20 research outputs found

    Effects of English Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards in the Elementary English Classrooms

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    The purpose of the study was to probe the effectiveness of English language teaching through Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs). Three specific factors were probed: (a) the results from immediate test and retention test; (b) students’ perceptions related to the utilization of IWBs; (c) the advantages and disadvantages of the technology-supported instruction. Forty-three students from Grade 3 students in Sahes Elementary School in Taiwan were engaged in either technology-supported group or none technology-supported group. The results revealed that the experimental group through technology-supported instruction significantly outperformed the control group on students’ immediate test and retention test. Moreover, students’ perceptions related to the IWBs indicated that most of them enjoying learning English in the technology-supported classrooms. Finally, the results also showed the advantages and disadvantages through the IWBs instructions. The study revealed that teaching through technology was an effective way to help students in English learning

    PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MEMORIZATION TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA : Studi Kuasi Eksperimen Pada Standar Kompetensi Pengantar Administrasi Perkantoran Kelas X Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran Di Smk Pasundan 1 Cimahi

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    The problem in this research study is on student learning outcomes. Its Core is focused on one of the factors that influence student learning outcomes is a model of learning. The learning model selected was a model of MemorizationAs such, the subject matter revealed in this research is the influence of the learning model of Memorizationof student learning outcomes. This research consists of two variables: Memorization learning model (X) and student learning outcomes (Y). The method used in this research is the method of Quasi- Experiments, and the shape is selected quasi-experimental control group design Nonequivalenty. The technique of data collection by observation sheets, which are analyzed using normalized gain score calculation. And that the respondents in this research is class X AP 1 into an experimental group of 27 people and class X AP 2 being a control group of 29 people. Based on the research results, obtained information that (1) The results of the experimental group learning by using the Memorizationlearning model including classification into high, (2) The results of the control group learning using learning model advance organizer including classification into being. That is, schools can apply learning model Memorizationon competency standard using introduction of administrative office to improve student learning outcomes, (3) Memorizationlearning model significantly improve student learning outcomes in competency standard using introduction of administrative office class X in SMK Pasundan 1 Cimahi. This needs to be maintained and improved continually. This could be done with training or periodic assessments in SMK Pasundan 1 Cimahi for the teachers involved.------ Masalah yang menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai hasil belajar siswa. Inti kajiannya difokuskan pada salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa yaitu model pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang dipilih adalah model Memorization. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pokok masalah yang diungkap dalam penelitian ini adalah sejauhmana pengaruh model pembelajaran Memorization terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel yaitu model pembelajaran Memorization(X) dan hasil belajar siswa (Y). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Kuasi Eksperimen, dan bentuk kuasi eksperimen yang dipilih adalah Nonequivalenty Control Group Design. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar observasi, yang dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan skor gain ternormalisasi. Dan yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas X AP 1 yang menjadi kelompok eksperimen berjumlah 27 orang dan kelas X AP 2 yang menjadi kelompok kontrol berjumlah 29 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan informasi bahwa (1) Hasil belajar kelompok eksperimen dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran memorization termasuk kedalam klasifikasi tinggi, (2) Hasil belajar kelompok kontrol dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Advance Organizer termasuk kedalam klasifikasi sedang. Artinya, sekolah dapat menerapkan model pembalajaran Memorization pada standar kompetensi pengantar administrasi perkantoran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, (3) Model pembelajaran Memorization signifikan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada standar kompetensi pengantar administrasi perkantoran kantor kelas X di SMK Pasundan 1 Cimahi. Hal tersebut sebaiknya perlu dipertahankan dan diupayakan terus peningkatannya. Adapun cara yang dapat ditempuh SMK Pasundan 1 Cimahi adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan ataupun penilaian secara berkala terhadap guru-guru yang bersangkutan

    Teachers’ Experiences and Perceptions in Using Interactive Whiteboards in EFL Classrooms

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    Technological development is constantly advancing and keeps taking a bigger role in society, including in education. This development has taken interactive whiteboards to be used in the elementary classroom setting at present. The use of interactive whiteboards correctly can support the teaching-learning process in classrooms. This study was conducted to explore how teachers use the interactive whiteboard in the classrooms, what are the challenges encountered by teachers in teaching English using the interactive whiteboards, and what strategies teachers apply in overcoming those challenges. The study also investigated the teachers’ perception of interactive whiteboards. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive research involving four English teachers, students of grades one until six, also the principal of an elementary school. The data were obtained through observations, teachers’ questionnaires, a principal interview, and students’ survey. The technique for analyzing data was data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The study's results showed that teachers used interactive whiteboards to access educational software, such as the ones from the book publisher, Class Dojo, Edunav, and YouTube. Teachers also used interactive whiteboards as projectors to open the slides or presentations made by teachers, such as in PowerPoint, Ms.Word, and flipcharts. The main impacts of the lessons were increased use of the Internet, software, and visual resources as part of the lessons. There are some challenges during the implementation of interactive whiteboards in the classrooms, but teachers could apply some strategies to overcome them. The teachers and students perceived positively the use of interactive whiteboards in the classrooms. Teachers also had positive perceptions in terms of developing lessons using IWB, resources from the internet, and technical support. The negative responses were related to time, collaboration, and professional development

    Actitudes y Experiencias de los Estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera de Secundaria en Aulas Equipadas con Tableros Interactivos

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    The purpose of this study was to examine ninth grade EFL students’ experiences and attitudes towards classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards (IWB). The data were collected with a questionnaire about attitudes towards IWB use in EFL classes, and observations from three different classrooms in three different high schools. The study indicated that the EFL students were not fully aware of how to use IWBs in learning English although they had a background of IWB use. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference in the attitudes of the male and female students towards using IWBs. Overall, the results revealed that EFL students’ attitudes towards IWBs were positive although there were some technical challenges in IWB classrooms.El propósito de este estudio fue indagar sobre las experiencias y actitudes hacia las aulas equipadas con tableros interactivos de un grupo de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera de noveno grado. Los datos fueron recogidos por medio de un cuestionario para conocer las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia el uso de este tipo de herramienta tecnológica y las observaciones de tres diferentes clases entre tres diferentes colegios. El estudio indicó que los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera no estaban completamente informados de cómo utilizar los tableros interactivos para el aprendizaje del inglés pese a conocer los antecedentes del uso de IWB. Además, no se observaron diferencias significativas en términos estadísticos en relación a las actividades de los estudiantes de género masculino y femenino hacia el uso de IWB. En general, los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera tenían una actitud positiva hacia el uso de IWB a pesar de presentarse algunos problemas técnicos en las aulas

    The Importance of Self-Esteem to Students Learning Responsibilities and Group Learning Commitment of Physical Education Students

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between self-esteem and learning responsibility and group learning commitment of physical education students. We used a quantitative approach, with a correlation design. During the research, there were 88 physical education students from semester VI involved. In collecting the data, we used the State Self-Esteem Scale from Heatherton and Polivy (1991), the Personal Responsibility Questionnaire from Mergler (2007), and the Organization Commitment Scale from Allen and Meyer (1990). The research data were analyzed descriptively and used Pearson correlation with the assistance of SPSS. The descriptive test revealed that self-esteem is quite good (67%), responsibility for learning is relatively good (54.6%), and students’ group learning commitment is quite good (65.9%). Whereas, the Pearson test indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between self-esteem and learning responsibilities (0.468) and the students’ group learning commitment (0.282). This study emphasizes that lecturers and peers need to support, maintain, and develop positive self-esteem through supportive feedback to encourage students’ learning behavior, such as being responsible and committed to group learning in completing various learning tasks

    Getting On Board: Investigating the Opinions and Attitudes of ESL Teachers on the Use of Interactive Whiteboards in the ESL Classroom

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    The growth in popularity of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in K-12 classrooms in the United States has been immense over the course of the last fifteen years (Hennessy & London, 2012; Shenton & Pagett, 2007; Sundberg, Spante, & Stenlund, 2012). Both teachers and students have expressed favorable reactions to IWB implementation into the classroom. There have been a number of different studies surveying the thoughts and feelings of teachers and students on their use of IWBs. However, there has not been an interview-based study that looks at the viewpoints of teachers from the upper Midwest. The aim of this study is to investigate the opinions and attitudes of four ESL teachers on their use of IWBs in a K-12 classroom setting. The four participants’ answers revealed that they believe IWBs to be a very powerful, useful tool to have in the classroom. However, they did not feel they received adequate training with the technology. Therefore, for the IWB technology to be used more efficiently and effectively in schools, more training must be provided for the educators

    Students\u27 Acquisitions of 21st Century Skills Using and Integrating Technology

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    The purpose of this study is to explore teachers\u27 use of technology to determine the ways technology is being used and if teachers are teaching the skills necessary to prepare their students to be successful in the 21st century. Technological skills should be embedded in schools\u27 curriculum as students are learning the skills necessary to compete in the 21st century. The sample consisted of 123 teachers at 12 public schools to determine if technology is being used in the classroom and if so, the extent to which it is being used. More specifically, this study seeks to address whether or not there are significant differences among teachers at varying grade levels, years of experience, different ages, and different levels of education. Using Analysis of Variance, a highly significant difference in mean level of technology use was observed by teachers\u27 grade level (F(3,116) = 11.92, p \u3c .001). Also, using ANOVA to test for differences among the subgroup means suggests a statistically significant differences by grade level (F(3,116) = 3.18, p = .027)-such that the mean for Grades 3 though 5 (M = 3.94, SD = 0.84) differs from that for Grades 9 through 12 (M = 3.36, SD = 0.73). Modest correlations were observed between technology usage and problem-solving (r = .278), critical thinking (r = .301), collaboration (r = .304), and especially, creativity/innovation (r = .329). As regards to the relationships between technology integration and the skills of collaboration (r = .409), problem-solving (r = .461), critical thinking (r = .455), and creativity and innovation (r = .438), the remaining correlations all exceed a value of r = .40 (modest relationship) and all are highly statistically significant (at p \u3c .001). The correlations observed between perceptions of classroom impact and students\u27 development of skills for collaboration (r = .513), problem-solving (r = .557), and creativity and innovation (r = .566). Schools can use this to bring more professional development to weak areas and continue to strengthen the 21st century skills using technology

    The Impact of Technology on the Implementation of Formative Assessment Lessons in Eighth Grade Math Classrooms

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    Technology use has become commonplace in some mathematics classrooms, often being used for formative assessment. Research supports the use of technology to engage students, but not as much research exists to investigate the impact on student learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a statistical relationship exists between the post-lesson assessment results of students engaging in a formative assessment lesson where the teacher delivers the lesson with technology and students engaging in a formative assessment lesson where the teacher delivers the lesson without technology. The teachers administered pre- and post-lesson assessments to the students after the formative assessment lesson enactments. The whole class introduction and whole class discussion took place with the teacher using technology to deliver the lesson for the control groups. The whole class introduction and whole class discussion took place without the teacher using technology to deliver the lesson for the experimental groups. This study also investigated teacher and student perceptions of the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The teachers were intervieto gather their perception of any implications resulting from their use of technology in the formative assessment lesson. Students completed a survey to express their views on the use of technology in a formative assessment lesson delivery. Observations of one experimental class and one control class took place during the formative assessment lessons for each teacher

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Interventions Aimed at Promoting Collaboration Through Interactive Whiteboards and Google Apps for Education

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    Over the course of the past decade, the use of interactive whiteboards (IWB) in North American and European elementary classrooms has surged in popularity. Nevertheless, their procurement has been scrutinized due to their questionable ‘interactivity’, lack of usage by students, and steep price tags. This design-based study aimed at determining the effectiveness of a performance improvement campaign’s interventions designed at encouraging dialogic interactivity by utilizing both the IWB and Google Apps for Education (GAFE). The project was structured using the ADDIE model. Participatory action research techniques informed the performance needs analysis, which subsequently led to the design and development of the interventions as outlined in the high level design. Interventions were implemented over the course of one school year. Both qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments were used to evaluate the efficacy of the interventions, as well as to explain the numerous factors that had an impact on their effectiveness. Results found that the tiered professional development sessions, the eNewsletters, the online tutorials, and the collaborative IWB and GAFE activities workshop were the most useful interventions. Various themes, notably that of time as a constraint, the potential for pedagogical use, and teachers as creatures of habit, emerged as factors that influenced the efficacy of the performance improvement campaign’s interventions