160 research outputs found

    Local limit theorems and mod-phi convergence

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    We prove local limit theorems for mod-{\phi} convergent sequences of random variables, {\phi} being a stable distribution. In particular, we give two new proofs of a local limit theorem in the framework of mod-phi convergence: one proof based on the notion of zone of control, and one proof based on the notion of mod-{\phi} convergence in L1(iR). These new approaches allow us to identify the infinitesimal scales at which the stable approximation is valid. We complete our analysis with a large variety of examples to which our results apply, and which stem from random matrix theory, number theory, combinatorics or statistical mechanics.Comment: 35 pages. Version 2: improved presentation, in particular for the examples in Section

    Mod-phi convergence I: Normality zones and precise deviations

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    In this paper, we use the framework of mod-ϕ\phi convergence to prove precise large or moderate deviations for quite general sequences of real valued random variables (Xn)nN(X_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}}, which can be lattice or non-lattice distributed. We establish precise estimates of the fluctuations P[XntnB]P[X_{n} \in t_{n}B], instead of the usual estimates for the rate of exponential decay log(P[XntnB])\log( P[X_{n}\in t_{n}B]). Our approach provides us with a systematic way to characterise the normality zone, that is the zone in which the Gaussian approximation for the tails is still valid. Besides, the residue function measures the extent to which this approximation fails to hold at the edge of the normality zone. The first sections of the article are devoted to a proof of these abstract results and comparisons with existing results. We then propose new examples covered by this theory and coming from various areas of mathematics: classical probability theory, number theory (statistics of additive arithmetic functions), combinatorics (statistics of random permutations), random matrix theory (characteristic polynomials of random matrices in compact Lie groups), graph theory (number of subgraphs in a random Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graph), and non-commutative probability theory (asymptotics of random character values of symmetric groups). In particular, we complete our theory of precise deviations by a concrete method of cumulants and dependency graphs, which applies to many examples of sums of "weakly dependent" random variables. The large number as well as the variety of examples hint at a universality class for second order fluctuations.Comment: 103 pages. New (final) version: multiple small improvements ; a new section on mod-Gaussian convergence coming from the factorization of the generating function ; the multi-dimensional results have been moved to a forthcoming paper ; and the introduction has been reworke

    Control efficacy of complex networks

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    Acknowledgements W.-X.W. was supported by CNNSF under Grant No. 61573064, and No. 61074116 the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and Beijing Nova Programme, China. Y.-C.L. was supported by ARO under Grant W911NF-14-1-0504.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dimension, matroids, and dense pairs of first-order structures

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    A structure M is pregeometric if the algebraic closure is a pregeometry in all M' elementarily equivalent to M. We define a generalisation: structures with an existential matroid. The main examples are superstable groups of U-rank a power of omega and d-minimal expansion of fields. Ultraproducts of pregeometric structures expanding a field, while not pregeometric in general, do have an unique existential matroid. Generalising previous results by van den Dries, we define dense elementary pairs of structures expanding a field and with an existential matroid, and we show that the corresponding theories have natural completions, whose models also have a unique existential matroid. We extend the above result to dense tuples of structures.Comment: Version 2.8. 61 page

    Evaluating the structure coefficient theorem of evolutionary game theory

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    In order to accommodate the empirical fact that population structures are rarely simple, modern studies of evolutionary dynamics allow for complicated and highly-heterogeneous spatial structures. As a result, one of the most difficult obstacles lies in making analytical deductions, either qualitative or quantitative, about the long-term outcomes of evolution. The "structure coefficient theorem" is a well-known approach to this problem for mutation-selection processes under weak selection, but a general method of evaluating the terms it comprises is lacking. Here, we provide such a method for populations of fixed (but arbitrary) size and structure, using easily interpretable demographic measures. This method encompasses a large family of evolutionary update mechanisms and extends the theorem to allow for asymmetric contests to provide a better understanding of the mutation-selection balance under more realistic circumstances. We apply the method to study social goods produced and distributed among individuals in spatially-heterogeneous populations, where asymmetric interactions emerge naturally and the outcome of selection varies dramatically depending on the nature of the social good, the spatial topology, and frequency with which mutations arise.Comment: 49 page

    Ramsey and Tur\'an numbers of sparse hypergraphs

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    Degeneracy plays an important role in understanding Tur\'an- and Ramsey-type properties of graphs. Unfortunately, the usual hypergraphical generalization of degeneracy fails to capture these properties. We define the skeletal degeneracy of a kk-uniform hypergraph as the degeneracy of its 11-skeleton (i.e., the graph formed by replacing every kk-edge by a kk-clique). We prove that skeletal degeneracy controls hypergraph Tur\'an and Ramsey numbers in a similar manner to (graphical) degeneracy. Specifically, we show that kk-uniform hypergraphs with bounded skeletal degeneracy have linear Ramsey number. This is the hypergraph analogue of the Burr-Erd\H{o}s conjecture (proved by Lee). In addition, we give upper and lower bounds of the same shape for the Tur\'an number of a kk-uniform kk-partite hypergraph in terms of its skeletal degeneracy. The proofs of both results use the technique of dependent random choice. In addition, the proof of our Ramsey result uses the `random greedy process' introduced by Lee in his resolution of the Burr-Erd\H{o}s conjecture.Comment: 33 page