86 research outputs found

    An Empirical Assessment of the Arcpro Visual Magnitude Viewshed Plugin

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    Numerous viewshed analyses have been developed over the past few decades, but the uptake of these within industry has largely remained stagnant. This project involves ground-truthing one of the more recent viewshed analysis variants (Chamberlain and Meitner 2012, 2015) to assess reliability and application. This viewshed analysis was developed as a plug-in for the ESRI ArcGIS Pro software, making it readily accessible by anyone with an ArcGIS license. The validation of this software was recently conducted using an empirical approach to measure the accuracy of the analysis in the GIS versus real- world. Results demonstrate extremely high validity in controlled conditions, this degree of validity decreased substantially in highly variable terrain. This variability likely stems from measurement controls that are difficult to produce in real-world contexts. In this paper, the analysis, procedures and lessons learned are provided, as well as a call for additional empirical testing of viewshed analyses more broadly

    Hi Rise, I can see you! Planning and visibility assessment of high building development in Rotterdam

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    West European cities like London, Paris, Rotterdam and Frankfurt am Main have seen impressive high-rise developments over the past two decades. The cities with a longstanding tradition of urban management, building regulations and zoning plans seem to feel the need for additional instruments to control the development of what is described by McNeill (2005) as "an extremely complex spatial phenomenon". It was only after the emergence of a new type of high building development in the inner cities and suburban centres in the early 1990s that the image of high buildings started to change for the better, not just in the Netherlands but also throughout much of Europe. Even now, high buildings evoke emotions and provoke controversies. This has led them to develop policies for regulating the planning and construction of tall buildings, high-rise buildings and skyscrapers within their territory. This article presents a systematic approach for analysing the visual impact of high building development on a city and its surrounding region, using Rotterdam as a case study. This work is based on a previous analysis that included aspects such as architectural height, year of completion, location and functional use of high buildings in the city. It allowed us to compare the actual high building development with the urban policies in place. The showcase city of Rotterdam demonstrates that a considerable distance exists between policy and reality. The city struggles to deliver a consistent and integrated policy for high-rise urban areas, although the high building developments themselves seem to be ruled by a remarkable internal logic that is not fully recognised in policymaking. By studying the height and completion year, identifying the tall building cluster as it is perceived visually, and by conducting a GISc-based visibility analysis, it provides a context to tall building designs, making the assessment of individual projects more transparant and balanced, and removing some of the emotional elements that often enter into the discussions

    Application of airborne LiDA R data in viewshed analysis

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] The environmental impact assessment and landscape analysis of any work or activity over the territory requires a study of the visual impact what can be done from the application of viewshed analysis. The accuracy of these results depends largely on the parameters for calculating them, accuracy and spatial resolution of initial elevation data and digital models derived. In this study viewshed analysis in 4 areas of the town of Gandia with different characteristics (urban, forest, beach, mixed) were analyzed from 4 types of geographic information: a) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and b) Digital Surface Model (DSM) derived from LiDAR data with density of 1 point/m2; c) DTM from a photogrammetric flight with a pixel size of 5×5 m; d) Overlay cadastral cartography with the previous DTM. For the validation of the results, 120 checking points were used to calculate the overall accuracy and kappa index. The results showed a high overall accuracy for the viewsheds calculated from the DSM derived from LiDAR data being the overall accuracy and index kappa 90% and 0.80, respectively. The conclusions drawn from this study indicated that the use of this source of information showed a good performance for the generation of viewshed analysis.[ES] Los estudios de impacto ambiental o paisajismo de cualquier obra o actuación en el territorio requieren de un estudio del impacto visual de las mismas a partir de la generación de cuencas visuales. La exactitud de estos resultados depende en gran medida del tipo datos de elevaciones iniciales, de los modelos digitales que se deriven y de los parámetros del cálculo de las cuencas visuales. En este estudio se analizaron cuencas visuales generadas en cuatro zonas del municipio de Gandia con características diferenciadas (urbana, forestal, playa, mixta) a partir de cuatro tipos de información cartográfica: a) Modelo Digital del Terreno (MDT) y b) Modelo Digital de Superficie (MDS) calculados a partir de datos LiDAR con una densidad media de 1 punto/m2; c) MDT derivado de un vuelo fotogramétrico a escala 1/5000; d) Superposición cartografía catastral con elevaciones de edificios y el MDT anterior. Para la validación de las mismas se utilizaron 120 puntos de muestreo (60 visibles y 60 no visibles) con los que se calculó la fiabilidad global e índice kappa. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una fiabilidad global muy alta en las cuencas visuales calculadas a partir del MDS derivado de los datos LiDAR siendo la fiabilidad global e índice kappa del 90% y 0,80, respectivamente. La conclusión que se desprenden de este estudio indica que la utilización del MDS derivado de los datos LiDAR de baja densidad genera resultados satisfactorios en la generación de cuencas visuales para los estudios de paisajismo o impacto ambiental.Pellicer, I.; Estornell Cremades, J.; Martí, J. (2014). Aplicación de datos LiDAR aéreo para el cálculo de cuencas visuales. Revista de Teledetección. (41):9-18. doi:10.4995/raet.2014.2293SWORD9184

    Exploring the Visual Landscape: Advances in Physiognomic Landscape Research in the Netherlands

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    Exploring the Visual Landscape is about the combination of landscape research and planning, visual perception and Geographic Information Science. It showcases possible ways of getting a grip on themes like: landscape openness, cluttering of the rural landscape, high-rise buildings in relation to cityscape, historic landscapes and motorway panoramas. It offers clues for visual landscape assessment of spaces in cities, parks and rural areas. In that respect, it extends the long tradition in the Netherlands on physiognomic landscape research and shows the state of the art at this moment. Exploring the Visual Landscape offers important clues for theory, methodology and application in research and development of landscapes all over the world, from a specifically Dutch academic context. It provides a wide range of insights into the psychological background of landscape perception, the technical considerations of geomatics and methodology in landscape architecture, urban planning and design. Furthermore, there are some experiences worthwhile considering, which demonstrate how this research can be applied in the practice of landscape policy making

    A Prototype Path Prediction Tool

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    When a person moves through an environment he/she will decide where to travel based on their interpretation of the surroundings. This becomes important in search and rescue scenarios and military operations when a person’s route is of interest. One solution to predict this route is to model the way people travel. This paper documents the process of developing a prototype path prediction tool using the Python scripting language and ArcMap tools. The general model approach was to create a simulation based on a least cost path analysis restricted by viewshed analysis. While the concept is straightforward, creating the program proved complex due to the management of vector and raster data, and accounting for numerous application possibilities and variable combinations. The result was a durable simulation capable of incorporating a directional bias, observer height, travel speed, and the ability to accommodate a level of randomness

    VRSC 2021 Conference Proceedings

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    The biennial conference aims to catalyze ideas and innovation between academia, practice, NGOs and government agencies who work to address analysis, planning, valuation, design and management of visual resources. The aim of the 2021 Virtual Conference is to share ideas and discuss the issues associated with the assessment and protection of visual resources in an era of major landscape change - regionally, national and globally

    Comunicación visual mediante técnicas GIS en el litoral del Campo de Dalías: la defensa costera de los pueblos del interior

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    [ES] La vigilancia de la costa para la protección de las poblaciones establecidas en el interior ha sido uno de los principales problemas en la provincia de Almería durante una parte importante de nuestra Edad Moderna. Debido a esto, se planificó y desarrolló toda una infraestructura defensiva y de observación de la llegada de corsarios y piratas a las costas almerienses. Con el presente trabajo se pretende, en primer lugar, dar importancia a estas estructuras desde un punto de vista paisajístico, turístico y cultural, mediante técnicas GIS de creación de cuencas visuales. Por otro lado, del solapamiento entre cuencas visuales, o su ausencia, se pueden extraer conclusiones desde el punto de vista arqueológico, como parte de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la investigación de la conexión visual entre las defensas costeras y las poblaciones del interior.[EN] Monitoring of the coast for the protection of the in-land populations has been one of the main problems in the province of Almería during a significant part of Modern Age. Due to this was planned and developed an entire infrastructure defensive and observational in view of the arrival of pirates and corsairs to the coast of Almería. With the present work it is tried firstly to give importance to these structures from a landscape point of view, tourism and culture through GIS techniques to create view sheds. On the other, from overlapping each different view shed, their presence or absence, can give useful conclusions for the archaeology science, as a part of a research project on the visual connection between the coastal defenses and in-land populations.Villanueva Ojeda, E.; García Lorca, AM. (2012). Comunicación visual mediante técnicas GIS en el litoral del Campo de Dalías: la defensa costera de los pueblos del interior. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(6):93-97. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4455OJS939736ARAMBURU, Mª.P., CIFUENTES, P., ESCRIBANO, R., GONZÁLEZ, S. (1994): Guía para la elaboración de estudios del medio físico. Contenido y metodología. Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes. Secretaría de Estado para las Políticas del Agua y el Medio Ambiente, Madrid.CARA BARRIONUEVO, L., CARA RODRÍGUEZ, J. (1986): "El poblamiento Andalusí en el Campo de Dalías Oriental (Almería): Discontinuidades y permanencias.", en Boletín del I.E.A., 1986.CRESSIER, P. (1984): "El Castillo y la división territorial en la Alpujarra medieval: del hisn a la ta'a / Le Château et la division territoriale dans l'Alpujarra médievale: du hisn à la ta'a.", en Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez, nº XX, pp. 115-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/casa.1984.2413CRESSIER, P. (1986): "Dalías y su territorio: Un grupo de alquerías musulmanas de la Baja Alpujarra (Provincia de Almería) / Dalías et son territoire: Un groupe d'alquerías musulmanes de la Basse Alpujarra (Province d'Almería).", en Actas del XII Concreso de la U.E.A.I. Málaga, 1984, Madrid, 1986, pp. 205-228.ESRI (2001): ArcGIS Spatial Analyst: Advanced GIS Spatial Analysis Using Raster and Vector Data. ESRI White Papers, December 2001.ESRI (2002): ArcGIS 3D Analyst: Three-Dimensional Visualization, Topographic Analysis, and Surface Creation. ESRI White Papers, January 2002.GIL ALBARRACÍN, A., CAPEL, H. (2004): Documentos sobre la defensa de la costa del Reino de Granada (1497-1857). Temas locales. Almería.KIDNER, D.B.; SPARKES, A.J.; DOREY, M.I.; WARE, J.M.; JONES, C.B. (2001): "Visibility Analysis with the Multiscale Implicit TIN", en Transactions in GIS, nº 5(1), pp. 19-37.LLOBERA, M. (2003): "Extending GIS-based visual analysis: the concept of 'Visualscapes'", en International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences, nº 17, pp. 25-48.LLOBERA, M.; FÁBREGA-ÁLVAREZ, P.; PARCERO-OUBIÑA, C. (2011): "Order in movement: a GIS approach to accesibility", en Journal of Archaeological Science, nº 38, pp. 843-851.MARTÍNEZ LILLO, S.; MATALANA UREÑA, A.; SÁEZ LARA, F. (1997): "La aplicación de los SIG como planteamiento de la organización del espacio en la Marca Media andalusí: el sistema de atalayas en la Cuenca del Jarama (Madrid)", en Los SIG y el análisis espacial en Arqueología. Madrid, pp. 273-308.McCOY, M.D.; LADEFOGED, T.N. (2009): "New Developments in the Use of Spatial Technology in Archaeology", en Journal of Archaeological Science, nº 17, pp. 263-295.RIGGS, P.D.; DEAN, D.J. (2007): "An investigation into the Causes of Errors and Inconsistencies in Predicted Viewsheds", en Transactions in GIS, nº 11 (2), pp. 175-196.RUESTES, C. (2008): "Social organization and human space in North-Eastern Iberia during the Third Century BC", en Oxford Journal of Archaeology, nº 27, pp. 359-386.SÁNCHEZ SEDANO, Mª. P. (1988): "Arquitectura musulmana en la provincia de Almería", en Boletín del I.E.A.WHEATLEY, D.W.; GARCÍA SANJUÁN, L.; MURRIETA FLORES, P.A.; MÁRQUEZ PÉREZ, J. (2010): "Approaching the landscape dimension of the megalithic phenomenon in Southern Spain", en Oxford Journal of Archaeology, nº 29(4), pp. 387-405

    Visual Descriptors: A Design Tool for Visual Impact Analysis

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    This study is concerned with the development of a practical and effective form of computer-aided analysis of the visual impact of building development in rural areas. Its contribution is fourfold. Firstly, a conceptual model has been developed for the process of seeing in the context of visual impact analysis. Secondly, a mathematical model for a consistent series of visual descriptors has been devised. Thirdly, a suitable design tool has been devised to make use of visual descriptors in visual impact analysis. Fourthly, visual descriptors have actually been implemented as computer software. The concept of visual impact analysis is defined and placed within the wider context of landscape research. The problems faced by a designer in the context of visual impact analysis are identified and the concept of a 'design tool' is introduced and defined. A number of existing computer software packages, intended or used for visual impact analysis, are reviewed critically. The concept of 'visual descriptors' as measures to be used by designers is introduced and examined critically. A conceptual model is presented for the process of seeing in the context of visual impact analysis. A range of possible measures for use as visual descriptors is presented and developed further into a series of precise definitions. A method of implementing visual descriptors is presented together with formal algorithms for the derivation of eight visual descriptors. A software package incorporating these descriptors is presented and verification and case studies of its use carried out. Visual descriptors, as implemented, are assessed for their effectiveness as a design tool for visual impact analysis.Strathclyde University Dept. of Architecture and Building Scienc

    Weighted Visibility Classification and Seating Plan for the Aitken University Centre

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