49 research outputs found

    Measuring Software Diversity, with Applications to Security

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    In this work, we briefly introduce and discuss some of the diversity measures used in Ecology. After a succinct description and analysis of the most relevant ones, we single out the Shannon-Weiner index. We justify why it is the most informative and relevant one for measuring software diversity. Then, we show how it can be used for effectively assessing the diversity of various real software ecosystems. We discover in the process a frequently overlooked software monopoly, and its key security implications. We finally extract some conclusions from the results obtained, focusing mostly on their security implications.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Software reliability perspectives

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    Software which is used in life critical functions must be known to be highly reliable before installation. This requires a strong testing program to estimate the reliability, since neither formal methods, software engineering nor fault tolerant methods can guarantee perfection. Prior to the final testing software goes through a debugging period and many models have been developed to try to estimate reliability from the debugging data. However, the existing models are poorly validated and often give poor performance. This paper emphasizes the fact that part of their failures can be attributed to the random nature of the debugging data given to these models as input, and it poses the problem of correcting this defect as an area of future research

    Software reliability through fault-avoidance and fault-tolerance

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    The use of back-to-back, or comparison, testing for regression test or porting is examined. The efficiency and the cost of the strategy is compared with manual and table-driven single version testing. Some of the key parameters that influence the efficiency and the cost of the approach are the failure identification effort during single version program testing, the extent of implemented changes, the nature of the regression test data (e.g., random), and the nature of the inter-version failure correlation and fault-masking. The advantages and disadvantages of the technique are discussed, together with some suggestions concerning its practical use

    Reliability of voting in fault-tolerant software systems for small output spaces

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    Under a voting strategy in a fault-tolerant software system there is a difference between correctness and agreement. An independent N-version programming reliability model is proposed for treating small output spaces which distinguishes between correctness and agreement. System reliability is investigated using analytical relationships and simulation. A consensus majority voting strategy is proposed and its performance is analyzed and compared with other voting strategies. Consensus majority strategy automatically adapts the voting to different component reliability and output space cardinality characteristics. It is shown that absolute majority voting strategy provides a lower bound on the reliability provided by the consensus majority, and 2-of-n voting strategy an upper bound. If r is the cardinality of the output space it is proved the 1/r is a lower bound on the average reliability of fault-tolerant system components below which the system reliability begins to deteriorate as more versions are added

    Automatically generated acceptance test: A software reliability experiment

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    This study presents results of a software reliability experiment investigating the feasibility of a new error detection method. The method can be used as an acceptance test and is solely based on empirical data about the behavior of internal states of a program. The experimental design uses the existing environment of a multi-version experiment previously conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center, in which the launch interceptor problem is used as a model. This allows the controlled experimental investigation of versions with well-known single and multiple faults, and the availability of an oracle permits the determination of the error detection performance of the test. Fault interaction phenomena are observed that have an amplifying effect on the number of error occurrences. Preliminary results indicate that all faults examined so far are detected by the acceptance test. This shows promise for further investigations, and for the employment of this test method on other applications

    Software reliability through fault-avoidance and fault-tolerance

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    Twenty independently developed but functionally equivalent software versions were used to investigate and compare empirically some properties of N-version programming, Recovery Block, and Consensus Recovery Block, using the majority and consensus voting algorithms. This was also compared with another hybrid fault-tolerant scheme called Acceptance Voting, using dynamic versions of consensus and majority voting. Consensus voting provides adaptation of the voting strategy to varying component reliability, failure correlation, and output space characteristics. Since failure correlation among versions effectively reduces the cardinality of the space in which the voter make decisions, consensus voting is usually preferable to simple majority voting in any fault-tolerant system. When versions have considerably different reliabilities, the version with the best reliability will perform better than any of the fault-tolerant techniques

    Software system safety

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    Software itself is not hazardous, but since software and hardware share common interfaces there is an opportunity for software to create hazards. Further, these software systems are complex, and proven methods for the design, analysis, and measurement of software safety are not yet available. Some past software failures, future NASA software trends, software engineering methods, and tools and techniques for various software safety analyses are reviewed. Recommendations to NASA are made based on this review

    Systematic treatment of failures using multilayer perceptrons

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    This paper discusses the empirical evaluation of improving generalization performance of neural networks by systematic treatment of training and test failures. As a result of systematic treatment of failures, multilayer perceptron (MLP) discriminants were developed as discrimination techniques. The experiments presented in this paper illustrate the application of discrimination techniques using MLP discriminants to neural networks trained to solve supervised learning task such as the Launch Interceptor Condition 1 problem. The MLP discriminants were constructed from the training and test patterns. The first discriminant is known as the hard-to-learn and easy-to-learn discriminant whilst the second one is known as hard-to-compute and easy-to-compute discriminant. Further treatments were also applied to hard-tolearn (or hard-to-compute) patterns prior to training (or testing). The experimental results reveal that directed splitting or using MLP discriminant is an important strategy in improving generalization of the networks