691 research outputs found

    Дослідження управління багатонаціональною корпорацією, на прикладі компаніїb "Кока-Кола"

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    The main purpose of this research paper is to investigate system of management of multinational corporations and to give recommendations as for system of management at Coca-Cola Company. The main tasks of master research paper are the following: - To ascertain whether the multinational corporation are social responsible. - To ascertain whether the MNC in Nigeria have any contribution to the economic advancement of the nation. - To ascertain whether they contribute to the technological development of the countries. - To determine the environmental factors that influences the operations of the Multinationals Corporation Coca-Cola Company. - To give recommendations as for improvement of activity os Coca-Cola Company and industry of beverages.Master’s research paper critically evaluates the challenges Coca-Cola Company experiences while managing its operations in geographical and culturally diverse contexts. An overview of Coca-Cola Company and brief analysis of the global contemporary landscape is initially examined. A critical evaluation is conducted of the Global competitive, Political-Legal, Economic, Socio-cultural and Ethical challenges experienced by Coca-Cola Company. Ways to improve Coca-Cola's operations in the African markets were proposed.Introduction. 1. The theoretical framework and study of Multinational Corporation 1.1 Meanings and definition of Multinational Corporation 1.2 The managerial functions in international business 1.3 Important finding in managing Multinational Corporation 2. Research and analysis of Coca-Cola Company 2.1 Introduction to Coca-Cola Company 2.2 SWOT-analysis of the industrial and economic activity of Coca-Cola Company 2.3 Analysis of the system of management at Coca-Cola Company 3. Recommendations in management for Coca-Cola Company that operates in different geographical and cultural contexts 3.1 Recommendations as for the corporate social responsibly at Coca-Cola company 3.2 Recommendations as for using stevia in producing beverages at Coca-Cola Company 3.3 Recommendations as for strategic issues that Coca-Cola Company is facing today 4. Special part 4.1 Current trends in the field of Coca-Cola Company 4.2 Activities of multinational corporations in the development of Nigeria 5. Rationale for recommendations 5.1 Statement for recommendations at Coca-Cola Company 5.2 Recommendations as for using stevia in producing beverages at Coca-Cola Company 6. Occupational health and safety in emergencies 6.1 Safety and health for Coca-Cola Company 6.2 Protection against specific risks in safety and health 7. Environmental issues 7.1 Environmental impact of products in Coca-Cola Company 7.2 Coca-Cola sustainability plan Conclusions References Appendice

    Understanding facilitators and barriers to contraception screening and referral in young women with cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Young women with cancer often worry about impaired fertility after treatment but can experience devastating consequences from an unplanned pregnancy during treatment. Contraception screening and referral appear to occur infrequently in cancer care. OBJECTIVES: We sought to understand oncologic providers’ current practices, perceptions of facilitators and barriers to screening for adequate contraception during cancer treatment, and to understand patient perspectives on these processes. METHODS: We interviewed 19 oncologic providers and 20 female reproductive-aged oncology patients stable on treatment or who had completed therapy within the last 24 months. We recruited participants from an urban, northeast medical center where they worked or received oncologic care. Semi-structured interview questions examined components of the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARiHS) framework, and subsequent constant comparative analysis identified similar themes. FINDINGS: Providers vary significantly in their current contraception screening practices with many focusing on diagnosing pregnancy rather than prevention. Providers identified many institutional and organizational barriers, including lack of education and lack of clear provider responsibility. Providers also identified resources and supports that would assist with contraception screening and referral, including education and enhanced interdisciplinary collaboration with gynecologic providers. Patients infrequently recalled contraception conversations with oncology providers and expressed challenges determining the most appropriate provider with whom to discuss contraception. CONCLUSION: Cancer centers should address barriers to contraception screening and referral locally in future implementation of contraception screening and referral. National organizations should work to develop guidelines to inform and support this process in clinical practice.2019-10-23T00:00:00

    Transmission tariffs in competitive electricity markets

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    In context of electricity market, the transmission price is an important tool to an efficient development of the electricity system. The electricity market is influenced by several factors; however the transmission network management is one of the most important aspects, because the network is a natural monopoly. The transmission tariffs can help to regulate the market, for that reason evaluate tariff must have strict criterions. This paper explains several methodologies to tariff the use of transmission network by transmission network users. The methods presented are: Post-Stamp Method; MW-Mile Method; Distribution Factors Methods; Tracing Methodology; Bialek’s Tracing Method and Locational Marginal Price

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Development of a Blood Antigen Molecular Profiling Panel using Genotyping Technologies for Patients Requiring Frequent Transfusions

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    Contexte. Les phénotypes ABO et Rh(D) des donneurs de sang ainsi que des patients transfusés sont analysés de façon routinière pour assurer une complète compatibilité. Ces analyses sont accomplies par agglutination suite à une réaction anticorps-antigènes. Cependant, pour des questions de coûts et de temps d’analyses faramineux, les dons de sang ne sont pas testés sur une base routinière pour les antigènes mineurs du sang. Cette lacune peut résulter à une allo-immunisation des patients receveurs contre un ou plusieurs antigènes mineurs et ainsi amener des sévères complications pour de futures transfusions. Plan d’étude et Méthodes. Pour ainsi aborder le problème, nous avons produit un panel génétique basé sur la technologie « GenomeLab _SNPstream» de Beckman Coulter, dans l’optique d’analyser simultanément 22 antigènes mineurs du sang. La source d’ADN provient des globules blancs des patients préalablement isolés sur papiers FTA. Résultats. Les résultats démontrent que le taux de discordance des génotypes, mesuré par la corrélation des résultats de génotypage venant des deux directions de l’ADN, ainsi que le taux d’échec de génotypage sont très bas (0,1%). Également, la corrélation entre les résultats de phénotypes prédit par génotypage et les phénotypes réels obtenus par sérologie des globules rouges et plaquettes sanguines, varient entre 97% et 100%. Les erreurs expérimentales ou encore de traitement des bases de données ainsi que de rares polymorphismes influençant la conformation des antigènes, pourraient expliquer les différences de résultats. Cependant, compte tenu du fait que les résultats de phénotypages obtenus par génotypes seront toujours co-vérifiés avant toute transfusion sanguine par les technologies standards approuvés par les instances gouvernementales, les taux de corrélation obtenus sont de loin supérieurs aux critères de succès attendus pour le projet. Conclusion. Le profilage génétique des antigènes mineurs du sang permettra de créer une banque informatique centralisée des phénotypes des donneurs, permettant ainsi aux banques de sang de rapidement retrouver les profiles compatibles entre les donneurs et les receveurs.Background. ABO and Rh(D) phenotyping of both blood donors and transfused patients is routinely performed by blood banks to ensure compatibility. These analyses are done by antibody-based agglutination assays. However, blood is not routinely tested for minor blood group antigens on a regular basis because of cost and time constraints. This can result in alloimmunization of the patient against one or more minor antigens and may complicate future transfusions. Study design and Methods. To address this problem, we have generated an assay on the GenomeLab SNPstream genotyping system (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) to simultaneously test polymorphisms linked to 22 different blood antigens using donor’s DNA isolated from minute amounts of white blood cells. Results. The results showed that both the error rate of the assay, as measured by the strand concordance rate, and the no-call rate were very low (0.1%). The concordance rate with the actual red blood cell and platelet serology data varied from 97 to 100%. Experimental or database errors as well as rare polymorphisms contributing to antigen conformation could explain the observed differences. However, these rates are well above requirements since phenotyping and cross-matching will always be performed prior to transfusion. Conclusion. Molecular profiling of blood donors for minor red blood cell and platelet antigens will give blood banks instant access to many different compatible donors through the set-up of a centralized data storage system

    Web Futures: Inclusive, Intelligent, Sustainable The 2020 Manifesto for Web Science

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    International audienceThis Manifesto was produced from the Perspectives Workshop 18262 entitled "10 Years of Web Science" that took place at Schloss Dagstuhl from June 24-29, 2018. At the Workshop, we revisited the origins of Web Science, explored the challenges and opportunities of the Web, and looked ahead to potential futures for both the Web and Web Science. We explain issues that society faces in the Web by the ambivalences that are inherent in the Web. All the enormous benefits that the Web offers-for information sharing, collective organization and distributed activity, social inclusion and economic growth-will always carry along negative consequences, too, and 30 years after its creation negative consequences of the Web are only too apparent. The Web continues to evolve and its next major step will involve Artificial Intelligence (AI) at large. AI has the potential to amplify positive and negative outcomes, and we explore these possibilities, situating them within the wider debate about the future of regulation and governance for the Web. Finally, we outline the need to extend Web Science as the science that is devoted to the analysis and engineering of the Web, to strengthen our role in shaping the future of the Web and present five key directions for capacity building that are necessary to achieve this: (i), supporting interdisciplinarity, (ii), supporting collaboration, (iii), supporting the sustainable Web, (iv), supporting the Intelligent Web, and (v), supporting the Inclusive Web. Our writing reflects our background in several disciplines of the social and technical sciences and that these disciplines emphasize topics to various extents. We are acutely aware that our observations occupy a particular point in time and are skewed towards our experience as Western scholars-a limitation that Web Science will need to overcome

    Establishing clinical networks to deliver optimal care for children and young people with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: guidance for medical professionals

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    M.D. ThesisBackground: Clinical networks are evolving across the United Kingdom (UK), as a means to address inequities in access to specialist care for children and young people with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). There is recognition that establishing clinical networks, and educating and training health professionals has been challenging. This study therefore explored the experiences of those involved to understand this area further. The aim of this study was to produce an educational framework to guide medical professionals in this process. Methods: Focus groups and one-to-one interviews were used to explore experiences of health professionals, young people with JIA and their families. Participants were recruited from paediatric and adolescent rheumatology specialist centres, clinical networks and charities across the UK. Data was analysed using coding, memoing and mapping techniques to identify issues and features relating to the support required. The findings provided the content for an educational framework. Results: Seventy-two participants took part in 9 focus groups and 12 one-to-one interviews. Five tertiary centres and their networks were studied, 4 in England and 1 in Scotland. Networks were constantly evolving and no one network or ‘link’ within a network was the same. Different network structures gave rise to different roles and responsibilities, educational needs and training opportunities. Crucially professional and organisational boundaries have impeded the effective implementation of organisational change. Conclusions: This thesis has documented key issues and mapped out the support required for medical professionals establishing and maintaining clinical networks to deliver optimal care for children and young people with JIA. The support required is complex and context specific. There are many questions still to be answered. However, I hope my observations, theories and educational framework development provides the basis for future research and begins to facilitate change to improve care for children and young people with JIA.Arthritis Research U

    Structural Studies of Nep1/Emg1 RNA Methyltransferase and Atypical Rio3 Kinase

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    Nucleolar Essential Protein 1 (Nep1) is required for small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) maturation and is mutated in Bowen-Conradi Syndrome. Although yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Nep1 interacts with a consensus sequence found in three regions of the SSU rRNA, the molecular details of the interaction are unknown. Nep1 is a SPOUT RNA methyltransferase, and can catalyze methylation at the N1 position of pseudouridine. Nep1 is also involved in assembly of Rps19, an SSU ribosomal protein, into the SSU. Mutations in Nep1 that result in decreased methyl donor binding do not result in lethality, suggesting that enzymatic activity may not be required for function, and RNA binding may play a more important role. To study these interactions, the crystal structures of the ScNep1 dimer and its complexes with RNA were determined. The results demonstrate that Nep1 recognizes its RNA site via base-specific interactions and stabilizes a stem-loop in the bound RNA. Furthermore, the observed RNA structure contradicts the structures of the Nep1-binding sites within mature rRNA, suggesting that the Nep1 changes rRNA structure upon binding. Finally, a uridine base is bound in the active site of Nep1, positioned for a methyltransfer at the C5 position, supporting Nep1's role as an N1-specific pseudouridine methyltransferase. In addition to the work completed with the Nep1 project, structural characterization of Rio3 Kinase is reported, as well as collaborative work in the structure determination of Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin complexes and Iodotyrosine Deiodinase