15 research outputs found


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    The model car transport system is a laboratory intended for a practical development in the area of the motor traffic. It is also an important education tool for students’ hands-on training, enabling students to test the results of their own studies. The main part of the model car transportation network is a model in a ratio 1:87 (HO), based on component units of FALLER Car system, e.g. cars, traffic lights, carriage way, parking spaces, stop sections, branch-off junctions, sensors and control sections. The model enables to simulate real traffic situations. It includes a motor traffic in a city, in a small village, on a carriageway between a city and a village including a railway crossing. The traffic infrastructure includes different kinds of intersections, such as T-junctions, a classic four-way crossroad and four-way traffic circle, with and without traffic lights control. Another important part of the model is a segment of a highway which includes an elevated crossing with highway approaches and exits

    Sustainable smart cities: the European case

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    Smart cities are emerging all over the world and are a promise to combat various problems currently faced by cities. This context makes smart cities a relevant topic for research. This study aims to identify which factors influence the development of sustainable smart cities. The empirical study uses a sample with 73 European cities and applies a multiple linear regression. The results suggest differences between smart cities in Europe, such as smarter cities are located geographically in the western region and are governed by women. This study provides an academic and empirical study on smart cities and contributes to a better explanation of a still under explored theme.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    SODES: Solving ordinary differential equations step by step

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    In this paper, we introduce SODES (Stepwise Ordinary Differential Equations Solver) a new solver for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). SODES can optionally provide the solution displaying all the steps needed to obtain it. This way, SODES is an important tool not only for researchers who need solving ODE but also constitutes an important tool for the teaching and learning process of ODE. SODES has been developed using programming with a Computer Algebra System (CAS). Specifically, we use the CAS Derive but it can be easily adapted to any other CAS supporting programming. SODES provides, step by step, the solution of the following types of ODE: separable, homogeneous, exact, integrating factors, linear, Bernoulli, Riccati, first order ODE of nth degree, Cauchy’s problems of first order ODE, higher order linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, Lagrange’s method for particular solutions of higher order linear equations with constant coefficients, higher order linear equations with constant coefficients and Cauchy’s problems of higher order linear equations with constant coefficients. SODES also deals with two generic programs which determine the type or types of a given ODE and provides the solution. In this paper we will also introduce a draft of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for SODES in a local web application using programming in Python (using its CAS module SymPy) which is a more portable and free CAS. This draft can be used in English, French and Spanish, and can be easily extended to other languages. The code of SODES and the GUI are freely available so that it can be used by users who also will be able to adapt it to their needsFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU


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    Determining factors in becoming a sustainable smart city: an empirical study in Europe

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    This paper aims firstly to identify differences and similarities between cities according to the activities which are necessary to become a smart city and secondly to identify relevant factors that could influence positions in the smart cities ranking. To achieve these goals, this study uses a quantitative analysis applied to 73 European cities to identify the factors that influence differences between smart cities. The results suggest the formation of clusters around European smart cities and also that cities located geographically in the west of Europe and with governance by women present higher levels in the European Smart Cities rankings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Višekriterijska evaluacija pametnih performansi europskih gradova: gospodarski, socijalni i okolišni aspekti

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    The purpose of the paper is to provide the ranking of Central and Eastern European cities, based on various elements of cities’ smart performance. Our analysis enables the evaluation of social, economic and environmental aspects of urban life that represent the determinants of cities’ competitive profiles and consequently, the positions on the ranking lists. The research is based on the data on perceptions of citizens on different aspects of urban quality, provided by the Eurostat’s Urban Audit Perception Survey. For the assessment of various hierarchically structured indicators of cities’ smart performance, a multi-criteria analysis model is developed, combining the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) for determining the relative importance of criteria and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method of ranking. The main finding of the paper implies that direct perceptions of citizens on the overall life satisfaction in the analyzed European cities are not influenced by their smart performance. The comparison of ranks obtained by the constructed multi-criteria model and perceived satisfaction of life indicates a rather weak relation.Svrha rada je rangirati gradove srednje i istočne Europe na temelju različitih elemenata pametnih performansi gradova. Ova analiza omogućuje procjenu društvenih, ekonomskih i ekoloških aspekata urbanog života, koji predstavljaju odrednice konkurentnosti gradova, a time i pozicije na rang listi. Istraživanje se temelji na podacima o percepciji građana o različitim aspektima urbane kvalitete, koje pruža Eurostatova baza Urban Audit Perception Survey. Za procjenu raznih hijerarhijski strukturiranih pokazatelja pametnih performansi gradova, razvijen je višekriterijski model analize koji kombinira metodu Analitički hijerarhijski proces (Analytic Hierarchy Process – AHP) za određivanje relativne važnosti kriterija i TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) metodu rangiranja. Glavni nalaz rada sugerira da izravna percepcija građana o cjelokupnom životnom zadovoljstvu u analiziranim europskim gradovima nije uvjetovana “pametnim” performansama gradova. Usporedba poretka dobivenih konstruiranim višekriterijskim modelom i percipiranog zadovoljstva života ukazuje na njihov prilično slab odno

    Hybrid agent-based and social force simulation for modelling human evacuation egress

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    Simulation has become one of the popular techniques to model evacuation scenarios. Simulation is used as an instrumental for examining human movement during both normal and emergencies such as evacuation. During an evacuation, people will be in a panic situation and egress behaviour that will find the way out from a dangerous place to a safe place. Two well-known techniques in simulation that can incorporate human behaviour inside the simulation models are Agent-Based Simulation and Social Force Simulation. ABS is using the concept of a multi-agent system that consists of decentralized agents which can be autonomous, responsive and proactive. Meanwhile, SFS is a physical force to drive humans dynamically to perform egress actions and human self-organised behaviour in a group. However, the main issue in modelling both ABS or SFS alone is due to their characteristic as ABS have difficulty in modelling the force element and collective behaviours while SFS does not focus on free movements during the evacuation. This behaviour was due to the structure of humans (agents) inside ABS is decentralized which resulting collision among agents and the desired formation of evacuation was not achieved. On the other hand, in a single SFS model, the human was not proactive in finding the way out which was not reflecting the actual behaviour of humans during the evacuation. Both ABS and SFS are potential techniques to be combined due to their characteristics of self-learning and free movement in ABS and self organization in SFS. The research methodology based on modelling and simulation (M&S) life-cycle has been utilized for this work; consists of three main phases, namely preliminary study, model development and validation and verification and finally the experimentation and the results analysis. The M&S life-cycle was utilized aligned with the research aim which is to investigate the performance of the combined ABS and SFS in modelling the egress behaviour during evacuation. To achieve the aim, five evacuation factors have been chosen namely obstacles, the number of exits, exit width, triggered alarm time, and the number of people that have been the most chosen factors in the literature review. Next, three simulation models (using techniques: SFS, ABS and hybrid ABS/SFS) have been developed, verified, and validated based on the real case study data. Various simulation scenarios that will influence the human evacuation movement based on the evacuation factors were modelled and analysed. The simulation results were compared based on the chosen performance measurement parameters (PMP): evacuation time, velocity, flow rate, density and simulation time (model execution time). The simulation results analysis revealed that SFS, ABS, and hybrid ABS/ SFS were found suitable to model evacuation egress (EE) based on the reported PMP. The smallest standard error (SSE) values reported 66% for hybrid ABS/ SFS, 17% for ABS and 17% for SFS where the highest percentage of SSE indicated the most accurate. Based on the experiment results, the hybrid ABS/ SFS revealed a better performance with high effectiveness and accuracy in the simulation model behaviour when modelling various evacuation egress scenarios compared to single ABS and SFS. Thus, hybrid ABS/ SFS was found the most appropriate technique for modelling EE as agents in the hybrid technique were communicating to each other by forming a decentralised control for smooth and safe EE movement. In addition, the impactful factors that affected the result accuracy were exits, the exit width (size), the obstacle and the number of people. Conclusively, this thesis contributed the hybrid ABS/ SFS model for modelling human behaviour during evacuation in a closed area such as an office building to the body of knowledge. Hence, this research was found significant to assist the practitioners and researchers to study the closer representation of human EE behaviour by considering the hybrid ABS/SFS model and the impactful factors of evacuation

    O metabolismo de uma cidade e as suas simbioses

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementO presente trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de sistemas de informação inspirada no sistema nervoso humano, desenhada de forma coerente e consistente; dotada de uma rede de sensores que capta e processa rapidamente os dados, conduzindo-os através de uma cadeia de ação-reação equiparável à existente no sistema nervoso humano, onde cada “sensação” implica uma resposta diferente e adequada por parte do organismo. Um artefacto coerente com a definição de cidade-metabolismo, desenhado tendo em mente um ecossistema biológico que permitirá uma análise detalhada de recursos, serviços, entidades e valências de uma cidade, bem como o respetivo estudo das sinergias passíveis de serem desenvolvidas entre eles e os cidadãos, que viabiliza uma eficácia de resposta integrada e conecta entre todos os componentes de uma cidade. Uma arquitetura de sistemas de informação que visa permitir a uma cidade o aumento da eficiência da sua gestão, ao apresentar uma automação de processos, decisões e capacidade de autoaprendizagem pelo próprio artefacto, baseada nos processos de simbiose e de homeostasia