12 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Verification of DMN

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    The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard is a user-friendly notation for decision logic. To verify correctness of DMN decision tables, many tools are available. However, most of these look at a table in isolation, with little or no regards for its context. In this work, we argue for the importance of context, and extend the formal verification criteria to include it. We identify two forms of context, namely in-model context and background knowledge. We also present our own context-aware verification tool, implemented in our DMN-IDP interface, and show that this context-aware approach allows us to perform more thorough verification than any other available tool

    A Survey of User Interfaces for Computer Algebra Systems

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    AbstractThis paper surveys work within the Computer Algebra community (and elsewhere) directed towards improving user interfaces for scientific computation during the period 1963–1994. It is intended to be useful to two groups of people: those who wish to know what work has been done and those who would like to do work in the field. It contains an extensive bibliography to assist readers in exploring the field in more depth. Work related to improving human interaction with computer algebra systems is the main focus of the paper. However, the paper includes additional materials on some closely related issues such as structured document editing, graphics, and communication protocols

    Búsqueda por similitud de posiciones de ajedrez

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    Las búsquedas por similitud constituyen un campo de estudio de gran importancia en la actualidad. En el presente trabajo se propone una función distancia para consultar por similitud posiciones de ajedrez sobre bases de datos de partidas, ya que actualmente estas consultas están limitadas a búsquedas exactas. Se evalúa su comportamiento mediante distintos tipos de pruebas sobre las fases del juego.XIII Workshop Bases de datos y Minería de Datos (WBDMD).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Búsqueda por similitud de posiciones de ajedrez

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    Las búsquedas por similitud constituyen un campo de estudio de gran importancia en la actualidad. En el presente trabajo se propone una función distancia para consultar por similitud posiciones de ajedrez sobre bases de datos de partidas, ya que actualmente estas consultas están limitadas a búsquedas exactas. Se evalúa su comportamiento mediante distintos tipos de pruebas sobre las fases del juego.XIII Workshop Bases de datos y Minería de Datos (WBDMD).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The Relationship Between the Pedagogical Use of Differentiated Instructional Strategies and 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Language Arts Achievement

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    Today’s classrooms are comprised of students who perform on a myriad of levels. As a result of both state and federal mandates, educators have been charged with the task of ensuring that all students master the required grade level benchmarks at the end of each school term. The challenge in carrying out that duty is finding strategic ways of reaching all students, regardless of their performance levels. The stricter state mandates have placed many classroom teachers in a compromising position that leaves them with no time to remediate students who may struggle with mastering a skill and minimal time to provide enrichment opportunities for those high-achieving students. The purpose of this study was to identify teachers who successfully differentiated instruction (D.I.) and those who were unsuccessful in differentiating instruction based on student achievement. The instructional strategies employed by teachers who differentiated instruction as well as those employed by teachers who do not differentiate instruction (no D.I.) were reported. The rationale for reporting the observed instructional strategies was to afford all students the opportunity to have their academic needs met in all classes. Additionally, this study examined whether or not differences existed between the observed and perceived behaviors of teachers regarding differentiated instruction. The goal of this study was to identify teaching strategies and practices that could be utilized to maximize the academic potential of all learners. This study addressed six research questions that were examined using a perception survey and a classroom observation checklist. The 37 participants were categorized into one of two categories (D.I. or no D.I.) based on spring 2011 student achievement data. The three teachers who were said to differentiate instruction made every attempt to meet the needs of the learners in their classrooms by asking questions that varied in the degree of difficulty, reviewing pre-requisite skills to ensure that learners had a firm grasp before addressing the skill of the day/week, addressing different learning styles, and providing students with materials on a variety of reading levels. The teachers who did not differentiate instruction delivered instruction in a manner that only afforded students who firmly understood previously taught skills to be successful with completing the assigned task. All students were told to complete the same assignment with no consideration being made for those who could not read on grade level. The researcher found it interesting that the perceived behaviors of the participants often differed from the actual practices employed within the classroom. Many of the teachers who did not differentiate perceived themselves as going to great lengths to meet the needs of all learners when they actually taught lessons at one level. In addition, many of their questions were directed to a few students in the classroom who appeared to quickly grasp the material. Many of the teachers who differentiated instruction did not perceive themselves as teachers who varied instructional strategies based on the needs of students. Despite the small number of teachers who qualified to be categorized as D.I. teachers, there were distinct differences with regard to the number of students they had scoring within the advanced and proficient categories in comparison with the students who were taught by teachers who did not differentiate

    Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity using Bayesian Network Learning

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    Contains fulltext : 228326pre.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access) Contains fulltext : 228326pub.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BNAIC/BeneLearn 202

    Conceitos e ferramentas de autoria para representação da visão estratégica baseada em padrões e busca em jogos heurísticos adversaristas

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    Orientador: Marcos CastilhoCoorientador: Bruno Muller JuniorTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 11/02/2019Inclui referências: p. 96-102Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: A presente tese apresenta novos conceitos e ferramentas de software para dar suporte à formalização de conhecimento no nível de visão estratégica. No Xadrez, por exemplo, é a visão estratégica que permite ao enxadrista identificar quando duas posições de jogo diferentes apresentam as mesmas características, isto é, o mesmo padrão. A autoria formal de padrões de Xadrez é apresentada como um elemento chave sob o qual reside o estilo humano de jogar e como uma tarefa metacognitiva para aprendizes e grandes mestres refletirem sobre padrões armazenados em suas memórias de longo prazo. Conceitos de múltiplas representações externas são usados no projeto do ambiente. Poucos trabalhos foram encontrados na literatura científica sobre aplicar conhecimento, no nível de visão estratégica, para máquinas de jogo. Uma ontologia para especificar padrões é definida, bem como, um ambiente e uma linguagem para formalizar o conhecimento sobre padrões são apresentados. Experimentos para verificar o poder de expressividade foram realizados cujos resultados são promissores. Os conceitos abordados aqui podem ser utilizados em outras áreas como medicina e ciências administrativas. Palavras-chave: inteligência artificial, IA, reconhecimento de padrões, xadrez, jogos educacionais, representação de conhecimento, formalização do conhecimento, visão estratégica.Abstract: This thesis presents new concepts and software tools to support knowledge formalization at the strategic vision level. In Chess, for example, is the strategic vision that allows chess players identifying when two different game positions has the same characteristis, it means, the same pattern. The formal authoring of patterns in Chess is presented as key element that underlies human-like style of playing and as a meta-cognitive task for learners and grand masters to reflect about patterns stored in their long term memory. Multiple external representation concepts are use in the design of the environment. Few past works have been found in the scientific literature about applying knwoledge, at a strategical vision level, to game engines. An onthology for pattern specification has been defined, as well, an environment and a language for pattern formalization are presented. Experiments were done to verify the expression power of the language giving promising results. The concepts approached here can be used in other scientific fields as medicine and administration. Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, pattern recognition, chess

    Análise do uso de formalização de conhecimento heurístico no ensino de jogos através do estímulo à alternância entre competição e colaboração

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    Resumo: Neste trabalho de doutoramento, verifica-se a hipótese de que o estímulo à formalização de conhecimento heurístico de jogo por aprendizes contribui para que estes compreendam melhor, os conceitos trabalhados no processo de aprendizagem. Sendo esta atividade de instrução apoiada por software, e privilegiando a alternância entre a colaboração e competição entre os estudantes. O projeto PROTEX, de apoio computacional ao ensino de xadrez nas escolas brasileiras, apresentado em Direne et al. (2004), descreve um ambiente educacional onde o aprendiz formaliza o seu conhecimento heurístico de jogo, e esta representação criada pode ser analisada, comentada, e usada por outros estudantes. E através de jogadores automáticos, a heurística especificada por um indivíduo pode ser validada, quando esta é utilizada como lógica de escolha de jogadas em uma partida automatizada. Alguns conceitos e ferramentas para este sistema foram anteriormente desenvolvidos por Martineschen et al. (2006), Feitosa et al. (2007) e Bueno et al. (2008), contudo até o presente estudo a eficácia desta abordagem não podia ser atestada. Com o intuito de realizar esta aferição, os seguintes objetivos foram alcançados por esta pesquisa: (1) realizou-se uma análise crítica, e uma revisão bibliográfica completa sobre os trabalhos acadêmicos e comerciais relacionados a este tema; (2) expandiu-se o conjunto de conceitos e softwares para permitir a competição artificial entre as especificações feitas; e (3) conduziu-se um estudo empírico sobre o uso deste novo ferramental, em um ambiente real de ensino e aprendizagem de xadrez. E a partir da análise dos resultados encontrados, constatou-se que a proposição inicial demonstrou-se válida