8 research outputs found

    Islands of Fitness Compact Genetic Algorithm for Rapid In-Flight Control Learning in a Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle: A Search Space Reduction Approach

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    On-going effective control of insect-scale Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicles could be significantly advantaged by active in-flight control adaptation. Previous work demonstrated that in simulated vehicles with wing membrane damage, in-flight recovery of effective vehicle attitude and vehicle position control precision via use of an in-flight adaptive learning oscillator was possible. Most recent approaches to this problem employ an island-of-fitness compact genetic algorithm (ICGA) for oscillator learning. The work presented provides the details of a domain specific search space reduction approach implemented with existing ICGA and its effect on the in-flight learning time. Further, it will be demonstrated that the proposed search space reduction methodology is effective in producing an error correcting oscillator configuration rapidly, online, while the vehicle is in normal service

    Aerial Vehicles

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    This book contains 35 chapters written by experts in developing techniques for making aerial vehicles more intelligent, more reliable, more flexible in use, and safer in operation.It will also serve as an inspiration for further improvement of the design and application of aeral vehicles. The advanced techniques and research described here may also be applicable to other high-tech areas such as robotics, avionics, vetronics, and space

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    Distributed sensing in flexible robotic fins: propulsive force prediction and underwater contact sensing

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    There is recent biological evidence that the pectoral fins of bluegill sunfish are innervated with nerves that respond to bending, and these fish contact obstacles with their fins. However, it is not known how fin-intrinsic sensing could be used to mediate propulsion and touch in engineered fins. The objective of this thesis is to understand the use of distributed sensing in robotic fins, inspired by bony fish fins, for the prediction of propulsive forces and for the discrimination between fluidic loading and contact loading during underwater touch. The research integrates engineering and biology and builds an understanding of fin-intrinsic sensing through study of swimming fish and robotic models of fish fins and sensors. Multiple studies identify which sensor types, sensor placement locations, and model conditions are best for predicting fin propulsive forces and for predicting the state of contact. Comparisons are made between linear and nonlinear Volterra-series convolution models to represent the mapping from sensory data to forces. Best practices for instrumentation and model selection are extracted for a broad range of swimming conditions on a complex, multi-DOF, flexible fin. This knowledge will guide the development of multi-functional systems to navigate and propel through complex, occluded, underwater environments and for sensing and responding to environmental perturbations and obstacles.Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201

    Digital control networks for virtual creatures

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    Robot control systems evolved with genetic algorithms traditionally take the form of floating-point neural network models. This thesis proposes that digital control systems, such as quantised neural networks and logical networks, may also be used for the task of robot control. The inspiration for this is the observation that the dynamics of discrete networks may contain cyclic attractors which generate rhythmic behaviour, and that rhythmic behaviour underlies the central pattern generators which drive lowlevel motor activity in the biological world. To investigate this a series of experiments were carried out in a simulated physically realistic 3D world. The performance of evolved controllers was evaluated on two well known control tasksā€”pole balancing, and locomotion of evolved morphologies. The performance of evolved digital controllers was compared to evolved floating-point neural networks. The results show that the digital implementations are competitive with floating-point designs on both of the benchmark problems. In addition, the first reported evolution from scratch of a biped walker is presented, demonstrating that when all parameters are left open to evolutionary optimisation complex behaviour can result from simple components

    Complexity, Emergent Systems and Complex Biological Systems:\ud Complex Systems Theory and Biodynamics. [Edited book by I.C. Baianu, with listed contributors (2011)]

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    An overview is presented of System dynamics, the study of the behaviour of complex systems, Dynamical system in mathematics Dynamic programming in computer science and control theory, Complex systems biology, Neurodynamics and Psychodynamics.\u