica nacional. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar a acurácia posicional planimétrica de uma ortofoto gerada a partir de um sensor embarcado em uma plataforma VANT, através da aplicação dos métodos de feições pontuais e lineares, de acordo com o padrão de acurácia posicional brasileiro (Decreto-lei 89.817 aliado à ET-ADGV), considerando como referência um levantamento topográfico executado utilizando a tecnologia GNSS (Global Navigation Satéllite System) e método de posicionamento RTK (Real Time Kinematic). Os resultados alcançados demostram que tanto o método de feição linear (método Buffer Duplo) quanto o método de feição pontual apresentaram resultados similares, obtendo-se segundo o Decreto-lei nº 89.817 em concordância com a ET-ADGV classificação classe B para a escala 1:1000

    A Supervised Approach to Delineate Built-Up Areas for Monitoring and Analysis of Settlements

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    Monitoring urban growth and measuring urban sprawl is essential for improving urban planning and development. In this paper, we introduce a supervised approach for the delineation of urban areas using commonly available topographic data and commercial GIS software. The method uses a supervised parameter optimization approach along with buffer-based quality measuring method. The approach was developed, tested and evaluated in terms of possible usage in monitoring built-up areas in spatial science at a very fine-grained level. Results show that built-up area boundaries can be delineated automatically with higher quality compared to the settlement boundaries actually used. The approach has been applied to 166 settlement bodies in Germany. The study shows a very efficient way of extracting settlement boundaries from topographic data and maps and contributes to the quantification and monitoring of urban sprawl. Moreover, the findings from this study can potentially guide policy makers and urban planners from other countries

    Automatic mapping of forest density from airborne LIDAR data

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    This paper presents new methods for the automatic mapping of vegetation from airborne lidar data. The methods are developed specifically for orienteering maps, which are detailed maps in scale 1:15,000 or 1:10,000 of forested areas. However, the methods may be modified to be used for automatic mapping of vegetation for national topographic map series in various scales, e.g., 1:25,000 or 1:50,000. We introduce the normalized difference vegetation density (NDVD) as an indicator of vegetation density in airborne lidar data. A modified version of NDVD is used for reduced runability mapping. By comparing pixel-by-pixel the automatic mapping with the manual survey in four different forest areas in Oslo, Norway, the correct classification rate varies from 71% to 75%. However, close investigation reveals that the automatic mapping is better than manual survey for open areas. On the other hand, the automatic mapping of reduced runability remains a difficult problem. In many cases, the automatic method is able to identify the major areas of reduced runability, while in other areas the correspondence is low between the automatic mapping and manual survey of reduced runability. Still, the automatic method may be used to quickly produce an initial mapping of reduced runability, or in the production of orienteering maps in remote areas where a full manual survey cannot be afforded


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    Atualmente, tem-se aumentado a preocupação com a avaliação da acurácia posicional em dados espaciais, principalmente em dados com informações altimétricas. Contudo, vários trabalhos avaliam apenas a componente altimétrica, desconsiderando a acurácia posicional planimétrica. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a acurácia posicional planimétrica dos principais MDSs disponíveis gratuitamente para o Brasil, como os modelos SRTM (banda C e X), Aster GDEM versão 2 e TOPODATA. Para a avaliação da acurácia posicional planimétrica dos MDSs, fez-se a extração de feições características do terreno como linhas de cumeadas e linhas de hidrografia numérica. Em seguida, de posse destas feições lineares, aplicou-se o método do Buffer Duplo para avaliar a acurácia posicional planimétrica de acordo com o padrão definido no Decreto-lei n° 89.817/ET-ADGV. Para a comparação destes modelos, utilizou-se como referência um MDS, na escala de 1:25.000, obtido do sensor ALOS/PRISM. Os resultados da avaliação posicional planimétrica apresentaram Classe C na escala 1:100.000 para os MDS SRTM-X e Aster GDEM; para os MDS TOPODATA e SRTM-C, as classificações obtidas foram Classe B e Classe C na escala de 1:250.000, respectivamente