46 research outputs found

    Mobile Shopping Convenience Behavior: The Quest for a Conceptual Framework

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    Despite the overwhelming prediction of increasing trends for mobile shopping activities among customers based on the advantages provided by the mobile shopping channel, there is an urgent need for the re-assessment on the roles of technology adoption models and theories in explaining the adoption of mobile shopping among customers. Moreover, there is a lack of empirical testing for investigating the influence of the multidimensional convenience construct on customers’ mobile shopping adoption based upon the utilitarian motivations, where convenience is one of the main antecedents for utilitarian-based customers to use a particular shopping channel. The objective of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework that attempts to explain the mobile shopping adoption of customers by focusing on the unique advantages of mobile devices over PC that allows for better online shopping experience for customers. This study will look into the possibility of synthesizing different adoption models (TAM, UTAUT and IDT) and their constructs into a single cohesive theoretical framework that would be able to explain the mobile shopping channel adoption of customers through the unique characteristics that the channel possess over PC-based online shopping. The paper has identified several theories and concepts (Lazy User Theory, utilitarianism and utilitarian shopping motivations) which fit such requirements. Furthermore, this paper will also employ the multidimensional construct of convenience within the framework in order to explain the mobile shopping adoption intention of customers

    A comprehensive model integrating UTAUT and ECM with espoused cultural values for investigating users' continuance intention of using mobile payment

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    Zhao, Y., & Bacao, F. (2020). A comprehensive model integrating UTAUT and ECM with espoused cultural values for investigating users' continuance intention of using mobile payment. In Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Big Data Technologies, ICBDT 2020 (pp. 155-161). (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3422713.3422754Mobile payment (M-payment), as an emerging financial transaction method has been widely adopted in various contexts. In order to investigate the significance factors and espoused cultural moderators impacting users' M-payment continuance usage intention in China, this study proposes a comprehensive model integrating Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Expectancy Confirmation Model (ECM) with trust variable espoused by Hofstede's cultural value to investigate factors affecting users' continuance intention of using M-payment. In addition, based on the proposed model, researchers can more accurately explain user' behavior not only corresponding technological perceptions, but also mental expectations and espoused cultural values for various technology continuance acceptance under different cultural background.publishersversionpublishe

    An enjoyable shopping experience enhances store loyalty

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    Il crescente numero di persone che viaggiano per affari e vacanza ha portato ad identificare un emergente ed interessante target di consumatori, definiti “On the Move”, i quali sono disposti ad effettuare gli acquisti nel contesto del viaggio. Questa nuova tendenza d’acquisto ha spinto i gestori delle aree di servizio autostradali ad estendere la loro offerta dal settore Food and Beverage (F&B) verso il retail grocery. Il principale contributo di questo lavoro è la concettualizzazione e validazione di un modello strutturale nel quale si definisce la Store Loyalty per mezzo dei suoi principali antecedenti quali Trust e Satisfaction, nonché mediante altri costrutti ad oggi meno indagati come Enjoyment e Convenience, quest’ultima nella doppia accezione di Ricerca e Transazione. Sono stati raccolti 606 questionari da un campione di consumatori “On the Move”. Il Modello di Equazioni Strutturali proposto, mostra buoni livelli di fit ed è in grado di spiegare circa il 66% della store loyalty. I risultati mostrano che un’esperienza di acquisto piacevole agisce positivamente sulla fedeltà all’Insegna. Inoltre, è emerso che la convenienza nella ricerca ha effetti positivi sulla fedeltà, mentre la convenienza nella transazione impatta negativamente sulla fedeltà. Infine, i risultati mostrano che l’effetto della soddisfazione sulla fedeltà è mediato della fiducia. I distributori nella ricerca di fidelizzare il cliente dovrebbero attuare strategie che rendano l’esperienza d’acquisto piacevole, facile e veloce. Inoltre, i clienti soddisfatti mostrano maggiore fiducia verso l’offerta generale del retailer impattando positivamente sulla loro fedeltà all’insegna

    Understanding Mobile Shopping Behavior from a Utilitarian Perspective: a New Posteriori Framework

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    Many previous studies assessed the adoption of mobile shopping by employing technology adoption models such as Technology Adoption Model (TAM), Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). However, there has been a lack of effort in re-assessing the usage of these models for investigating mobile shopping adoption through the aspect of the advantages offered by mobile devices, compared to desktop devices. Furthermore, a new outlook into the aspect of customer behavior on mobile shopping is required as mobile technology continues to advance and progress within the context of the online shopping environment. The objective of this paper is to propose a new aspect to identify mobile shopping behavioral intention where the theoretical foundation of convenience and utilitarian advantages of mobile devices over PCs are taken into consideration. The paper suggests a conceptual framework where these variables will be discussed based on the fundamental variables. The framework will assist in improving the mobile platform to encourage more mobile shoppers in the future

    The Success of B2C Mobile Commerce: Adoption factors and Value propositions for Companies

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    La literatura ha analizado ampliamente los factores que afectan a la adopción del comercio móvil (CM) por parte de los consumidores. Sin embargo, no ha abordado de la misma manera las propuestas de valor que el empresario puede incorporar a su oferta comercial, derivadas de las características propias del canal. Para ello, este trabajo resulta original al desarrollar una visión integradora que aborda la relación B2C en el comercio móvil. En esta línea, el objetivo de este trabajo es definir propuestas de valor basadas en la tecnología móvil incluyendo los factores involucrados en el éxito del comercio móvil desde el punto de vista del consumidor. Para conseguir este objetivo, se utiliza información secundaria y se hace una extensa revisión de la literatura que permite hacer una clasificación de las diferentes propuestas de valor sugeridas en la literatura. El estudio muestra una recopilación de los factores que favorecen la adopción del comercio móvil desde el punto de vista del consumidor, y los relaciona con seis tipos de proposiciones de valor sobre las que las empresas interesadas en la venta por móvil pueden articular su negocio para lograr que el consumidor adopte este tipo de compra.The literature has extensively analysed the factors affecting the adoption of this shopping channel by consumers. However, literature has not deepened in the same way on the value propositions that the firm can incorporate into its offerings including mobile phone characteristics as a channel. In order to contribute to marketing literature, we have developed a comprehensive view that addresses the B2C relationship in mobile commerce. In this line, the aim of this study is to determine the value propositions based on mobile technology including the factors involved in the success of mobile commerce from the consumer ‘s point of view. To achieve this purpose, we used secondary information and did an extensive review of the literature to classify different proposition of value in the mobile commerce literature. As a result, this study includes several factors that favour the adoption of mobile commerce from the point of view of consumers and put a special emphasis on the offering of six types of value propositions on which companies interested in mobile selling can articulate their business to make consumers adopt this type of purchase finally.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) [número de referencia ECO2014-53060-R

    Factors Affecting Repurchase Intention Of Paracetamol Users In Jabodetabek

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between brand heritage, brand trust, brand loyalty, repurchase intention, and brand strength in several paracetamol brands of PT. Oryza Medica Indonesia in the Greater Jakarta area, Indonesia. Data collection was carried out online with the population, namely users of the paracetamol brand PT. Oryza Medica Indonesia, of as many as 138 people. This type of quantitative research method uses SEM-Lisrel analysis. The results of the study show that brand heritage has a positive influence on brand trust. In addition, brand heritage also has a positive influence on brand strength. Furthermore, brand trust has a positive influence on repurchase intentions. However, brand trust does not have a positive effect on brand loyalty. Furthermore, brand trust has a positive influence on repurchase intentions. In addition, it was found that brand strength has a positive influence on brand loyalty. In the context of paracetamol users, this study emphasizes the importance of increasing consumer trust and loyalty to increase repurchase intention by providing insight into the importance of understanding and managing relationships in the context of brand investment by providing products and services that meet customer expectations to strengthen brand positions and maintain market share. strong market. Keywords: Brand Heritage, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Repurchase Intention, Brand Strengt

    Using chatbots in e-retailing: how to mitigate perceived risk and enhance the flow experience

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    Purpose: Chatbots represent an undeniable player between online retailers and customers as they boost operational efficiency and bring cost savings to businesses while offering convenience for customers in terms of timing and immediacy. However, as chatbots represent a new-born online touchpoint in retailing, especially when it comes to online pre-purchase and purchase experience, this study examines whether and how effort expectation, facilitating condition, performance expectancy, social influence, trust, perceived risk and flow affect consumers' intention to use chatbots for online shopping. The purpose of this paper is to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 226 respondents participated in an online survey. Participants were asked to try a new online service and interact with a chatbot designed using Chatfuel, a platform within the Facebook Messenger setting. Structural equation modelling was used to test the proposed research model regarding the intention to use chatbots. Findings: This study discusses the importance of offering useful and trustworthy conversational agents for online shopping and argues and explains the insignificant paths amongst other studied factors and intention to use chatbots concluding with the need to explore more drivers for such contemporary technologies. Moreover, the findings indicate that trust turns out to be an important predictor of behavioural intention towards chatbots, in addition to its role in mitigating perceived risk and enhancing flow experience. Originality/value: Given the lack of empirical evidence related to chatbots applied for business purposes, this paper fills a gap in this research field and provides a deeper understanding of what leverages consumers' intention to use chatbots for online shopping.Chatbots, E-Retailing, Flow, Social Influence, Trust, Perceived Riskinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Trust Transfer and Its Effects on The Continuance Usage of Mobile Service in B2C E-marketplaces

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    This study extends the concept of expectancy confirmation model (ECM) to discuss the trust as an internal motivation that can make customers continue to use mobile service in the middle of risks and uncertainties in mobile service transactions. This study want to know how to build trust in the B2C E-Marketplaces based on trust transfer theory. In the B2C E-Marketplaces, there are three entities that affect overall trust, such as the intermediary, community of sellers, and mobile service provided by an intermediary. To build customer trust, we need to know the factors that affect trust in those entities and whether customer trust in those entities can influence each other. This study used four antecedents of trust (mobile service quality, familiarity, consumer disposition to trust/CDT, and interpersonal recommendation) as factors that can affect trust. This study obtained 606 respondents who are Go-Jek users spread in Jabodetabek, Bali, Bandung and Surabaya. Data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22.0 tools. Results of this study concluded that trust has a significant impact on customers\u27 continuance intention to use mobile service. Trust in intermediary affected by familiarity, interpersonal recommendation, quality of the mobile service, and CDT. Trust in mobile service influenced by CDT, familiarity, and quality of mobile services. Meanwhile, trust in community of sellers only influenced by quality of the mobile service. In addition, this study also concluded that trust transfer occurred from the intermediary to the community of sellers and from the community of sellers to the mobile service provided by an intermediary

    Exploring Post-Adoption Behavior of the UPI users with Cognitive and Affective Factors

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    The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has invested a sizable amount of money in the country's massive payment infrastructure in an effort to enhance the user experience. However, in order for investments to be profitable, NPCI must guarantee the ongoing use of technological solutions and post-adoptive behaviors like continuance and recommendation intention. The impact of cognitive factors (i.e. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, facilitating conditions; personal innovativeness) and affective factors (such as satisfaction) on conative factors (such as continuation and recommendation intention) in the perspective of UPI applications (apps) was investigated using the UTAUT model. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling when applied on 651 users (PLS-SEM) showed that satisfaction had a direct impact on continuation intentions, which in turn had an impact on recommendations intentions. It was discovered that all cognitive factors, including performance expectations, effort expectations, and facilitating conditions, have an impact on satisfaction. According to the study, adding a significant individual difference variable—personal innovativeness with regard to information technology—would aid in our understanding of the role that these factors play in the development of continuous intention. It further examines the influence of trust and security, and the pace of innovation on continued intentions. Through the mediating function  of user satisfaction, it also looked at the impact of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating variable, and personal innovativeness on the continuance intentions of the UPI system. All factors have been shown to be significant. Future researchers will find it extremely helpful that the study used a validated instrument to better understand user adherence and referral intentions. Therefore, this study adds to the limited body of knowledge in the payment industry literature by examining how users perceive UPI apps and post-adoption behaviors


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    The purpose of this paper is to establish and assess the determinants of users’ willingness to use mobile payment: an empirical study in Tongren University, China. After conducting a rigorous literature review with theoretical underpinning, this research has come up with the proper methodology to move forward. According to the comprehensive guideline, the total number of Tongren College and Tongren Vocational College is more than 38,000, so the minimum sample is finally determined to be 380. Besides, after conducting Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the measuring modelling was done by taking into account all the variables concurrently in order to verify the appropriateness of the overall model. All the hypotheses of this study have been tested through the application of SEM. For the overall model as a whole, the statistical result indicates a good fit. From the model, it can be seen that all the variables uphold a positive value. Findings revealed that perceived performance risk perceived financial risk and perceived privacy risk have substantial positive impacts on acceptance intention of mobile payment. Therefore, since a myriad of factors decides the attitude toward mobile payment use, further studies can also be developed by adding more constructs in the theoretical model in this paper.  Article visualizations