857 research outputs found

    Flow logic for language-based safety and security

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    Procedure-modular specification and verification of temporal safety properties

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    This paper describes ProMoVer, a tool for fully automated procedure-modular verification of Java programs equipped with method-local and global assertions that specify safety properties of sequences of method invocations. Modularity at the procedure-level is a natural instantiation of the modular verification paradigm, where correctness of global properties is relativized on the local properties of the methods rather than on their implementations. Here, it is based on the construction of maximal models for a program model that abstracts away from program data. This approach allows global properties to be verified in the presence of code evolution, multiple method implementations (as arising from software product lines), or even unknown method implementations (as in mobile code for open platforms). ProMoVer automates a typical verification scenario for a previously developed tool set for compositional verification of control flow safety properties, and provides appropriate pre- and post-processing. Both linear-time temporal logic and finite automata are supported as formalisms for expressing local and global safety properties, allowing the user to choose a suitable format for the property at hand. Modularity is exploited by a mechanism for proof reuse that detects and minimizes the verification tasks resulting from changes in the code and the specifications. The verification task is relatively light-weight due to support for abstraction from private methods and automatic extraction of candidate specifications from method implementations. We evaluate the tool on a number of applications from the domains of Java Card and web-based application

    Enhancing Java Runtime Environment for Smart Cards Against Runtime Attacks

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    Worst-case resource-usage analysis of java card classic editions application bytecode

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    Java Card is the dominant smartcard technology in use today, with over 12 billion Java Card smartcards having shipped globally in the last 15 years. Almost exclusively, the deployed Java Card smartcards are instances of a Classic edition for which garbage collection is an optional component in even the most recent Classic edition. Poorly written or malicious Java Card applications may drain the available memory of a Java Card Virtual Machine to the point the card becomes unusable, and undisciplined use of the transaction mechanism may exhaust the available transaction buffers, resulting in programmatic abort by the Java Card Runtime Environment and so limit the range of services a Java Card application may successfully be able to offer. Given the size and global nature of the user base, and the commercial importance of Java Card, there is a stunning lack of tools supporting analysis or certification of the memory, transactional or CPU usage of Java Card applications. In this thesis we present a worst-case resource-usage analysis tool for Java Card which is capable of producing worst-case memory usage and worst-case execution-time estimates for Java Card applications (also known as applets). Our main theoretical contribution is a static analysis for Java Card applets at the bytecode level which conservatively approximates properties of interest affecting memory usage, input-output/APDU usage and transaction usage. Our static analysis provides the high-level information for subsequent worst-case resource-usage analysis in our tool which exploits well-known results and techniques from hard real-time systems. We generate a resource usage graph per registered applet lifecycle method entry point as the start node and the control-flow returning to the Java Card Runtime Environment as the final node. We use the Implicit Path Enumeration Technique to generate and solve Integer Linear Programming problems representing the worst-case memory-usage and worst-case execution-time.Open Acces

    A B model for ensuring soundness of a large subset of the Java Card virtual machine

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    AbstractJava Cards are a new generation of smart cards that use the Java programming language. As smart cards are usually used to supply security to an information system, security requirements are very strong. The byte code interpreter and verifier are crucial components of such cards, and proving their safety can become a competitive advantage. Previous works have been done on methodology for proving the soundness of the byte code interpreter and verifier using the B method. It refines an abstract defensive interpreter into a byte code verifier and a byte code interpreter. However, this work had only been tested on a very small subset of the Java Card instruction set. This paper presents a work aiming at verifying the scalability of this previous work. The original instruction subset of about 10 instructions has been extended to a larger subset of more than one hundred instructions, and the additional cost of the proof has been managed by modifying the specification in order to group opcodes by properties

    Towards alignment of architectural domains in security policy specifications

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    Large organizations need to align the security architecture across three different domains: access control, network layout and physical infrastructure. Security policy specification formalisms are usually dedicated to only one or two of these domains. Consequently, more than one policy has to be maintained, leading to alignment problems. Approaches from the area of model-driven security enable creating graphical models that span all three domains, but these models do not scale well in real-world scenarios with hundreds of applications and thousands of user roles. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of aligning all three domains in a single enforceable security policy expressed in a Prolog-based formalism by using the Law Governed Interaction (LGI) framework. Our approach alleviates the limitations of policy formalisms that are domain-specific while helping to reach scalability by automatic enforcement provided by LGI

    Intrusion Tolerance: Concepts and Design Principles. A Tutorial

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    In traditional dependability, fault tolerance has been the workhorse of the many solutions published over the years. Classical security-related work has on the other hand privileged, with few exceptions, intrusion prevention, or intrusion detection without systematic forms of processing the intrusion symptoms. A new approach has slowly emerged during the past decade, and gained impressive momentum recently: intrusion tolerance. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the underlying concepts and design principles. The tutorial reviews previous results under the light of intrusion tolerance (IT), introduces the fundamental ideas behind IT, and presents recent advances of the state-of-the-art, coming from European and US research efforts devoted to IT. The program of the tutorial will address: a review of the dependability and security background; introduction of the fundamental concepts of intrusion tolerance (IT); intrusion-aware fault models; intrusion prevention; intrusion detection; IT strategies and mechanisms; design methodologies for IT systems; examples of IT systems and protocol

    An Approach to Agent-Based Service Composition and Its Application to Mobile

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    This paper describes an architecture model for multiagent systems that was developed in the European project LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform). Its main feature is a set of generic services that are implemented independently of the agents and can be installed into the agents by the application developer in a flexible way. Moreover, two applications using this architecture model are described that were also developed within the LEAP project. The application domain is the support of mobile, virtual teams for the German automobile club ADAC and for British Telecommunications

    Active Response Using Host-Based Intrusion Detection System and Software-Defined Networking

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    This research proposes AHNSR: Active Host-based Network Security Response by utilizing Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS) with Software-Defined Networking (SDN) to enhance system security by allowing dynamic active response and reconstruction from a global network topology perspective. Responses include traffic redirection, host quarantining, filtering, and more. A testable SDN-controlled network is constructed with multiple hosts, OpenFlow enabled switches, and a Floodlight controller, all linked to a custom, novel interface for the Open-Source SECurity (OSSEC) HIDS framework. OSSEC is implemented in a server-agent architecture, allowing scalability and OS independence. System effectiveness is evaluated against the following factors: alert density and a selective Floodlight module response types. At the expected operational load of 500 events per second (EPS), results reveal a mean system response time of 0.5564 seconds from log generation to flow table update via Floodlights Access Control List module. Load testing further assesses performance at 10 - 10000 EPS for all tested response modules

    Towards A Verified Complex Protocol Stack in a Production Kernel: Methodology and Demonstration

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    Any useful computer system performs communication and any communication must be parsed before it is computed upon. Given their importance, one might expect parsers to receive a significant share of attention from the security community. This is, however, not the case: bugs in parsers continue to account for a surprising portion of reported and exploited vulnerabilities. In this thesis, I propose a methodology for supporting the development of software that depends on parsers---such as anything connected to the Internet---to safely support any reasonably designed protocol: data structures to describe protocol messages; validation routines that check that data received from the wire conforms to the rules of the protocol; systems that allow a defender to inject arbitrary, crafted input so as to explore the effectiveness of the parser; and systems that allow for the observation of the parser code while it is being explored. Then, I describe principled method of producing parsers that automatically generates the myriad parser-related software from a description of the protocol. This has many significant benefits: it makes implementing parsers simpler, easier, and faster; it reduces the trusted computing base to the description of the protocol and the program that compiles the description to runnable code; and it allows for easier formal verification of the generated code. I demonstrate the merits of the proposed methodology by creating a description of the USB protocol using a domain-specific language (DSL) embedded in Haskell and integrating it with the FreeBSD operating system. Using the industry-standard umap test-suite, I measure the performance and efficacy of the generated parser. I show that it is stable, that it is effective at protecting a system from both accidentally and maliciously malformed input, and that it does not incur unreasonable overhead
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