293 research outputs found

    Evaluation of error control mechanisms for 802.11b multicast transmissions

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    This article first presents several packet loss profiles collected during 802.11b multicast transmissions carried out under variable reception conditions (mobile and fixed receivers). Then, an original approach consisting in mapping a posteriori some error control mechanisms over these observations is presented. This approach allows to evaluate the performance of these mechanisms according to their parameters and various channel properties. It is shown in particular that relatively simple mechanisms based on retransmissions and/or error correcting codes of small length achieve very good performance in this context (92% of the best performance)

    Packet Loss in Terrestrial Wireless and Hybrid Networks

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    The presence of both a geostationary satellite link and a terrestrial local wireless link on the same path of a given network connection is becoming increasingly common, thanks to the popularity of the IEEE 802.11 protocol. The most common situation where a hybrid network comes into play is having a Wi-Fi link at the network edge and the satellite link somewhere in the network core. Example of scenarios where this can happen are ships or airplanes where Internet connection on board is provided through a Wi-Fi access point and a satellite link with a geostationary satellite; a small office located in remote or isolated area without cabled Internet access; a rescue team using a mobile ad hoc Wi-Fi network connected to the Internet or to a command centre through a mobile gateway using a satellite link. The serialisation of terrestrial and satellite wireless links is problematic from the point of view of a number of applications, be they based on video streaming, interactive audio or TCP. The reason is the combination of high latency, caused by the geostationary satellite link, and frequent, correlated packet losses caused by the local wireless terrestrial link. In fact, GEO satellites are placed in equatorial orbit at 36,000 km altitude, which takes the radio signal about 250 ms to travel up and down. Satellite systems exhibit low packet loss most of the time, with typical project constraints of 10−8 bit error rate 99% of the time, which translates into a packet error rate of 10−4, except for a few days a year. Wi-Fi links, on the other hand, have quite different characteristics. While the delay introduced by the MAC level is in the order of the milliseconds, and is consequently too small to affect most applications, its packet loss characteristics are generally far from negligible. In fact, multipath fading, interference and collisions affect most environments, causing correlated packet losses: this means that often more than one packet at a time is lost for a single fading even

    Rate adaptation for wireless video streaming based on error statistics

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    This paper presents a new rate-control algorithm for live video streaming over wireless IP networks, which is based on selective frame discarding. In the proposed mechanism excess 'P' frames are dropped from the output queue at the sender using a congestion estimate based on packet loss statistics obtained from RTCP feedback and from the Data Link (DL) layer. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through computer simulation. This paper also presents a characterisation of packet losses owing to transmission errors and congestion, which can help in choosing appropriate strategies to maximise the video quality experienced by the end user. Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Experimental Evaluation of Large Scale WiFi Multicast Rate Control

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    WiFi multicast to very large groups has gained attention as a solution for multimedia delivery in crowded areas. Yet, most recently proposed schemes do not provide performance guarantees and none have been tested at scale. To address the issue of providing high multicast throughput with performance guarantees, we present the design and experimental evaluation of the Multicast Dynamic Rate Adaptation (MuDRA) algorithm. MuDRA balances fast adaptation to channel conditions and stability, which is essential for multimedia applications. MuDRA relies on feedback from some nodes collected via a light-weight protocol and dynamically adjusts the rate adaptation response time. Our experimental evaluation of MuDRA on the ORBIT testbed with over 150 nodes shows that MuDRA outperforms other schemes and supports high throughput multicast flows to hundreds of receivers while meeting quality requirements. MuDRA can support multiple high quality video streams, where 90% of the nodes report excellent or very good video quality

    An Adaptive Mechanism for Optimal Content Download in Wireless Networks

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    This paper presents an adaptive mechanism for improving the content download in wireless environments. The solution is based on the use of the file delivery over unidirectional transport (FLUTE) protocol in multicast networks, which reduce considerably the bandwidth when there are many users interested in the same contents. Specifically, the system proposed reduces the average download time of clients within the coverage area, thus improving the Quality of Experience. To that extent, clients send periodically feedback messages to the server reporting the losses they are experiencing. With this information, the server decides which is the optimum application layer forward error correction (AL-FEC) code rate that minimizes the average download time, taking into account the channel bandwidth, and starts sending data with that code rate. The system proposed is evaluated in various scenarios, considering different distributions of losses in the coverage area. Results show that the adaptive solution proposed is very suitable in wireless networks with limited bandwidth.This work is supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Government of Spain under project COMINN (IPT-2012-0883-430000). The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Wenwu Zhu.De Fez Lava, I.; Guerri Cebollada, JC. (2014). An Adaptive Mechanism for Optimal Content Download in Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 16(4):1140-1155. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMM.2014.2307155S1140115516

    Infrastructure dependent wireless multicast - the effect of spatial diversity and error correction

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    The use of multiple Access Points (APs) with one AP placed at the middle of a coverage area and the remaining placed at the edge may reduce the Packet Error Rate (PER) experienced by a group of multicast receivers. This paper shows that Spatial Diversity can augment the channel quality experienced especially by those nodes which are located farther from the Master AP, i.e. the AP at the middle, however this study also demonstrates the need for error correction scheme. The aim of this analysis is to propose a means of enhancing the infrastructure end of an IEEE 802.11n Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), such that multicast data can be delivered reliably in order to guarantee that the received video has an adequate Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), but with the constraint that the Medium Access Control (MAC) and the Physical (PHY) layer of the receivers are not modified, hence a legacy IEEE 802.11n node may join the multicast group and experience good Quality of Service.peer-reviewe

    Quality of service for VoIP in wireless communications

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    Ever since telephone services were available to the public, technologies have evolved to more efficient methods of handling phone calls. Originally circuit switched networks were a breakthrough for voice services, but today most technologies have adopted packet switched networks, improving efficiency at a cost of Quality of Service (QoS). A good example of packet switched network is the Internet, a resource created to handle data over an Internet Protocol (IP) that can handle voice services, known as the Voice over the Internet Protocol (VoIP). The combination of wireless networks and free VoIP services is very popular, however its limitations in security and network overload are still a handicap for most practical applications. This thesis investigates network performance under VoIP sessions. The aim is to compare the performance of a variety of audio codecs that diminishes the impact of VoIP in the network. Therefore the contribution of this research is twofold: To study and analyse the extension of speech quality predictors by a new speech quality model to accurately estimate whether the network can handle a VoIP session or not and to implement a new application of network coding for VoIP to increase throughput. The analysis and study of speech quality predictors is based on the mathematical model developed by the E-model. A case study of an embedded Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) proxy, merged with a Media Gateway that bridges mobile networks to wired networks has been developed to understand its effects on QoS. Experimental speech quality measurements under wired and wireless scenarios were compared with the mathematical speech predictor resulting in an extended mathematical solution of the E-model. A new speech quality model for cascaded networks was designed and implemented out of this research. Provided that each channel is modelled by a Markov Chain packet loss model the methodology can predict expected speech quality and inform the QoS manager to take action. From a data rate perspective a VoIP session has a very specific characteristic; exchanged data between two end nodes is often symmetrical. This opens up a new opportunity for centralised VoIP sessions where network coding techniques can be applied to increase throughput performance at the channel. An application layer has been implemented based on network coding, fully compatible with existing protocols and successfully achieves the network capacity.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Coding in 802.11 WLANs

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    Forward error correction (FEC) coding is widely used in communication systems to correct transmis- sion errors. In IEEE 802.11a/g transmitters, convolutional codes are used for FEC at the physical (PHY) layer. As is typical in wireless systems, only a limited choice of pre-speci¯ed coding rates is supported. These are implemented in hardware and thus di±cult to change, and the coding rates are selected with point to point operation in mind. This thesis is concerned with using FEC coding in 802.11 WLANs in more interesting ways that are better aligned with application requirements. For example, coding to support multicast tra±c rather than simple point to point tra±c; coding that is cognisant of the multiuser nature of the wireless channel; and coding which takes account of delay requirements as well as losses. We consider layering additional coding on top of the existing 802.11 PHY layer coding, and investigate the tradeo® between higher layer coding and PHY layer modulation and FEC coding as well as MAC layer scheduling. Firstly we consider the joint multicast performance of higher-layer fountain coding concatenated with 802.11a/g OFDM PHY modulation/coding. A study on the optimal choice of PHY rates with and without fountain coding is carried out for standard 802.11 WLANs. We ¯nd that, in contrast to studies in cellular networks, in 802.11a/g WLANs the PHY rate that optimizes uncoded multicast performance is also close to optimal for fountain-coded multicast tra±c. This indicates that in 802.11a/g WLANs cross-layer rate control for higher-layer fountain coding concatenated with physical layer modulation and FEC would bring few bene¯ts. Secondly, using experimental measurements taken in an outdoor environment, we model the chan- nel provided by outdoor 802.11 links as a hybrid binary symmetric/packet erasure channel. This hybrid channel o®ers capacity increases of more than 100% compared to a conventional packet erasure channel (PEC) over a wide range of RSSIs. Based upon the established channel model, we further consider the potential performance gains of adopting a binary symmetric channel (BSC) paradigm for multi-destination aggregations in 802.11 WLANs. We consider two BSC-based higher-layer coding approaches, i.e. superposition coding and a simpler time-sharing coding, for multi-destination aggre- gated packets. The performance results for both unicast and multicast tra±c, taking account of MAC layer overheads, demonstrate that increases in network throughput of more than 100% are possible over a wide range of channel conditions, and that the simpler time-sharing approach yields most of these gains and have minor loss of performance. Finally, we consider the proportional fair allocation of high-layer coding rates and airtimes in 802.11 WLANs, taking link losses and delay constraints into account. We ¯nd that a layered approach of separating MAC scheduling and higher-layer coding rate selection is optimal. The proportional fair coding rate and airtime allocation (i) assigns equal total airtime (i.e. airtime including both successful and failed transmissions) to every station in a WLAN, (ii) the station airtimes sum to unity (ensuring operation at the rate region boundary), and (iii) the optimal coding rate is selected to maximise goodput (treating packets decoded after the delay deadline as losses)

    An Analysis of the MOS under Conditions of Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss and an Analysis of the Impact of Introducing Piggybacking and Reed Solomon FEC for VOIP

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    Voice over IP (VoIP) is a real time application that allows transmitting voice through the Internet network. Recently there has been amazing progress in this field, mainly due to the development of voice codecs that react appropriately under conditions of packet loss, and the improvement of intelligent jitter buffers that perform better under conditions of variable inter packet delay. In addition, there are other factors that indirectly benefited VoIP. Today, computer networks are faster due to the advances in hardware and breakthrough algorithms. As a result, the quality of VoIP calls has improved considerably. However, the quality of VoIP calls under extreme conditions of packet loss still remains a major problem that needs to be addressed for the next generation of VoIP services. This thesis concentrates in making an analysis of the effects that network impairments, such as: delay, jitter, and packet loss have in the quality of VoIP calls and approaches to solve this problem. Finally, we analyze the impact of introducing forward error correction (FEC) Piggybacking and Reed Solomon codes for VoIP. To measure the mean opinion score of VoIP calls we develop an application based on the E-Model, and utilize perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ)