20 research outputs found

    An exact procedure for the resource-constrained weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem.

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    In this paper we study the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with weighted earliness-tardiness penalty costs. Project activities are assumed to have a known deterministic due date, a unit earliness as well as a unit tardiness penalty cost and constant renewable resource requirements. The objective is to schedule the activities in order to minimize the total weighted earliness-tardiness penalty cost of the project subject to the finish)start precedence constraints and the constant renewable resource availability constraints. With these features the problem becomes highly attractive in just-in -time environments.We introduce e depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for the unconstrained weighted earliness-tardiness problem to compute lower bounds. The procedure has been coded in Visual C++, version 4.0 under Windows NT and has been validated on a randomly generated problem set.Studies; Scheduling; Costs; Requirements; Just-in-time;

    An exact procedure for the resource-constrained weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem.

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    In this paper we study the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with weighted earliness-tardinesss penalty costs. Project activities are assumed to have a known deterministic due date, a unit earliness as well as a unit tardiness penalty cost and constant renewable resource requirements. The objective is to schedule the activities in order to minimize the total weighted earliness-tardinesss penalty cost of the project subject to the finish-start precedence constraints and the constant renewable resource availability constraints. With these features the problem becomes highly attractive in just-in-time environments.resource-constrained project scheduling; weighted earliness-tardiness costs; branch-and-bound; discounted cash flows; bound procedure;

    The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem subject to due dates and preemption penalties: An integer programming approach

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    Extensive research has been devoted to resource constrained project scheduling problem. However, little attention has been paid to problems where a certain time penalty must be incurred if activity preemption is allowed. In this paper, we consider the project scheduling problem of minimizing the total cost subject to resource constraints, earliness-tardiness penalties and preemption penalties, where each time an activity is started after being preempted; a constant setup penalty is incurred. We propose a solution method based on a pure integer formulation for the problem. Finally, some test problems are solved with LINGO version 8 and computational results are reported

    Welcome to OR&S! Where students, academics and professionals come together

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    In this manuscript, an overview is given of the activities done at the Operations Research and Scheduling (OR&S) research group of the faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Ghent University. Unlike the book published by [1] that gives a summary of all academic and professional activities done in the field of Project Management in collaboration with the OR&S group, the focus of the current manuscript lies on academic publications and the integration of these published results in teaching activities. An overview is given of the publications from the very beginning till today, and some of the topics that have led to publications are discussed in somewhat more detail. Moreover, it is shown how the research results have been used in the classroom to actively involve students in our research activities

    A classification of predictive-reactive project scheduling procedures.

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    The vast majority of the project scheduling research efforts over the past several years have concentrated on the development of workable predictive baseline schedules, assuming complete information and a static and deterministic environment. During execution, however, a project may be subject to numerous schedule disruptions. Proactive-reactive project scheduling procedures try to cope with these disruptions through the combination of a proactive scheduling procedure for generating predictive baseline schedules that are hopefully robust in that they incorporate safety time to absorb anticipated disruptions with a reactive procedure that is invoked when a schedule breakage occurs during project execution.proactive-reactive project scheduling; time uncertainty; stability; timely project completion; preselective strategies; resource constraints; trade-off; complexity; stability; management; makespan; networks; subject; job;

    Dynamic resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem with weighted earliness/tardiness costs

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    In this study, a conceptual framework is given for the dynamic multi-project scheduling problem with weighted earliness/tardiness costs (DRCMPSPWET) and a mathematical programming formulation of the problem is provided. In DRCMPSPWET, a project arrives on top of an existing project portfolio and a due date has to be quoted for the new project while minimizing the costs of schedule changes. The objective function consists of the weighted earliness tardiness costs of the activities of the existing projects in the current baseline schedule plus a term that increases linearly with the anticipated completion time of the new project. An iterated local search based approach is developed for large instances of this problem. In order to analyze the performance and behavior of the proposed method, a new multi-project data set is created by controlling the total number of activities, the due date tightness, the due date range, the number of resource types, and the completion time factor in an instance. A series of computational experiments are carried out to test the performance of the local search approach. Exact solutions are provided for the small instances. The results indicate that the local search heuristic performs well in terms of both solution quality and solution time

    Multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem including multi-skill labor (MRCPSP-MS): model and a solution method

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    The problem that we address in this chapter is an extension of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). It belongs to the class of project scheduling problems with multi-level (or multi-mode) activities, that permit an activity to be processed by resources operating at appropriate modes, where each mode belongs to a different resource level and incurs different cost and duration. Each activity must be allocated exactly one unit of each required resource, and the resource unit may be used at any of its specified levels. The processing time of an activity is given by the maximum of the durations that would result from different resources allocated to that activity. The objective is to find an optimal solution that minimizes the overall project cost, given a delivery date. A penalty is incurred for tardiness beyond the specified delivery date, or a bonus is accrued for early completion. We present a mathematical programming formulation as an accurate problem definition. A Filtered Beam Search (FBS)-based method is used to solve the problem. It was implemented using the C# language. Results of our experimentations on the use of this method are also presented.(undefined

    An overview of recent research results and future research avenues using simulation studies in project management

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    This paper gives an overview of three simulation studies in dynamic project scheduling integrating baseline scheduling with risk analysis and project control. This integration is known in the literature as dynamic scheduling. An integrated project control method is presented using a project control simulation approach that combines the three topics into a single decision support system. The method makes use of Monte Carlo simulations and connects schedule risk analysis (SRA) with earned value management (EVM). A corrective action mechanism is added to the simulation model to measure the efficiency of two alternative project control methods. At the end of the paper, a summary of recent and state-of-the-art results is given, and directions for future research based on a new research study are presented

    A survey of variants and extensions of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

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    The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) consists of activities that must be scheduled subject to precedence and resource constraints such that the makespan is minimized. It has become a well-known standard problem in the context of project scheduling which has attracted numerous researchers who developed both exact and heuristic scheduling procedures. However, it is a rather basic model with assumptions that are too restrictive for many practical applications. Consequently, various extensions of the basic RCPSP have been developed. This paper gives an overview over these extensions. The extensions are classified according to the structure of the RCPSP. We summarize generalizations of the activity concept, of the precedence relations and of the resource constraints. Alternative objectives and approaches for scheduling multiple projects are discussed as well. In addition to popular variants and extensions such as multiple modes, minimal and maximal time lags, and net present value-based objectives, the paper also provides a survey of many less known concepts. --project scheduling,modeling,resource constraints,temporal constraints,networks

    An exact procedure for the resource-constrained weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem

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    In this paper we study the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with weighted earliness-tardiness penalty costs. Project activities are assumed to have a known deterministic due date, a unit earliness as well as a unit tardiness penalty cost and constant renewable resource requirements. The objective is to schedule the activities in order to minimize the total weighted earliness-tardiness penalty cost of the project subject to the finish)start precedence constraints and the constant renewable resource availability constraints. With these features the problem becomes highly attractive in just-in -time environments.We introduce e depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for the unconstrained weighted earliness-tardiness problem to compute lower bounds. The procedure has been coded in Visual C++, version 4.0 under Windows NT and has been validated on a randomly generated problem set.status: publishe