3,876 research outputs found

    Two stage Decision Tree Learning from Multi-class Imbalanced Tweets for Knowledge Discovery

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    Data Mining is an efficient technique for knowledge discovery from existing databases. The existing algorithms performance degrades when applied to the multi class imbalance dataset. The imbalance nature of twitter data set also hinders the process of efficient knowledge discovery. In this paper, we proposed an efficient learning approach for knowledge discovery from multi class imbalance datasets specifically designed for opinion mining. The proposed Under Sampled Imbalance Decision tree Learning (USIDL) approach uses decomposition of multi class into number of binary class samples followed by a unique technique for under sampling the instances from majority subset of each binary sample. The experimental results suggest that the proposed technique performs better than the existing C4.5 algorithm on six evaluation metrics


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    Opinions related to rising fuel prices need to be seen and analysed. Public opinion is closely related to public policy in Indonesia in the future. Twitter is one of the media that people use to convey their opinions. This study uses sentiment analysis to look at this phenomenon. Sentiment is divided into three categories: positive, neutral, and negative. The methods used in this research are Adaptive Synthetic Multinomial Naive Bayes, Adaptive Synthetic k-nearest neighbours, and Adaptive Synthetic Random Forest. The Adaptive Synthetic method is used to handle unbalanced data. The data used in this study are public arguments per province in Indonesia. The results obtained in this study are negative sentiments that dominate all provinces in Indonesia. There is a relationship between negative sentiment and the level of education, internet use, and the human development index. Adaptive Synthetic Multinomial Naive Bayes performed better than other methods, with an accuracy of 0.882. The highest accuracy of the Adaptive Synthetic Multinomial Naive Bayes method is 0.990 in Papua Barat Province.Należy przyjrzeć się i przeanalizować opinie związane z rosnącymi cenami paliw. Opinia publiczna jest ściśle związana z polityką publiczną Indonezji w przyszłości. Twitter jest jednym z mediów, których ludzie używają do przekazywania swoich opinii. Niniejsze badanie wykorzystuje analizę nastrojów, aby przyjrzeć się temu zjawisku. Opinia jest podzielona na trzy kategorie: pozytywną, neutralną i negatywną. Metody wykorzystane w tym badaniu to Adaptive Synthetic Multinomial Naive Bayes, Adaptive Synthetic k-nearest neighbours i Adaptive Synthetic Random Forest. Metoda Adaptive Synthetic służy do obsługi niezrównoważonych danych. Dane wykorzystane w tym badaniu to argumenty publiczne według prowincji w Indonezji. Wyniki uzyskane w tym badaniu to negatywne nastroje, które dominują we wszystkich prowincjach Indonezji. Istnieje związek między negatywnymi nastrojami a poziomem wykształcenia, korzystaniem z Internetu i wskaźnikiem rozwoju społecznego. Adaptive Synthetic Multinomial Naive Bayes działała lepiej niż inne metody, z dokładnością 0,882. Najwyższa dokładność metody Adaptive Synthetic Multinomial Naive Bayes wynosi 0,990 w prowincji Papua Barat

    Adaptive Online Sequential ELM for Concept Drift Tackling

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    A machine learning method needs to adapt to over time changes in the environment. Such changes are known as concept drift. In this paper, we propose concept drift tackling method as an enhancement of Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) and Constructive Enhancement OS-ELM (CEOS-ELM) by adding adaptive capability for classification and regression problem. The scheme is named as adaptive OS-ELM (AOS-ELM). It is a single classifier scheme that works well to handle real drift, virtual drift, and hybrid drift. The AOS-ELM also works well for sudden drift and recurrent context change type. The scheme is a simple unified method implemented in simple lines of code. We evaluated AOS-ELM on regression and classification problem by using concept drift public data set (SEA and STAGGER) and other public data sets such as MNIST, USPS, and IDS. Experiments show that our method gives higher kappa value compared to the multiclassifier ELM ensemble. Even though AOS-ELM in practice does not need hidden nodes increase, we address some issues related to the increasing of the hidden nodes such as error condition and rank values. We propose taking the rank of the pseudoinverse matrix as an indicator parameter to detect underfitting condition.Comment: Hindawi Publishing. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 8091267, 17 pages Received 29 January 2016, Accepted 17 May 2016. Special Issue on "Advances in Neural Networks and Hybrid-Metaheuristics: Theory, Algorithms, and Novel Engineering Applications". Academic Editor: Stefan Hauf

    Convolutional Neural Networks for Epileptic Seizure Prediction

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    Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder and an accurate forecast of seizures would help to overcome the patient's uncertainty and helplessness. In this contribution, we present and discuss a novel methodology for the classification of intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) for seizure prediction. Contrary to previous approaches, we categorically refrain from an extraction of hand-crafted features and use a convolutional neural network (CNN) topology instead for both the determination of suitable signal characteristics and the binary classification of preictal and interictal segments. Three different models have been evaluated on public datasets with long-term recordings from four dogs and three patients. Overall, our findings demonstrate the general applicability. In this work we discuss the strengths and limitations of our methodology.Comment: accepted for MLESP 201


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    Product reviews play a crucial role in providing valuable insights to consumers and producers. Analyzing the vast amount of data generated around a product, such as posts, comments, and views, can be challenging for business intelligence purposes. Sentiment analysis of this content helps both consumers and producers gain a better understanding of the market status, enabling them to make informed decisions. In this study, we propose a novel hybrid approach based on deep neural networks (DNNs) for sentiment analysis in product reviews, focusing on the classification of sentiments expressed. Our approach utilizes the recursive neural network (RNN) algorithm for sentiment classification. To address the imbalanced distribution of positive and negative samples in social network data, we employ a resampling technique that balances the dataset by increasing samples from the minority class and decreasing samples from the majority class. We evaluate our approach using Amazon data, comprising four product categories: clothing, cars, luxury goods, and household appliances. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach performs well in sentiment analysis for product reviews, particularly in the context of digital marketing. Furthermore, the attention-based RNN algorithm outperforms the baseline RNN by approximately 5%. Notably, the study reveals consumer sentiment variations across different products, particularly in relation to appearance and price aspects

    Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling on Tweets about Online Education during COVID-19

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    Amid the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, the closure of educational institutes leads to an unprecedented rise in online learning. For limiting the impact of COVID-19 and obstructing its widespread, educational institutions closed their campuses immediately and academic activities are moved to e-learning platforms. The effectiveness of e-learning is a critical concern for both students and parents, specifically in terms of its suitability to students and teachers and its technical feasibility with respect to different social scenarios. Such concerns must be reviewed from several aspects before e-learning can be adopted at such a larger scale. This study endeavors to investigate the effectiveness of e-learning by analyzing the sentiments of people about e-learning. Due to the rise of social media as an important mode of communication recently, people�s views can be found on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. This study uses a Twitter dataset containing 17,155 tweets about e-learning. Machine learning and deep learning approaches have shown their suitability, capability, and potential for image processing, object detection, and natural language processing tasks and text analysis is no exception. Machine learning approaches have been largely used both for annotation and text and sentiment analysis. Keeping in view the adequacy and efficacy of machine learning models, this study adopts TextBlob, VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary for Sentiment Reasoning), and SentiWordNet to analyze the polarity and subjectivity score of tweets text. Furthermore, bearing in mind the fact that machine learning models display high classification accuracy, various machine learning models have been used for sentiment classification. Two feature extraction techniques, TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and BoW (Bag of Words) have been used to effectively build and evaluate the models. All the models have been evaluated in terms of various important performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The results reveal that the random forest and support vector machine classifier achieve the highest accuracy of 0.95 when used with Bow features. Performance comparison is carried out for results of TextBlob, VADER, and SentiWordNet, as well as classification results of machine learning models and deep learning models such as CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), CNN-LSTM, and Bi-LSTM (Bidirectional-LSTM). Additionally, topic modeling is performed to find the problems associated with e-learning which indicates that uncertainty of campus opening date, children's disabilities to grasp online education, and lagging efficient networks for online education are the top three problems