916 research outputs found

    A Semantic Web Annotation Tool for a Web-Based Audio Sequencer

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    Music and sound have a rich semantic structure which is so clear to the composer and the listener, but that remains mostly hidden to computing machinery. Nevertheless, in recent years, the introduction of software tools for music production have enabled new opportunities for migrating this knowledge from humans to machines. A new generation of these tools may exploit sound samples and semantic information coupling for the creation not only of a musical, but also of a "semantic" composition. In this paper we describe an ontology driven content annotation framework for a web-based audio editing tool. In a supervised approach, during the editing process, the graphical web interface allows the user to annotate any part of the composition with concepts from publicly available ontologies. As a test case, we developed a collaborative web-based audio sequencer that provides users with the functionality to remix the audio samples from the Freesound website and subsequently annotate them. The annotation tool can load any ontology and thus gives users the opportunity to augment the work with annotations on the structure of the composition, the musical materials, and the creator's reasoning and intentions. We believe this approach will provide several novel ways to make not only the final audio product, but also the creative process, first class citizens of the Semantic We

    Semantic Annotation of Documents: A Comparative Study

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    Semantic annotation, which is considered one of the semantic web applicative aspects, has been adopted by researchers from different communities as a paramount solution that improves searching and retrieval of information by promoting the richness of the content. However, researchers are facing challenges concerning both the quality and the relevance of the semantic annotations attached to the annotated document against its content as well as its semantics, without ignoring those regarding automation process which is supposed to ensure an optimal system for information indexing and retrieval. In this article, we will introduce the semantic annotation concept by presenting a state of the art including definitions, features and a classification of annotation systems. Systems and proposed approaches in the field will be cited, as well as a study of some existing annotation tools. This study will also pinpoint various problems and limitations related to the annotation in order to offer solutions for our future work

    Semiotic Annotation of Narrative Video Commercials: Bridging the Gap between Artifacts and Ontologies

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    Drawing on semiotic theories, the paper proposes a new concept of annotation \u2013 called semiotic annotation \u2013 whose goal is to describe the multilayered articulation of meaning inscribed within narrative video commercials by their designers. The approach exploits the use of a meta-model of the narrative video genre providing the conceptualizations and the vocabulary for analysis and annotation. By explicating design knowledge embodied in the video, semiotic annotation plays the role of intermediate level knowledge between the meta-model (an informal ontology) and practice (the concrete video artifact). In order to assess the feasibility of the approach, a test bed is presented and results are reported. A final discussion about the potential contribution of semiotic annotation in the fields of Research Through Design, Technological Mediation, and Interface Criticism concludes the study

    prototypical implementations ; working packages in project phase II

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    In this technical report, we present the concepts and first prototypical imple- mentations of innovative tools and methods for personalized and contextualized (multimedia) search, collaborative ontology evolution, ontology evaluation and cost models, and dynamic access and trends in distributed (semantic) knowledge. The concepts and prototypes are based on the state of art analysis and identified requirements in the CSW report IV

    Measuring concept similarities in multimedia ontologies: analysis and evaluations

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    The recent development of large-scale multimedia concept ontologies has provided a new momentum for research in the semantic analysis of multimedia repositories. Different methods for generic concept detection have been extensively studied, but the question of how to exploit the structure of a multimedia ontology and existing inter-concept relations has not received similar attention. In this paper, we present a clustering-based method for modeling semantic concepts on low-level feature spaces and study the evaluation of the quality of such models with entropy-based methods. We cover a variety of methods for assessing the similarity of different concepts in a multimedia ontology. We study three ontologies and apply the proposed techniques in experiments involving the visual and semantic similarities, manual annotation of video, and concept detection. The results show that modeling inter-concept relations can provide a promising resource for many different application areas in semantic multimedia processing

    Empirical Methodology for Crowdsourcing Ground Truth

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    The process of gathering ground truth data through human annotation is a major bottleneck in the use of information extraction methods for populating the Semantic Web. Crowdsourcing-based approaches are gaining popularity in the attempt to solve the issues related to volume of data and lack of annotators. Typically these practices use inter-annotator agreement as a measure of quality. However, in many domains, such as event detection, there is ambiguity in the data, as well as a multitude of perspectives of the information examples. We present an empirically derived methodology for efficiently gathering of ground truth data in a diverse set of use cases covering a variety of domains and annotation tasks. Central to our approach is the use of CrowdTruth metrics that capture inter-annotator disagreement. We show that measuring disagreement is essential for acquiring a high quality ground truth. We achieve this by comparing the quality of the data aggregated with CrowdTruth metrics with majority vote, over a set of diverse crowdsourcing tasks: Medical Relation Extraction, Twitter Event Identification, News Event Extraction and Sound Interpretation. We also show that an increased number of crowd workers leads to growth and stabilization in the quality of annotations, going against the usual practice of employing a small number of annotators.Comment: in publication at the Semantic Web Journa

    Utilising semantic technologies for intelligent indexing and retrieval of digital images

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    The proliferation of digital media has led to a huge interest in classifying and indexing media objects for generic search and usage. In particular, we are witnessing colossal growth in digital image repositories that are difficult to navigate using free-text search mechanisms, which often return inaccurate matches as they in principle rely on statistical analysis of query keyword recurrence in the image annotation or surrounding text. In this paper we present a semantically-enabled image annotation and retrieval engine that is designed to satisfy the requirements of the commercial image collections market in terms of both accuracy and efficiency of the retrieval process. Our search engine relies on methodically structured ontologies for image annotation, thus allowing for more intelligent reasoning about the image content and subsequently obtaining a more accurate set of results and a richer set of alternatives matchmaking the original query. We also show how our well-analysed and designed domain ontology contributes to the implicit expansion of user queries as well as the exploitation of lexical databases for explicit semantic-based query expansion

    Applying semantic web technologies to knowledge sharing in aerospace engineering

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    This paper details an integrated methodology to optimise Knowledge reuse and sharing, illustrated with a use case in the aeronautics domain. It uses Ontologies as a central modelling strategy for the Capture of Knowledge from legacy docu-ments via automated means, or directly in systems interfacing with Knowledge workers, via user-defined, web-based forms. The domain ontologies used for Knowledge Capture also guide the retrieval of the Knowledge extracted from the data using a Semantic Search System that provides support for multiple modalities during search. This approach has been applied and evaluated successfully within the aerospace domain, and is currently being extended for use in other domains on an increasingly large scale