1,182 research outputs found

    An exact FCFS waiting-time analysis for a general class of G/G/s queueing systems

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 16-19).by Dimitris Bertsimas

    Human activity modeling and Barabasi's queueing systems

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    It has been shown by A.-L. Barabasi that the priority based scheduling rules in single stage queuing systems (QS) generates fat tail behavior for the tasks waiting time distributions (WTD). Such fat tails are due to the waiting times of very low priority tasks which stay unserved almost forever as the task priority indices (PI) are "frozen in time" (i.e. a task priority is assigned once for all to each incoming task). Relaxing the "frozen in time" assumption, this paper studies the new dynamic behavior expected when the priority of each incoming tasks is time-dependent (i.e. "aging mechanisms" are allowed). For two class of models, namely 1) a population type model with an age structure and 2) a QS with deadlines assigned to the incoming tasks which is operated under the "earliest-deadline-first" policy, we are able to analytically extract some relevant characteristics of the the tasks waiting time distribution. As the aging mechanism ultimately assign high priority to any long waiting tasks, fat tails in the WTD cannot find their origin in the scheduling rule alone thus showing a fundamental difference between the present and the A.-L. Barabasi's class of models.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Perfect Simulation of M/G/cM/G/c Queues

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    In this paper we describe a perfect simulation algorithm for the stable M/G/cM/G/c queue. Sigman (2011: Exact Simulation of the Stationary Distribution of the FIFO M/G/c Queue. Journal of Applied Probability, 48A, 209--213) showed how to build a dominated CFTP algorithm for perfect simulation of the super-stable M/G/cM/G/c queue operating under First Come First Served discipline, with dominating process provided by the corresponding M/G/1M/G/1 queue (using Wolff's sample path monotonicity, which applies when service durations are coupled in order of initiation of service), and exploiting the fact that the workload process for the M/G/1M/G/1 queue remains the same under different queueing disciplines, in particular under the Processor Sharing discipline, for which a dynamic reversibility property holds. We generalize Sigman's construction to the stable case by comparing the M/G/cM/G/c queue to a copy run under Random Assignment. This allows us to produce a naive perfect simulation algorithm based on running the dominating process back to the time it first empties. We also construct a more efficient algorithm that uses sandwiching by lower and upper processes constructed as coupled M/G/cM/G/c queues started respectively from the empty state and the state of the M/G/cM/G/c queue under Random Assignment. A careful analysis shows that appropriate ordering relationships can still be maintained, so long as service durations continue to be coupled in order of initiation of service. We summarize statistical checks of simulation output, and demonstrate that the mean run-time is finite so long as the second moment of the service duration distribution is finite.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Computationally Efficient Simulation of Queues: The R Package queuecomputer

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    Large networks of queueing systems model important real-world systems such as MapReduce clusters, web-servers, hospitals, call centers and airport passenger terminals. To model such systems accurately, we must infer queueing parameters from data. Unfortunately, for many queueing networks there is no clear way to proceed with parameter inference from data. Approximate Bayesian computation could offer a straightforward way to infer parameters for such networks if we could simulate data quickly enough. We present a computationally efficient method for simulating from a very general set of queueing networks with the R package queuecomputer. Remarkable speedups of more than 2 orders of magnitude are observed relative to the popular DES packages simmer and simpy. We replicate output from these packages to validate the package. The package is modular and integrates well with the popular R package dplyr. Complex queueing networks with tandem, parallel and fork/join topologies can easily be built with these two packages together. We show how to use this package with two examples: a call center and an airport terminal.Comment: Updated for queuecomputer_0.8.
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