5,684 research outputs found

    How can exploratory learning with games and simulations within the curriculum be most effectively evaluated?

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    There have been few attempts to introduce frameworks that can help support tutors evaluate educational games and simulations that can be most effective in their particular learning context and subject area. The lack of a dedicated framework has produced a significant impediment for uptake of games and simulations particularly in formal learning contexts. This paper aims to address this shortcoming by introducing a four-dimensional framework for helping tutors to evaluate the potential of using games- and simulation- based learning in their practice, and to support more critical approaches to this form of games and simulations. The four-dimensional framework is applied to two examples from practice to test its efficacy and structure critical reflection upon practice

    Massively multiplayer online roleplay games for learning

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    This chapter explores whether massively multiplayer online role-play games (MMORPGs) can be usedeffectively to support learning and training communities. The chapter aims to propose that cross-disciplinaryapproaches to the study of game-based learning are needed to support better synthesis ofour current understanding of the effectiveness of learning with games. The chapter therefore includesa brief literature review of online gaming research to date, taken from psychological and educationalresearch perspectives. The chapter explores the main types of online games and highlights the mainthemes of research undertaken through a consideration of the use of online gaming in current learningand training contexts where online gaming is being used to support experiential and discovery learningapproaches. This chapter indicates future directions for cross-disciplinary research approaches in thisfield and considers how collaborative learning could best be supported through this approach

    Designing Serious Games for Education: From Pedagogical Principles to Game Mechanisms

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    International audienceSGs represent an important opportunity for improving education thanks to their ability to compel players and to present realistic simulations of real-life situations. The scientific community is aware that we are just at the beginning of a proper use of gaming technologies for education and training and, in particular, there is a need for scientific and engineering methods for building games not only as more realistic simulations of the physical world, but as means that provide effective learning experiences. This requires an ever closer cooperation among the various actors involved in the overall SG life- chain, putting pedagogy in a central role, given the educational target of the SGs. This paper addresses the till-now inadequate integration of educational and game design principles and proposes techniques, methods and mechanisms that allow designers with different background to dialogue among each other and to define games that are able to integrate - by design - entertainment and educational features. In particular, the paper follows a design path that starts from the definition of reference frameworks and then analyses the typical categories of design patterns, before focusing on the user-interaction modalities - seen from a pedagogical point of view - given their relevance for the end-users. In the end, we discuss the sandbox serious game model, that looks suited to implement - by design - joint pedagogical and entertainment features. We believe that the indications provided in this paper can be useful for researchers and stakeholders to understand the typical issues in SG design and to get inspiration about possible solutions that take into account the need to implement tools that are effective both as an entertainment medium and as an education tool

    Video games and learning : a scoping study of the diverse use of video games in Australian classrooms

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    This study investigates current uses of video games within secondary classrooms in Australia, and the ways this is impacted by teacher attitudes and experiences. First, a thorough systematic review of current literature surrounding video games in secondary classrooms was conducted. The review indicated that current research regarding video games and education is primarily concerned with short-term interventions, and often does not take into consideration the context of wider teaching activities. The review further found that research in the Australian context is limited, and primarily qualitative in nature. Second, a survey of Australian secondary teachers was conducted to explore teacher attitudes towards video game based learning, and to identify promoters and barriers to the adoption of video games. Results indicated teacher beliefs were positive regarding the ability of video games to increase student interest and engagement, and to teach real-world skills. External support for video games and the frequency of teacher video game use in their own practice significantly influenced teacher attitudes. The opportunities for building on the limited research within an Australian context means this study contributes to building a comprehensive body of research that accounts for teacher attitudes and uses of video games within Australian secondary classrooms

    Serious Games in Formal Education: Discussing Some Critical Aspects

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    International audienceInnovation in technology together with evolution in pedagogical approaches is encouraging increased integration of technology-supported interventions in mainstream teaching practices. One area attracting particularly close attention in this respect is Serious Games (SGs), which offer considerable potential for facilitating both formal and informal learning experiences in supported and standalone contexts. Advances in technology and in technology enhanced learning are raising learners' expectations for immersive and engaging game-based experiences. This trend is underpinned by the emergence of young learners adept at using digital technologies and the internet; there is an attendant risk that, as students, they may be alienated by traditional education and its failure to engage them fully in a lifelong learning process and prepare them adequately for the challenges of the 21st Century. SGs would appear to offer an attractive solution in this regard. However, there are a number of inhibitors preventing their wider take-up in mainstream education, with the result that the considerable potential on offer has yet to be fully exploited. This situation is the background for the joint efforts of partners in the Games and Learning Alliance (GALA), an EC-funded Network of Excellence on SGs, especially the sub-group dedicated to the pedagogical dimension of SGs. In its discussions on the key challenges for more wide-scale and effective SG use, the group has focused in particular on aspects related to the central role played by the educator in formal education settings. Specifically, discussion has focused on the challenges posed when educators are called on to modify their practice, adopting the new roles and approaches demanded for effective SG deployment. This paper presents the outcome of the group's exploration. It frames the question of the educator's central role by drawing on research work that, in the view of the different authors, embodies the major references for shedding light on this multi-faceted aspect. As well as the new role that the educator assumes in games-based learning environments, particular attention is also dedicated to the innovative pedagogical approaches that can be applied to SG deployment, especially those inspired by peer collaboration

    Understanding Engagement within the Context of a Safety Critical Game

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    One of the most frequent arguments for deploying serious games is that they provide an engaging format for student learning. However, engagement is often equated with enjoyment, which may not be the most relevant conceptualization in safety-critical settings, such as law enforcement and healthcare. In these contexts, the term ‘serious’ does not only relate to the non-entertainment purpose of the game but also the environment simulated by the game. In addition, a lack of engagement in a safety critical training setting can have serious ethical implications, leading to significant real-world impacts. However, evaluations of safety-critical games (SCGs) rarely provide an in-depth consideration of player experience. Thus, in relation to simulation game-based training, we are left without a clear understanding of what sort of experience players are having, what factors influence their engagement and how their engagement relates to learning. In order to address these issues, this paper reports on the mixed-method evaluation of a SCG that was developed to support police training. The findings indicate that engagement is supported by the experience situational relevance, due to the player’s experience of real-world authenticity, targeted feedback mechanisms and learning challenges