14,770 research outputs found

    What attracts vehicle consumers’ buying:A Saaty scale-based VIKOR (SSC-VIKOR) approach from after-sales textual perspective?

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    Purpose: The increasingly booming e-commerce development has stimulated vehicle consumers to express individual reviews through online forum. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the vehicle consumer consumption behavior and make recommendations for potential consumers from textual comments viewpoint. Design/methodology/approach: A big data analytic-based approach is designed to discover vehicle consumer consumption behavior from online perspective. To reduce subjectivity of expert-based approaches, a parallel Naïve Bayes approach is designed to analyze the sentiment analysis, and the Saaty scale-based (SSC) scoring rule is employed to obtain specific sentimental value of attribute class, contributing to the multi-grade sentiment classification. To achieve the intelligent recommendation for potential vehicle customers, a novel SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to prioritize vehicle brand candidates from a big data analytical viewpoint. Findings: The big data analytics argue that “cost-effectiveness” characteristic is the most important factor that vehicle consumers care, and the data mining results enable automakers to better understand consumer consumption behavior. Research limitations/implications: The case study illustrates the effectiveness of the integrated method, contributing to much more precise operations management on marketing strategy, quality improvement and intelligent recommendation. Originality/value: Researches of consumer consumption behavior are usually based on survey-based methods, and mostly previous studies about comments analysis focus on binary analysis. The hybrid SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to fill the gap from the big data perspective

    Semantic enhanced Markov model for sequential E-commerce product recommendation

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    To model sequential relationships between items, Markov Models build a transition probability matrix P of size n× n, where n represents number of states (items) and each matrix entry p(i,j) represents transition probabilities from state i to state j. Existing systems such as factorized personalized Markov chains (FPMC) and fossil either combine sequential information with user preference information or add the high-order Markov chains concept. However, they suffer from (i) model complexity: an increase in Markov Model’s order (number of states) and separation of sequential pattern and user preference matrices, (ii) sparse transition probability matrix: few product purchases from thousands of available products, (iii) ambiguous prediction: multiple states (items) having same transition probability from current state and (iv) lack of semantic knowledge: transition to next state (item) depends on probabilities of items’ purchase frequency. To alleviate sparsity and ambiguous prediction problems, this paper proposes semantic-enabled Markov model recommendation (SEMMRec) system which inputs customers’ purchase history and products’ metadata (e.g., title, description and brand) and extract products’ sequential and semantic knowledge according to their (i) usage (e.g., products co-purchased or co-reviewed) and (ii) textual features by finding similarity between products based on their characteristics using distributional hypothesis methods (Doc2vec and TF-IDF) which consider the context of items’ usage. Next, this extracted knowledge is integrated into the transition probability matrix P to generate personalized sequential and semantically rich next item recommendations. Experimental results on various E-commerce data sets exhibit an improved performance by the proposed model

    The E-Butler Service, or Has the Age of Electronic Personal Decision Making Assistants Arrived?

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    This paper describes an Electronic Butler (or e-Butler) that provides a customer-centric personalized shopping services to its subscribers across a wide range of products. This service is provided by identifying individual customer's shopping needs from the comprehensive purchasing history of that person and providing purchasing recommendations or direct purchasing decisions for the customer. e- Butler service consists of two components -- the Personal Shopping Assistant (PSA) service that provides purchasing recommendations to the customer and the Magic Wand (MW) service that directly makes purchases it believes the customer needs without any prior consultations with the customer. In order to understand how PSA and MW services of e-Butler are related to the existing one-to-one marketing and recommender systems, a general framework classifying various personalized shopping services is presented that clearly delineates PSA and MW services from these existing systems. Moreover, the paper presents an architecture of the e-Butler service, explains what its business value is, discusses its feasibility, and describes what needs to be done to make it a successful service.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Deep Learning for User Behaviour Prediction Using Streaming Analytics

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    Streams of web user interactions reflect behaviour of customers or users of a web application through which a company is being operated online. The interactions may be in the form of visits to web components and even purchases made by users in case of e-Commerce applications. Modelling user behaviour can help the organizations to ascertain patterns of user behaviours and improve their products and services to meet their needs besides making promotional schemes. There are many existing methods for modelling user behaviour. However, of late, deep learning models are found to be more accurate and useful. In this paper a deep learning based framework is proposed for predicting web user behaviour from streams of user interactions. The framework is based on the mechanisms that exploit Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), one of the deep learning approaches, to learn from low-level features of sequential and streaming data. The mechanisms are used to model user interactions and predict the user behaviour with respect to purchasing items in future. In presence of plenty of items, item embeddings is explored for better results. In addition to this, attention mechanisms are employed to achieve RNN model interoperability. The empirical study revealed that the proposed framework is useful besides helping to evaluate different variants of attention mechanisms and item embeddings

    Enhancing shopping experiences in smart retailing

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    The retailing market has undergone a paradigm-shift in the last decades, departing from its traditional form of shopping in brick-and-mortar stores towards online shopping and the establishment of shopping malls. As a result, “small” independent retailers operating in urban environments have suffered a substantial reduction of their turnover. This situation could be presumably reversed if retailers were to establish business “alliances” targeting economies of scale and engage themselves in providing innovative digital services. The SMARTBUY ecosystem realizes the concept of a “distributed shopping mall”, which allows retailers to join forces and unite in a large commercial coalition that generates added value for both retailers and customers. Along this line, the SMARTBUY ecosystem offers several novel features: (i) inventory management of centralized products and services, (ii) geo-located marketing of products and services, (iii) location-based search for products offered by neighboring retailers, and (iv) personalized recommendations for purchasing products derived by an innovative recommendation system. SMARTBUY materializes a blended retailing paradigm which combines the benefits of online shopping with the attractiveness of traditional shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. This article provides an overview of the main architectural components and functional aspects of the SMARTBUY ecosystem. Then, it reports the main findings derived from a 12 months-long pilot execution of SMARTBUY across four European cities and discusses the key technology acceptance factors when deploying alike business alliances

    Customer Segmentation and Business Sales Forecasting using Machine Learning for Business Development

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    This study explores the application of machine learning techniques for business development, focusing on sales prediction and customer segmentation, using a Walmart dataset. Performance metrics include Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and R2 scores. Our hybrid approach combines the BIRCH algorithm with time-lagged machine learning (TL-ML). The results reveal that customer segmentation significantly improves model performance across all metrics. Among the techniques tested, models incorporating customer segmentation (CS-RFR and CS-TL-ML) outperform standard Random Forest Regressor models. Specifically, CS-TL-ML shows a slight advantage in terms of both lower MAE and higher R2 scores, confirming its efficacy for sales prediction and customer segmentation tasks

    Improving e-commerce product recommendation using semantic context and sequential historical purchases

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    Collaborative Filtering (CF)-based recommendation methods suffer from (i) sparsity (have low user–item interactions) and (ii) cold start (an item cannot be recommended if no ratings exist). Systems using clustering and pattern mining (frequent and sequential) with similarity measures between clicks and purchases for next-item recommendation cannot perform well when the matrix is sparse, due to rapid increase in number of items. Additionally, they suffer from: (i) lack of personalization: patterns are not targeted for a specific customer and (ii) lack of semantics among recommended items: they can only recommend items that exist as a result of a matching rule generated from frequent sequential purchase pattern(s). To better understand users’ preferences and to infer the inherent meaning of items, this paper proposes a method to explore semantic associations between items obtained by utilizing item (products’) metadata such as title, description and brand based on their semantic context (co-purchased and co-reviewed products). The semantics of these interactions will be obtained through distributional hypothesis, which learns an item’s representation by analyzing the context (neighborhood) in which it is used. The idea is that items co-occurring in a context are likely to be semantically similar to each other (e.g., items in a user purchase sequence). The semantics are then integrated into different phases of recommendation process such as (i) preprocessing, to learn associations between items, (ii) candidate generation, while mining sequential patterns and in collaborative filtering to select top-N neighbors and (iii) output (recommendation). Experiments performed on publically available E-commerce data set show that the proposed model performed well and reflected user preferences by recommending semantically similar and sequential products

    Artificial intelligence applied to marketing management: Trends and projections according to specialists

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    Marketing Management is one of the areas that has been progressively integrating artificial intelligence systems, and the pace of the development of intelligent software that is very useful for marketing seems not to slow down. In fact, the growth and sophistication of technological systems promise to increase even more, which will inevitably affect operations as well as management and planning. In an attempt to assess and measure the expected impacts of AI on marketing departments in the short / medium term, a Delphi was carried out. Thereby, a panel of 21 marketing specialists (13 Portuguese and 8 international) was gathered, which was asked to evaluate on a Likert scale a series of statements, and to comment and debate among them. In this case it was a Real Time Delphi since the study was conducted using an online platform, which allowed all comments to be immediately available and visible to all participants. With this exploratory study, it was possible to conclude that the areas that are expected to be helped by intelligent systems to a greater extent – this is, the areas that will assist the automation of more operations - are customer recognition , market segmentation, sales forecasting and programmatic communication. On the other hand, the two most controversial statements among experts - thus risky to draw lessons - were statements regarding the autonomous operation of website adjustments and developments, as well as the adoption of intelligent systems to support strategic and strategic decision-making.A Gestão de Marketing é uma das áreas que tem vindo progressivamente a integrar sistemas de inteligência artificial, e a cadência do desenvolvimento de softwares inteligentes com grande utilidade para parece não abrandam. Na verdade, o crescimento e o grau de sofisticação dos sistemas tecnológicos prometem aumentar cada vez mais, o que promete afetar a vários níveis as operações e até a definição de estratégias de marketing e de gestão. Na tentativa de avaliar e medir os impactos da inteligência artificial nos departamentos de marketing no curto/médio prazo, procedeu-se à realização de um Delphi. Para isso reuniu-se um painel de 21 especialistas na área do marketing e da inteligência artificial (13 portugueses e 8 internacionais), ao qual foi colocada uma série de afirmações para que fossem avaliadas numa escala de Likert, comentadas e debatidas. Neste caso tratou-se de um Real Time Delphi uma vez que o estudo foi realizado recorrendo a uma plataforma online, o que permitiu que todos comentários ficassem imediatamente disponíveis e visíveis a todos os participantes. Com este estudo, de cariz marcadamente exploratório, concluiu-se que as áreas que se esperam vir a ser auxiliadas por sistemas inteligentes em maior medida – ou seja, as áreas que assistirão à automatização de um maior número de operações – são o reconhecimento do cliente, segmentação de mercado, previsão de vendas e comunicação programática. Por outro lado, os temas que mais controvérsia geraram entre os especialistas – sendo pouco seguro retirar ilações – referem-se à operação autónoma de ajustes e desenvolvimentos de websites, bem como à adoção de sistemas inteligentes para servirem de apoio à tomada de decisões estratégicas e de planeamento
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