656 research outputs found

    How Nano-Influencers Citizenship Behavior Affect Their Stickiness to the Social Commerce Platform? The Roles of Perceived Value

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    Nano-influencers, defined as Social Media Influencers (SMIs) with fewer than 1000 followers, occupy a unique position in social commerce, attributable to their remarkably high levels of audience engagement. This study explores their citizenship behaviors and its impact on shaping perceptions of value. To investigate the relationship between Nano-influencers’ Citizenship Behavior (NICB), perceived value, and their stickiness to the social commerce platform (SCP), this study employs a multi-dimension approach. Data were collected from 393 nano-influencers in China who had formed partnerships with at least one SCP. Analysis was conducted via Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings suggest a positive effect between NICB and perceived value, and that NICB directly impacts nano-influencers’ stickiness to the SCP. In addition, nano-influencers’ stickiness to the SCP is directly influenced by both utilitarian and emotional value, and these factors partially explain the relationship between NICB and stickiness to the SCP. However, social value and epistemic values do not have an impact on stickiness to the SCP, nor do they mediate the relationship between NICB and stickiness to the SCP. The study enhances the theoretical understanding of nano-influencers’ impacts on social commerce platforms (SCPs) by utilizing value co-creation theory to elucidate the mechanisms influencing SCP stickiness. Additionally, it provides practical insights for industry professionals aiming to augment nano-influencer engagement and loyalty through carefully designed strategic initiatives.

    Evaluating Service Quality Dimensions in Social Commerce: A Semi-Systematic Literature Review

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    The widespread adoption of social media platforms has significantly transformed consumer behavior and business practices. This paper attempts to provide a detailed overview of extant research on service quality in social commerce, shedding light on the dimensions that influence customer satisfaction and engagement. By examining 26 research articles, this study identifies common dimensions of service quality and highlights gaps in the current studies, offering recommendations for future research. The findings of this review highlight responsiveness, security/privacy, reliability, and communication as the most frequent dimensions of service quality in social commerce. The outcomes of this study lead to the development of new service quality models in social commerce and provide valuable insights for both scholars and practitioners

    Influence Of Short Video Live Broadcast On Network User Behavior And Sales—From Meta-Analysis, Experimental Analysis To Empirical Analysis

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    Background: There are more than 1 billion users of short video media in China, and enterprises have long recognized that the influence of short video media has strong marketing achievements, such as short video community and information sharing platform participating in sales. Many enterprises have established active short video media so that they can directly interact with their customers. Among them, the content of webcasting can also stimulate and influence users' participation (like, comment or share) and users' stickiness (collection and attention). Research purposes and methods: In order to explore the underlying logical relationship between "media-content-goods-users-sales", firstly, it is necessary to find out the influence mechanism of short video live broadcast on network users' participation and sales. Therefore, in the first experiment, we conducted a meta-analysis on a large number of researches on webcasting media and short video media, and analyzed their differences along the content differences, background (industry, presentation, life cycle, demand and platform) and characteristics of webcasting media. Secondly, it is necessary for us to find out the differences in the influence of the level of webcasting and the behavior of network users (participation behavior and sticky behavior) on the sales level. Therefore, in Experiment 2, based on the data of 802 live events in Tik Tok, the internal relationship between the degree of webcasting and the degree of commodity sales was analyzed. Thirdly, it is necessary for us to understand the mechanism of the influence of webcasting marketing on consumer decision-making. Therefore, in Experiment 3, the psychological mechanism of webcasting affecting purchase intention was verified by structural equation model, and the adoption intention of webcasting users was determined and verified by three factors-webcasting, participation behavior and sticky behavior. Research results: This paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and verification through three experiments. The result of Experiment 1 supports some existing viewpoints, for example, webcasting media can promote the sales of new products more effectively, but it highlights some new insights. The webcasting media mainly promotes the sales of goods and hardly affects the stickiness of users. The average citation of webcasting media stickiness is 0.137, and the sales citation is 0.353. In addition, the research results also put forward a better way to adjust the content of webcasting media to meet the communication target. Experiment 2 found that it has a higher degree of webcasting (β1=.715, P < .01; β2=-.090, p<0.01) more effectively produces the degree of commodity sales, and further verifies the potential moderating effects of two kinds of user behaviors: user participation behavior and user stickiness behavior. Experiment 3 verified that webcasting (b = 0.247, t=3.317, p< 0.05) directly and significantly affected the degree of online sales, while the behavior of online users (participation of live users and live fans) adjusted the degree of online sales to a certain extent, which indirectly affected the degree of online goods sales. Research conclusion: With the rapid development of short video media today, enterprises can realize the online sales of goods more efficiently through a powerful short video live media based on media content and media users, and further realize the balanced operation between network users and fan users in a healthy and orderly manner. Keywords: Webcast, Meta-analysis, User behavior, Social media sales, Field experiment DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/104-13 Publication date: August 31st 202

    Understanding post-adoption behaviour in the context of ride-hailing apps : the role of customer perceived value

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    PURPOSE : Despite the perceived role of customer value in post-adoption behaviour in the context of ride-hailing apps such as Uber, there has been limited research on the subject. This paper seeks to enrich the understanding of the relationships between customer perceived value, particularly hedonic value and economic value, customer satisfaction and continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH : This analysis is based on field data collected from 567 users of ride-hailing apps in Ghana. Data collected from the survey were analysed using the partial least square (PLS) approach to structural equation modelling (SEM). FINDINGS : The paper provides evidence that hedonic value, as well as economic value, positively predicts customer satisfaction and continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. Further analysis reveals customer satisfaction directly predicts continued use intentions in addition to partially mediating the influence of customer perceived value on continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. Finally, the findings suggest that hedonic value has a stronger impact on continued use intentions than economic value, while economic value has a greater impact on satisfaction than hedonic value. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : The study contributes to post-adoption behaviour research by providing evidence on the relationships among the study constructs in a developing country context. Overall, the findings will stimulate future empirical debates on the subject and guide practitioners in decision-making concerning customers' usage of ride-hailing apps.https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0959-3845hj2023Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    A multidimensional explanation of time spent listening to audiobooks

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    This exploratory study focuses on investigating the factors that may be predictors for average weekly audiobook listening time. From a holistic perspective, the conceptual model suggests relationships between several types of factors, namely factors relating to the nature of the audiobook (popularity and novelty), the audiobook distributors (ease of use of audiobook platforms), and factors intrinsic to the individual, such as their audiobook genre preference and their reading habits as well as their intention to continue listening to audiobooks. Although subscription on audiobook platforms is growing, research into audiobook consumption and purchase patterns is scarce. A questionnaire with 110 responses from individuals who listen to audiobooks on a regular basis. The conceptual model was estimated using SmartPLS software. Multicollinearity problems were identified among some of the predictors leading to the estimation of simplified models from the conceptual model, in which some of them were omitted, and it was confirmed that the intention to continue listening to audiobooks and the ease of use of the platform influences audiobook listening time. Future research should diversify the respondents' profile demographically and geographically and consider the influence of factors inherent to the subscription on audiobooks selling platforms, such as their frequency, for example. Research into the consumption patterns of this product are still scarce, although the audiobook is a result of the evolution of the digitalization of the functionalities of devices such as smartphones, which respond to the desires of a multitasking lifestyle.Este estudo exploratório foca-se na investigação dos fatores que possam ser preditores para o tempo médio semanal da audição de audiobooks. Numa perspectiva holística, o modelo conceptual sugere relações entre vários tipos de factores, nomeadamente fatores relativos à natureza do audiobook (popularidade e novidade), aos distribuidores dos audiobooks (facilidade de uso das plataformas de audiobooks) e fatores intrínsecos ao indivíduo, como a sua preferência de gênero de audiobook e os seus hábitos de leitura bem como a sua intenção de continuar a ouvir audiobooks. Apesar de ser crescente a subscrição nas plataformas de audiobooks, é escassa a investigação aos padrões de consumo e de compra de audiobooks. Um questionário com 110 respostas de indivíduos que ouvem audiobooks com regularidade. A estimação do modelo conceptual foi feita com recurso ao software SmartPLS. Foram identificados problemas de multicolinearidade entre alguns dos preditores que conduziram à estimação de modelos simplificados a partir do modelo conceptual, em que foram omitidos alguns deles e confirmou-se que a intenção de continuar a ouvir audiobooks e a facilidade do uso da plataforma influencia o tempo de escuta de audiobooks. Investigações futuras devem diversificar o perfil dos respondentes demograficamente e geograficamente e considerar a influência de factores inerentes à subscrição nas plataformas de venda dos audiobooks, como a sua frequência, por exemplo. A pesquisa nos padrões de consumo deste produto são ainda escassos, embora o audiobook resulte da evolução da digitalização das funcionalidades de aparelhos como smartphones, que respondem aos desejos de um estilo de vida multitasking

    Positive and negative word of mouth (WOM) are not necessarily opposites: A reappraisal using the dual factor theory

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    Prior research has not systematically investigated the enablers and inhibitors in conjunction to measure consumer behavior toward mobile wallets (m-wallets), focusing either on the adoption or the resistance perspective only. Similarly, antecedents and consequences of the dichotomous nature of word of mouth for m-wallets have also remained obscure so far. The present research proposes to address this void in the accumulated learnings by examining both enablers and inhibitors of mobile wallets (m-wallets) as antecedents of valence of word of mouth (positive and negative; PWOM and NWOM, respectively). Grounded in Dual Factor Theory, this study aims to explore consumers’ continued use intentions resulting from the WOM valence. The findings reveal that enablers (perceived information quality, perceived ability, and perceived benefit) drive PWOM, while the inhibitors (perceived cost, perceived risk, and perceived uncertainty) spur NWOM. Furthermore, the results show that only PWOM drives the continuance intentions of m-wallet users. Therefore, the study proves that the antecedents of PWOM are different from those of NWOM.publishedVersio

    What Airbnb Reviews can Tell us? An Advanced Latent Aspect Rating Analysis Approach

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    There is no doubt that the rapid growth of Airbnb has changed the lodging industry and tourists’ behaviors dramatically since the advent of the sharing economy. Airbnb welcomes customers and engages them by creating and providing unique travel experiences to “live like a local” through the delivery of lodging services. With the special experiences that Airbnb customers pursue, more investigation is needed to systematically examine the Airbnb customer lodging experience. Online reviews offer a representative look at individual customers’ personal and unique lodging experiences. Moreover, the overall ratings given by customers are reflections of their experiences with a product or service. Since customers take overall ratings into account in their purchase decisions, a study that bridges the customer lodging experience and the overall rating is needed. In contrast to traditional research methods, mining customer reviews has become a useful method to study customers’ opinions about products and services. User-generated reviews are a form of evaluation generated by peers that users post on business or other (e.g., third-party) websites (Mudambi & Schuff, 2010). The main purpose of this study is to identify the weights of latent lodging experience aspects that customers consider in order to form their overall ratings based on the eight basic emotions. This study applied both aspect-based sentiment analysis and the latent aspect rating analysis (LARA) model to predict the aspect ratings and determine the latent aspect weights. Specifically, this study extracted the innovative lodging experience aspects that Airbnb customers care about most by mining a total of 248,693 customer reviews from 6,946 Airbnb accommodations. Then, the NRC Emotion Lexicon with eight emotions was employed to assess the sentiments associated with each lodging aspect. By applying latent rating regression, the predicted aspect ratings were generated. With the aspect ratings, , the aspect weights, and the predicted overall ratings were calculated. It was suggested that the overall rating be assessed based on the sentiment words of five lodging aspects: communication, experience, location, product/service, and value. It was found that, compared with the aspects of location, product/service, and value, customers expressed less joy and more surprise than they did over the aspects of communication and experience. The LRR results demonstrate that Airbnb customers care most about a listing location, followed by experience, value, communication, and product/service. The results also revealed that even listings with the same overall rating may have different predicted aspect ratings based on the different aspect weights. Finally, the LARA model demonstrated the different preferences between customers seeking expensive versus cheap accommodations. Understanding customer experience and its role in forming customer rating behavior is important. This study empirically confirms and expands the usefulness of LARA as the prediction model in deconstructing overall ratings into aspect ratings, and then further predicting aspect level weights. This study makes meaningful academic contributions to the evolving customer behavior and customer experience research. It also benefits the shared-lodging industry through its development of pragmatic methods to establish effective marketing strategies for improving customer perceptions and create personalized review filter systems

    The Role of Social Network Websites in Consumer-Brand Relationship

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    This research explored the phenomenon of online social network in the context of consumer-brand relationship. The specific research objectives were: (a) to examine whether perceived benefits of a Brand’s Social Network Website (BSN) predict BSN relationship quality; (b) to investigate whether perceived benefits of BSN predict perceived relationship investment; (c) to examine if online social connection strengthens the relationship between perceived benefits of BSN and BSN relationship quality; (d) to examine if experience with BSN strengthens the relationship between perceived benefits of BSN and BSN relationship quality; (e) to investigate whether BSN relationship quality predicts brand relationship quality; (f) to examine whether BSN relationship quality predicts customer loyalty toward BSN; (g) to investigate whether perceived relationship investment predicts brand relationship quality; (h) to investigate whether brand relationship quality predicts customer loyalty toward BSN; (i) to examine whether brand relationship quality predicts customer loyalty toward the brand; and (j) to investigate whether customer loyalty toward BSN predicts customer loyalty toward the brand. This research employed a mixed-method approach to overcome the weaknesses in a single method approach and to provide stronger evidence for a conclusion. First, qualitative analyses explored the unique context of BSN, which was not much investigated in prior research. Specifically, Brand Pages of 22 apparel brands and 10 restaurant/coffeehouse brands, chosen as research settings, were investigated to validate the proposed research constructs. Second, quantitative analyses utilized an online self-administered cross-sectional survey method. A total of 501 complete responses collected from consumer panels of marketing research firm were used. The results suggested that BSN benefits are important drivers of relationship mediators (i.e., BSN relationship quality, perceived relationship investment), which in turn positively influence BRQ. However, functional benefits did not influence BSN relationship quality. In addition, while customer loyalty toward BSN was predicted by both BSN relationship quality and BRQ, it did not positively influence the loyalty toward the brand. Specifically, BSN loyalty did not influence behavioral loyalty and negatively influenced willingness to pay price premium. Further discussion about the results, implications, and suggestions for future research were provided

    Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital peer-to-peer platforms: an integrated approach

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    The rising number of digital peer-to peer (P2P) platforms, e.g. Airbnb and HomeAway, has shaken up the hospitality industry by creating a specific context that leverages peer value co-creation behaviour (VCCB), but which, despite growing interest, remains under-explored. The purpose of this study is to further the understanding of peer VCCB in P2P digital platforms by investigating their antecedents and outcomes. Data are drawn from 24 interviews with managers, four focus groups with users of P2P platforms, and a survey using a sample of 712 peers. The main findings show that peers’ identification, resource-sharing and experience are predictors of their VCCB, which, in turn, influences their motivation, relationships, loyalty and active participation in the platform. The study’s implications propose guidelines to managers of P2P platforms on how to enhance peers’ perceived quality, identification, resource-sharing and experience to increase their VCCB and active participation
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