210 research outputs found

    Trading off Distance Metrics vs Accuracy in Incremental Learning Algorithms

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    With the growth and development of data, the empirical evidence supporting a link between the distance metrics that are used in the instance-based algorithms and generalization has been mounting. In this paper, we look at distinct similarity measures to study its impact on the performance accuracy of incremental instance-based algorithms in pattern recognition problems. An in-depth analysis of the results of the proposed study for a variety of classi cation tasks (binary and multi-way) from various di erent domains shines light on the trade o between the distance metrics and yielded accuracy

    Manifold Based Deep Learning: Advances and Machine Learning Applications

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    Manifolds are topological spaces that are locally Euclidean and find applications in dimensionality reduction, subspace learning, visual domain adaptation, clustering, and more. In this dissertation, we propose a framework for linear dimensionality reduction called the proxy matrix optimization (PMO) that uses the Grassmann manifold for optimizing over orthogonal matrix manifolds. PMO is an iterative and flexible method that finds the lower-dimensional projections for various linear dimensionality reduction methods by changing the objective function. PMO is suitable for Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), Maximum Autocorrelation Factors (MAF), and Locality Preserving Projections (LPP). We extend PMO to incorporate robust Lp-norm versions of PCA and LDA, which uses fractional p-norms making them more robust to noisy data and outliers. The PMO method is designed to be realized as a layer in a neural network for maximum benefit. In order to do so, the incremental versions of PCA, LDA, and LPP are included in the PMO framework for problems where the data is not all available at once. Next, we explore the topic of domain shift in visual domain adaptation by combining concepts from spherical manifolds and deep learning. We investigate domain shift, which quantifies how well a model trained on a source domain adapts to a similar target domain with a metric called Spherical Optimal Transport (SpOT). We adopt the spherical manifold along with an orthogonal projection loss to obtain the features from the source and target domains. We then use the optimal transport with the cosine distance between the features as a way to measure the gap between the domains. We show, in our experiments with domain adaptation datasets, that SpOT does better than existing measures for quantifying domain shift and demonstrates a better correlation with the gain of transfer across domains

    Novel Trends in Scaling Up Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Big Data has been a catalyst force for the Machine Learning (ML) area, forcing us to rethink existing strategies in order to create innovative solutions that will push forward the field. This paper presents an overview of the strategies for using machine learning in Big Data with emphasis on the high-performance parallel implementations on many-core hardware. The rationale is to increase the practical applicability of ML implementations to large-scale data problems. The common underlying thread has been the recent progress in usability, cost effectiveness and diversity of parallel computing platforms, specifically, the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), tailored for a broad set of data analysis and Machine Learning tasks. In this context, we provide the main outcomes of a GPU Machine Learning Library (GPUMLib) framework, which empowers researchers with the capacity to tackle larger and more complex problems, by using high-performance implementations of wellknown ML algorithms. Moreover, we attempt to give insights on the future trends of Big Data Analytics and the challenges lying ahead

    Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection via Simple Fine-Tuning Approach

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    In this paper, we explore incremental few-shot object detection (iFSD), which incrementally learns novel classes using only a few examples without revisiting base classes. Previous iFSD works achieved the desired results by applying meta-learning. However, meta-learning approaches show insufficient performance that is difficult to apply to practical problems. In this light, we propose a simple fine-tuning-based approach, the Incremental Two-stage Fine-tuning Approach (iTFA) for iFSD, which contains three steps: 1) base training using abundant base classes with the class-agnostic box regressor, 2) separation of the RoI feature extractor and classifier into the base and novel class branches for preserving base knowledge, and 3) fine-tuning the novel branch using only a few novel class examples. We evaluate our iTFA on the real-world datasets PASCAL VOC, COCO, and LVIS. iTFA achieves competitive performance in COCO and shows a 30% higher AP accuracy than meta-learning methods in the LVIS dataset. Experimental results show the effectiveness and applicability of our proposed method.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 202

    Gender Privacy Angular Constraints for Face Recognition

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    Deep learning-based face recognition systems produce templates that encode sensitive information next to identity, such as gender and ethnicity. This poses legal and ethical problems as the collection of biometric data should be minimized and only specific to a designated task. We propose two privacy constraints to hide the gender attribute that can be added to a recognition loss. The first constraint relies on the minimization of the angle between gender-centroid embeddings. The second constraint relies on the minimization of the angle between gender specific embeddings and their opposing gender-centroid weight vectors. Both constraints enforce the overlapping of the gender specific distributions of the embeddings. Furthermore, they have a direct interpretation in the embedding space and do not require a large number of trainable parameters as two fully connected layers are sufficient to achieve satisfactory results. We also provide extensive evaluation results across several datasets and face recognition networks, and we compare our method to three state-of-the-art methods. Our method is capable of maintaining high verification performances while significantly improving privacy in a cross-database setting, without increasing the computational load for template comparison. We also show that different training data can result in varying levels of effectiveness of privacy-enhancing methods that implement data minimization

    Laplacian one class extreme learning machines for human action recognition

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    Real-Time Machine Learning for Quickest Detection

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    Safety-critical Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) require real-time machine learning for control and decision making. One promising solution is to use deep learning to discover useful patterns for event detection from heterogeneous data. However, deep learning algorithms encounter challenges in CPS with assurability requirements: 1) Decision explainability, 2) Real-time and quickest event detection, and 3) Time-eficient incremental learning. To address these obstacles, I developed a real-time Machine Learning Framework for Quickest Detection (MLQD). To be specific, I first propose the zero-bias neural network, which removes decision bias and preferabilities from regular neural networks and provides an interpretable decision process. Second, I discover the latent space characteristic of the zero-bias neural network and the method to mathematically convert a Deep Neural Network (DNN) classifier into a performance-assured binary abnormality detector. In this way, I can seamlessly integrate the deep neural networks\u27 data processing capability with Quickest Detection (QD) and provide real-time sequential event detection paradigm. Thirdly, after discovering that a critical factor that impedes the incremental learning of neural networks is the concept interference (confusion) in latent space, and I prove that to minimize interference, the concept representation vectors (class fingerprints) within the latent space need to be organized orthogonally and I invent a new incremental learning strategy using the findings, I facilitate deep neural networks in the CPS to evolve eficiently without retraining. All my algorithms are evaluated on real-world applications, ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasting) signal identification, and spoofing detection in the aviation communication system. Finally, I discuss the current trends in MLQD and conclude this dissertation by presenting the future research directions and applications. As a summary, the innovations of this dissertation are as follows: i) I propose the zerobias neural network, which provides transparent latent space characteristics, I apply it to solve the wireless device identification problem. ii) I discover and prove the orthogonal memory organization mechanism in artificial neural networks and apply this mechanism in time-efficient incremental learning. iii) I discover and mathematically prove the converging point theorem, with which we can predict the latent space topological characteristics and estimate the topological maturity of neural networks. iv) I bridge the gap between machine learning and quickest detection with assurable performance
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