390 research outputs found

    Physical layer forward error correcetion in DVB-S2 networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.The rapid growth of wireless systems has shown little sign of ceasing, due to increased consumer demand for reliable interactive services. A key component of the development has centered on satellite networks, which allows provision of services in scenarios where terrestrial systems are not viable. The Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) standard was developed for use in satellite broadcast applications, the foremost being video broadcasting. Inherent to DVB-S2 is a powerful forward error correction (FEC) module, present in both the Physical and Data Link Layer. Improving the error correcting capability of the FEC is a natural advent in improving the quality of service of the protocol. This is more crucial in real time satellite video broadcast where retransmission of data is not viable, due to high latency. The Physical Layer error correcting capability is implemented in the form of a concatenated BCH-LDPC code. The DVB-S2 standard does not define the decoding structure for the receiver system however many powerful decoding systems have been presented in the literature; the Belief Propagation-Chase concatenated decoder being chief amongst them. The decoder utilizes the concept of soft information transfer between the Chase and Belief Propagation (BP) decoders to provide improved error correcting capability above that of the component decoders. The following dissertation is motivated by the physical layer (PL) FEC scheme, focused on the concatenated Chase-BP decoder. The aim is to generate results based on the BP-Chase decoder in a satellite channel as well as improve the error correcting capability. The BP-Chase decoder has shown to be very powerful however the current literature provides performance results only in AWGN channels. The AWGN channel however is not an accurate representation of a land-mobile satellite (LMS) channel; it does not consider the effect of shadowing, which is prevalent in satellite systems. The development of Markov chain models have allowed for better description of the characteristics of the LMS channel. The outcome being the selection of a Ku band LMS channel model. The selected LMS channel model is composed of 3 states, each generating a different degree of shadowing. The PL system has been simulated using the LMS channel and BP-Chase receiver to provide a more accurate representation of performance of a DVB-S2 network. The effect of shadowing has shown to reduce coding performance by approximately 4dB, measured over several code lengths and decoders, when compared with AWGN performance results. The second body of work aims to improve the error correcting capability of the BP-Chase decoder, concentrating on improving the LDPC decoding module performance. The LDPC system is the basis for the powerful error correcting ability of the concatenated scheme. In attempting to improve the LDPC decoder a reciprocal improvement is expected in the overall decoding performance of the concatenated decoder. There have been several schemes presented which improve BP performance. The BP-Ordered statistics decoder (OSD) was selected through a process of literary review; a novel decoding structure is presented incorporating the BP-OSD decoder into the BP-Chase structure. The result of which is the BP-OSD-Chase decoder. The decoder contains two stages of concatenation; the first stage implements the BPOSD algorithm which decodes the LDPC code and the second stage decodes the BCH code using the Chase algorithm. Simulation results of the novel decoder implementation in the DVBS2 PL show a coding gain of 0.45dB and 0.15dB versus the BP and BP-Chase decoders respectively, across both the AWGN and LMS channel

    Time diversity solutions to cope with lost packets

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    A dissertation submitted to Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresModern broadband wireless systems require high throughputs and can also have very high Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements, namely small error rates and short delays. A high spectral efficiency is needed to meet these requirements. Lost packets, either due to errors or collisions, are usually discarded and need to be retransmitted, leading to performance degradation. An alternative to simple retransmission that can improve both power and spectral efficiency is to combine the signals associated to different transmission attempts. This thesis analyses two time diversity approaches to cope with lost packets that are relatively similar at physical layer but handle different packet loss causes. The first is a lowcomplexity Diversity-Combining (DC) Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme employed in a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) architecture, adapted for channels dedicated to a single user. The second is a Network-assisted Diversity Multiple Access (NDMA) scheme, which is a multi-packet detection approach able to separate multiple mobile terminals transmitting simultaneously in one slot using temporal diversity. This thesis combines these techniques with Single Carrier with Frequency Division Equalizer (SC-FDE) systems, which are widely recognized as the best candidates for the uplink of future broadband wireless systems. It proposes a new NDMA scheme capable of handling more Mobile Terminals (MTs) than the user separation capacity of the receiver. This thesis also proposes a set of analytical tools that can be used to analyse and optimize the use of these two systems. These tools are then employed to compare both approaches in terms of error rate, throughput and delay performances, and taking the implementation complexity into consideration. Finally, it is shown that both approaches represent viable solutions for future broadband wireless communications complementing each other.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PhD grant(SFRH/BD/41515/2007); CTS multi-annual funding project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0066/2011, IT pluri-annual funding project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011, U-BOAT project PTDC/EEATEL/ 67066/2006, MPSat project PTDC/EEA-TEL/099074/2008 and OPPORTUNISTICCR project PTDC/EEA-TEL/115981/200

    Polar coding for optical wireless communication

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    Polar coding for optical wireless communication

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    Advanced Modulation and Coding Technology Conference

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    The objectives, approach, and status of all current LeRC-sponsored industry contracts and university grants are presented. The following topics are covered: (1) the LeRC Space Communications Program, and Advanced Modulation and Coding Projects; (2) the status of four contracts for development of proof-of-concept modems; (3) modulation and coding work done under three university grants, two small business innovation research contracts, and two demonstration model hardware development contracts; and (4) technology needs and opportunities for future missions


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    Iterative decoding techniques shaked the waters of the error correction and communications field in general. Their amazing compromise between complexity and performance offered much more freedom in code design and made highly complex codes, that were being considered undecodable until recently, part of almost any communication system. Nevertheless, iterative decoding is a sub-optimum decoding method and as such, it has attracted huge research interest. But the iterative decoder still hides many of its secrets, as it has not been possible yet to fully describe its behaviour and its cost function. This work presents the convergence problem of iterative decoding from various angles and explores methods for reducing any sub-optimalities on its operation. The decoding algorithms for both LDPC and turbo codes were investigated and aspects that contribute to convergence problems were identified. A new algorithm was proposed, capable of providing considerable coding gain in any iterative scheme. Moreover, it was shown that for some codes the proposed algorithm is sufficient to eliminate any sub-optimality and perform maximum likelihood decoding. Its performance and efficiency was compared to that of other convergence improvement schemes. Various conditions that can be considered critical to the outcome of the iterative decoder were also investigated and the decoding algorithm of LDPC codes was followed analytically to verify the experimental results


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    A large amount of research has been put into areas of signal processing, medium design, head and servo-mechanism design and coding for conventional longitudinal as well as perpendicular magnetic recording. This work presents some further investigation in the signal processing and coding aspects of longitudinal and perpendicular digital magnetic recording. The work presented in this thesis is based upon numerical analysis using various simulation methods. The environment used for implementation of simulation models is C/C + + programming. Important results based upon bit error rate calculations have been documented in this thesis. This work presents the new designed Asymmetric Decoder (AD) which is modified to take into account the jitter noise and shows that it has better performance than classical BCJR decoders with the use of Error Correction Codes (ECC). In this work, a new method of designing Generalised Partial Response (GPR) target and its equaliser has been discussed and implemented which is based on maximising the ratio of the minimum squared euclidean distance of the PR target to the noise penalty introduced by the Partial Response (PR) filter. The results show that the new designed GPR targets have consistently better performance in comparison to various GPR targets previously published. Two methods of equalisation including the industry's standard PR, and a novel Soft-Feedback- Equalisation (SFE) have been discussed which are complimentary to each other. The work on SFE, which is a novelty of this work, was derived from the problem of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and noise colouration in PR equalisation. This work also shows that multi-level SFE with MAP/BCJR feedback based magnetic recording with ECC has similar performance when compared to high density binary PR based magnetic recording with ECC, thus documenting the benefits of multi-level magnetic recording. It has been shown that 4-level PR based magnetic recording with ECC at half the density of binary PR based magnetic recording has similar performance and higher packing density by a factor of 2. A novel technique of combining SFE and PR equalisation to achieve best ISI cancellation in a iterative fashion has been discussed. A consistent gain of 0.5 dB and more is achieved when this technique is investigated with application of Maximum Transition Run (MTR) codes. As the length of the PR target in PR equalisation increases, the gain achieved using this novel technique consistently increases and reaches up to 1.2 dB in case of EEPR4 target for a bit error rate of 10-5

    Optimizing LDPC codes for a mobile WiMAX system with a saturated transmission amplifier

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    In mobile communication, the user’s information is transmitted through a wireless communication link that is subjected to a range of deteriorating effects. The quality of the transmission can be presented by the rate of transfer and the reliability of the received stream. The capacity of the communication link can be reached through the use of channel coding. Channel coding is the method of adding redundant information to the user’s information to mitigate the deteriorating effects of the communication link. Mobile WiMAX is a technology that makes use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation to transmit information over a wireless communication channel. The OFDM physical layer has a high peak average to power ratio (PAPR) characteristic that saturates the transmitter’s amplifier quite easily when proper backoff is not made in the transmission power. In this dissertation an optimized graph code was used as an alternative solution to improve the system’s performance in the presence of a saturated transmission’s amplifier. The graph code was derived from a degree distribution given by the density evolution algorithm and provided no extra network overhead to implement. The performance analysis resulted in a factor of 10 improvement in the error floor and a coding gain of 1.5 dB. This was all accomplished with impairments provided by the mobile WiMAX standard in the construction of the graph code.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte
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