279 research outputs found

    Overview of MV-HEVC prediction structures for light field video

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    Light field video is a promising technology for delivering the required six-degrees-of-freedom for natural content in virtual reality. Already existing multi-view coding (MVC) and multi-view plus depth (MVD) formats, such as MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC, are the most conventional light field video coding solutions since they can compress video sequences captured simultaneously from multiple camera angles. 3D-HEVC treats a single view as a video sequence and the other sub-aperture views as gray-scale disparity (depth) maps. On the other hand, MV-HEVC treats each view as a separate video sequence, which allows the use of motion compensated algorithms similar to HEVC. While MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC provide similar results, MV-HEVC does not require any disparity maps to be readily available, and it has a more straightforward implementation since it only uses syntax elements rather than additional prediction tools for inter-view prediction. However, there are many degrees of freedom in choosing an appropriate structure and it is currently still unknown which one is optimal for a given set of application requirements. In this work, various prediction structures for MV-HEVC are implemented and tested. The findings reveal the trade-off between compression gains, distortion and random access capabilities in MVHEVC light field video coding. The results give an overview of the most optimal solutions developed in the context of this work, and prediction structure algorithms proposed in state-of-the-art literature. This overview provides a useful benchmark for future development of light field video coding solutions


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    International audienceThe growth in the use of high definition (HD) and above video resolutions streams has outstripped the rate at which network infrastructure has been deployed. Video streaming applications require appropriate rate control techniques that make use of the specific characteristics of the video content, such as the regions of interest (ROI). With the introduction of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) streams, we consider new coding features to make a novel ROI-based rate control (RC) algorithm. The proposed approach introduces tiling in a ROI-based rate control scheme. It aims at enhancing the quality of important regions (i.e. faces for a videoconferencing system) considering independently coded regions lying within an ROI and helps evaluating the ROI quality under poor channel conditions. Our work consists of two major steps. First, we designed a RC algorithm based on an independent processing of tiles of different regions. Second, we investigate the effect of ROI-and tile-based rate control algorithm on the decoded quality of the stream transmitted over a lossy channel

    Video processing for panoramic streaming using HEVC and its scalable extensions

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    Panoramic streaming is a particular way of video streaming where an arbitrary Region-of-Interest (RoI) is transmitted from a high-spatial resolution video, i.e. a video covering a very “wide-angle” (much larger than the human field-of-view – e.g. 360°). Some transport schemes for panoramic video delivery have been proposed and demonstrated within the past decade, which allow users to navigate interactively within the high-resolution videos. With the recent advances of head mounted displays, consumers may soon have immersive and sufficiently convenient end devices at reach, which could lead to an increasing demand for panoramic video experiences. The solution proposed within this paper is built upon tile-based panoramic streaming, where users receive a set of tiles that match their RoI, and consists in a low-complexity compressed domain video processing technique for using H.265/HEVC and its scalable extensions (H.265/SHVC and H.265/MV-HEVC). The proposed technique generates a single video bitstream out of the selected tiles so that a single hardware decoder can be used. It overcomes the scalability issue of previous solutions not using tiles and the battery consumption issue inherent of tile-based panorama streaming, where multiple parallel software decoders are used. In addition, the described technique is capable of reducing peak streaming bitrate during changes of the RoI, which is crucial for allowing a truly immersive and low latency video experience. Besides, it makes it possible to use Open GOP structures without incurring any playback interruption at switching events, which provides a better compression efficiency compared to closed GOP structures