435 research outputs found

    Representing the Relationships Between Field Collected Carbon Exchanges and Surface Reflectance Using Geospatial and Satellite-Based Techniques

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    Carbon exchanges between the atmosphere and the land surface vary in space and time, and are highly dependent on land cover type. It is important to quantify these exchanges to understand how landscapes affect the carbon budget, which will have a significant impact on future climate change and will inform climate change projections. However, how do you represent regional carbon exchanges from a single meteorological station? A single observing station will represent a limited area around the station, but each individual observation will sample a different physical land area in time due to varying wind speeds, wind direction, and atmospheric stability. The methods and techniques presented address the challenges, limitations, and future work that is needed to properly scale and model carbon exchanges in four dimensions for varying agricultural and transitioning ecotones. Seasonal variability of carbon exchanges can be modeled in agricultural land covers using satellite-based techniques, but due to physiological differences in crop types the values must be modeled by crop species. The spatially varying atmospheric conditions must also be considered when modeling carbon exchanges from a single point in the spatial realm because of the dependency of carbon exchange on temperature and humidity conditions. In summary, field-based carbon exchange observations are used to quantify whether a specific land cover in a region is a carbon source to carbon sink to the atmosphere, however, it is important to consider the spatially varying variables that limit the ability of a single point measurement to represent carbon exchanges of an entire region

    Understanding and Improving the Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm under Space, Time and Heterogeneity

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    The spatial and temporal monitoring of soil moisture from remote sensing platforms plays a pivotal role in predicting the future food and water security. That is, improving soil moisture estimation at remote sensing platforms has remarkable impacts in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, and global climate change. However, remote sensing of soil moisture for long is hindered by spatial heterogeneity in land surface variables (soil, biomass, topography, and temperature) which cause systematic and random errors in soil moisture retrievals. Most soil moisture improvement methods to date focused on the downscaling of either coarse resolution soil moisture or brightness temperature based on fine scale ancillary information of land surface variables. Comparatively little work has been done on improving the parameterization of most sensitive variables to radiative transfer model that impact soil moisture retrieval accuracy. In addition, the classic radiative transfer model assumes the vegetation and surface roughness parameters, as constant with space and time which undermines the retrieval accuracy. Also, it is largely elusive so far the discussion on the non-linearity of microwave radiative transfer model and its relationship with energy and water fluxes. In order to address the above mentioned limitations, this dissertation aims to develop and validate a soil moisture modeling framework with associated improved parameterizations for surface roughness and vegetation optical depth (VOD) in the homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. To this end, the following research work is specifically conducted: (a) conduct comprehensive sensitivity analysis on radiative transfer model with space, time and hydroclimates; (b) develop multi-scale surface roughness model which incorporates small (soil) and large (topography) surface undulations to improve soil moisture retrievals; (c) improve the parameterization of vegetation topical depth (VOD) using within-pixel biomass heterogeneity to improved soil moisture accuracy; (d) investigate the non-linearity in microwave radiative transfer model, and its association with thermal energy fluxes. The results of this study showed that: (a) the total (linear + non-linear) sensitivity of soil, temperature and biomass variables varied with spatial scale (support), time, and hydro climates, with higher non-linearity observed for dense biomass regions. This non-linearity is also governed by soil moisture availability and temperature. Among these variables, surface roughness and vegetation optical depth are most sensitive variables to radiative transfer model (RTM); (b) considering the spatial and temporal variability in parameterization of surface roughness and VOD has improved soil moisture retrieval accuracy, importantly in cropland and forest environments; and (c) the soil moisture estimated through evaporative fraction (EF) correlates higher with VOD corrected soil moisture

    Estimation of High-Resolution Evapotranspiration in Heterogeneous Environments Using Drone-Based Remote Sensing

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key element of hydrological cycle analysis, irrigation demand, and for better allocation of water resources in the ecosystem. For successful water resources management activities, precise estimate of ET is necessary. Although several attempts have been made to achieve that, variation in temporal and spatial scales constitutes a major challenge, particularly in heterogeneous canopy environments such as vineyards, orchards, and natural areas. The advent of remote sensing information from different platforms, particularly the small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) technology with lightweight sensors allows users to capture high-resolution data faster than traditional methods, described as “flexible in timing”. In this study, the Two Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) along with high-resolution data from sUAS were used to bridge the gap in ET issues related to spatial and temporal scales. Over homogeneous vegetation surfaces, relatively low spatial resolution information derived from Landsat (e.g., 30 m) might be appropriate for ET estimate, which can capture differences between fields. However, in agricultural landscapes with presence of vegetation rows and interrows, the homogeneity is less likely to be met and the ideal conditions may be difficult to identify. For most agricultural settings, row spacing can vary within a field (vineyards and orchards), making the agricultural landscape less homogenous. This leads to a key question related to how the contextual spatial domain/model grid size could influence the estimation of surface fluxes in canopy environments such as vineyards. Furthermore, temporal upscaling of instantaneous ET at daily or longer time scales is of great practical importance in managing water resources. While remote sensing-based ET models are promising tools to estimate instantaneous ET, additional models are needed to scale up the estimated or modeled instantaneous ET to daily values. Reliable and precise daily ET (ETd) estimation is essential for growers and water resources managers to understand the diurnal and seasonal variation in ET. In response to this issue, different existing extrapolation/upscaling daily ET (ETd) models were assessed using eddy covariance (EC) and sUAS measurements. On the other hand, ET estimation over semi-arid naturally vegetated regions becomes an issue due to high heterogeneity in such environments where vegetation tends to be randomly distributed over the land surface. This reflects the conditions of natural vegetation in river corridors. While significant efforts were made to estimate ET at agricultural landscapes, accurate spatial information of ET over riparian ecosystems is still challenging due to various species associated with variable amounts of bare soil and surface water. To achieve this, the TSEB model with high-resolution remote sensing data from sUAS were used to characterize the spatial heterogeneity and calculate the ET over a natural environment that features arid climate and various vegetation types at the San Rafael River corridor

    Land Surface Temperature Product Validation Best Practice Protocol Version 1.0 - October, 2017

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    The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) has specified the need to systematically generate andvalidate Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. This document provides recommendations on goodpractices for the validation of LST products. Internationally accepted definitions of LST, emissivity andassociated quantities are provided to ensure the compatibility across products and reference data sets. Asurvey of current validation capabilities indicates that progress is being made in terms of up-scaling and insitu measurement methods, but there is insufficient standardization with respect to performing andreporting statistically robust comparisons.Four LST validation approaches are identified: (1) Ground-based validation, which involvescomparisons with LST obtained from ground-based radiance measurements; (2) Scene-based intercomparisonof current satellite LST products with a heritage LST products; (3) Radiance-based validation,which is based on radiative transfer calculations for known atmospheric profiles and land surface emissivity;(4) Time series comparisons, which are particularly useful for detecting problems that can occur during aninstrument's life, e.g. calibration drift or unrealistic outliers due to undetected clouds. Finally, the need foran open access facility for performing LST product validation as well as accessing reference LST datasets isidentified

    Analyzing spatio-temporal factors to estimate the response time between SMOS and in-situ soil moisture at different depths

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    A comprehensive understanding of temporal variability of subsurface soil moisture (SM) is paramount in hydrological and agricultural applications such as rainfed farming and irrigation. Since the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission was launched in 2009, globally available satellite SM retrievals have been used to investigate SM dynamics, based on the fact that useful information about subsurface SM is contained in their time series. SM along the depth profile is influenced by atmospheric forcing and local SM properties. Until now, subsurface SM was estimated by weighting preceding information of remotely sensed surface SM time series according to an optimized depth-specific characteristic time length. However, especially in regions with extreme SM conditions, the response time is supposed to be seasonally variable and depends on related processes occurring at different timescales. Aim of this study was to quantify the response time by means of the time lag between the trend series of satellite and in-situ SM observations using a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) technique. DTW was applied to the SMOS satellite SM L4 product at 1 km resolution developed by the Barcelona Expert Center (BEC), and in-situ near-surface and root-zone SM of four representative stations at multiple depths, located in the Soil Moisture Measurements Station Network of the University of Salamanca (REMEDHUS) in Western Spain. DTW was customized to control the rate of accumulation and reduction of time lag during wetting and drying conditions and to consider the onset dates of pronounced precipitation events to increase sensitivity to prominent features of the input series. The temporal variability of climate factors in combination with crop growing seasons were used to indicate prevailing SM-related processes. Hereby, a comparison of long-term precipitation recordings and estimations of potential evapotranspiration (PET) allowed us to estimate SM seasons. The spatial heterogeneity of land use was analyzed by means of high-resolution images of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Sentinel-2 to provide information about the level of spatial representativeness of SMOS observations to each in-situ station. Results of the spatio-temporal analysis of the study were then evaluated to understand seasonally and spatially changing patterns in time lag. The time lag evolution describes a variable characteristic time length by considering the relevant processes which link SMOS and in-situ SM observation, which is an important step to accurately infer subsurface SM from satellite time series. At a further stage, the approach needs to be applied to different SM networks to understand the seasonal, climate- and site-specific characteristic behaviour of time lag and to decide, whether general conclusions can be drawn.The project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/DI18/11660050. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 713673. This study was also funded through the award “Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu” MDM-2016-0600 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the projects ESP2017-89463-C3-1-R, ESP2017-89463-C3-2-R and ESP2017-89463-C3-3-R.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Upscaling CH4 Fluxes Using High-Resolution Imagery in Arctic Tundra Ecosystems

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    © 2017 by the author. Arctic tundra ecosystems are a major source of methane (CH 4 ), the variability of which is affected by local environmental and climatic factors, such as water table depth, microtopography, and the spatial heterogeneity of the vegetation communities present. There is a disconnect between the measurement scales for CH 4 fluxes, which can be measured with chambers at one-meter resolution and eddy covariance towers at 100-1000 m, whereas model estimates are typically made at the ~100 km scale. Therefore, it is critical to upscale site level measurements to the larger scale for model comparison. As vegetation has a critical role in explaining the variability of CH 4 fluxes across the tundra landscape, we tested whether remotely-sensed maps of vegetation could be used to upscale fluxes to larger scales. The objectives of this study are to compare four different methods for mapping and two methods for upscaling plot-level CH 4 emissions to the measurements from EC towers. We show that linear discriminant analysis (LDA) provides the most accurate representation of the tundra vegetation within the EC tower footprints (classification accuracies of between 65% and 88%). The upscaled CH 4 emissions using the areal fraction of the vegetation communities showed a positive correlation (between 0.57 and 0.81) with EC tower measurements, irrespective of the mapping method. The area-weighted footprint model outperformed the simple area-weighted method, achieving a correlation of 0.88 when using the vegetation map produced with the LDA classifier. These results suggest that the high spatial heterogeneity of the tundra vegetation has a strong impact on the flux, and variation indicates the potential impact of environmental or climatic parameters on the fluxes. Nonetheless, assimilating remotely-sensed vegetation maps of tundra in a footprint model was successful in upscaling fluxes across scales