97 research outputs found

    A general framework for efficient FPGA implementation of matrix product

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.medjcn.com/ Copyright Softmotor LimitedHigh performance systems are required by the developers for fast processing of computationally intensive applications. Reconfigurable hardware devices in the form of Filed-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been proposed as viable system building blocks in the construction of high performance systems at an economical price. Given the importance and the use of matrix algorithms in scientific computing applications, they seem ideal candidates to harness and exploit the advantages offered by FPGAs. In this paper, a system for matrix algorithm cores generation is described. The system provides a catalog of efficient user-customizable cores, designed for FPGA implementation, ranging in three different matrix algorithm categories: (i) matrix operations, (ii) matrix transforms and (iii) matrix decomposition. The generated core can be either a general purpose or a specific application core. The methodology used in the design and implementation of two specific image processing application cores is presented. The first core is a fully pipelined matrix multiplier for colour space conversion based on distributed arithmetic principles while the second one is a parallel floating-point matrix multiplier designed for 3D affine transformations.Peer reviewe

    Using reconfigurable computing technology to accelerate matrix decomposition and applications

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    Matrix decomposition plays an increasingly significant role in many scientific and engineering applications. Among numerous techniques, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) are widely used as factorization tools to perform Principal Component Analysis for dimensionality reduction and pattern recognition in image processing, text mining and wireless communications, while QR Decomposition (QRD) and sparse LU Decomposition (LUD) are employed to solve the dense or sparse linear system of equations in bioinformatics, power system and computer vision. Matrix decompositions are computationally expensive and their sequential implementations often fail to meet the requirements of many time-sensitive applications. The emergence of reconfigurable computing has provided a flexible and low-cost opportunity to pursue high-performance parallel designs, and the use of FPGAs has shown promise in accelerating this class of computation. In this research, we have proposed and implemented several highly parallel FPGA-based architectures to accelerate matrix decompositions and their applications in data mining and signal processing. Specifically, in this dissertation we describe the following contributions: ā€¢ We propose an efficient FPGA-based double-precision floating-point architecture for EVD, which can efficiently analyze large-scale matrices. ā€¢ We implement a floating-point Hestenes-Jacobi architecture for SVD, which is capable of analyzing arbitrary sized matrices. ā€¢ We introduce a novel deeply pipelined reconfigurable architecture for QRD, which can be dynamically configured to perform either Householder transformation or Givens rotation in a manner that takes advantage of the strengths of each. ā€¢ We design a configurable architecture for sparse LUD that supports both symmetric and asymmetric sparse matrices with arbitrary sparsity patterns. ā€¢ By further extending the proposed hardware solution for SVD, we parallelize a popular text mining tool-Latent Semantic Indexing with an FPGA-based architecture. ā€¢ We present a configurable architecture to accelerate Homotopy l1-minimization, in which the modification of the proposed FPGA architecture for sparse LUD is used at its core to parallelize both Cholesky decomposition and rank-1 update. Our experimental results using an FPGA-based acceleration system indicate the efficiency of our proposed novel architectures, with application and dimension-dependent speedups over an optimized software implementation that range from 1.5ƃƂ to 43.6ƃƂ in terms of computation time

    Dynamically reconfigurable architecture for embedded computer vision systems

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    The objective of this research work is to design, develop and implement a new architecture which integrates on the same chip all the processing levels of a complete Computer Vision system, so that the execution is efficient without compromising the power consumption while keeping a reduced cost. For this purpose, an analysis and classification of different mathematical operations and algorithms commonly used in Computer Vision are carried out, as well as a in-depth review of the image processing capabilities of current-generation hardware devices. This permits to determine the requirements and the key aspects for an efficient architecture. A representative set of algorithms is employed as benchmark to evaluate the proposed architecture, which is implemented on an FPGA-based system-on-chip. Finally, the prototype is compared to other related approaches in order to determine its advantages and weaknesses

    Acceleration Techniques for Sparse Recovery Based Plane-wave Decomposition of a Sound Field

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    Plane-wave decomposition by sparse recovery is a reliable and accurate technique for plane-wave decomposition which can be used for source localization, beamforming, etc. In this work, we introduce techniques to accelerate the plane-wave decomposition by sparse recovery. The method consists of two main algorithms which are spherical Fourier transformation (SFT) and sparse recovery. Comparing the two algorithms, the sparse recovery is the most computationally intensive. We implement the SFT on an FPGA and the sparse recovery on a multithreaded computing platform. Then the multithreaded computing platform could be fully utilized for the sparse recovery. On the other hand, implementing the SFT on an FPGA helps to flexibly integrate the microphones and improve the portability of the microphone array. For implementing the SFT on an FPGA, we develop a scalable FPGA design model that enables the quick design of the SFT architecture on FPGAs. The model considers the number of microphones, the number of SFT channels and the cost of the FPGA and provides the design of a resource optimized and cost-effective FPGA architecture as the output. Then we investigate the performance of the sparse recovery algorithm executed on various multithreaded computing platforms (i.e., chip-multiprocessor, multiprocessor, GPU, manycore). Finally, we investigate the influence of modifying the dictionary size on the computational performance and the accuracy of the sparse recovery algorithms. We introduce novel sparse-recovery techniques which use non-uniform dictionaries to improve the performance of the sparse recovery on a parallel architecture

    Numerical solutions of differential equations on FPGA-enhanced computers

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    Conventionally, to speed up scientific or engineering (S&E) computation programs on general-purpose computers, one may elect to use faster CPUs, more memory, systems with more efficient (though complicated) architecture, better software compilers, or even coding with assembly languages. With the emergence of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Reconfigurable Computing (RC) technology, numerical scientists and engineers now have another option using FPGA devices as core components to address their computational problems. The hardware-programmable, low-cost, but powerful ā€œFPGA-enhanced computerā€ has now become an attractive approach for many S&E applications. A new computer architecture model for FPGA-enhanced computer systems and its detailed hardware implementation are proposed for accelerating the solutions of computationally demanding and data intensive numerical PDE problems. New FPGAoptimized algorithms/methods for rapid executions of representative numerical methods such as Finite Difference Methods (FDM) and Finite Element Methods (FEM) are designed, analyzed, and implemented on it. Linear wave equations based on seismic data processing applications are adopted as the targeting PDE problems to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new computer model. Their sustained computational performances are compared with pure software programs operating on commodity CPUbased general-purpose computers. Quantitative analysis is performed from a hierarchical set of aspects as customized/extraordinary computer arithmetic or function units, compact but flexible system architecture and memory hierarchy, and hardwareoptimized numerical algorithms or methods that may be inappropriate for conventional general-purpose computers. The preferable property of in-system hardware reconfigurability of the new system is emphasized aiming at effectively accelerating the execution of complex multi-stage numerical applications. Methodologies for accelerating the targeting PDE problems as well as other numerical PDE problems, such as heat equations and Laplace equations utilizing programmable hardware resources are concluded, which imply the broad usage of the proposed FPGA-enhanced computers

    Power and Energy Aware Heterogeneous Computing Platform

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    During the last decade, wireless technologies have experienced signiļ¬cant development, most notably in the form of mobile cellular radio evolution from GSM to UMTS/HSPA and thereon to Long-Term Evolution (LTE) for increasing the capacity and speed of wireless data networks. Considering the real-time constraints of the new wireless standards and their demands for parallel processing, reconļ¬gurable architectures and in particular, multicore platforms are part of the most successful platforms due to providing high computational parallelism and throughput. In addition to that, by moving toward Internet-of-Things (IoT), the number of wireless sensors and IP-based high throughput network routers is growing at a rapid pace. Despite all the progression in IoT, due to power and energy consumption, a single chip platform for providing multiple communication standards and a large processing bandwidth is still missing.The strong demand for performing different sets of operations by the embedded systems and increasing the computational performance has led to the use of heterogeneous multicore architectures with the help of accelerators for computationally-intensive data-parallel tasks acting as coprocessors. Currently, highly heterogeneous systems are the most power-area efļ¬cient solution for performing complex signal processing systems. Additionally, the importance of IoT has increased signiļ¬cantly the need for heterogeneous and reconļ¬gurable platforms.On the other hand, subsequent to the breakdown of the Dennardian scaling and due to the enormous heat dissipation, the performance of a single chip was obstructed by the utilization wall since all cores cannot be clocked at their maximum operating frequency. Therefore, a thermal melt-down might be happened as a result of high instantaneous power dissipation. In this context, a large fraction of the chip, which is switched-off (Dark) or operated at a very low frequency (Dim) is called Dark Silicon. The Dark Silicon issue is a constraint for the performance of computers, especially when the up-coming IoT scenario will demand a very high performance level with high energy efļ¬ciency. Among the suggested solution to combat the problem of Dark-Silicon, the use of application-speciļ¬c accelerators and in particular Coarse-Grained Reconļ¬gurable Arrays (CGRAs) are the main motivation of this thesis work.This thesis deals with design and implementation of Software Deļ¬ned Radio (SDR) as well as High Efļ¬ciency Video Coding (HEVC) application-speciļ¬c accelerators for computationally intensive kernels and data-parallel tasks. One of the most important data transmission schemes in SDR due to its ability of providing high data rates is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). This research work focuses on the evaluation of Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platform (HARP) by implementing OFDM receiver blocks as designs for proof-of-concept. The HARP template allows the designer to instantiate a heterogeneous reconļ¬gurable platform with a very large amount of custom-tailored computational resources while delivering a high performance in terms of many high-level metrics. The availability of this platform lays an excellent foundation to investigate techniques and methods to replace the Dark or Dim part of chip with high-performance silicon dissipating very low power and energy. Furthermore, this research work is also addressing the power and energy issues of the embedded computing systems by tailoring the HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing models. In this context, the instantaneous power dissipation and therefore the heat dissipation of HARP are mitigated on FPGA/ASIC by using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to minimize the dark/dim part of the chip. Upgraded HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing can be utilized as an energy-efļ¬cient general-purpose transceiver platform that is cognitive to many radio standards and can provide high throughput while consuming as little energy as possible. The evaluation of HARP has shown promising results, which makes it a suitable platform for avoiding Dark Silicon in embedded computing platforms and also for diverse needs of IoT communications.In this thesis, the author designed the blocks of OFDM receiver by crafting templatebased CGRA devices and then attached them to HARPā€™s Network-on-Chip (NoC) nodes. The performance of application-speciļ¬c accelerators generated from templatebased CGRAs, the performance of the entire platform subsequent to integrating the CGRA nodes on HARP and the NoC trafļ¬c are recorded in terms of several highlevel performance metrics. In evaluating HARP on FPGA prototype, it delivers a performance of 0.012 GOPS/mW. Because of the scalability and regularity in HARP, the author considered its value as architectural constant. In addition to showing the gain and the beneļ¬ts of maximizing the number of reconļ¬gurable processing resources on a platform in comparison to the scaled performance of several state-of-the-art platforms, HARPā€™s architectural constant ensures application-independent ļ¬gure of merit. HARP is further evaluated by implementing various sizes of Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and Discrete Sine Transform (DST) dedicated for HEVC standard, which showed its ability to sustain Full HD 1080p format at 30 fps on FPGA. The author also integrated self-aware computing model in HARP to mitigate the power dissipation of an OFDM receiver. In the case of FPGA implementation, the total power dissipation of the platform showed 16.8% reduction due to employing the Feedback Control System (FCS) technique with Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS). Furthermore, by moving to ASIC technology and scaling both frequency and voltage simultaneously, signiļ¬cant dynamic power reduction (up to 82.98%) was achieved, which proved the DFS/DVFS techniques as one step forward to mitigate the Dark Silicon issue

    FPGA acceleration of sequence analysis tools in bioinformatics

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityWith advances in biotechnology and computing power, biological data are being produced at an exceptional rate. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of FPGAs to accelerate high impact production biosequence analysis tools. Compared with other alternatives, FPGAs offer huge compute power, lower power consumption, and reasonable flexibility. BLAST has become the de facto standard in bioinformatic approximate string matching and so its acceleration is of fundamental importance. It is a complex highly-optimized system, consisting of tens of thousands of lines of code and a large number of heuristics. Our idea is to emulate the main phases of its algorithm on FPGA. Utilizing our FPGA engine, we quickly reduce the size of the database to a small fraction, and then use the original code to process the query. Using a standard FPGA-based system, we achieved 12x speedup over a highly optimized multithread reference code. Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA)--the extension of pairwise Sequence Alignment to multiple Sequences--is critical to solve many biological problems. Previous attempts to accelerate Clustal-W, the most commonly used MSA code, have directly mapped a portion of the code to the FPGA. We use a new approach: we apply prefiltering of the kind commonly used in BLAST to perform the initial all-pairs alignments. This results in a speedup of from 8Ox to 190x over the CPU code (8 cores). The quality is comparable to the original according to a commonly used benchmark suite evaluated with respect to multiple distance metrics. The challenge in FPGA-based acceleration is finding a suitable application mapping. Unfortunately many software heuristics do not fall into this category and so other methods must be applied. One is restructuring: an entirely new algorithm is applied. Another is to analyze application utilization and develop accuracy/performance tradeoffs. Using our prefiltering approach and novel FPGA programming models we have achieved significant speedup over reference programs. We have applied approximation, seeding, and filtering to this end. The bulk of this study is to introduce the pros and cons of these acceleration models for biosequence analysis tools

    VThreads: A novel VLIW chip multiprocessor with hardware-assisted PThreads

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    We discuss VThreads, a novel VLIW CMP with hardware-assisted shared-memory Thread support. VThreads supports Instruction Level Parallelism via static multiple-issue and Thread Level Parallelism via hardware-assisted POSIX Threads along with extensive customization. It allows the instantiation of tightlycoupled streaming accelerators and supports up to 7-address Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output instruction extensions. VThreads is designed in technology-independent Register-Transfer-Level VHDL and prototyped on 40 nm and 28 nm Field-Programmable gate arrays. It was evaluated against a PThreads-based multiprocessor based on the Sparc-V8 ISA. On a 65 nm ASIC implementation VThreads achieves up to x7.2 performance increase on synthetic benchmarks, x5 on a parallel Mandelbrot implementation, 66% better on a threaded JPEG implementation, 79% better on an edge-detection benchmark and ~13% improvement on DES compared to the Leon3MP CMP. In the range of 2 to 8 cores VThreads demonstrates a post-route (statistical) power reduction between 65% to 57% at an area increase of 1.2%-10% for 1-8 cores, compared to a similarly-configured Leon3MP CMP. This combination of micro-architectural features, scalability, extensibility, hardware support for low-latency PThreads, power efficiency and area make the processor an attractive proposition for low-power, deeply-embedded applications requiring minimum OS support
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