11 research outputs found

    Web based presentation of semantically tagged 3D content for public sculptures and monuments in the UK

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    Copyright © 2009 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee

    On the integration of model-based feature information in Product Lifecycle Management systems

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    [EN] As CAD models continue to become more critical information sources in the product's lifecycle, it is necessary to develop efficient mechanisms to store, retrieve, and manage larger volumes of increasingly complex data. Because of their unique characteristics, 3D annotations can be used to embed design and manufacturing information directly into a CAD model, which makes models effective vehicles to describe aspects of the geometry or provide additional information that can be connected to a particular geometric element. However, access to this information is often limited, difficult, and even unavailable to external applications. As model complexity and volume of information continue to increase, new and more powerful methods to interrogate these annotations are needed. In this paper, we demonstrate how 3D annotations can be effectively structured and integrated into a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system to provide a cohesive view of product-related information in a design environment. We present a strategy to organize and manage annotation information which is stored internally in a CAD model, and make it fully available through the PLM. Our method involves a dual representation of 3D annotations with enhanced data structures that provides shared and easy access to the information. We describe the architecture of a system which includes a software component for the CAD environment and a module that integrates with the PLM server. We validate our approach through a software prototype that uses a parametric modeling application and two commercial PLM packages with distinct data models.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER Funds, through the ANNOTA project (Ref. TIN2013-46036-C3-1-R).Camba, J.; Contero, M.; Company, P.; PĂ©rez Lopez, DC. (2017). On the integration of model-based feature information in Product Lifecycle Management systems. International Journal of Information Management. 37(6):611-621. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2017.06.002S61162137

    Enabling Users to Create and Document 3D Content for Heritage

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    Implementation challenges of annotated 3D models in collaborative design environments

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    Recent studies in the area of collaborative design have proposed the use of 3D annotations as a tool to make design information explicitly available within the 3D model, so that different stakeholders can share information throughout the product lifecycle. Annotation practices defined by the latest digital definition standards have formalized the presentation of information and facilitated the implementation of annotation tools in CAD systems. In this paper, we review the latest studies in annotation methods and technologies and explore their expected benefits in the context of collaborative design. Next, we analyze the implementation challenges of different annotation approaches, focusing specifically on design intent annotations. An analysis of the literature suggests that the use of annotations has a positive effect on collaborative design communication as long as proper implementation practices, tools, and user interaction mechanisms are in placeCamba, J.; Contero, M.; Salvador Herranz, GM. (2014). Implementation challenges of annotated 3D models in collaborative design environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8683:222-229. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10831-5_332222298683Katzenbach, J.R., Smith, D.K.: The Discipline of Teams. Harvard Business Review 71(2), 111–120 (2005)Campion, M.A., Medsker, G.J., Higgs, A.C.: Relations between Work Group Characteristics and Effectiveness: Implications for Designing Effective Work Groups. Personnel Psychology 46, 823–850 (1993)Chudoba, K.M., Wynn, E., Lu, M., Watson-Manheim, M.B.: How Virtual Are We? Measuring Virtuality and Understanding its Impact in a Global Organization. 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    El proyecto de investigación propuesto se enmarca dentro del área de diseño de producto con aplicaciones de modelado sólido CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing). Concretamente, se pretende hacer un estudio de las herramientas de anotación asociativas disponibles en las aplicaciones comerciales de modelado CAD con el fin de analizar su uso, viabilidad, eficiencia y efectos en la modificación y reutilización de modelos digitales 3D, así como en la gestión y comunicación del conocimiento técnico vinculado al diseño. La idea principal de esta investigación doctoral es establecer un método para representar y evaluar el conocimiento implícito de los ingenieros de diseño acerca de un modelo digital, así como la integración dinámica de dicho conocimiento en el propio modelo CAD, a través de anotaciones, con el objetivo de poder almacenar y comunicar eficientemente la mayor cantidad de información útil acerca del modelo, y reducir el tiempo y esfuerzo requeridos para su alteración y/o reutilización.Dorribo Camba, J. (2014). ANNOTATION MECHANISMS TO MANAGE DESIGN KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLEX PARAMETRIC MODELS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON ALTERATION AND REUSABILITY [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/45997TESI

    ABSTRACT An MPEG-7 framework enhancing the reuse of 3D models

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    The continuous evolution of computer capacities, as well as the emergence of the X3D standard has recently boosted the 3D domain. Even if efficient tools that support the designer’s work exist, little attention is paid to the reuse of 3D models. Associating some semantics with 3D contents is an important issue for reusing such contents or pieces of content. In this paper, we address this issue by using a generic semantic annotation model for 3D, called 3DSEAM [Bilasco et al. 2005b] (3D SEmantics Annotation Model). 3DSEAM aims at indexing 3D contents considering visual, geometric and semantic aspects. A generic 3D Annotation Framework (called 3DAF) is proposed in order to manage the semantic annotations of 3D objects. 3DAF is instantiated using an MPEG-7-based architecture. An extension of MPEG-7 that addresses 3D content is used. [Bilasco et al. 2005a]

    Ontology-Driven Semantic Annotations for Multiple Engineering Viewpoints in Computer Aided Design

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    Engineering design involves a series of activities to handle data, including capturing and storing data, retrieval and manipulation of data. This also applies throughout the entire product lifecycle (PLC). Unfortunately, a closed loop of knowledge and information management system has not been implemented for the PLC. As part of product lifecycle management (PLM) approaches, computer-aided design (CAD) systems are extensively used from embodiment and detail design stages in mechanical engineering. However, current CAD systems lack the ability to handle semantically-rich information, thus to represent, manage and use knowledge among multidisciplinary engineers, and to integrate various tools/services with distributed data and knowledge. To address these challenges, a general-purpose semantic annotation approach based on CAD systems in the mechanical engineering domain is proposed, which contributes to knowledge management and reuse, data interoperability and tool integration. In present-day PLM systems, annotation approaches are currently embedded in software applications and use diverse data and anchor representations, making them static, inflexible and difficult to incorporate with external systems. This research will argue that it is possible to take a generalised approach to annotation with formal annotation content structures and anchoring mechanisms described using general-purpose ontologies. In this way viewpoint-oriented annotation may readily be captured, represented and incorporated into PLM systems together with existing annotations in a common framework, and the knowledge collected or generated from multiple engineering viewpoints may be reasoned with to derive additional knowledge to enable downstream processes. Therefore, knowledge can be propagated and evolved through the PLC. Within this framework, a knowledge modelling methodology has also been proposed for developing knowledge models in various situations. In addition, a prototype system has been designed and developed in order to evaluate the core contributions of this proposed concept. According to an evaluation plan, cost estimation and finite element analysis as case studies have been used to validate the usefulness, feasibility and generality of the proposed framework. Discussion has been carried out based on this evaluation. As a conclusion, the presented research work has met the original aim and objectives, and can be improved further. At the end, some research directions have been suggested.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo