45 research outputs found

    US long distance fiber optic networks: Technology, evolution and advanced concepts. Volume 2: Fiber optic technology and long distance networks

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    The study projects until 2000 the evolution of long distance fiber optic networks in the U.S. Volume 1 is the Executive Summary. Volume 2 focuses on fiber optic components and systems that are directly related to the operation of long-haul networks. Optimistic, pessimistic and most likely scenarios of technology development are presented. The activities of national and regional companies implementing fiber long haul networks are also highlighted, along with an analysis of the market and regulatory forces affecting network evolution. Volume 3 presents advanced fiber optic network concept definitions. Inter-LATA traffic is quantified and forms the basis for the construction of 11-, 15-, 17-, and 23-node networks. Using the technology projections from Volume 2, a financial model identifies cost drivers and determines circuit mile costs between any two LATAs. A comparison of fiber optics with alternative transmission concludes the report

    Super Highway Trunk System Menggunakan Optic Amplifier Dan Sistem Koheren

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    Kebutuhan akan s1stem komunikasJ dengan kecepatan tmggi serta ketersed1aan bandwidth yang Iebar menyebabkan timbulnya sistem transm1s• dengan serat optik Super H1ghway Trunk System merupakan s1stem yang menggunakan kecepatan Iingg• dalam pentransmisian I penyaluran s1nyal mtormas1. Kecepatan yang digunakannya dalam orde Gb1Vs. Dl mana prosedur multipleks yang digunakan adalah STM-16, yaitu 2,5 GbiUs Pada tugas akh1r 1ni metodologi yang digunakan adalah dengan studi litcratur dan pcngkajian mcngenai hal yang berkaitan dengan sistem komunikasi sera\ opllk dengan kecepatan t1nggi, penguat optik serta sistem kohcren. Selan)ulnya d•kBJI penggunaannya pada SIStem, sehingga diperoleh kelebihan tertentu dibandmgkan dengan sistem konvensional. Penggunaan pengulang saat ini diarahkan untuk menggunakan penguat opt1k sebaga• linear repeater Penggunaan penguat optik pada sistem im dapat sebagai penguat daya preamplifier, postamplifier, maupun remote amplifier Sela1n rtu, penggunaan s1stem komumkasi yang menggunakan teknlk deteks1 homodyne maupun heterodyne 1kut pula mendukung sistem komunikasi dengan kecepatan linggi Dengan teknik '"' cahaya tidak diperlakukan pada sisi level 1ntens•tas sa)a. mela1nkan amplrtudo frekuensi, maupun fasenya dapat diperlakukan sebaga1 med1a earner Pada tugas akhlr ini dapat d1ambil kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan penguat opt1k { Ophcal Amplifier ) pada s1stem ini dapat mempertebar rentang transmisi. seh1ngga dapat mengurang1 JUmlah pengulang maupun tanpa pengulang untuk rentang tertentu. Sedangkan penggunaan sistem koheren pada Slstem 1ni leb1h diarahkan untuk peningkatan sensitivitas penerima Sens•tivttas penerima dalam hal im dinyatakan dalam JUmlah photon yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai BER 1 o·Q Seh1ngga deteksi heterodyne merupakan sistem deteksi yang mudah dalam penglmplementasiannya. dikarenakan frekuons1 intermedtatcnya tidak bcrharga no

    Cognitive and Autonomous Software-Defined Open Optical Networks

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    Space-division Multiplexed Optical Transmission enabled by Advanced Digital Signal Processing

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    Performance evaluation of optical communication networks

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    Fundamentals of bidirectional transmission over a single optical fibre

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    Handbook of Optical and Laser Scanning

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    From its initial publication titled Laser Beam Scanning in 1985 to Handbook of Optical and Laser Scanning, now in its second edition, this reference has kept professionals and students at the forefront of optical scanning technology. Carefully and meticulously updated in each iteration, the book continues to be the most comprehensive scanning resource on the market. It examines the breadth and depth of subtopics in the field from a variety of perspectives. The Second Edition covers: Technologies such as piezoelectric devices Applications of laser scanning such as Ladar (laser radar) Underwater scanning and laser scanning in CTP As laser costs come down, and power and availability increase, the potential applications for laser scanning continue to increase. Bringing together the knowledge and experience of 26 authors from England, Japan and the United States, the book provides an excellent resource for understanding the principles of laser scanning. It illustrates the significance of scanning in society today and would help the user get started in developing system concepts using scanning. It can be used as an introduction to the field and as a reference for persons involved in any aspect of optical and laser beam scanning

    Future benefits and applications of intelligent on-board processing to VSAT services

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    The trends and roles of VSAT services in the year 2010 time frame are examined based on an overall network and service model for that period. An estimate of the VSAT traffic is then made and the service and general network requirements are identified. In order to accommodate these traffic needs, four satellite VSAT architectures based on the use of fixed or scanning multibeam antennas in conjunction with IF switching or onboard regeneration and baseband processing are suggested. The performance of each of these architectures is assessed and the key enabling technologies are identified

    Enabling Technologies for Cognitive Optical Networks

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    Optical differential phase-shift keyed signal generation, transmission and detection

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    Optical label switching -- Optical performance monitoring -- Multibit delay DPSK demodulation -- OpticalError correction -- FSR optimization -- Free spectral range and optical filtering optimization -- Simulation parameters -- Optical packets -- Performance monitoring -- Multibit delay DQPSK demodulation -- Optical error correction -- Free spectral range and optical filtering optimization