189 research outputs found

    On the Monitorability of Session Types, in Theory and Practice

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    Software components are expected to communicate according to predetermined protocols and APIs. Numerous methods have been proposed to check the correctness of communicating systems against such protocols/APIs. Session types are one such method, used both for static type-checking as well as for run-time monitoring. This work takes a fresh look at the run-time verification of communicating systems using session types, in theory and in practice. On the theoretical side, we develop a formal model of session-monitored processes. We then use this model to formulate and prove new results on the monitorability of session types, defined in terms of soundness (i.e., whether monitors only flag ill-typed processes) and completeness (i.e., whether all ill-typed processes can be flagged by a monitor). On the practical side, we show that our monitoring theory is indeed realisable: we instantiate our formal model as a Scala toolkit (called STMonitor) for the automatic generation of session monitors. These executable monitors can be used as proxies to instrument communication across black-box processes written in any programming language. Finally, we evaluate the viability of our approach through a series of benchmarks

    An assessment of the formulation of permit conditions associated with environmental authorisations and implications for compliance monitoring

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    Environmental impact assessment is a widely accepted planning tool used in environmental management. Internationally it has been adopted as a formal permitting requirement for development projects in many jurisdictions. Historically the focus has been on the pre-decision making stages of environmental impact assessment. It has, however, been widely acknowledged that post-decision environmental impact assessment follow-up is an important component in confirming initial predictions, enabling responsible adaptive management of environmental impacts and ensuring compliance with permit conditions. It is this last function which is the focus of this study. Specifically, the role of permit conditions in enabling compliance and facilitating compliance monitoring is addressed. Permit conditions of twenty-one environmental authorisations were examined and tested for conformance with legislated requirements, and practicality of monitoring for compliance (monitorability). It was found that there are many contributors to achieving monitorable permit conditions. Amongst the most significant of these are conformity in interpretation of the regulations specifying permit content by officials, gaps in guidance on the part of the regulations themselves, and a tendency to focus on construction related impacts. The lack of clarity regarding the roles and functions of environmental control officer and environmental auditor further contribute to poor monitorability of permit conditions. Specific areas of shortcoming and best practice in the permit conditions analysed were identified and discussed. Finally, recommendations are made for the improvement of permit condition monitorability

    The Best a Monitor Can Do

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    Existing notions of monitorability for branching-time properties are fairly restrictive. This, in turn, impacts the ability to incorporate prior knowledge about the system under scrutiny - which corresponds to a branching-time property - into the runtime analysis. We propose a definition of optimal monitors that verify the best monitorable under- or over-approximation of a specification, regardless of its monitorability status. Optimal monitors can be obtained for arbitrary branching-time properties by synthesising a sound and complete monitor for their strongest monitorable consequence. We show that the strongest monitorable consequence of specifications expressed in Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion is itself expressible in this logic, and present a procedure to find it. Our procedure enables prior knowledge to be optimally incorporated into runtime monitors

    If At First You Don't Succeed: Extended Monitorability through Multiple Executions

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    This paper investigates the observational capabilities of monitors that can observe a system over multiple runs. We study how the augmented monitoring setup affect the class of properties that can be verified at runtime, focussing on branching-time properties expressed in the modal mu-calculus. Our results show that the setup can be used to systematically extend previously established monitorability limits. We also prove bounds that capture the correspondence between the syntactic structure of a branching-time property and the number of system runs required to conduct the verification

    An empirical study of architecting for continuous delivery and deployment

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    Recently, many software organizations have been adopting Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment (CD) practices to develop and deliver quality software more frequently and reliably. Whilst an increasing amount of the literature covers different aspects of CD, little is known about the role of software architecture in CD and how an application should be (re-) architected to enable and support CD. We have conducted a mixed-methods empirical study that collected data through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 21 industrial practitioners from 19 organizations, and a survey of 91 professional software practitioners. Based on a systematic and rigorous analysis of the gathered qualitative and quantitative data, we present a conceptual framework to support the process of (re-) architecting for CD. We provide evidence-based insights about practicing CD within monolithic systems and characterize the principle of "small and independent deployment units" as an alternative to the monoliths. Our framework supplements the architecting process in a CD context through introducing the quality attributes (e.g., resilience) that require more attention and demonstrating the strategies (e.g., prioritizing operations concerns) to design operations-friendly architectures. We discuss the key insights (e.g., monoliths and CD are not intrinsically oxymoronic) gained from our study and draw implications for research and practice.Comment: To appear in Empirical Software Engineerin

    Adaptation and application of the IEEE 2413-2019 standard security mechanisms to IoMT systems

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    Healthcare information systems are evolving from traditional centralised architectures towards highly-mobile distributed environments within the connected health context. The IoMT paradigm is at the forefront of this technological revolution underlying the development of communication infrastructures connecting smart medical devices, healthcare information systems and services. The IEEE 2413 standard, a promising general architectural framework for the design and implementation of IoT systems, has recently been announced. This standard proposes a general description for different types of domains, including healthcare, but it does not contain an extension developed for the IoMT systems domain. This paper presents a first approach to adapt the IEEE 2413 standard to the design of IoMT systems from a security perspective, considering the most relevant aspects of the standard for the construction of this type of systems. The application to an IoMT system for monitoring patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is presented as a use case.Fundación Mutua MadrileñaSociedad Española de Diabete

    The Role of a Microservice Architecture on cybersecurity and operational resilience in critical systems

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    Critical systems are characterized by their high degree of intolerance to threats, in other words, their high level of resilience, because depending on the context in which the system is inserted, the slightest failure could imply significant damage, whether in economic terms, or loss of reputation, of information, of infrastructure, of the environment, or human life. The security of such systems is traditionally associated with legacy infrastructures and data centers that are monolithic, which translates into increasingly high evolution and protection challenges. In the current context of rapid transformation where the variety of threats to systems has been consistently increasing, this dissertation aims to carry out a compatibility study of the microservice architecture, which is denoted by its characteristics such as resilience, scalability, modifiability and technological heterogeneity, being flexible in structural adaptations, and in rapidly evolving and highly complex settings, making it suited for agile environments. It also explores what response artificial intelligence, more specifically machine learning, can provide in a context of security and monitorability when combined with a simple banking system that adopts the microservice architecture.Os sistemas críticos são caracterizados pelo seu elevado grau de intolerância às ameaças, por outras palavras, o seu alto nível de resiliência, pois dependendo do contexto onde se insere o sistema, a mínima falha poderá implicar danos significativos, seja em termos económicos, de perda de reputação, de informação, de infraestrutura, de ambiente, ou de vida humana. A segurança informática de tais sistemas está tradicionalmente associada a infraestruturas e data centers legacy, ou seja, de natureza monolítica, o que se traduz em desafios de evolução e proteção cada vez mais elevados. No contexto atual de rápida transformação, onde as variedades de ameaças aos sistemas têm vindo consistentemente a aumentar, esta dissertação visa realizar um estudo de compatibilidade da arquitetura de microserviços, que se denota pelas suas caraterísticas tais como a resiliência, escalabilidade, modificabilidade e heterogeneidade tecnológica, sendo flexível em adaptações estruturais, e em cenários de rápida evolução e elevada complexidade, tornando-a adequada a ambientes ágeis. Explora também a resposta que a inteligência artificial, mais concretamente, machine learning, pode dar num contexto de segurança e monitorabilidade quando combinado com um simples sistema bancário que adota uma arquitetura de microserviços

    Ain't No Stopping Us Monitoring Now

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    Not all properties are monitorable. This is a well-known fact, and it means there exist properties that cannot be fully verified at runtime. However, given a non-monitorable property, a monitor can still be synthesised, but it could end up in a state where no verdict will ever be concluded on the satisfaction (resp., violation) of the property. For this reason, non-monitorable properties are usually discarded. In this paper, we carry out an in-depth analysis on monitorability, and how non-monitorable properties can still be partially verified. We present our theoretical results at a semantic level, without focusing on a specific formalism. Then, we show how our theory can be applied to achieve partial runtime verification of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
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