1,477 research outputs found

    Trajectory and Policy Aware Sender Anonymity in Location Based Services

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    We consider Location-based Service (LBS) settings, where a LBS provider logs the requests sent by mobile device users over a period of time and later wants to publish/share these logs. Log sharing can be extremely valuable for advertising, data mining research and network management, but it poses a serious threat to the privacy of LBS users. Sender anonymity solutions prevent a malicious attacker from inferring the interests of LBS users by associating them with their service requests after gaining access to the anonymized logs. With the fast-increasing adoption of smartphones and the concern that historic user trajectories are becoming more accessible, it becomes necessary for any sender anonymity solution to protect against attackers that are trajectory-aware (i.e. have access to historic user trajectories) as well as policy-aware (i.e they know the log anonymization policy). We call such attackers TP-aware. This paper introduces a first privacy guarantee against TP-aware attackers, called TP-aware sender k-anonymity. It turns out that there are many possible TP-aware anonymizations for the same LBS log, each with a different utility to the consumer of the anonymized log. The problem of finding the optimal TP-aware anonymization is investigated. We show that trajectory-awareness renders the problem computationally harder than the trajectory-unaware variants found in the literature (NP-complete in the size of the log, versus PTIME). We describe a PTIME l-approximation algorithm for trajectories of length l and empirically show that it scales to large LBS logs (up to 2 million users)

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity

    Anonymization procedures for tabular data: an explanatory technical and legal synthesis

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    In the European Union, Data Controllers and Data Processors, who work with personal data, have to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable laws. This affects the storing and processing of personal data. But some data processing in data mining or statistical analyses does not require any personal reference to the data. Thus, personal context can be removed. For these use cases, to comply with applicable laws, any existing personal information has to be removed by applying the so-called anonymization. However, anonymization should maintain data utility. Therefore, the concept of anonymization is a double-edged sword with an intrinsic trade-off: privacy enforcement vs. utility preservation. The former might not be entirely guaranteed when anonymized data are published as Open Data. In theory and practice, there exist diverse approaches to conduct and score anonymization. This explanatory synthesis discusses the technical perspectives on the anonymization of tabular data with a special emphasis on the European Union’s legal base. The studied methods for conducting anonymization, and scoring the anonymization procedure and the resulting anonymity are explained in unifying terminology. The examined methods and scores cover both categorical and numerical data. The examined scores involve data utility, information preservation, and privacy models. In practice-relevant examples, methods and scores are experimentally tested on records from the UCI Machine Learning Repository’s “Census Income (Adult)” dataset

    Hybrid Refining Approach of PrOnto Ontology

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    This paper presents a refinement of PrOnto ontology using a validation test based on legal experts’ annotation of privacy policies combined with an Open Knowledge Extraction (OKE) algorithm. To ensure robustness of the results while preserving an interdisciplinary approach, the integration of legal and technical knowledge has been carried out as follows. The set of privacy policies was first analysed by the legal experts to discover legal concepts and map the text into PrOnto. The mapping was then provided to computer scientists to perform the OKE analysis. Results were validated by the legal experts, who provided feedbacks and refinements (i.e. new classes and modules) of the ontology according to MeLOn methodology. Three iterations were performed on a set of (development) policies, and a final test using a new set of privacy policies. The results are 75,43% of detection of concepts in the policy texts and an increase of roughly 33% in the accuracy gain on the test set, using the new refined version of PrOnto enriched with SKOS-XL lexicon terms and definitions

    Research themes of family and community physicians in Brazil

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    Introduction: Research capacity in primary care varies worldwide, and bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science do not index most primary care research coming from Latin America. Our objective was to investigate the research themes of family and community physicians in Brazil, and to correlate the articles’ research themes with their authors’ trajectories in postgraduate education. Methods: we compiled a national list of family and community physicians, retrieved their curricula from the Lattes Platform, compiled a list of journal articles, and obtained their keywords from LILACS and MEDLINE. Treating journal articles and their keywords as the two node types in a bipartite network, we derived research themes using the dual-projection algorithm, combining the Leiden algorithm with hierarchical clustering. Results: We found two research themes to be the largest, most developed, and most central ones: human health and primary care. Authors with a master’s or PhD in collective health (public health, epidemiology, and social sciences and humanities in health) were as likely as those with no postgraduate degree to publish articles on primary care. On the other hand, authors with a postgraduate degree in medicine were more likely to publish articles on human health. Conclusions: After discussing the findings in light of previous research and methodological aspects, we conclude there’s a relative divide between primary care and clinical research, and the highlight policy implications

    Preventing Location-Based Identity Inference in Anonymous Spatial Queries

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    The increasing trend of embedding positioning capabilities (for example, GPS) in mobile devices facilitates the widespread use of Location-Based Services. For such applications to succeed, privacy and confidentiality are essential. Existing privacy-enhancing techniques rely on encryption to safeguard communication channels, and on pseudonyms to protect user identities. Nevertheless, the query contents may disclose the physical location of the user. In this paper, we present a framework for preventing location-based identity inference of users who issue spatial queries to Location-Based Services. We propose transformations based on the well-established K-anonymity concept to compute exact answers for range and nearest neighbor search, without revealing the query source. Our methods optimize the entire process of anonymizing the requests and processing the transformed spatial queries. Extensive experimental studies suggest that the proposed techniques are applicable to real-life scenarios with numerous mobile users